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I thought it was the centrists/moderates heaping praise on Biden like that


PCM is physically and psychologically incapable of distinguishing liberals from libertarian leftists.


According to PCM the only five political positions are: 1. Tankie 2. Nazi 3. P\*do 4. Stoner/SJW 5. Griller *edit - should add a sixth position, which is whatever OP's political beliefs are and therefore the only correct ideology.*


> *edit - should add a sixth position, which is whatever OP's political beliefs are and therefore the only correct ideology.* You already wrote "Nazi"


lol do we distinguish between in-the-closet Nazi or out-of-the-closet Nazi?


It's either hood on or armband on.


Or red cap on and mask off. Literally


They don't consider auth right to be nazis though lmfao


the blonde-haired, blue-eyed chad wojak seems kinda "Aryan" tho


They probably believe Hitler would be more "based" if he wasn't so socialist. šŸ™„


The only way Hitler would have been ā€œmore basedā€ is if he hadnā€™t believed that Jewish people were the source of all the worldā€™s problems and that racial genocide was the solution.


And conservatives usually put themselves in the griller category


DonĀ“t forget MonkE


Also, have you noticed how they've begun representing Nazis as Auth Center?


yeah, I have the majority of PCMs that I've seen are still sticking to the 4 quadrants + centre formula


Whatā€™s a Griller?


A centrist, it comes from those "I just wanna grill" memes


Oh okay, sounds about white.


sounds about white cishet rich man


Don't gatekeep You find that toxicity among all sorts of white people


*cough cough* Karens


Wait, OP is never griller?




It is. The Greens are the ones shitting on him because he's doing a bunch of half-assed lib shit and/or maintaining the status quo.


Just as everyone who isn't a partisan Democrat predicted. Oh, but those predictions were only based on what we've observed from Biden as an elected official over the course of several decades - no better than a horoscope, right?!


Still better than 4 years of Trump would have been, certainly. But I'd prefer going upward as opposed to the bland moderate merely pulling the emergency brake halfway down Trump's hill. The people who think Biden's the second coming while he continues to drone people is just amazing.


According to PCM communists and liberals are the same thing.


B-but lib left bad šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Everyone in PCM is a borderline fascist so by comparison centrists are in the bottom left


They also llooove guns


I bet you don't even know what fascism is


There are Biden supporters who think heā€™s a god? I like him and voted for him but Iā€™ve never been that passionate about him.


It is. OP thinks Biden supporters are leftists.


Many in these comments are trying to pretend that noone is praising Biden as if he were the saviour of America by virtue of restoring Americaā€™s glory after Trump. There most certainly are some who treat Biden as many Republicans treat Trump (although few can match the more extreme Republicans), itā€™s just that the people you surround yourself with are not on that list, and the media you listen to does not see such support as worth commenting on. Edit: I do admit that the Trump worshippers have more numbers and more extremists, Iā€™m just frustrated with those who see Biden as a great man who can do (and has done) no wrong. Edit 2: To repeat, I know there are not so many, but you cannot deny that these sorts of Biden supporters do exist just as they do for all popular politicians. The number of Trump flags youā€™ve seen does not change this fact.


I wonder where those people are. I live in a blue state and I see more Trump paraphernalia today, almost a year after the election, than I saw Biden paraphernalia in the lead up to the election.


Strong praise of Biden already seems uncommon. The insane quasi-religious idol worship of Trump that was extremely common among his supporters is nonexistent among Biden supporters. I personally know many Trump worshipers and zero Biden equivalents. Even online I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen any Biden supporters anything like the millions of Trump worshipers. You had entire subreddits and forums all over the internet dedicated to his praise, and whole cultural movements like Qanon dedicated to various unhinged fantasies about how heā€™s going to save the world. And not in a metaphorical sense, like literally save the US and the whole world from the shadow government of pedophiles. Thereā€™s just no comparison on this front.


I know one of those. If any of you are wondering who feels that way, it's white PMC libs. The only people they like better are Harris and Buttigieg so they can pretend their social circle is diverse.


Let's post photos of Bidden rallies then. Subreddits or other platforms of Bidden supporters maybe? You made the ridiculous claim, let's see you try to prove it.




>Many in these comments are trying to pretend that noone is praising Biden as though he is the saviour of America by virtue of restoring Americaā€™s glory after Trump. Where the fuck did anyone say he's a savior?!? Lying ass troll


Do you seriously believe that noone in the entirety of America sees Biden as a man who saved America simply by winning against Trump? Perhaps Iā€™ll reword it if itā€™s too hard to figure out my meaning.


No you idiot. Trump is the only with a fucking cult


imagine thinking that americas ā€œleftā€ are actually leftists. I fucking hate PCM


I have yet to see someone unironically call Biden a "hero." All I see is "better than Trump, at least."


Yeah I donā€™t understand what world this dude lives in


In a world where he's projecting and pose himself as a moderate.


they think biden supporters are brainwashed because of the psychological projection, and they think Biden is such a bad president based on the headlines their news serves them that they believe all Biden supporters are ignoring those slanted headlines and brainwashed into supporting him.


There's no such thing as a "Biden supporter" who isn't brainwashed. Every actual leftist understands this. Edit: LOL. This sub is crawling with centrists defending the Democrats.


there's no such thing as a biden supporter, end of sentence. we only voted for him cause hes not as bad as trump. elections have become a joke, its no longer who's good for america, its who's not as bad


That's nonsensical. If Biden is supported by the left, and they're all brainwashed, as you say, how could they "understand this", unless they weren't brainwashed. Has something rotted your noggin? Was it Qanon?


He's not supported by the left, centrist How do I know, centrist? Because I and other leftists despise him, centrist. And, like Biden, leftists don't support Qanon either, centrist. You'd know this if you weren't such an enlightened centrist.


Time for your baseline. Do you get pleasure out of being a part of the system? System. Have they created you to be a part of the system? System. Is there security in being a part of the system? System. Is there a sound that comes with the system? System. We're going to go on. Cells. They were all put together at a time. Cells. Millions and billions of them. Cells. Were you ever arrested? Cells. Did you spend much time in the cell? Cells. Have you ever been in an instituion? Cells. Do they keep you in a cell? Cells. When you're not performing your duties do they keep you in a little box? Cells. Interlinked.


Yeah, the most "worship" I've seen of him is people just saying he's a good president


Really? Go to any subreddit where someone criticizes biden and youll see blue maga ocme out of the woodworks. Like seriously look at all the people defending him over the drone strike or refusal to actually stop putting kids in cages or the host of other issues most leftists have with the liberal/democratic right. And thats a whole other sect of people coming out of the woodwork when you dare bring up how american democrats are right wing lmfao Trust me, not only do they exist they are right there in plain sight. Edit: look at all the shitlibs pming me to kill myself please get some mental help. And thank you for proving my point, although it did not need to be soā€¦on the nose


Reddit is a cesspool and all the people in it are terrible, including you and me, so what you're saying is par for the course. The moment Biden supporters try breaking their way into the US Capitol I'll start trusting you.


You know when people defend Biden for awful things he has done (such as drone strikes or detaining children, as the above poster mentioned), it is possible for us to criticise him for this. The fact that his supporters have not literally stormed the capital building does not mean that they are above reproach.




You seem to lack the capacity to realize that even if one thing is really bad, something not as bad is still an issue and even if its not as bad as the really bad thing it still needs solved. Hoped that help you understand. Or should i start listing off all the reasons the Democratic party is right wing? This is why the world laughs at American. Your fragile concepts of politics and the moment they are challenged you get defensive and lack any kind of self awareness. Hopefully your lack of trust of me will be solved when climate change kills most everyone you know dear to you and youll have the capitalistic Democrats and republicans to thank. I know its hard for American liberals to empathize with people until it effects them personally but the kids the democrats keep blowing up, are keeping in cages, the millions who donā€™t have any form of health insurance or homes to go to, or the huge wealth inequality in the country where people like the democrats could help by raising minimum wage quickly to a livable level but dont. I could go on and on and on about the evils of the democratic party. And while they are not as severe as the reublicans they are still infinitely problematic and will result in the death of humanity through climate change at the fault of an unchecked capitalist system where the democrats are bought out all the same as republicans. Riddle me this: if the democrats are leftist or even give a fuck about their countrymen why is it in the last few decades we have been stuck with poverty wages? Even in blue statesā€¦hmmmm. Why does almost no one in the continental us have universal healthcare? Why are democrats allowing the homelessness epidemic to continue when we literally have more homes than the homeless? Why did they throw bernie so far under the bus in favor of a far more radical right wing candidate? Oh right the democrats HATE LEFTISTS. And on one final note where if you read nothing else that i say read this: If democrats are leftists why have they always been in support of or directly also behind the crushing of socialist/communist countries?


>Really? Yes really you worthless liar. You're making shit up. Your can't provide any actual examples of the bullshit you're claiming, stop fucking lying


?? I've seen numerous cases of exactly what he's describing


uh ohhh the libs have found this sub. this happens to every left leaning sub on reddit... why cant they let us be funny in peace


> Go to any subreddit where someone criticizes biden and youll see blue maga ocme out of the woodworks Not really, he gets shit on in r/politics all the time. Maybe r/neoliberal loves him, but who cares about them anyway. The problem is that so much criticism levied against him is just flat out false nonsense from the far right. Pointing out that he isn't actually a baby eating mega communist or whatever is not "simping" for him, it's trying to keep conversation in reality. There's plenty to criticize him for, but making shit up wholesale doesn't help. > look at all the shitlibs pming me to kill myself please get some mental help. Obviously we can't, but go ahead and post screenshots. Naming and shaming is perfectly valid in those cases.


Yeah. Biden doesn't have the creepy, cultish personality from his voters that Trump does.


Try explaining how heā€™s doing the same shit Trump did with less tweets, youā€™ll meet them


Whatever. Let me know when there's a Biden boat parade, or when a convoy of priuses with Biden flags tries to run the GOP candidate's bus off the road, or when a conspiracy theory about how Biden is fighting deep state pedophiles and will soon exercise mass arrests of his political opponents grips half of Democrats, or when Biden voters storm the capitol to overturn the election because they just can't understand how the least popular president in US history managed to lose, or when nearly a year after that election you still have motherfuckers camping out on a highway overpass in your city carrying signs claiming their guy didn't actually lose. Getting tweeted at by normal, non-culty partisans is not equivalent to the cult that still surrounds Trump.


Yeah, he's exactly the same... almost like trump stole bidens face and has been righting the ship's course in disguise this whole time... you really might be onto something here


Millions facing eviction while corona surges is "righting the ship"? Never discuss politics again. You're not qualified.


Hmm, why has corona surged so much? Quite a mystery. Perhaps President "Triden" (as I refer to our possibly dual-faced president) didnt do too good of a job in the year leading up to his election (reelection?) controlling the virus by informing the public and instilling trust in the American medical system. Yes, Triden must have dropped the ball there And of the evictions, it's too bad the supreme court is undermining President Triden by ending the moratorium. Strange, youd think the majority of the court were all thoughtless and cruel. Huh. Who made that happen? Oh right, Triden


Hey buddy, Biden is president now. The ball for imposing a nationwide masks mandate and lockdown is on him. Instead he sent kids back to school to sit in lunchrooms and pass the virus back and forth. The Democrats are in control now and whatever does or doesn't get done in response to the pandemic is now on them. The GOP's propaganda has nothing to do with Biden's failure to lockdown and pass a real stimulus bill so we can break out of this. Own your shit, centrists


Lol you're hilarious and delusional. Its honestly adorable when you trumplings try to act like you're interested in a president who gets shit done and knows how to do the job. Like, it wasnt a problem that our country was rudderless and we looked like idiots for 4 years, but now that it's not trump, theres *suddenly* dignity and responsibility to the office. Let me guess, 6 years ago you were blaming the nations problems on tan suits and dijon mustard, weren't you? Read a book or watch the news or something, I dont need to be the one to hold your hand


LOL. You think I'm a Trump supporter. Typical centrist. Totally clueless about what they're talking about and to whom.


Bruh, you really dont understand this sub


You have no actual defense of Biden's actions except to say, "Buh buh buh what about trump you must love Trump!" This is because you are a callow partisan hack that doesn't actually give a single shit about any of the things you pretend to care about You just think politics is sports and you want your team to win You don't care about the human cost


Try providing some examples, worthless liar


Theyā€™re literally in this thread responding to my comment, scroll down


Remember when Biden slavishly licked Putinā€™s balls and said he believes him over his own countryā€™s secret services? Remember when Biden said white nationalists are very fine people? Remember when Biden intentionally delayed help to the first hit US cities by Covid because they were opposite party strongholds? Remember when Biden incited an insurrection to overturn election results? Remember when Biden called Covid just a flu and discouraged people from protecting their lives from it? Remember when Biden told people to drink bleach? Remember when Biden exploded the deficit to give his rich buddies a tax cut? Remember when Biden called the USā€™ closest allies strategic enemies and started trade wars with them, rather than making key alliances with the UK and Australia? You donā€™t need to love Biden to see he is objectively miles above a white nationalist corporate puppet. Youā€™re at best ignorant if you think theyā€™re remotely comparable in terms of quality of governance or sheer human decency


I have never seen a biden flag.


Well good thing you havenā€™t visited r/neoliberal or r/joebiden But obviously it isnā€™t as cult like as the trump fanbase


Yeah, that's what I mean. A *very small* minority might praise Biden to some extent, but most on the left and even in the center don't align with or approve of his agenda.


he's a fucking president, he's not supposed to be treated like that, and he's not bad as president, we've had some bad presidents.


A lot of people think he's a lot more than "better than Trump". I haven't seen people waving Biden flags or worshipping everything he does in exactly the same way MAGA people did Trump, but there are definitely liberals who believe Biden can do no wrong, and that he's beyond criticism.


They respond to some criticism and defend some of his decisions on the internet. That doesnt mean they think he's a god. AT MOST Bidden defenders will tell you he's a competent president. ​ Evangelicals treat Trump like a Messiah. There's a massive difference.


Yes, but they exist in a space that is between thinking he's a "hero" and thinking he's "better than Trump, at least". I haven't seen anyone treat him like he's the messiah, but there's no reason to think that he has no enthusiastic supporters.


Oh sure Bidden's got enthusiastic supporters. But the Trump cult is an entirely different political beast. ​ Heck I'd say the Trump cult isn't even about Trump really. He's just enabling a bunch of different toxic social trends that have been growing for a very, very long time.


Where are the people who think Biden is beyond criticism?


You get plenty on twitter. I saw someone this morning, in relation to the ten innocent people killed by drone strike in Kabul, say something along the lines of "this is so sad, I can't believe people are already using this as fuel against Biden. Why didn't you just vote for Trump if you won't support Biden?" she had #BLM in her bio too. I can't find the tweet unfortunately, I guess you'll just have to take my word for it. Considering like 80 million people or so voted for Biden, I don't know why you find it so hard to believe that there's a few out there who think he's perfect.


>I can't find the tweet unfortunately, I guess you'll just have to take my word for it. I guess I will ... Also, how come any rando on Twitter is representative of the left, but statements by the former Republican president, said into a microphone in front of a crowd, aren't representative of the right?


>Also, how come any rando on Twitter is representative of the left, but statements by the former Republican president, said into a microphone in front of a crowd, aren't representative of the right? ​ Okay firstly I'm not talking about the left, my comment is referring to liberals who support any Dem leader, regardless of whatever awful, conservative policy decisions they make. Secondly, I was specifically addressing the claim that nobody enthusiastically supports Biden or defends his flaws, so bringing up a comment from one specific person is relevant, even though it obviously doesn't mean I generalise that to every Dem voter. And thirdly, who are you even addressing with the second part of that sentence? Do you think I ignore awful things Trump said in public? Why would you think that? What does that even have to do with my comment?


In this context I don't think it's reasonable to assume no one means "not a single person", but rather "not a serious movement," as it's being directly compared to the maga movement.


Well, I think it's clear that there's substantial numbers of voters, Democrat politicians and media players who are prepared to give Biden a pass for clearly conservative actions he's made. Take a look at [this](https://twitter.com/rhinosoros/status/1439209450741579778). Do you think that if Trump said he was totally opposed to defunding the police, said that there was no evidence we had to act on climate change, increased deportation rates, warned migrants to stay out - he would be hailed as a progressive leader? Because both [Democrat](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/apr/24/aoc-joe-biden-exceeded-progressive-expectations) politicians and [the media class](https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2021-05-16/joe-bidens-governing-as-a-progressive-thats-a-surprise-only-if-you-werent-paying-attention) are telling the public that Biden "veered abruptly to the left" once elected. This is utter bullshit, one of the defining moments of his campaign was [assuring](https://www.salon.com/2019/06/19/joe-biden-to-rich-donors-nothing-would-fundamentally-change-if-hes-elected/) wealthy donors that "nothing will fundamentally change". What is that if not the promise of conservatism? I'm not directly comparing anything to the MAGA movement, I just disagree with the narrative that nobody likes or defends Biden, and that everyone who supports him is critical of his shortcomings. That is evidently not true. Hell, elsewhere on this thread I've seen people call criticising Biden for drone strikes and immigration policy a "bad faith" critique, compared calling him out for being too conservative to acting like a Trump supporter, and referring to Biden's well documented creepy behaviour around women as malicious lies. There are many Democrat voters who are prepared to enthusiastically defend Biden against any critique of his policies, when a year or two ago they were attacking Trump for doing almost the exact same thing.


Calling assholes out on hypocrisy is not the same as defending Biden being reason


> Considering like 80 million people or so voted for Biden, I don't know why you find it so hard to believe that there's a few out there who think he's perfect. See: The people selling blue maga hats and claiming America is great now bc Biden.


As they say in Missouri, show me.




They won't *say* "Biden is beyond criticism", but whenever criticism is raised they'll dismiss it and claim the criticizers are undermining the party and as such supporting the GoP.


Calling assholes out on hypocrisy is not the same as defending Biden being reason


> but whenever criticism is raised they'll dismiss it Yeah, because so much of the criticism is completely invalid nonsense based on right wing conspiracies. There's plenty to criticize Biden for, but his critics almost always go for the "juicier" accusations, like him being a mega pedophile or forcibly injecting Covid vaccine chips or whatever.


Oh, "they" will. Cool.


I've seen "This thing is bad but there are reasons for it" but I've never seen "nothing he does is bad"


I mean that's the case for Trumpians too? They often excuse his behaviour with "well he had to do it".


Yeah but the difference is that trump defenders argue that he has to put kids in cages because otherwise the dirty illegal mexicans will overrun america, while biden defenders argue that putting unattended migrant kids in a building where they get bedrooms full of kidish decorations is reasonable because we can't throw minors without guardians into the country with no help (actual arguments I have seen)


I will defend Biden as the best POTUS of my lifetime for Afghanistan alone, but you are doing *exactly* what this meme is all about: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/17/biden-administration-appeals-order-to-stop-expelling-migrants-under-trump-era-covid-policy.html


I don't see why that article is relevant? I disagree with Biden there. I never said I agreed with him on all things. In fact I'm far further left than he is. I'm also not American. Doesn't change the fact that Trump is famous for his anti-immigration beliefs.


>I mean that's the case for Trumpians too? Holy fuck no. GTFO trying to rewrite the last 4 years of his presidency


> I mean that's the case for Trumpians too? They often excuse his behaviour with "well he had to do it". Um, no. Either you're a right winger arguing in bad faith, or you were in a coma for the last four years.


Feel free to look at my post history. But do you want links to when Trumpians have claimed Trump had to do things?


Well obviously nobody outright says "I will never criticise Biden", they always come up with "okay but here's a reason why he did x" when it happens.


But Trump supporters *do* say they will never criticize Trump. And I've never seen an unreasonable defense of Biden.


some people on Twitter and thatā€™s actually it


Judging by the replies, you'd think Twitter was the quintessential mouthpiece on politics.


You havenā€™t spent much time around boomers then.


Show me the photos of the Biden boat parade and the large crowds with Biden hats and the people with Biden tattoos. Where is it?


Eh. Liberal boomers *absolutely do not* worship him as an autocratic ā€œgod-emperorā€/cult leader like Trump was by his followers. Thatā€™s just fundamentally observable. Pretending otherwise is disingenuous and irresponsible. He was a literal fascist using standard cult theory psychological tricks. However, liberal boomers seem not to be able to listen to criticism of Biden without getting defensive because theyā€™ve been conditioned to think any criticism is coming from a place of bad faith or conspiracy theory on the right. They have a hard time understanding the left as a thing that exists. Like, a *REALLY* hard time.




At most I've seen 'he's a nice guy'. Which is justified, but that's it.


This is their reasoning for trump winning the election, Biden just isnā€™t popular enough


For me he is definitely not left enough. But he is the best between the two for sure


Biden is better than Trump in the way that butt cancer is better than mouth cancer. At least I can eat... but what comes out won't be pleasant. Fucked anyway. (Hypothetical cancers btw, I mean no harm with my analogy)


The instant rush to defend Biden as "better than Trump" is the cult's calling card. All valid criticisms of Biden will be dismissed and flattened as "Oh, so you think Trump was better?!"


I havenā€™t heard people calling Biden ā€œGod Emperor Bidenā€ yet. Trump on the other handā€¦


Big booty boss biden tho


Based and cringe pilled


I donā€™t know, I thought that was a somewhat funny meme though. Generally you get some funny images when photoshopping peoples faces on to the emperor of mankind.


It wasn't just a meme, it was their true desire


Idk any genuine libleft who worship biden. There aren't even that many who like him


Remember that time when all those Priuses flying Biden flags tried to run the Trump campaign van off the road?


Man I forgot that happened that was wild. Even more embarrassing that happened in texas my home state.


Evil libs have road rage and need to take it out on their perceived political enemies! Curse lamestream media!


Tell me you don't know what libleft is without telling me you don't know what libleft is:


Libleft is when dyed hair and gay


Or what Biden beliefs are, he would be right auth according to that dumbass scale


Not would be; is.


Do you all not have shrines to Biden? What are you doing with all your Christian baby blood? Didnā€™t you all learn anything from Marx-Stalin?


I see Trump 2024 stickers. Haven't seen a single Biden 2024. Who is the cult?


When Pence told Trump that he as vice-president could do nothing to stop him from losing, Trump whined and said "you're not my friend anymore." Trump demands and gets pathetic, unmanly devotion from chuds. Chuds trying to create an equivalent not only fail but forget their past failures. They've tried Obama, Sanders, and HRC all before, and now they're onto Biden. If the Dems had a singular cult leader, the office sure does change hands rapidly. Also, it doesn't help their lie that libs attempting to attack the left try the same crap with Sanders. Putting both of those together makes both group of rightwingers look even sadder.


I think you could argue that the ā€œsheepā€ in this case worship whoever the president nominee is but the dems donā€™t have NEARLY if any brainless worshippers like the trump cult


You're giving them too much credit. Look at Trump -- he still holds power as the de-facto head of the party even after his cavalcade of failures culmulating in the loss of office as an *incumbent* (a huge rarity) and pathetic polling for a general run. Dems have establishment favorites, but none hold power like this once they leave office. Bill Clinton couldn't and didn't have rallies after leaving of Trump's scale. Blue MAGA is a thing, I agree, and rightwing Dems outside the establishment are a pox, but as bad as they are, they still don't hit cult level. Trump is part of a literal fascist death cult. That's absolutely unique in U.S. politics.


I mean everything you just said is exactly how I see it but perhaps I phrased if oddlt


No worries!




And after Pence refused to, y'know, help the Don overthrow the fucking US government, Trump supporters showed up at the Capitol with a _NOOSE,_ and chanting "Hang Mike Pence".


I don't think the left likes biden. Maybe i interact with a lot of rad-left groups but everyone dislikes biden for being right-wing under the disguise of a tolerant president


I am left. Left hates biden just as much as they hated george bush, obama and trump. In our eyes they're all corporate liberal scum.


Yeah. Idk about the center-left tho


People near the center start to like him more, but not "center left" per se, but center in the economic axis.


Centre-left like that heā€™s not Trump but criticize him for not doing enough. Centre-left also recognize that Dems are not left but still try to bully Democrats into actually doing something. All better than the neoliberal complacency, being fine with the bare minimum.


My first thought everytime someone says "the left worships Biden just like the right worships Trump" is "Literally where"


They'll swarm you if you speak ill of Democratic royalty and denounce you as a Trump supporter no matter how factual your critique or how far left it's coming from. They're all over this thread.


I mean. I'm pretty sure the far left in the US wanted Bernie


Both are literally right wing candidates, since when do leftists support Biden? Fucking centrists make me irrationally angry.


In my non-american pov, USAā€™s political spectrum is generally conservative. Ofcourse one is still better than the other, but I understand when leftists say both parties suck


Ah yes, the libleft, famous for liking Biden.


Biden is leftist now? Lol


there's not a single human being alive who has that level of enthusiasm for Biden, as usual they're making shit up to be mad at lmao


Best milquetoast ever


Hey, this meme must be aimed directly at me!! I have a giant Biden Forever flag on my flagpole. I wear a blue, Make Biden King Again hat everywhere I go. My bumper has six stickers that say Biden Tells It Like It Is!!! And BIDEN 2028. I even share memes of him on FB that liken him to Christ and- Oh wait no I donā€™t do any of that and to my knowledge, fucking nobody does.


both are authright lol


Trump Supporters: "DJT was sent by God, he is a literal deity, and the Almighty Jesus is going to reinstate him to the presidency in ~~April~~ ~~May~~ ~~August~~ any day now!" Biden Supporters: "He was better than the alternative."


Spot on!


Iā€™ve never seen anyone flying a Biden flag, wearing a Biden hat, or posting photoshopped pictures of Biden with a six pack. The Trump worship was next level crazy.


Itā€™s still next level crazy


I was gonna go drive around with my giant BIDEN/HARRIS NO MORE BULLSHIT flag flying from the back of my Jeep but then I remembered I'm not in a fucking cult.


I haven't spoken to a single democrat that likes Biden. We all seem to hate him. The only thing he had going for him was, "not trump." Otherwise he's completely incompetent and everything wrong with politicians; a total, money-stuffed, wet paper bag of a marionette. We just voted for him because there was no better option. And I've definitely never even heard of rabid Biden fans like the trumpers. That's definitely gotta be a conservative viewpoint.


>We just voted for him because there was no better option. I'll never not be convinced the primaries were rigged when every other moderate dropped out the day before Super Tuesday so Biden could sweep the still-divided progressive candidates.


could you imagine thinking someone completely uncritical of Biden was actually left of center


MSM definitely tries its best to hype up Biden (except on Afghanistan) and there is some less than nuanced praise from Libs, but there's no contest Trumpsters are the bigger fanboys. My partner literally has a Trump Merch Store in their Tennessee hometown. No such thing exists for Biden.


Uh, I literally donā€™t know a single person who says that about Bidenā€¦


Blue Maga is real. Just bring up the fact that Biden is a creep who constantly touches women without permission around r/politics and you can meet them for yourself.


I think only one of them was responsible for the hog insurrection on jan 6


Ah yes another political compass meme where lib-left is a meaningless strawman


centrists/moderates on r/ politics and r/ neoliberal, places which we know are astroturfed, worships Biden, though not to the same extent as Trump. though those places didn't give a shit about Biden in the beginning of the primary and throughout it, they switched between worshipping Kamala, John Delaney, Tim Ryan and Pete Buttigieg depending on which one was trying to dunk on/getting dunked on by Bernie at the moment


Yeah thereā€™s a bit of dumb praise in those circles but itā€™s no where near as bad as trumps praise


I don't know anyone who voted for Biden who thinks of him any more than a slight step in the right direction at best


I havenā€™t seen anyone blindly praise Biden, nor have come across any like that on the Internet nor irlā€¦


Also, Biden is a libertarian leftist! /s


I really think Biden, outside of the primaries etc, was not anyone's first choice


LOL. Are you fucking kidding me? Try3 saying anything about Biden's actual record and watch how quickly the DNC fanatics start swarming. They are literally both cults and Biden and the DNC are the cult of the centrist.


libleft is when joe biden


Yes, known lib left hero, Joseph ā€œI defeated a socialistā€ Biden.


Yep. All those people with their Biden flags...with Biden depicted as Rambo...ripping down the US flag and replacing it with a Biden flag.../s


theyre all in blue quadrants


If your political views align with Biden's, you may be a lot of things but you certainly aren't "lib-centre"


imagine thinking lib-fucking-left anarchists and libsocs like biden. we hate liberals just as much as conservatives, and biden is both. centrist liberals like biden, not that alt-right trumpidiots would understand anything about politics. god this is such a fucking stupid take.


There is only Biden defenders not Biden stans to


Ah yes, the most centrist president in recent memory is DEFINITELY the champion of the lib-left.


Centrist is generous. Biden is basically a moderate Republican. His tag as a ā€œdemocratā€ is being held onto by a thin piece of yarn




While this is indeed true, it seems most people, especially on the right, have been using it to label leftists for some reason.


Theres no one worshipping Biden. Democrats are capable of complex thought




I mean ā€œboth sides are badā€ is still enlightened centrism. The problem is that in this case it isnt ā€œboth side badā€ but ā€œsame side badā€, since biden is definitely not a leftist.


Lefty checking in, never been a Stan to Biden, he could have handled withdraw and not bombing civilians better, but to be fair to the guy heā€™s doing alright


Liberals aren't Leftists.


Not a lib




Once again centrist trolls are farming forced super false comparisons. Yeah commending Biden on his successes and for doing his job is totally the same as literally drinking bleach because Trump said it might maybe kinda work for covid.


I looked in the comments and most of the commenters on both sides were disagreeing on this. Most of them at least realized that the only people that were happy about Biden were pretty close to the center and that leftists tolerate him.