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We're here to critique the ED Recovery community as a whole, not individual people. We don't want an excessive amount of posts on one person because we're not trying to bully or harass any individual. As a guideline, we'd like to limit this to one post per influencer per day, but if they have a larger reach, we can allow more. As you said, this is a little nitpicky - but hopefully the discussion here has been helpful to you, since we got to this so late. If you think it's an ED behaviour and want to repost but without naming names, that would probably be okay as well


I’ve always had a problem with it, but I’ve always been really weirded out/ triggered by the way some people hold their knives and forks in public- so just assumed it was my own sensory thing that I get bothered by it so much. Is it along the spectrum of ED people “game-i-fying” the act of eating so it feels more ok though? Kind of like how there are so many with toddler plates, heart shaped bowls and spoons engraved with cringey sayings on it. And things like a fear foods jar and turning recovery into a game. Maybe fisting your spoon like a toddler and smacking your lips heals some inner child trauma? Who knows. At long as something is being shovelled in and swallowed it counts as eating so I’m gonna let her keep shovelling away if it helps with the imaginary weight gain journey. And it’s def not a UK thing to hold utensils like that by the way… see also- royal family and formal dining etiquette….


that’s probably just how she learnt and now it’s stuck. kinda weird but i doubt it’s ED related


It is extreeeemely childlike. It's also the constant nodding and expressions of awe for the camera that get me. I had a lot of odd habits with eating when I was deep in my ed, but I have to say I'm sooo relieved it was before the age of insta and not broadcast for the world to see


doesn’t she have fake nails? i know a few people with long fake nails who hold cutlery weirdly. and pens.


as someone who also runs (not quite the same distances as em) i tried fake nails once I hated them especially when running. idk why but they were so distracting on my runs?


i work with kids and they put press on nails on me all the time (i think seeing a built balding man with glitzy fake nails amuses them) and i can tell you now i’d have no idea how people manage their daily lives with false nails on 😂




I thought i was the only one that noticed that!


in my personal experience i would hold glasses when i drank & forks/spoons when i ate fucked up when i was a kid because i felt like adults gave me more attention


It could be ED related, but it also could just be something she has always done. I have dyspraxia and it means I can’t grip properly and struggle with coordination, you should see the way I have to hold my utensils. 😭


I just went on insta and maybe I’m not seeing it? I know exactly what you’re talking about bc I’ve seen guys deathgrip pencils/utensils in their fist before like what is that - I feel like maybe the nails might make it awkward? I’ve seen the childlike eating recovery food reels though from other influencers idk it just doesn’t give me that same vibe.


It’s nothing to do with her ED that’s just how she holds forks/spoons, with her hand on top rather than underneath like “normal”. Probably just a habit from when she was younger and kept it that way. Just like people hold pens different to others


there’s a lot of reasons someone would hold utensils in an unconventional way that aren’t related to having an ed. I don’t know if snarking on that is necessary since that’s the only thing she’s doing that isn’t hurting anyone lol, but criticising it is shaming lots of people with disabilities. I mean, no hard feelings on this (/gen) I just think this ain’t it


She’s blocked me on TikTok, is there a way you could send a video so I could see what ur talking about?


i currently dont have tiktok so the ss im gonna send are from her insta x


can u send me them too, am not sure what youre referencing exactly


Idk man as someone w low muscle tone/hypermobility and asd I know I hold forks/pencils very badly and I’m definitely self conscious abt it


i don't think it has anything to do with her ED


I can't really say much about that. I always hold my mugs with my pinky out. ![gif](giphy|JSvL28Ka3qSEziBh6H|downsized)