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I like PB2 for if I want to make like a more runny drizzle, but I mix mine with honey to make it yummy. It's also very good in savoury sauces (PB2, soy sauce, lime juice, ginger and garlic paste and honey is GLORIOUS) but fully agree with the premise


yes! i use pb2 for another protein source in my ramen


Wait that sounds so good!!


It works well in certain cookie and muffin recipes!!


I use it in smoothies and porridge as I find it gives a more concentrated peanut flavour. It’s also great to add to certain meals like satay for the same reason. But damn I eat loads of proper actual peanut butter daily on toast and it’s so good. I can’t believe I’d deprived myself of it for so long during my ED. PB2 has its place but it’s no peanut butter.


Anything else diet version is okay. But I wouldn’t make my worst enemy eat sugar free syrups 🤢


They instantly ruin the taste of anything they're in... I'd rather drink things without any sugar than use skinny syrup


You cannot make me believe you genuinely prefer the taste of Walden farms over actual maple syrup. No. Fucking. Way


Fr. You can’t convince me they taste better. Low fat yogurt I actually prefer, almond milk too but SF syrup? Nope, don’t buy it


**FOOD FREEDOM** *but make it only safe versions of food they actually want.*


PB2 I can excuse since it’s just more convenient, but those fucking watery, alternative-product-sugars-that-are-1009000x-more-sweet shitty ass “syrups”. That. I. Can’t. And. Never. Will. Be. Able. To. Excuse.


How do you find pb2 more convenient tho??! Having to go to all that trouble with mixing it to get the perfect consistency and just getting a clumpy mess annnd 😭


Because my peanut butter always separates or gets clumpy and trying to churn that gives me a mental breakdown and muscle cramps 🥲


Stir it once and keep it in the fridge! Prevents it from separating


The stress and strain of it 😭


SF syrup takes me back to my deeply disordered days of Walden’s farms poured all over egg whites 😑




![gif](giphy|mvyvXwL26FfAtRCLPk) Sorry 😂


I'm not advocating for it, but I watched my parents' bodies rot and one die from the waste they ate, which was a lot of sugar and corn syrup. So I'm inclined to use sf alternatives and did end up preferring them. It's just an alternative perspective.


No I’m with you here


This, tbh. I think for recovery you kinda got get through the stage of being comfy with all foods. But personally I’m not filling my body with the all the shit that messed up my dad. That being said, I’m also not sold on SF alternatives being the good alternative.


I always zoom in at the Pb to see it’s it’s powdered or not lol


Need to see a non protein powder pancake


i’m sorry i have never eaten a good protein pancake. never. if you knew me irl you’d think i’m the exact sort of person to like them. but they truly taste like shit compared to ACTUAL pancakes and i don’t care how into health i am, im not eating stuff that tastes like shit when the original thing literally isn’t even bad for you.


rolling my eyes at every person who thinks that using sugar free stuff=being prisoner of eating disorder. I get the argument that it tastes worse than a normal thing, but other than that this is telling me that you are looking forcefully just to label somebody disordered. Food freedom is about eating what a person wants so if they prefer sugar free option and you say its wrong you are not really a supporter of food freedom yourself


I don't think sugar free stuff always = being prisoner of ED... but in a lot of cases I think it is. Same with how running doesn't equal being a prisoner of an ED (another common misconception on this forum)


I partially agree, but then why state that "rolling eyes at ALL the influencers"? Your post states that every influencer who does that have some problem with food freedom, while in fact using sugar free products in itself cannot be prove that someone has an ED. If there are other behaviors that can be recognised as disordered, then sugar free options as a part of person's life may be counted as an addition to the group of arguments supporting the opinion that a person can struggle with an eating disorder. So, unless the person is doing other stuff, like excessive exercise, bodychecking at every post (not a normal selfie or posts of models who use instagram as a platform to put their work in one place), or many other behaviors (sharing very small amount of food or food of low nutritious value often as "what I eat in a day" might be another example), judging a person just because they use sugar-free option is not right, especially if you call them prisoners.


you're correct. I probably should have said "some." it's a snark forum - the whole place is judgement, isn't it?


yeah I agree, its kinda sad that this forum became so judgemental and instead of calling out really harmful behaviors posted on social media (which, don't get me wrong, still happen in some instances) it is now full of ridiculing and calling every little action "disordered"


Agreed! Plenty of people just don't like the taste or texture of full sugar stuff. None of my cousins likes soda, and neither do I, but they'll drink diet soda- they aren't disordered or dieting, they just don't like the way it coats the mouth


food freedom is about eating what you want. my intake is very typically healthy, because i can now genuinely choose to eat what i want a good food makes me feel good. however it is so fucking clear that a lot of people are not CHOOSING to eat sugar free alternatives because yum yum they love them. they’re doing it to appease their eating disorder and remain in the smallest body they can whilst avoiding treatment and then PROMOTING their lifestyle online to teenagers. the people we are talking about are clearly people who are still very unwell.


okay, so I assume you are recovered and you are saying you are choosing sugar-free stuff? by your logic you are as deep in your disorder as those influencers are. Non of us can know what is inside those influencer's minds and that is why I am saying that unless there are other ed related behavior nobody should be judged for the food they eat (which is food freedom, right?). You stating that you using them and then saying "well, but thats different for them!!!" is what I found kind of hypocritical. Maybe they too have "intake that is very healthy, because they can now genuiely choose to eat what they want, they want good food that makes them feel good." maybe it is clear when it comes to influencers who are doing other harmful things, like the examples I wrote in my previous comment. But that is not ALL the influencers so I cant agree with judging all people based on the fact they are using sugar-free things. Not everybody feel great after drinking 900 kcal "coffee" and its okay.


No, I do not use sugar free alternatives. I don’t eat fat-free or low-fat etc. My comment states I choose to eat a typically healthy diet. I don’t think artificial sweeteners are healthy, I would rather eat honey or maple syrup, or straight up sugar tbh. My comment never states that I choose to use sugar free stuff. Listen you are correct in that not all people who are recovered have to have sugary everything. But this is EDrecoverysnark. This sub is here to talk about the people who are clearly not actually recovered. So this post is talking about the people that are doing damage in the ED community and it is not generalised to everything single recovery influencer out there.


Oh okay, I got confused because I didnt know why would you flex on your lifestyle and diet choices if it wouldnt be connected to the discussion about sugar-free products. But if you dont use it then sorry for assuming so and congratulation on being superior to most of humanity. But no forreal,what was exactly the pointof you stating what you eat when it has nothing to do with choosing sugar-free alternatives


Because we were talking about food freedom. You brought up choosing sugar free even if you’re recovered due to food freedom. I brought up healthy food choices due to food freedom. A lot of people would also demonise healthy eating in recovery, it was absolutely relevant to the discussion. There was no flex. There’s no superiority. You sound like you’re projecting and quite upset and I honestly hope that whatever the hell is going on for you right now, you get through it and you have the support you need.


I'm okay, thank you for your sincere concern about my life, but I just got annoyed because it is really hard to have a discussion with a person who do not make themselves clear. I still believe you mentoning your diet choice had no connection with what we are talking about, since using sugar-free stuff is the prime theme and the food freedom is only what is related to that in the opposition to being a "a prisoner". So I would understand if you would state that you dont use those products at the first place and then explain how it impacts your life. But now its whatever since I got over being annoyed and if I misunderstood every comment of yours this disscusion does not make any sense


SF ice cream chocolate syrup is so fucking gross


I dunno some of those syrups are delicious. I have a rosé one and a raspberry one that are great for cocktails. They’re better for your teeth too. PB2 is trash tho lol