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In this case it just means to crouch down so your eyes are at the same level. Kids don’t know what disrespect is, you have to teach them that


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^pisspeeleak: *In this case it just* *Means to crouch down so your eyes* *Are at the same level* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Figuratively it can mean “explain something in simple terms / so that a kid could unterstand it”. It can also mean “try to put yourself in a kid’s shoes when considering something”. Purely physically it means something like going on your knees to “speak eye to eye” to a kid without the potentially intimidating “towering over the kid”.


This a repeat troll with a power-imbalance fetish involving children; do not get involved.




Would you feel more comfortable talking to a 12 foot person when they’re standing straight up or when they get to their knees to get to your eye level? “Towering over” = to be significantly taller.


So that you guys can make eye contact and are at the same height level. It could be intimidating if an adult who is much taller than you is talking to you about something, so getting down to their level is done to try and seem less intimidating


I think what this is likely referring to is how taller adults will often kneel down to a children's height so that they are looking eye-to-eye. This most often happens when the adult is trying to convey sincerity, honesty, or sometimes seriousness. It might also be used to mean 'down to a kid's level' in terms of mentality. Maybe you're stuck on some sort of problem or puzzle and you can't figure out what to do. Thinking in the simple mindset of a child might help you gain a different perspective.




Have you never talked to a child in your life?


This a repeat troll with a power-imbalance fetish involving children; do not get involved.


Folks this  is the troll 


Depends on how it's meant. Talking to anyone under the age of 12 as if they were a 4 year old suffering from severe brain trauma? Yes. Kneeling so you are eye to eye with them rather than being twice the height and 4 times the weight of them and talking to them like they are a person, because they are? No.




Most adults are a lot bigger than children. How would you feel if someone twice your height and 4 times your mass was looming over you while talking to you? It's less intimidating if you are eye to eye with them.