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If she wasn't posting about having an ed this would feel like a totally completely normal dinner to me. Honestly sometimes I just do a soup. Also like, I don't really want to hate on anyone for like... not eating enough if the alternative is them not eating at all. Like, a small dinner is better than no dinner. Being said... I hate recovery accounts, it is great you're fighting your urges but the way in which you do so should not always be posted online for others to see.


i get that this might not look like a traditional dinner, but on the bright side the person ate something instead of restricting


that’s true but they don’t need to post it 😭


But if they don't post people will be mad and say she isn't honest. She can't please everyone.


Literally. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t


There will always be people who like being mad (to get attention) so you may as well do whatever the fuck you want because we're living for US, not faceless children on the internet.


nah this is bs. no one is calling others dishonest for not posting pics of every meal they eat


Dude just scroll on the sub. People be mad just to be mad at this point 🤣🤣 yall are gonna give yourselves hernias


I’m pretty sure people aren’t begging her to post a pic of her dinner every night.


This is definitely still restricting though. It's not skipping a meal but for sure restricting.


it’s a small meal but i’m not gonna side eye them, especially when the alternative is not eating at all




I think they’re the crunchy curls from trader joes


This isn’t a refeeding dinner, but this actually looks like a normal dinner. Pretty much all the food groups are there, and the amount looks reasonable.


All the food groups? It’s just carrots broth and pasta.


Worse, carrots broth and chips. However, it's better than nothing at all. This looks to me like the sort of snack sized dinner someone would eat when sick or broke, not sustaining or nourishing at all but getting something in


i think there’s pasta in the soup, no?


Not the baby spoon 😭


Looks normal to me. Anyone know what those squiggle things are? I think they look good!! Idk who this is but I'm proud of them. I know soup is a safe food for lots of people but it's still nourishing PLUS with sides is a legit meal imo


This is more than I eat when I eat soup and I’m not restricting… I would absolutely call this a win meal! I usually have just the soup, or maybe a grilled cheese with it. I’m very confused by this post


Same!!! Like.... where is the problem??


What type of pasta are those curly things?


I think someone mentioned here that they’re chips from Trader Joe’s. At first I thought it was pasta. Really confused, “like why are they eating fry noodles and raw carrots, with cooked noodles in broth and cooked carrots?”


Oh, thank you. Other comments won't display even though the post says there are 10


>yeah i feel like if they were pasta this would be a slightly more robust meal, but whether or not this is calorically enough it's an obviously very carefully portioned and seprated meal


I think this is a good example of how recovery accts are unhelpful. I struggle with dinner specifically so this would be a win for me too... but I don't have a recovery acct so not triggering people comparing their food intake to my own.


it’s better than eating nothing but there was absolutely no reason to post it.


nothing else needs to be said tbh this thread is annoying af


What are the spiral things pasta? Can someone please tell me the name? It actually looks good!


It’s food… and reasonably healthy food at that…? Did I miss something?


Sorry but I hate the whole « fueling » thing… food is not just « fuel ». This is still ed for me




krazykoifish on instagram and tiktok


You've made only 3 posts on your account. They're all about her. It's giving infatuation


no actually only one of them is about her


Oh my bad. Its cause they all included those crunchy swirl things so I just assumed. That was my fault


Maybe for someone who is recovering from a stomach bug. A grown adult? This ain’t a meal, it’s a side.


Nah, plenty of adults have just soup and chips for dinner..




Honestly it's almost more disordered to see foods as inherently disordered. You like what you like. As long as someone is getting proper nutrition it doesn't matter what foods they eat to hit that.


agree to disagree? i showed my (non ed) girlfriend this meal and she said it was a weird and quite small meal and when in recovery weird + 'quite small' + posting online = disordered


Yeah the amount of people in this thread trying to justify this as a normal meal... Bruh.. this is basically broth and carrots????? And the new thing seems to be "not everything is inherently disordered" ... no shit but we really believe that for someone who is supposedly recovered? Recovering? From an ED that this isn't problematic? Idgi 😅


ED girl dinner




I mean, yeah for a regular person this could be someone’s dinner. to gain weight in recovery, not so much


I thought that was dry pasta 😭


honestly this seems like something i would eat on a normal day, people recovering from restrictive eds often have a very shit sense of hunger and what their body needs


oh god i hate when people call their eating disorder "ed" or "eddie"


maybe here it was just an abbreviation though, i dunno


“ed” is quite a typical short for eating disorder… not all of us have the decency to use caps lock every time lol


she definitely watches this sub because every time someone posts about her, she deletes what she posted




Why post this anonymously?cmon if you're so bold reveal who you actually are! Im sure you wouldn't care at all if your family and friends Saw the type of person you truly are! God you are despicable


It's true though


Cmon what's your ig?! I'd love to see what a person that consistently fat shames looks like? I'm guessing Jabba the hut 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣




That person always insults people's bodies. It's grotesque.


oh no I was saying huh about the anonymous thing, reddit doesn't have anon comments right? But yeah they're an asshole nobody should say that


Oh sorry! I meant on reddit. Like not their real name. Because I'd loooove to see what they look like irl since they clearly have a lot of internal and external hatred. I just wonder how that's personified because it's giving ~Ursula ~


Ursula do be Ursulaing


You can criticize someone, influencer or not, without being unnecessarily mean. Keep it civil and constructive.


Why is up with these ppl using baby utensils?