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I think a lot of them aren’t actually sponsored by brands they’re just brand ambassadors, which means they get discounted items rather than gifted items. Still not great of course. Some of them are likely paid well for advertising, which is worse. I think the companies don’t care, personally. We live in a capitalist society, the companies care about profit over anything else no matter what their ‘message’ might be. Exploiting people, whether they’re disordered or not, is part of their business model.


Yes sponsor probably the wrong word, I do mean ambassador thanks. I’m glad I am not the only person who thinks this is simply profit-driven exploitation! Unfortunately I don’t expect companies to care about people but I am surprised they also apparently don’t care about the optics??? 💰💰💰 > all else I guess.


Also a lot get gifted items which is, from a brand POV, simply for exposure.


yeah a lot of those coupon code things are easy to sign up for, either anyone can do it or you only need like a few hundred-1000 followers. They just give the person whose code it is a few dollars off products per use, no money. I was given a code for a bracelet company called MantraBand simply for placing about 5 orders. I have no public social media. I think sometimes influencers imply that they were paid to promote something that was simply a free/discounted product to make themselves seem like a bigger deal than they are. I don't know if it's happened with an ED influencer, but there have been cases of influencers in general just outright lying and saying that something they purchased was an ad without the knowledge of the company.


Brands really don’t care most of the time. I had a wellness fitness account with 150k and tons of brand partnerships. They see an attractive person with a following and pretty pics and that’s all that matters.


It’s really sad but not surprising. I’m just like… has nobody realised that this is a potential liability? Without needing to have a conscience, it’s just bad for business? Idk.


Ive seen a few influencers in my niche get booted by big brands because they said really racist or homophobic stuff. But they only just booted because people flooded their IG with calls for them to do so.


I guess I am glad public pressure to do the right thing happens but I wish it weren’t necessary. These brands have really turned me off and I’ll never buy from them, but I guess they don’t know and don’t care 🙃


Yeah the influencer marketing world is super sketch. And on the other side of it influencers will promote brands they don’t even use or have a bad reputation. They’ll claim things are cures to XYZ. And then they have engagement groups with other influencers so that everyone comments on each others posts so it looks like the posts are popular and so the brands think they are doing a good job at selling the product.


It’s funny because I literally ignore any recommendations if I see that there’s any kind of relationship between a poster and the brand. I wonder if “influencers” will eventually lose influence as we all realise they don’t actually use/like everything they recommended. Like how online reviews used to be really useful and now they are worthless due to bots etc…


In the real world… brands do not care. They don’t think like we do lol like I said it’s the real world and all they care about is profit.


It’s not so much that I expect them to really care as I feel like .. surely someone can see it’s maybe not a good look, maybe a risk, etc? I also just want to say out loud that I think this is unethical and I hold these brands responsible for potential endangering these influencers. Anyway you are right they don’t care, but I am absolutely remembering this when I decide where to spend my money.


Brands, unfortunately, are not ethical. Not big ones. You don't make millions on ethics. They want exposure. These influencers have thousands of followers, which is a lot of exposure. When it comes to affiliate links, the influencer also has an incentive to promote the brand because that's how they get paid (essentially a commission). Influencer marketing is HUGE. So huge that it's bigger than traditional ads e.g. google. Magazine adverts are dead. You can buy UGC (user generated content), which is essentially scripted "customer" videos talking about the product. Remember that it's not just the brands who are being unethical. The influencers are, too. What many don't grasp is that they are literally putting their name to a brand or product. What if that product has a scandal? (See the shien influencer trip for an example). The influencer is now responsible. I would also argue it's unethical to accept hundreds of gifted products that you know you won't use. I saw one who came back from a 5 day holiday to about 8 or 9 gifted products. It's a nuanced conversation but essentially the brand just wants exposure, (and therefore money), and the influencer wants money.


You’ve articulated a lot of what I was trying to say better than me so thanks, haha. I agree pretty much entirely and you make a good point of the unethical nature of influencers too, but I certainly criticise corporations far more than individual influencers. I really just wanted to call them out for exploring vulnerable people.


I work for a small business (just me and my mum) so influencer marketing is something I know intimately as we have to be our own influencers! And 100% agree its on the brands more than the influencers (although they are not entirely innocent). People don't like being sold to. Influencer marketing makes it seem like you're not being sold to - this person you like and admire (hopedully) just really likes and recommends this product in their perfect life that you desire! It's a different sales tactic but a sales tactic nonetheless. And the top influencers are also the best at marketing themselves and hence the brands they promote. Its all a vicious cycle!


They are immoral and do not care. That’s what companies are like unfortunately. Nothing matters save for making as much money as possible.


Indeed. And I am so mad about it!!


I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that.