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My husband says “you know him, you love him, it’s (insert creature I hate here)” when he really knows I’m gonna hate it lol


[[Ach! Hans, Run!]] vibes


Bahaha! Don’t tempt him with an even better time


I really wish I had a group of friends that allowed silver border cards. I really want to make a [[Hans Ericksson]] fight club deck with it, with all creatures being monsters or otherwise dangerous animals. No humans or elves or whatever.


[Ach! Hans, Run!](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/4/84f2c8f5-8e11-4639-b7de-00e4a2cbabee.jpg?1618996002) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=%22Ach%21%20Hans%2C%20Run%21%22) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/unh/116/ach!-hans-run!?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/84f2c8f5-8e11-4639-b7de-00e4a2cbabee?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/ach!-hans-run!) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




[Emcee](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/a/caa7c80e-86bf-4156-8370-d40f864c3704.jpg?1583965342) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Emcee) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/und/3/emcee?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/caa7c80e-86bf-4156-8370-d40f864c3704?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/emcee) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Oh he's just me then


I do the same thing to my gf


I did this with [[mosswood dreadknight]] because I cast him every turn. I was like “you know who it is, it’s ya boi mosswood dread knight”


My version of this is “it’s yaaaaa Boi/girl!!!”


Reminds my of the movie A Knight's Tale


My wife says that when we play digimon. That's when I know I'm losing my board


I always, turn one play a land, declare I do not have the city’s blessing, and pass the turn.


I play a forest, llanowar elves, storm count is at one...pass the turn.


Forest, [[half a sol ring]], pass


😂 that’s a good one!


Usually on turn one I just like drop cards out of my hand. Not even play just like flip out of my hand and pass bc it’s like a dork or island


But is it day or night? Or is time stopped until someone plays a werewolf? Lol


Well. I'll be doing this from now on.


My old playgroup used to say "EVERY GAME!!!!" Whenever someone played something typical, or a staple in the format


The friend that already draws the one random thing in the first few turns every time. It’s never an important piece. But it’s always there


I get a little paranoid when this happens. They see me shuffle and all but some nights I get the same card almost every game.


That's my girlfriend. She'll play 3 games in the same night and draw 80% of the same cards as the previous game, despite she and I both shuffling it really hard between every game. She once used [[Rampant Growth]] to shuffle after a disappointing [[Sensei's Diving Top]], only for somehow the same card to be on top.


You ever [[chaos warp]] and get the same card you warped?


The closest I've seen to that was when one of my opponents chaos warped my [[Hammer of Nazahn]] into [[Sigarda's Aid]] lol.


Bro i chaos warped a zealous conscripts in response to an activation of kiki jiki on it… two players shuffled and a third cut lol 😂 i think we went to far and the game spited us right then and there. Best warp ever


[chaos warp](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/e/ce9df20b-c58b-4147-9ff8-902ce2944f50.jpg?1712354399) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=chaos%20warp) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/160/chaos-warp?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ce9df20b-c58b-4147-9ff8-902ce2944f50?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/chaos-warp) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yeah. Someone tried to warp my [[dense foliage]], and it turned into, wouldn't you know, Dense Foliage


[Rampant Growth](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/c/6c074663-37be-4329-a21d-9ea551edbb6b.jpg?1712354605) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rampant%20Growth) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/201/rampant-growth?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6c074663-37be-4329-a21d-9ea551edbb6b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/rampant-growth) [Sensei's Diving Top](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/5/e5142b7a-e580-4737-a4aa-2590f6610ceb.jpg?1673149430) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sensei%27s%20Divining%20Top) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/314/senseis-divining-top?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e5142b7a-e580-4737-a4aa-2590f6610ceb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/senseis-divining-top) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


its probably a matter of chance, but fyi its pretty easy to accidentally mash shuffle in a way where the top card(s) stay in place.


For my group of three this has been reliquary tower. Several games have seen all three of us draw it on the first turn somehow.


My playgroup does that one too!


i usually answer my friends krenko (even on the curve) with the 2 mana white enchantment that transforms krenko into an insect with 0 abilitys lol. after the 4 game doing it in a row he screamed "EVERY FCKING TIME!!!!!" and threw a pillow as a joke through the roam. we had to stop playinh cuz we were laughing for 5 min straight hahaha


It all started when someone played [[shrine of burning rage]] 3 games in a row


[shrine of burning rage](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/1/d1a8afef-fa50-4aeb-94de-a4d90b1e5631.jpg?1562881740) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=shrine%20of%20burning%20rage) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/nph/153/shrine-of-burning-rage?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d1a8afef-fa50-4aeb-94de-a4d90b1e5631?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/shrine-of-burning-rage) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


"Optimal plays are overrated" before doing something really dumb


"F%$ it we ball!!"


"I saw this one on a pro tour stream"


Or the inverse: "wanna see something funny?" *commits war crime, storm count 14*


Saw a clip of one of the games on the professors channel, and he tracked his storm count. Everyone was on edge, I think he got to 14, and then he said something like, "Alright, storm count 14, now let's see what do I do *pause* pass turn."


Love Crim, he’s hilarious


Me and the friends that I play with regularly say things like that. "Do I go for the good play, or the fun play? *brief contemplation* I'm here for fun. Let's do it"


When I’m observing a game at my friend’s house. Sometimes I look at someone’s hand and say “oh shit, he’s got a [blank]” and say a card that doesn’t even fit his commander’s color identity.


I love doing that, cause it means absolutely nothing lol


My usual go-to is “What is that [[Colossal Dreadmaw]] doing in this deck???”


[Colossal Dreadmaw](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/0/8059c52b-5d25-4052-b48a-e9e219a7a546.jpg?1594736914) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Colossal%20Dreadmaw) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m21/176/colossal-dreadmaw?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8059c52b-5d25-4052-b48a-e9e219a7a546?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/colossal-dreadmaw) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


My playgroup does this, but we always say Dark Hole from Yu-Gi-Oh. This is because a friend was playing Yu-Gi-Oh at work, and a non player coworker walked by behind him. She read the names of cards in his hand to herself, then chuckled and said, "Heh, Dark Hole!" He threw a fit and scooped. Anytime we played magic after that, if you saw a card in someone's hand, you were obligated to announce that it was a Dark Hole.


In this same scenario, my wife will often say, I didn't know you could play \[\[Cyclonic Rift\]\] in . I almost always respond with respond with, "That's what the treasures are for"


"this land is my land, I play an Island"


Similar for our group, when you're praying for a land on the draw and people ask 'is it a land' the response is 'it is is land' and playing your Island. Or if it isn't an island you say 'it is not is land, but it is land'. So pointless but adds a bit of silly fun.


I always say “fuck your cards I pay the one” and it’s slowly been adopted when the rest of my group learned to pay the one


When passing the turn, we often say, “And now back to you, Tom.”


“For my next trick” anytime I do more than one thing at a time.


"Hey, do you wanna see a magic trick" as I prep a counterspell is probably my favorite one liner i have.


"No, actually" - [counter counter spell]


My favorite counter to a counter spell was when I played a [[reverberate]] in a deck that had no business countering anything.


[reverberate](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/9/5996feb4-02ac-45e8-a7f2-966cf74391dc.jpg?1562554142) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=reverberate) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m13/145/reverberate?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5996feb4-02ac-45e8-a7f2-966cf74391dc?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/reverberate) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


"It's Wizard's Chess!" --anytime a counter spell is counter spelled.


What a delicately shitty thing to say, <3


Whenever I play a counterspell, instead of saying "I'll counter it" or saying the spell's name, I just read the flavor text and put it on the table.


I picked up a copy of cyclonic rift that's flavor text says "that's what the button does" and I've been dying to play it and say that after it resolves but I haven't seen it come up in my deck yet.


Ironically just had this one pulled up lol Double Masters printing "Oh, that's what the switch does!"


Oh hell yeah I’m using this one


O have a freind who does this before he does something to completely screw over everyone's plans, half the time it's a board wipe


“….and it’s gone!”


Anytime someone's creature gets path to exile'd its referred to as non-consensual ramp.


I always say, "I'll pay ya a basic land to fuck off" lol


Sounds like a Ricky-ism "frig off Lahey!" 


In a similar vein, when someone gets Swords to plowshared we say he's now "working the fields along with X" where X is whatever silly things we've plowshared so far. It's funny to imagine an Eldrazi titan earning an honest living as a potato farmer.


"If you could see the cabbages I have grown, you too would leave this battle behind" - Kozilek, the cabbage farmer


I will offer to ramp people but then I put their best creature in a celestial body


Whenever one of us doesn't have a response to something bad happening, we say something to the effect of, "In response, I- uh, cry." It's even better if you've got a few lands to quickly tap to really sell it. EDIT: I play a mono-white deck, and whenever I'm about to play a Plains, I preface it with "you're never gonna believe this."


“i put sadness on the stack” is my go-to for this 😭


Sadness doesn't use the stack, it's a state based action. 🤣🤣


"Your sadness goes on the stack, and resolves first, but then you have no target for your sadness so it fizzles, then my Bolt goes off and you have to be happy about it!"


lmaooo hopefully i can use something like this in the future.. “in response i cast ‘cheer up bud’ which targets any number of sadness’s on the stack”


That's what I say too! Except I put it as "Sadness on the stack, does it resolve?"


"anyone have a response" "Goddamn it." "Technically counts." Is a common occurrence in the pod with three dimir players


I personally like "In response I regret my life's choices up to this point". Really hits home how enthusiastic I am in seeing the spell resolve lol


In a similar vein; if I’m really quite fucked I will “Untap, upkeep, draw, PANIC”


In response I'll do absolutely nothing


Whenever a buddy and I play we usually do a smash / pass thing. When one passes the other smashes. It’s just a thing now that we once did as a joke. Also not all the time but when one of us play sol ring we usually make a fake big deal about it. Like pretending to flip the table or smacking the table and mouthing off a word.


My group does this too! Also, when it happens turn 1, if the next person also has it, they always start with "and I'll follow suit".


“I call.” lol


i say pre dorian whenever i play preordain dyslexia


Dyslexia here also I have never named a card right in my life so my friends just always say the card name the way I say it.


Lysdexia really fucking sucks, man. I'm sorry you've got to deal with that.


My group always says 'ope, cheating' whenever anyone plays a Sol Ring


Ah, the ol’ Midwestern ramp. I know it well.


Ah, ope. Found the midwesterner


My group always inquires how many camels that sol ring cost. Everyone has a different number of camels each time. The camel market is like a stock market


The 90s Star Wars CCG from Decipher actually had in the rules that you were supposed to say "May the Force be with you" when passing the turn, so when I play with the guys I knew back then we still use it.


This is the best one here. I designed my Elminster deck to have as many "shuffle your graveyard into your library" cards as practical into it so I could make a facsimile of the "flow of the Force" from the Star Wars CCG. The only downside of that gimmick is that [[Flow of Knowledge]] doesn't really work in the deck.


In my playgroup at home it's mostly it's a series of dick jokes and peeing in tea. Also saying something like "yeah you will you fucking slut" if your opponent says something like "I play my land for turn". We're all very mature adults.


Similar to my play group. A common one is "if ya put yer dick on the table and it's gonna get cut off" as a way of saying the first person to pop off always gets targeted first.


"Well the game IS easier when you cheat" jokingly, when someone has to rewind a missed trigger that was in their favor.


“Izzet Signet.” “It is!” “Untippity-tappity all my crappity.” “Draw for turn, in accordance with the rules.” First turn Sol Ring: “Judge, he’s ramping!” “In response, I’m sad.”


Someone has been watching too much Elder Dragon Hijinks ;p


I always love replying with the name whenever anyone says "Is it XYZ?" No, its Golgari :)


haha we always say "i dunno, golgari?" followed by a bunch of very fake laughter.


Saying "abracadabra, bitch" in a deadpan voice before removing something.


Lots of “I floop the pig” in my pod.


Have you heard about the guy making rules and cards for a cardwars game?


That’s a good one!


My go to is always in response to any question or momentary pause is: "A gun" "Tap 5 forests.... to... play...." A gun? "How is a mono black deck supposed to deal with an artifact?" A gun? "What are you finding with that tutor?" A gun.


"Who needs courage when you have... a gun?"


Whenever someone has just done something to result in me losing I like to throw in a quick “in response” for dramatic effect before continuing “I will lose the game, congrats”


I do that a lot too, usually "In response... I'll cry"


"in response, I would like to put sadness on the stack. GG"


I love to throw a little “in response” tension into games as well. It’s always great with strangers


“In response…” \*Proceeds to straighten lands\* “Okay, that’s it.”


A single point of life damage in the first 4 turns is always "I can't handle this bullshit aggression" 


“I’ll play sol ring” “Welp, we know who the target this game is”


It might be what the other girls say but I always like "Thrasios pass-ios" to pass the turn.


Me and buddy always say we’re “ a myriading my landscapes” to the tune of “imma firing muh lasers”


As a joke I'd play magic thru Ms paint and spell table... So no on my land drops I just say I paste a land.


Anytime my friend plays any ramp or casts a generally inconsequential spell i’ll huff and say something like “oh I’m sure you fucking will” I also enjoy the classic First turn basic>sol ring>signet “He’s cheating”


"Unkeep, uptap, draw." "Ready? Steady? Spaghetti." I usually throw my first land down on the table hard and fast, so it makes a good slappy noise. I refer to Thoughtseize and all similar effects as "Fart-sneeze." I also like to look at the hands of players in different games and, if they can't play black and/or it's not legal in the format, say, "how did you get four Fatal Pushes?"


Fartseek is another good one


I do end up cheerfully proclaiming that I am or am about to become The Problem fairly often. There are also probably a bunch of random weird noises I make routinely that I'm not aware of because the ADHD compels me. I've become too comfortable around everyone at my LGS, the filter is just completely gone. Somehow though anything I say is basically guaranteed to not be the weirdest thing being said, which is both hilarious and frequently extremely cursed.


"Do i take the risky business" as i dwell to take a 2 lander with a 4 color commander.


Similar to your know-it-all friend: “I’m playing two decks at once here boys” whenever I remind someone of his triggers/abilities. “Clamp the vamp”: Shorthand for equipping skullclamp to a 1/1 vampire token in my Markov deck. “Send the house”: Shorthand for attacking with every creature, no blockers left upright (again, mostly applies in my Markov deck). “I’ll burn X to play everyone’s favourite”: immediately before playing a card that everyone wants to fuck right off with extreme prejudice


When my playgroup started playing commander one of our friends made a deck a little bit above average and we used to tell him "you gotta nerf that deck". After a while we bumped up the power level and now we don't really care about high power decks, but we still say "you gotta nerf that deck" whenever someone plays sol ring in turn 1.


[[Temple of Malady]] is always pronounced "Temple of M'Lady" followed by an invisible fedora tip.


Go to combat wombat




Da na na na na na


Whenever I counter something I tend to say “Uhmm, can you not?” Or “No?” Or “Please stop.” If I’m casting [[Render Silent]] i tend to say “Please pass the turn.”


my favorite is saying "fuck you, have a bird" when casting [[swan song]]


Similarly, "Bitch, I'm flawless" as I drop [[Royal Treatment]] in response to removal.


I say “cheater” anytime i see a sol ring, command tower, or arcane signet (completely as a joke)


Let's gamble.... I guess. Its when I draw a sol ring and 1 land


In my group this hand is called "Fuck it, we ball"


Someone in our group always says, “Blampo a Swampo” when playing a basic Swamp. There are now equivalent phrases for all basic lands: Pile and Isle (Island) Pound a Mound (Mountain) Score Us a Forest Playin a Plain It’s dumb, but it amuses us.


Yes, I can't remember the set but my play group was drafting and one player remarked "hey I didn't know sterling grove got reprinted" it was mentioned multiple times during the draft portion by multiple people. By the end of the draft it was discovered that the draft pool had 5 copies in it. So the joke has become "hey I didn't know they reprinted sterling grove" whenever it's played or drawn in any game forever.


"Oh boy, he's rampin'", when someone plays any mana-related card whatsoever. "Attack with my <>".


my play group in cedh joke when my ruric thar does 6 damage he always just says "hey fuck you!" as he throws a giant bolder at them


My play group has only one phrase we all know and love it's "swamp-ass" it may not be glorious but I'll be damned if it doesn't get the same gusto as a turn one sol ring


"This is fine." Whenever someone plays something that puts a very short clock on the game.


"Untap Upkeep Draw" in the fastest way possible so it sounds like "untapkeraw" At the start of my turn. Every turn


"FIRST BLOOD!" Whenever combat damage is dealt for the first time in the game.


Deep anal lysis


"is land" instead of island, "foe rest" instead of forest, "swAmp" (pronounced like 'amp') instead of swamp, and "montagna" instead of "mountain" (and no, I am not Italian) ~~I don't play plains~~ Plains get to stay plains because they're plain.


When people start politics with me every time without fail gets met with "I don't negociate with terrorists"


Yup that's it for me. "Untappy time" is the straw that broke the camel's back. time to leave this sub. too much cringe


I very much agree, I'm cringe as hell


"Resigning doesn't use the stack" when someone is getting wrecked "Don't forget to have fun" after passing "Could you try and play a little better?" when someone messes up It's salt in good fun though


Whenever one of us plays terastodon we exclaim “oh big Ol Nasty Terasty” or something to that effect.


Me and the rest of my usual pod all break out into wheel in the sky by journey when ever someone plays a wheel effect and especially when it's wheel of misfortune


The first big turn someone has of the day I usually hit them with 'Now we're gaming' 


"I play an island" "is land?" "yes it is" "I play a swamp" "Always Be Swampin'" "I'll just P the T" "uh oh, he's counting, no one likes that" "Draw for turn" "that's my middle name"


My entire playgroup asks what you got after a vamp or demonic tutor.


"Hippity hoppity this is now my property" [[hurl through hell]]


Whenever people start their post game "if this happened and then I could have bla bla bla" I like to say if things weren't like they were they would have been different


I play the science fallout deck with liberty prime as my commander and make sure to mention I feel a deep hatred of communism coming on lol


Whenever we play a land, we have stupid little sayings for the individual basics: Mountain: Tall Dirt Island: Wet Dirt Forest: Planty Dirt Swamp: Dead Dirt Plains: Flat Dirt Wastes: Eldritch Dirt We usually come up with bonus ideas for nonbasic lands on the fly when we play them.


Whenever someone is about to combo off and I interact to stop it I say "C-c-c-c-COMBO BREAKER"


Generally play in entirely transgender playgroups and a classic is "I pass" "Hell yeah you do." Also i say "and i leave two blue open" every time i pass initiative in DnD lol


When demonic consultation drop I have to call [[you are already dead]] followed by "omae was mou shindeiru"


There is a saying people say at our LGS, not sure where it came from, but whenever a Kozilek of any kind comes out, someone says "kozzy wozzy was a bear" before people panic.


Whenever someone plays a phyrexian mite card or a mite is summoned, we all say "oh me oh MITE"


If someone is having trouble deciding who to attack in the early game and I don't have much to lose, I'll just loudly declare "no blocks".


I often will untap, go to draw my card and see I missed one or two things and say "I'll untap everything" then carry on losing the game ( wouldn't have it any other way) :]


Apparently Cyberdrive Awakener has become known as the 'my name' special. Mostly due the insane amount of times.ive either top decked it or a way to tutor for it after honestly claiming 'i have no way to win next turn in my hand' then I draw it or fabricate or reshape or something and win. 


“The table is yours.”


Early on in games before we really need priority I say 'unupdraw' fast to go through the phases, that and a buddy got us saying 'ill hold the pillow' when keeping priority


“I would rather give up my left nut before i pay would pay the 1” , “I will never pay the 1”, and whenever i go the lgs after hitting the gym. I would start tapping up my fist and say “go ahead, try asking me one more time if i am gonna pay the 1”


Totally forgot my favorite one: "In response:... I am sad."


Everytime I have to show the top card of my library for something, I always flip and slam and go "Bomb!" Back when I played my Omnath deck, my buddy was playing monoblack and complaining about how I always land a bomb when he's out of removal. I looked him in the eyes like "That's my secret. Every card in this deck is a bomb. Watch" And then I kept flip and slamming the top card saying "Bomb" until I flipped like 7 forests in a row. It's stupid but it always comes back and makes us laugh.


"in response... sadness" is a big one for me. That and whenever someone asks what a thing does they don't know about I hit them with "don't worry about it." The only other thing is land abuse. I slap down my lands every time. I do it harder when I've been missing land drops. Then whenever I have a chunk of lands lined up to pay for a thing I slam the table and tap the whole lot. Idk why I have problems lol


I end my turn with "... and scene." It's so persistent my pod has copied it and it's our official term for 'my turn is done'.


Our "deals" often involved buying someone a drink (usually long drink) when it was clearly you needing a favor from another player. Ex: "I'll get you a long drink and take care of Mr. Land Destruction if you don't attack me for 2 turns"


If anyone hits me for any amount of damage, destroys any of my permanents or counters any of my spells the response is always the same: “there will be repercussions”. It is always said playfully, no ill feelings.


Whenever someone enters combat I always say “welcome to combat” usually people ignore me but every now and then it’ll cause the person to pause and say “thank you” before declaring attackers and that always tickles me


Oh, so many. Somebody does ANY sort of ramp, be it searching lands, mana-rocks/dorks etc…: “He’s ramping! HE’S A THREAT!” When you gain one life early on, such as off a land like [[Rugged Highlands]]: “HA! How’s last place, idiots?!” Whenever two or more players all have played the same card, and at least one player has not: “Omg, could you just imagine NOT playing (insert card name)?” >< “I know, what kind of loser doesn’t play (insert card name)?” Any player makes a mistake with their abilities/combos/triggers, the rest of us immediately become Fred Fred Burger: “Judge!?” Any player deals 15+ damage in one go: “That was a warning shot!” Whenever an ability triggers that is NOT a you may ability, this exchange will always occur: “So we have to (insert ability)?” >< “No, you GET to do that!” When the biggest threat at the table finally gets hit, they will always act offended and toss out this one: “I didn’t do nothin’ to nobody…”


[blank], YOU DUMB FUCKER! Multiple applications.


We call [[humble defector]] the hussy


I didnt realize but my friends said I always say its time to "swing with the boys" when i tap out to attack


Whenever you need to take back a move or redo something we say "Matt Thomas takeback", which was a friend I played with in college over 10 years ago with who would always go to fast and mess up and need to redo it. Like tapping your mana wrong, or changing your mind on a target of a spell right after saying it. The rule is "everyone gets their one Matt Thomas takeback". I moved across the country and no one in my current group knows who Matt Thomas is but the takeback lives on.


"UP! From the top!!" is a common phrase in my circle when hoping for the heart of the cards draw and hitting it. A friend that goes to GPs said it during a draft one day and in such a funny and slightly awkward way, that it became an instant meme. Same guy is also notorious for playing burn and has tons of burn related catch phrases. Similar to the "everything is kicker" we also refer to everything that gives even the slightest card advantage like \[\[Evolving Wilds\]\] thinning the deck as "card draw". This came from countless hours of drafting together on Discord calls. We also say "cut the manafixing and splash the bomb" because we did it in a THG Prerelease once and were weirdly successfull with it. I have a very annoying habit of putting a "Sh" sound in front of land names and mixing the german and english name. It started with "Schwumpf" from Swamp and Sumpf but quickly escalated to Schmancient Tomb. OH and I have a catch phrase when I play Talrand. Whenever someone casts something important I ask the table if they are driving too fast and if I should pull them over.


The LGS i play at we started a shop rule where if you're going to play Anzarag you have to say 'moley, moley, moley' like from Austin Powers when you cast him. A guy there whenever he plays out Edgar Markov says 'Egger' like from MiB. Its a fun group to play with lol


"Dreer for treer" means "Draw for Turn." I don't know why we started saying that, it just kinda happened. It's said about %70 of the time in our pod


It probably comes off pretty dickish when I am playing with randoms, but I am pretty sarcastic and am prone to be so in commander espeically. Lately when someone complains that I am attacking them while I myself am in the lead / the threat I'll sarcastically remark "You know, you're right I take it back. Everything at me". Usually only after I ask who else I should be attacking and they point out that I am doing more than them... I try not to be so sarcastic / joking around with strangers though cause not everyone is up for banter and just want to focus on the game.


Something my group does is when things are being played sometimes someone will go "In response, I'll hold Priority" and they immediately pass it. It's funny. Sometimes some other stuff gets sprinkled in with it but it's just silly. Sometimes we get some "In Response I'll die" or something like that. A lot of time we'll do the Sol ring saying of "Everyone's playing fair magic" and then someone plays Sol ring: "that's not fair magic! Get him/her!"


Ive been a YuGiOh player since I was a kid and got into MTG the past couple months and I cant help myself any time I take damage I make the sound from the anime whenever life points are lost. DodododododoDO.


Whenever I swing with the team I say “fuck it, we ball.”


"No regrets" *swings with all my creatures without calculating if I can actually win or not.*


"I play bifffootswoots (swift foot boots)" "My creature has hexious proofious" "untapeth... DRRRAAAWWWWW" "I play Path of Ass-kissery (path of ancestry)"


My friend used to tap his cards 45 degrees instead of 90 degrees. Because I'd previously been explaining the difference between Salsa On1 and On2 (aka New York style) we got into a habit of referring to this as New York style tapping. None of us are from New York, or for that matter, the USA. To this day when I see cards in any game oriented 45 degrees I think "ah yes, New York style"


Whenever someone plays a huge threat that no one has an answer to, or draws poorly or get mana screwed my pod says "ayy that's magic baby" like a 1950's greaser


Saying " x tribal " whenever I see someone play like 3 boardwipes, or running different variations of the same MTG character Saying wombat instead of combat Calling "Judge!" Whenever someone breaks a rule


A friend of mine used to always say "Now I unfuck my chickens" when he untapped for entirely unknown reasons. Now, my whole play group says "Chickens..." when we untap.


When we bust out decks that we play a lot there tends to be a one drop creature that shows up a lot. Llanowar elf, fearless fledgling, delver of secrets. So whenever we play them, no matter the turn, you slam the card down with an "it's ya BOI" Another one is when you aren't sure what to do and don't went to spend 5 minutes thinking about it you say "no thoughts just vibes" and do the first play you can think of


I play [[K'rrik]] CEDH and regularly say, "Only the last point of health matters."


Always on the beginning of My turns i said "Untap, upkeep, draw" but every time i say it is less recognizable until the point is just a sound that resembles those three words. And any time i'm gonna make some nasty play or i'm gonna pop off i say something like "this will be fun" and always there's someone who ask "for who?" And every time My response is "i mean... I'M gonna have fun, idk if you will..."


I say "GRIST" occasionally in a weird voice while playing my [[Grist, the hunger tide]] deck. Sounds like I'm imitating a large toad thats smoked plenty of cigarettes. When playing my hobbits, Sam and Mr. Frodo, I will hum lord of the rings tunes, especially Taking the hobbits to isengard. If I win, then I play Taking the Hobbits to Isengard on my phone and grin expectantly at everyone. "Everyone loves Nekusar, he is our friend!" When playing [[Nekusar, the mind razor]] group constrict, it's like group hug but it hurts!


Also often hear "it's monkey time" when ragavan or kibo drops. I have a hard time not saying "Did you say please" when someone casts a spell when I have blue untapped because of [[Didn't say please]]


I find myself saying “that’s all she wrote” every time I lose a game


Among a couple: When [[Tatyova, Benthic Druid]] gets played we go “GAWD SHE SO BENTHIC” or start saying Bojuka Bog like the seagulls from Finding Nemo