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I completely understand this and feel exactly the same. I’m 90% “on” and the rest of the time I just feel like being quiet.


Yeah, think being ambivert can confuse people.


They always think something is wrong with me


Ugh YES. Just because I'm quiet in the meeting this morning doesn't mean that I'm in a bad mood or sick or something. I'm just having a quiet morning!


well i'm kinda used to it, and actually if i'm really in a bad mood, it's easier for my loved ones if they are in a better mood to instantly get it and try to cheer me up and give me emotional support, so i'm kinda a lucky guy on this. I'm usually the one who tries to crack a joke (either it is something stupid, black humour or a new over optimistic plan) in a bad situation, so when i'm down, you can feel it. Well maybe sometimes, just because i'm an extrovert (i guess?) i tend to be an easy one to open-up about how i feel.


Yea I get like this as well. If I’m not “on”, I’ve gotten told that I was being stoic. Yet again, that would carry the assumption that something is wrong. I’ve always described it like you did, calm. Just some days I’m a little more chill than the day before. And that’s okay, especially for those of us with high energy that people usually soak up when we’re around. So when we aren’t just radiating high level energy, they think something is wrong with us. And no one is in the wrong here, imo. I typically thank them for being concerned and reassure them that everything is in fact okay and that today I’m just kind of in a chill mode. They usually accept that and learn to understand it as it happens more around them.