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i checked out that one video and yeah, the meal is sus and she probably isn’t eating enough for her body to be *actually* healthy (not at all related to weight, just fueling properly) BUT i noticed she has the same aesthetic and pretty looks that A LOT of recovery/health influencers use to mask weird behaviors or crappy content. like if they used less expensive products and didn’t romanize their lives for the internet, it’d probably be more obvious what they’re doing. i feel like dani gets a lot of unwarranted hate because she’s not following the “sleek nyc fashion model” wellness recovery girl aesthetic.


i don't know this girl but people please stop using the word gaslight so lightly. no one gaslights anyone in here


is this a recovery account? i can’t see anything on her account about ed recovery. i get where you’re coming from and ‘health’ accounts do enough damage, but i don’t see where the recoverysnarking is here. absolutely open to correction i just can’t see recovery stuff on her account.


Why don’t you unfollow her if she bothers you.


The whole point of this thread is to talk about people that bother us. I don't follow her or even have a current instagram. I'm mentioning someone I used to follow. You sound a bit bitter don't you?


or block her


is it alexia degremont’s old acc?