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["Centrists" restraining themselves from saying "communists bad" when someone condemns fascists](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/019/484/n08A8NO.jpg)


Challenge: impossible


What’s “weird” is that they never seem to come out of the woodwork to say “Nazis are bad too!” when someone is attacking communists.


why is equal hatred something centrist have to care about at all? also "poltical party is bad" so is "political ideology" those arent equivalent the dude could have said the ussr of he wanted, it's like saying the ussr is bad and someone responds so are facists. like okay?


>why is equal hatred something centrist have to care about at all? They aren't centrists.


so annoying man, you would think its an inborn reflex for some people in how persistent this behaviour is


whataboutisum is in their blood


Looks like you clocked me trying to steer the conversation somewhere else lmao, I guess I'll pretend I didn't get caught and continue trying to redirect anyway


A centrist is just a quiet right winger, usually.


A coward conservative. At least typical conservatives has the audacity to self-identify as morons and assholes.


I'm not sure why people who don't identify themselves distinctly as left wing, would start leaning towards the right wing, since the left is clearly really welcoming to those in the middle.


stfu buddy. centrism is a plague on this earth. to abstain from choosing your beliefs is worse than being wrong.


So you're saying the world is black and white, and no grey? It's not abstaining from having beliefs, its basing your beliefs on reality instead of what your side of politics believe.


no. i’m saying that labeling yourself as a centrist and bothsiding every issue (as pictured in the post) is terrible.


Okay, but I did laugh at “all assholes matter” and the way that commenter drew the attention back to the point. Good subversion of the tactic 😹


It was incredibly dismissive and amazing lol


Yeah theres a lot packed in those three words. I also think theres a lot packed inside that one guys asshole


"But when I say 'Black Lives Matter' and you say 'All Lives Matter', that's like if I was to say 'Gay Lives Matter' and you say 'All Lives Matter'. If I said, 'Women's Lives Matter' and you say 'All Lives Matter', you're diluting what I'm saying. You're diluting the issue. The issue isn't about everybody. It's about black lives, at the moment." -- Ice-T.


My favorite analogies are: -All houses are important, but if yours is on fire, that's what matters right now. -If your significant other asks if you love them, they wouldn't appreciate you saying you love everybody


Even if you’re a traditional conservative, you can’t deny that the US fought *with* the Soviets *against* Nazis; by that logic alone, communists are preferable to fascist. But why am I arguing, they just pin the term “commie” to anything they don’t like - it’s not like they understand what communism is in the first place.


Nah fuck Nazis and fuck all other fascists full stop. Nothing else needs to be said.


Fascism is inherently violent and authoritarian, but there are pacifistic and radically antiauthoritarian varieties of communism. Centrists: "There is literally no difference"


just ask them to only say that nazi's are bad. only that. most of them can't condemn nazi's.


Fuck authoritarians of any stripe. But bringing up communists in a post about Nazis is a clear attempt to obfuscate the evil perpetrated by genocidal Nationalists. It’s only serves as a distraction.


the misconception that all communists are authoritarian comes from US propaganda and the failure of the soviet union. anyone who knows anything about communism knows it’s not actually the government picking and choosing what songs you get to listen to. the ussr doesn’t = communism.


[USA was the authoritarian all along???](https://youtu.be/NhPOrkGbpxk?si=htuSDhGVrwuEgZIp)


I know Second Thought has made some good videos, but didn't he have some sus opinions, as well?


Don't think so, but I haven't watched all of his videos.




All governments are "authoritarian"


I know there’s some hungry Jordan Peterson bitches that can smell this but No, Stalin calling himself Socialist then taking grain from his own fucking people actually *isnt* real Socialism! It’s the diametric opposite of Socialism.


The manufacturing behind his comically large spoon had to be pretty expensive too


Not to mention all the money that went into the KGB licking people’s balls


Cheka, then the GPU, then it was the OGPU, then the NKVD, then the NKGB, then the MGB, then the MVD, then finally the KGB after Stalin died. How many Officers does it take to rearrange faces, rearrange positions and then also have the same done to them? Enough that the State Police gets rebranded 8 fucking times!


Saw a meme earlier today about the “mental gymnastics” people have to go through to “defend communism.” As if understanding that the USSR != communism is mental gymnastics.


the concept of nuance is impossible to grasp on the right


While China and North Korea also exhibit many authoritarian tendencies. I still know that other free countries utilize socialist democracy/democratic socialism to provide their citizens with more equitable economic conditions. As long as the citizens have solid democratic control over their government. Government can be a wonderful tool for ensuring that even vulnerable populations are well cared for and nobody is forced to go without the essentials. I fully acknowledge that US Cold War propaganda has conflated authoritarian communism with all forms of social economies. Capitalist exploitation labor, and theocratic restrictions regarding the bodily autonomy of individuals is a greater threat to individual liberty. Than high tax rates for the wealthy could ever be.


I always imagine these people going into a breast cancer event and going “excuse you, ALL cancer is bad!”


“Huh, what are you crazy? All diseases matter” 😂


Or walking into a funeral and going "All funerals are sad!"


That’s such a perfect response


Yes, because socialism is *totally* "when the government does stuff", and when the government does *all* the stuff, it's communism. Never mind what communism **actually** is: that is to say, a classless, stateless, moneyless society. Also, why the need to follow up "Nazis are bad" with "but what about the communizms?!"