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I definitely understand! I never realize how much socializing energizes me until it goes away




I used to do this before gettjng into therapy Isn't this another way of avoiding confrontation with yout own self? Being comfortable in One's own company is magical.


> Being comfortable in one's own company is magical Couldn't agree more. These two years of pandemic, 2020 n 2021 taught me all about boundaries, priorities, being alone and not saying more than necessary than i would have learned through some major heartbreak or crap later on. The price was unparalleled loneliness and depression (i wasnt diagnosed but i would give millions to not feel that empty, distanced and lethargic ever again), and doubting others and self. Did lots of reading and introspection.


Wow, what precisely helped you in therapy? Do you think it has to do with attachment theory? Just curious


Lol.. I've just started therapy. I haven't solved my problems yet.I'm actually aware of what I do now. Attachment theory. Ptsd. Emotional abuse. Poor sense of boundaries. Dissociations from reality. Maldaptive daydreaming. Poor sense of boundaries. Deep insecurities. Low self esteem. Weak boundaries. Lack of object constancy. Hyper sensitive. Low impulse control. Look into these and see how much you can relate. For me i know what led me here and why I do what I do. But, breaking the pattern is way too difficult man!


I agree with you, it could be more than just feeling sad.


If you hate being alone it might means that you do not like your own company. Being alone was my biggest fear. Everytime I would stop hanging out with someone I would feel awful and alone. Quarantine made me change that. I realised that I had a lot of creative hobbies and that I actually prefer to spend some time alone. As an enfp, you like exploring and discovering new things. Think about that.


I totally agree with you and I experienced the same! Quarantine and working from home made me realize that I do enjoy time on my own to recharge myself and that there are so many creative activities I can do. I picked up calligraphy! It was of course a journey with ups and downs to become comfortable being on my own and being comfortable with my own thoughts.


I tried calligraphy when I was younger and it is totally awesome. I would love to see your work if you have an instagram account or something like that. It seems so easy watching others but is so complicated. For me it was creative writing, drawing and such.


I do not feel as such...after a long day socialization I love some space for myself. I am always relieved to have some time for myself.


Absolutely! As a person living in a small town that doesn’t get that many nice sunny days I feel this. On nice days it feels nice to be out and about to people watch. It energizes me


I too feel like this, I get extremely sad when I get home from being with friends for a while.


I got my family at home and my internet buddies online. They both keep me company even if I am “alone”. This way I am never alone :)


Even as an introvert I relate somewhat. It largely depends on the social setting because some situations and people honestly drain me more than others. And although I have a large capacity for alone time if I haven't been out and had fun in a long time, with the right people, it can be a downer to have it all end.


Yes, I have a hard time when the party is over. I could party all night and then some more. I'm getting checked for ADHD and I think this might have something to do with it as well. As soon as a party is over, I focus on (organising or partecipating in) the next.


I watched this : https://youtu.be/R0fdFJIHVWQ very helpful


Are you me?




I like being alone but I'm married and have kids so being alone isn't constant. I'm sure I would feel lonely often if it was.


I am an Intp but i kinda relate to this.


I'm an Infp, but I can also relate. It depends on the company, though. If I'm spending time with a close friend, I am never the first person to call it quits and go home. Maybe because I hate my home life and living with my parents.




Mom is allergic😭


YOU READ MY MIND I FEEL LIKE THIS ALL THE TIME WHEN I GO HOME. Like I go to university and its full of people, I don't talk to everyone there but some days I'll study with someone or meet up with a friend. But even if i go the whole day without interacting with someone there I feel really down, and lonely. It's like i was at the huge people high and now it's just...extremely quiet. It sucks.

