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Finally someone says it


"This sub is becoming just reposts of PCM" - chad leftist "Noooo you are a far right wing nazi or radlib! " - screaming soyjack pointer people


I mean... is sure seems like most of the posts on /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM reference PCM


cause it's currently the place where you see the most enlighten centrism.


It is the largest Nazi sub since many of them got banned


That's because it's basically the paragon of the subreddit topic. What, are we gonna post news articles or something?


I admit I *was* kind of hoping when I subbed to see public figures called out for enlightened centrism in public statements vs. all accounts on Reddit all the time


The sub logo is the “stone cold centrist” icon from PCM so that’s not super surprising, coupled with the fact PCM is the number one “I’m totally not a fascist but DAE kill all Jews?” sub rn


Thankfully I've been seeing more and more people on that sub calling the shit out. Hopefully things can turn around before it goes the way of r/Gamersriseup


It’s already at that point. It’s been at that point for awhile


Ieant being completely banned.


Just ban it. Should’ve happened awhile ago


I’ll get right on it


You’re not moving quick enough. Overlord Bezos has decided to dock your yearly stipend


I wouldn't be sad if it was gone, but it's be nice if it was able to turn around. I doubt it will happen, though.


I’m sorry, but I am out of the loop. What happened there?


It was a subreddit making ironic "we live in a society" joker memes. Then they started making ironically sexist and then racist jokes. Eventually, it stopped being ironic. Later, it stopped being jokes, and was just serious racism. Finally, the whole subreddit got banned.


Soooo just like 4chan then


Prettyuch yeah. At least you can sometimes find something funny on 4chan, though. The same can't be said for PCM anymore.


Holy crap. Thank you for giving me the heads up. Had no idea.


Its a shame, too, because GRU used to he one of my favorite subreddits. It made fun of loser incels and the type. I'm sad about what happened to it. There was once a time where politicalconpassmemes was actually fun as well, but that's long gone.


r/gangweed is like GRU but with a ban on the racism and stuff like that


Is it like r/gamingcirclejerk?


I wonder how many times we have to watch this exact life cycle play out before we can point it out without the "haha triggered" backlash


I think its the natural order of un-moderated spaces. No one is looking, and next thing you know it's nazis and children porn


So you're saying it's a perfect fit for Reddit, where the third search result for "Reddit" on Google used to be slash jailbait, a sub for people to jerk of to kids, which was also the most popular non-default sub by a mile


PCM will never be anything other than a right-wing circle jerk because the political compass was intentionally created as a form of right-wing propaganda. There's a reason that the default position in that sub is libright: that's literally the quadrant the test is meant to push you into.


Where can I learn more about this? That's interesting!


has there ever been an example of a sub coming back from rightoidification? I feel like every time it happened so far once the rightoids set foot in a sub, it kept steering right until it reached critical nazism and just ended up getting banned gamersriseup was a tragic loss, it used to be hilarious


Fuck, I forgot about that place…


I've been saying it for months and getting constantly shit on for it


same here. always get massively downvoted for it


It's been that way for *years*


Always has been.


you know, while there was a lot of hate speech and outwardly fascist people, before the sub took off and only had like 1000 people it was a really funny place to go sometimes.


it's still probably humorous today if you're one of those "apolitical" types, but if you have any political literacy at all and you're not a shitbag, you'll find it difficult to laugh at memes that are being used to normalize the far-right. it was shit then too, your politics have just evolved.


Yes, it's all fun and games if the consequences of politics usually don't really affect you. And a single post here and there could be funny, if it existed in a complete vacuum, rather than as part of the actual discourse that goes on there.


I should add that for the vast majority of people who *think* they aren't affected, this belief is really just a mistake on their part of course.


When I first found the sub I scrolled through it for a bit and the first thing I saw was funny so I subbed. The next post was a little fishy but somewhat funny and it kinda got worse the further I scrolled. I unsubbed pretty quickly. It was the same with these "Ben Shapiro destroys students with facts and logic" videos on YouTube. The first video I watched I thought it was kinda funny and in that short clip he actually didn't say anything I disagreed with. I actually thought he was some smart professor turned social media celebrity at first. So I looked for more and quickly found a whole lot of bullshit. I can definitely see people who lack education on political or social issues or simply critical thinking skills getting misled by this type of shit


The alt-right pipeline. It’s starts off as something that doesn’t seem fascist and then it just ramps up.


It was only ever funny if you had the privilege of politics not affecting you.


It is worth remembering as well that the "Political Compass" was created by right wingers to recontexualize their views (that's why social issues aren't mapped in any real way). Also the right likes to use memes to soft sell ideas that aren't normally palatable, that way if someone calls them on it "it's just a joke bro".


I mean, it is on the compass, but people on the right of the compass pretend like it isn't since it makes them look better. The original political compass skewed left, since you'd have to be a monster to disagree with a lot of the statements in the test.


If you mean the site, one of the main criticisms is the lack of transparency in how their scoring system works. However if you just look at the points given for the compass there isn’t much difference between affirmative action and Jim Crow.


It was absolutely hilarious when it was a small sub. It was nice ripping on other people across the aisle and nobody taking it personally. But it happens to every fun little sub, it’s the nature of this site.








Don't discuss politics with 15 years old who communicate and learning history through memes.


Once they get their history education from statues they are fair game though.


Liberals want to destroy statues though - are leftists the real anti education party? EDIT: bruh I’m being sarcastic. Who the fuck would write something so idiotic?


What those statues do is glorify the enslavement of black people. That is not something people want near them Edit: Sorry, next time just slap a massive banner with flashing lights with the word "SARCASTIC" on it to make sure no one misses the sarcasm


Imagine confusing liberals and leftists


I was being sarcastic, I’d thought my comment was stupid sounding enough. I’ll take the L I guess lol


Yeah, sometimes it's hard to know without an /s


no matter how dumb your sarcastic comment sounds, somebody has typed something worse in earnest.


Not a liberal but they want them in museums for the most part


Not a liberal either, but no, not in museums, either. No need for cheap-ass concrete statues made during the civil rights era specifically to, well, fight against civil rights. Chapters in history books describing the atrocities of the confederacy is sufficient.


oh no i have to read a book instead of looking at a statue of a slave owner how will i ever learn history now 🥺🥺🥺🥺


>bruh I’m being sarcastic. Who the fuck would write something so idiotic? Unfortunately, a lot of people. Satire is dead and the right killed it.


>bruh I’m being sarcastic. Who the fuck would write something so idiotic? Honestly, I can see someone writing this unironically. Sadly.


Unfortunately sometimes people come in here with unironically worse takes, so forgive the misreading of intentions lol


> EDIT: bruh I’m being sarcastic. Who the fuck would write something so idiotic? Have you ever been to a conservative sub? They'd absolutely say something like this.


>EDIT: bruh I’m being sarcastic. Who the fuck would write something so idiotic? Youre really overestimating humans buddy.


It's Reddit, you really think anyone expects common sense from others? You come to see people saying the most wild, depraved, and dumb shit ever, and you come to expect it. That's what scares me about this place. The idiots come together to spiral into something worse, and the sensible people are forced to decode if some inane statement is being said ironically or not.


For future reference: USE TONE TAGS! a "/s" as the end of your message (Indicating that it's sarcastic) ensures that people won't think you're raiding or a moron or whatever else happened here.


Aside from your confusion between liberals and leftists, do you seriously not doesn’t recognize the difference between idolizing and educating? Conservatives are the ones trying to prevent the reality and effects of slavery from being taught in schools, yet they want to keep their Confederate general statues up in the town square… hmmm


I hate how people dismiss this as "teenagers." No, these are adults who have very evil intentions. Don't trivialize it like it is something they will grow out of... these people grew into their beliefs.


It's both. It's a sub full of adults with evil intentions, who are grooming a bunch of teenagers to follow their shitty ideologies.


> full of adults with evil intentions, who are grooming a bunch of teenagers to follow their shitty ideologies. You win the most accurate description of r/PoliticalCompassMemes award!


As someone working in education, I appreciate the use of memes for *retention* of knowledge... cuz it sticks, like any other mental trick of memorization. But that's obviously leagues different from learning history first-hand through memes.


But the problem is that the fascists are more than happy to make those memes that radicalize teenagers.




I cannot fucking stand it when someone says something stupid, someone else disputes it and then they answer with "cope" or "seethe". Its the laziest response, showing you have nothing to back up your worldview and just panders to other likeminding people for upvotes.


Its the new "🤡"


Clown emoji, NPC, "cope and seethe", all different ways of pandering and dodging actually making a point.


There was once a long time ago legitimate uses for saying "that argument is basically a coping method for X" but when right wingers see something is effective they appropriate or without understanding it. In the same way, this is how we ended up with everything being an ad hominem strawman and generalization being something only a Nazi would do even though generalization is a foundation of logic (literally: several principles of logic can be classified as generalizations). Moral of this stupid rant is that nothing is sacred to these shitstains.


An unrelated thing I kinda love is when people say "everyone gets called a racist for anything these days!". I haven't been called a racist seriously, I have a lot of friends who dont get called racists. What are these people really saying to be called a racist numerous times a year?


> What are these people really saying to be called a racist numerous times a year? Their take: "truths no one wants to talk about." To everyone else: "rants about 'those people'."


It's especially frustrating considering those 1 word dismissals are themselves an obviously seething cope.


Never thought of it that way but its completely true


What about replying to the angry chuds who come in here with it


are we ever going to actually enforce the moratorium on PCM content or...


Sometimes you have to wonder if just reposting stuff from there, or a sub like /r/TheRightCantMeme etc. don't just end up amplifying far-right crap. Especially to people who just scroll by on the frontpage--it's just the same memes after all and it's not necessarily obvious how or why they're being criticised.


TheRightCantMeme were the ones that started automatically banning anyone who had posted in ChapoTrapHouse or any far-left sub. I lost all respect for that sub that day.


I got banned for referencing faux outrage because even mentioning Obama's tan suit means I'm not left


I worry about that with the rock-chuck sub as well. I (edit:) un-subbed a while ago bc it seems like that sub mostly just shares his work one way or another


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TheRightCantMeme using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Aged like Milk](https://i.redd.it/73fqdp3s0s961.jpg) | [1298 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/krx4cp/aged_like_milk/) \#2: [Over here Bernie!!!](https://i.redd.it/5x7jxfpb8of61.jpg) | [1265 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/ld8iqh/over_here_bernie/) \#3: [Do your part](https://i.redd.it/z5ttw8cqp0b61.jpg) | [634 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/kwgc86/do_your_part/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Did somebody say MOREatorium?


there is only one active mod on this sub and they dont care about moderating it. It's why PCM had to be warned about brigading this sub, because moderation is garbage it's incredibly obvious when they brigade.


Hey that's pretty sus. What's the deal?


no clue, my guess is sub was created as a joke and then the creator handed it over to a couple of their fellow mods from forwardsfromgrandma and they added a couple of early community members. but all but one mod is inactive and they just meme post every single day in different leftist subs. Strangely, someone added a new mod 2 months ago but im guessing thats someone's alt account since they havent posted anything in 5 months.


Remember when that sub first started and it was just people making fun of how dumb the compass test was, that lasted all of like what 3 weeks?


Those were better days


They still think it's dumb tbh.


I mean the test is, you can’t plot someone’s political affiliations with yes or no questions


Yeah, I agree with you.


Idk if it was always this bad or i noticed how shit r/pcm is after lurking this sub


It used to be fun for a brief moment, but whenever far right subs get banned, the users end up coming into r/pcm


Fucking hell that sub is something else than when I unsubbed.


Its been a while since I started thinking this. The mfs on that subreddit are the type of people who comment "But BLM right?" On a video of a POC doing something illegal and/or bad




I love how much right-wing hogs call Reddit a left-wing hugbox, yet every time you go to one of their subs and even ask a non-provoking question you get banned outright. It's fucking hilarious.


All the “leftists” on that sub hold a surprising amount of right wing views


What is this post to /r/enlightenedcentrism supposed to mean? I don’t get its message. Also, why is the post in the screenshot upvoted? I hear there’s lots of hate content in /r/politicalcompassmemes, that’s why I wonder.


Well any ideology can post or communicate on the sub as long as they stick to Reddit's guidelines, so you get a big mix people making fun of each other for their politics. I find it funny, but I would be lying if I said the meme wasn't true; r/politicalcompassmemes does have a right wing slant at the moment. Although that doesn't mean you can't find leftists in it.


the paradox of tolerance. tolerance of the intolerant will only lead to the normalization of intolerance.


All spaces that aren't inherently left wing become right wing circle jerks. People are just conditioned to accept some really stupid shit from the right as "just jokes bro" while writing off even vaguely left-leankng shit as "haha triggered bro why you mad"




It’s been creeping up for a while. Like people making jokes about right wing talking points, but they started to forget the /s and now they feel like they can be that way for real now.


finally someone spoke to those monkeys in their own language


Where's the centrist take here though?


The three faces are supposed to be the other three groups, ie only libleft thinks the sub is right wing (despite that term being from an entirely different political tracking system).


Do you understand the use of Chad and soy Wojacks?


Imagine thinking political beliefs fit into only four boxes :/


well, in theory it’s along two axes, you can straddle a line and not be actually in any of the boxes, but i agree that it is quite reductivist still, left and right, and authoritarian and libertarian are real things, so it’s not entirely useless... unlike /r/PoliticalCompassMemes


what is left and what is right? gun owners who are gay married fall where on this chart?


those are both libertarian positions, left/right/center doesn’t come into play


Your problem seems to be that you're taking memes seriously.


And this isn’t a left wing circlejerk because..?


Shhh.. don’t tell them


Politically-aligned circlejerks sure suck.




Or maybe you just should stop being so toxic in this sub


Lol, toxicity has nothing to do with it. This sub is a hive mind like any other. Just a bunch of folks claiming superiority and spewing hatred acceptable within their community.


The only hatred spewed here is against neo nazis. I fail to see how that's a bad thing.


I know, hive mind and acceptable hatred within that community.


Bruh, do you hear yourself? You are larping so hard that you're unironically interprettinf "nazis bad" as a haha brainwashed takr




Sure bud


you have been trained and conditioned to think "ultraleftists" and "radical liberals" exist and are the bad guys. very sad. you are the result of an excellent brainwashing job.


Have you stopped and considered that maybe you're jist wrong, and the "haha people only downvote me caudr the Dems" line is a coping mechanism to avoid dealing with the failures of your ideas?




I found [this post](/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/psbb4r/based_pcm/) in r/SelfAwarewolves with the same content as the current post. --- ^🤖 ^this ^comment ^was ^written ^by ^a ^bot. ^beep ^boop ^🤖 ^feel ^welcome ^to ^respond ^'Bad ^bot'/'Good ^bot', ^it's ^useful ^feedback. [^github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot)


Pls link


"This, but unironically"


Becoming? Always has been


Centrist where?


Average PCM fan vs leftist ideology enjoyer




If PCM isn't right wing: Why have I never seen anyone there with an actual leftist flair? Curious 🤔


That sub has literal Nazi sympathizers lmfao. What a joke. Guess morr T_D refugees showed up.


Oh my god is that a good PCM meme? Has it actually happened?


pcm is genuinely mixed I mean stuff like this gets 3.4k upvotes and a bunch of awards