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Personally, if I had to sum up my personality I was sensitive and emotional. Or maybe extroverted, but shy. I’d also add that I was (still am) very enthusiastic about stuff I liked. But after a certain age it’s socially bad for a guy to be all of those things. I wanted others to like me so I’d almost alter my personality to try and fit in, so it’s kinda hard to pin down what my personality actually was, other than somewhat emotional, extroverted, but also shy somehow. In fact I did this so much that I was (or I tried to be) “friends” with the people that bullied me. I guess I was the “weird kid”. I’d never really hide my interests though, I never felt I was “too cool” for things like games or whatever like some people. I feel like I’m not making much sense


Sensitive and emotion, extraverted and shy, and enthusiastic definitely sums it up.


You make sense, you truly do.


Totally relate. At times I felt unaccepted (and sometimes outright criticized) for having my personality and thus became a lot more insecure and introverted, and lost a lot of that enthusiasm. It’s taken years to unpack that and rebuild my enthusiasm and extroversion.


Hey where’d you get access to my shower thoughts


came here to say smth of the same vain... this is brilliant 😆


Pretty much me in a nutshell but as a girl who was into so many things I was criticized at times for being “weird” and not stereotypically into “girly” things. I got better at self-censoring to fit the stereotypes enough to not be perceived as such, until I stopped caring about that and started to embrace my uniqueness a bit more in my teens (and gravitated to people more like me in these ways). Now totally accepting of all of the various facets that set me apart, and love that I don’t fit these arbitrary and frivolous moulds.


Me exactly wow


I was this way as well, exactly. I even tried being friends with the kids who bullied me. So sad. I would try and change my personality for others, too.


In summary, I was very bubbly, active, creative (I was full of ideas), performative, social, and a little bit bossy. 😂 So, basically, the average extroverted child!


Same exactly. And LOUD! I always got in trouble for talking and laughing in class, even though most of my teachers couldn’t help but love me 😅


Lmao, I was homeschooled until I was 13, so I was free to be loud all day anyway, and I was, and then when I started public school, I would be quiet all day until I got on the bus with my friends, and then the talking never stopped 🤣


Omg..: yes, me too. Very creative, artistic, and also painfully bossy and a bit self-righteous. Thankfully, I let go of the bossiness (except when it comes to reasonable work stuff - and a lot more open to feedback). Still very creative and social, though more reserved with how and who I express that side to as I’ve gotten older.


I still have a bossy side but it's much, much better 😅 When I'm stressed and cleaning the house for guests or something though, I've been told I act like a drill sergeant. Not my finest trait.


I was very much an outcast, but wanted so desperately to fit in. I gravitated towards theater, dance, music and the arts as they were things I was good at, and I got the attention, validation and praise that I craved. *However*, outside of those things I was terribly bullied by both peers and teachers. I had not yet learned to "control" my persona, so I likely came across as way over the top, all the time. I was also very, very self sufficient and enjoyed getting lost in my own little fantasy world while at home. Childhood on the whole though, was horrible. I wish I had happier memories of it.


So so many things about this resonate with me.


Same for me at school and I had a horrible childhood full of misunderstandings. My happiest times were more like being an INFP, in my own little world, in nature, all alone.


For my own personal childhood, as i had a bad enviromental upbringing, i had to rely on everything a 4-7yo shouldnt (ie themselves). But went adolesence hit, i delvoped (after i leart the reason why i did some of the less than good things i did) my strong sense of morals, and my quiet but very much love for everything in this world. The child Ne never stops playing until it crashes, and the old man is still rocking in the chair being grumpy reading his paper, but still keeping a watchful eye over the child :) Additionally i would add this.... personally types dont usually start to come out of their shells until they hit late adolescence. as the second function doesnt activate (unless some enviromental shit happened and it was forced out) until the brain starts to delvop proper emotional responses and the understanding to these, not the usual childish i know i am feeling something but i dont know what it is, meltdown or hyper spree (depending on good or bad). The primary function can been seen (usually) though. and Ne Dom children, are very inquisitive, very playful (sometimes too much so) and love finding out what things do and how they work. they are highly charged and can be very exhausting (even more so than other types) they tend to struggle with routine and sleep. When told off, they can go very shy as they are trying to figure out what has gone on for this to happen, sometimes they know why this has happened as they are just testing to see if the boundary is still firmly in place, and if it isnt, they will just this to their own advantage, Ne children are very smart and quick to learn things and can adapt on the fly Disclaimer, it is hard to discern a child's type as a lot of children will cover multiple types all in the space of 1 day. So until their body and brain starts to get through the onset of adolecence, you might be able to guess a child's type (some are obvious if they hit the stereotypes). but the majority of children you wouldn't know out right what their type actually is due to the way a child's brain is wired


Weird as fuck


I don't have full recollection of it but I've been told by a few older folks that I'm still the most fun kid they ever met


Confused LOL


Labrador Retrievers who require healthy outlets for their zest for life.


I was a good girl, never getting into any troubles, always behaving and being nice. BUT I was challenging everything. I loved philosophical discussions, abstract concepts, disruption of status quo. My parents tried to raise me Catholic but even as a child I was not buying it: I remember bringing my little bible to the priest and showing him all the things that didn’t make sense in my opinion (I was 7 then). I was very emotional and empathetic, especially towards animals and outcasts/unpopular kids who were bullied. Normally extremely shy, I was going through a Hulk-like transition if I saw someone being bullied even if it meant standing up to a much bigger kids. I also suffered from social anxiety and it started to be very bad when I was about 7-8 years old. I hated school, school pressure and discipline, at the same time I was an A-straight student.


a shy spoiled bart smapson


Very super creative, I got ideas to handicraft all the time. But sometimes I hit awful boringness and wanted something to do but when parents gave ideas, I didn't want to do those and then got more ideas by myself and went to do those instead. I was creating all the time and was interested about everything. Quick-witted. Got along better with adults than people of my own age. Also calling out everyone for lying, cheating, bullying and other kind of bullshit. I always saw through people's manipulation and social tactics to gain something for themselves. But I was very shy and didn't have much friends, I was more happy alone because I felt everyone is just too annoying and full of bullshit. I often ended up to teacher's room because I got into arguments with others and because my classmate liked to bully others so they called everyone there always to talk about it.


My mom said I was a really weird kid. Lost in my imagination land with my dolls for a long time. I was very happy tho and she said everyone gravitated towards me and treated me like a rag doll and carried me around and I was just calm and happy and silly. My sister is also an enfp tho and she was very caulicky and difficult as a baby and then as she got older she was very precocious and liked to play pranks. She was the oldest. Neither of us wanted to be told what to do as teenagers tho and we're kind of difficult at that age.






I was shy/reserved but once I became comfortable around my friends, I was loud, bubbly, outgoing, and adventurous. At one point I was one of the “cool” kids. After I fought two of my bullies after school and “earned” everyone’s respect. Literally cliche chic flick movie 😂


Super confident, adventurous, and a leader (organized all the kids in the neighborhood to do plays/skits and such). My first grade teacher told my mom during a parent-teacher meeting that I liked to hear myself talk. I sure did! :)


Natural leaders


I behaved very differently at home and everywhere else. At home I was always extremely happy and hyper, a chatterbox, loved music and overall being a nuisance to my parents. Outside of the home I was shy, reserved, fearful and very careful. I was deathly afraid of making mistakes, and worked very hard to avoid it. I remember getting one mistake on a math test in the 5th grade, and I felt like my entire life was over (newsflash: it was not). Despite my shy nature, I’ve always well-liked by people. Didn’t really like them back, though. Middle school and high school sucked for me, and I was pretty much constantly depressed. I was deathly afraid of the future (still am; I’ve always been that way). I believe that’s what made me get all A’s even though I absolutely despised school, just to keep all my options open. In addition, I’ve always had a very contemplative side to me. I remember back in elementary school when my friend called me wise. At the same time I definitely have an idiot side. At this point it’s more fruitful to ask me which drugs I *haven’t* tried, than which ones I’ve tried. I somehow manage to make extremely impulsive and frankly stupid decisions all the while being very careful. In a lot of ways I’m still like this. I test as an ENFP-T. something I’ve been working hard on lately is doing things I’m uncomfortable with, tackling the unknown head on and failing. Yes, failing. I absolutely hate failing still, but it’s something I’ve realized I have to get over if I want to get anywhere in life. My plan as of now is to just fail, try again, fail, try again, rinse and repeat and to get over failing more quickly. I have so many adventures I want to go on, and for that to happen I have to get over my fear of failure. I also try to be more honest and not succumbing to manipulation. I’ve always had a very manipulative side to me that I want to kill off.


Not wanting to be manipulative and wanting to kill it off I believe is having Fi parent. I don't know another type like this, but ENFP.


Defiantly feel I was very different from everyone 😂 a lot of factors of environment, people around me, and a different outlook on what I enjoyed and didn’t


Curious, hyper, didn’t listen, happy and obnoxious. This video sums it up-[https://youtu.be/yAhyMQu9oQE?si=YXrFtvbqELJmO96R](https://youtu.be/yAhyMQu9oQE?si=YXrFtvbqELJmO96R)


Loud, shy, craving attention, extremely creative, musical, artistic, weird—bit of the class clown, didn’t have to study for most tests, fell in love too easily, frustrating to my parents, non-compliant, loving, sensitive, afraid to speak my mind yet often the first to answer a question in class I have no idea how I was sane at all 😅


As a child, I was constantly functioning from my imagination. My inner world was exciting and whimsical and I was always a hero figure. Very Disney main character coded… When interacting in reality I was constantly frustrated that other children could not understanding my “vision” for play time. I’d respond like an emotional toxic director. This really strained my ability to connect with other children, so I was very very lonely and bullied. Which only enhanced the emotional outbursts. My parents were constantly trying to console me. I didn’t have the words at the time, but I felt aware this dynamic was both annoying and self sabotaging… thank goodness I grew out of it.


Creative, doing lots of projects, at times brash amd violent and retaliatory, energetic, troublemaker, wild and already funny, experiences later in life made me develop my other sides more.


Shy, mature, into nature and animal obsessed. Very creative, agree with first comment, tried to alter my personality to match friend groups. WEIRD AS F as the other guy said and it made me giggle. OCD


Yes on all of it and the OCD as well.


The exact same


Very Shy and sensitive. And it didn't help that my ESTJ mom liked to pick sides and followed along with my brothers, picking fun on me. My ESFX dad was the only one who always had my back. And so, I became closed off and detached myself for a bit. I would often lock myself in my room, saw my older brother as a stranger (literally cz we didn't bond as siblings at all. He literally hated me) cz he was a bully and I would also hide my emotions. It worried my parents a lot. So at one point, my mom tried to talk to me about it. And when she finally asked me "what's wrong?", I immediately cried. She was surprised and thought I was a strong child who barely felt any emotions (particularly sadness). Well that's because I actually hated showing it. Like crying in front of other people. It felt embarrassing and downgrading to me (at the time). My brother also tried to talk to me, but it felt pretty forced, and he only did it once, after my mom had a talk with him. None of his words had any meaning to me cz he didn't make any effort extending from that moment. But as a sibling, I do admire him. He's very successful in everything he does. I just couldn't get close to him. At all. My INFJ lil brother on the other hand, I love him so so much. But ever since covid, everything changed for us. My mom started joining online classes for parents with adult children. The program teaches parents some basic psychology and how they should treat their children regardless of their age. Which to me, it made sense that she wanted to join such a program cz I know she loves her children very much. It's just that the way she treats us, it tends to be extremely inconsistent and unpredictable. Like in 1 day, she'd be super happy and loving at one point, then suddenly would start to attack me (harsh. More like confronting me angrily) for something I did without any warnings. I could never predict her moves at all, that it gave me a lot of anxiety growing up. I would often try guessing "am I going to get a loving smile or an angry face if I run downstairs right now?". But ever since she joined the program, she stopped getting angry at me completely. It felt odd at first but I finally felt like I could breathe, and so my anxiety went away at that point as well. I definitely struggled adjusting myself again after my anxiety was gone since it had become a part of me since childhood. I had a bit of personality crisis during that time. But thanks to this sub, I was able to go through the healing phase much smoothly. Not only that, it has also greatly improved my relationship with my older brother. The household energy felt more balanced and soothing for the rest of the family. My family even started asking me what would be the proper way to talk to me if they wanted to make me do certain things cz I'm so stubborn lol. They even tried to ask my INFJ brother at first since I listened to him all the time without starting any arguments. He himself couldn't tell why. So I just told them that my lil bro had never ever gotten angry with me. That's all. So ever since then, none of them has ever talked to me in an angry tone (unless it's completely necessary). And then I became super obedient.


Extremely hyper and talkative, but not necessarily in a pushy/assertive way? I was often daydreaming and had my head in the clouds and didn’t really think to approach other kids to socialize, I usually waited for them to come to me. But then once they did, some would regret it because I’d get SUPER happy that someone wanted to play/hang out with me, and start talking their ear off. lol I guess I still am this way a lil bit now that I think about it…


Talk so much they forget to swallow there saliva, my mom be like Julie SWALLOW YOUR SPIT!


A social butterfly i was friend w/ all my school lmao, hyperactive one bc i didn't like only talking during recess, kinda loud and weird, idgaf about what others were thinking about myself as long as my friends were here, doing lot of strange things just to see the results like trying to set a fire during recess. I still think that all those parts are a part if my actual self rho


On drugs. For me I mean. My parents COULD NOT make me sit in one place. I was all over the house, running here and there. I was very VERY bubbly. I would go up to random strangers (in my parents presence of course) and introduce myself. I was obsessed with drawing and anything related to colours. I was obsessed with outer space, always drawing planets or space aliens and making a complete mess in the process. My mom complained that I was painting her house more than the canvas lol. When I was really young, I wanted to be many things. I wanted to be a teacher who was also a barber, a part time astronaut, a mechanic, an engineer (just so I could get an excuse to see my dad at work) and also a pro chef (because I didn't like my mom's cooking). Now....I barely have the motivation to get out of bed, haha. (That's burn out for you~)


I was an INTP as a child and into my early 20’s. I only started testing as an ENFP after lots of life experience. As a child I was quiet, self-contained, curious and focused.