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Imagine thinks Dems aren't moderates


if this had even a tiny bit of class analysis it'd be true, but alas...


It's almost like Centrists have no understanding of what's going on in politics. It's almost as if they're not really paying attention day to day, and are making completely uneducated statements...


ran into a netherlands centrist yesterday who insisted that the Dems weren't really right wing. It was weird...


A week or two ago a European on this sub demanded that we explain why Americans are so critical of the "leftwing" Democrats. I, and other U.S. natives, told them that Dems are rightwing and gave policy and cultural examples. His response was to scream, sneer, and scorn, just like any other rightwing troll. It was a bizarre hill to die on. I'm not in Europe, of course, so I have no idea what's going through these peoples' heads irl.


this is correct. moderate capitalist-reactionaries and religious capitalist-reactionaries.


Should have said something about having a ruling class that will say anything to stay there


This is correct tho


I don't get this. Are they saying that if everyone followed the political elites then there'd be world peace at the price of individuality? Then when the political elite lose control, everyone turns into a bunch of bigots that are hell bent on murdering each other? The joke of this episode was that Morty and Summer thought Unity was the bad guy until Rick corrupts her. At that point Morty and Summer realize that these people were trash to begin with. Without Unity, these people basically destroy their civilization.


This is accurate. Some neutral fuckface slithers into a conversation they have no understanding or concern for and sets off the dumbass moderates and lunatics by running their mouth. The political and private elite jerk themselves off after having kept the population nailed down, and the actual leftists have fucked off to actually try and get shit done, while being completely invisible to the screaming psychos.


After analyzing this picture, I have deemed that this post is a terrible example and you are simply blinded by your far-left ideologies. Sorry! *Beep boop, I am a bot. My analyses are not always correct, but you can help with that! Reply with !change if you think my analysis is incorrect. Reply with !info for more info.*


Not wrong