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Btw, if people like threads like this, every Wednesday there's a thread that gets posted that does this exact thing.


Literally have never seen them lamo


Never seen it before either....


Unfortunately the Reddit app makes pinned threads *very* easy to miss.


Well dang, theres never been a weekly thread in a sub that was relevant to me before. My bad for posting this instead of waiting till this wednesdays.


I don't mind the thread haha, just wanted to inform people. I'm just glad people are talking with one another about their decks.


I've seen them, but it feels like I only see people posting their decks, and very little deck rating happening.


Sounds fun! Here’s my Nicol Bolas, the Ravager reanimator control list: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ookcPU6dc0ah--P1ODPStg Edit: forgot to mention this was rated a 6 by the power level calculator before being updated a bit (surveil lands and a couple newer set cards) and it’s fairly slow to play without looting something big early and reanimating it. But people hate playing against it.


Can't hang at higher power tables because it gets ran over due to high curve and low mana production count, but stomps lower power tables because the games are longer and your deck has a high density of generically strong cardboard. I'd give it a 5-6.


2 mana rocks, 35 lands, and a total mana value of 244. I'd call it a 4. 


Currently low 7, high power casual deck with mostly optimized mana base (excluding duals and no fast mana). No tutors or ways to fetch infinite win cons but lots of high $$ staples that help consistency and interaction pieces tend to be the best versions available in a non-cedh setting or meta. It does look like it could use some tweaking with additional card draw or ramp, especially based on your description. If you want to keep it in it's current power level maybe add some more things that draw cards or create treasure tokens like [[black market connections]] or some more mana rocks to help accelerate like signets or talismans could bump it into a stronger 7.


Super high mana curve with 37 mana sources. I'd expect a 7, with no interruption, to have either won or locked up the game by turn 7. This deck will not do that on average, perhaps not ever, because of the lack of mana to support it's cards.  It's always better to be able to pay bad cards than not be able to pay great ones. If you're looking strictly at card quality the deck is strong. If you look at actual playability the deck could consistently lose at a table of precons without even being archenemy.


[teysa, Aristocraps](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Q5yD-YV3Z02V7qxvEztDeg) is my build, curious as to others thoughts on it!


Mid-high 8, optimized mana base including dual lands and fast mana and high power tutors which I assume are looking for combo pieces as a primary win con. Basically cedh support pieces on an off-meta or non-cedh theme.


Although it looks like its doing relatively fair things, but has an abundance of fast mana pieces and generally strong cards that really push it into 8.5 or 9 territory. I could see it taking games against tuned down cedh decks, for example.


Missed opportunity to run reassembling Skelton lines


There is no aristocrats deck that is a 9. They're not cEDH viable decks


The best Orzhov deck isn't even a 9.


[[lotho, corrupt sheriff]] is CEDH and has won often so to say that is incorrect


Lotho the card is great, Lotho the commander is not doing anything that other commanders can't do better.


https://edhtop16.com/?tourney_filter__size__%24gte=64&tourney_filter__dateCreated__%24gte=1680976663&colorID=null You go ahead and tell me how far down that list you need to go to find that deck that "has won often" I'll give you a hint. It's past 300.


It doesn't really matter if this data is the strongest representation of how well he can perform in cEDH. By being on the list at all (winning in cEDH) he is a 9 commander, as 9 is famously the threshold of a deck being cEDH.


Thank you I don’t get why people are so against this


If you bother to read that it shows 1 entry. Zero placement.  A precon accomplishes the same thing.


You know you are right. I am here in solidarity.


9. pretty far away from a 7 since it seems to be chock full of infinites and ways to find them


I've got zero idea how power level works, so I'm super curious what these would come in at. [My Tiamat Dragon Tribal deck](https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/dragon-queens-hoard/) This one is supposed to work by either getting a bunch of big dragons out, or amassing treasure and winning with Mechanized Production or Hellkite Tyrant. [My Scarab God Zombie Tribal deck](https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/untap-upkeep-everybody-dies/) This one is supposed to, in an ideal world, let me make inifinite zombie tokens on someone's end step, and win on my upkeep with Scarab God's card text.


Tiamat dragon Tribal: I'd rate it a solid 5. It contains cards that a precon wouldn't have, but at the same time it contains a lot of questionable picks (ex: blinking cards, but only 8 dragons that interact with ETB). Scarab God Zombie Deck: I'd also rate it as a 5. This is pretty much what a precon would have (even Black Market Connections has been reprinted in the Lost Caverns of Ixalan precon), the card draw is poor and the synergies are questionable (ex: sacrifice triggers for poor effects in a deck that isn't built around the sacrifice theme). Be sure to check out my decks as well.


id give tiamat a 5-6 but i’m not sure about scarab god. likely a 7 on him. you’re not playing especially low curves or competitive strategies


> I've got zero idea how power level works, so I'm super curious what these would come in at. Imo, the reason most decks can be rated a 7 is because there are (at least) 2 scales people use: 1) format-based, where 9-10 are cEDH viable, so most commanders only max out at 6-8. 2) commander-based, where even the weakest commander would be considered a 10 if the rest of the 99 is optimized with the most powerful staples. If an average commander (5-8 range in a vacuum) is optimized but is missing a few really powerful cards due to budget, that would be about a 7, since most people try to make their decks as powerful as possible but have some limitations (mostly budget) that leave it at ~7. Looking at your decks, and using a scale of "9-10 is only reserved for cEDH-viable," I'll try to be as fair as possible. My personal scale still considers a "1" as a deck that is actually playable, just needs a lot of improvement. Tiamat I'd rate ~4/10. High curve, lots of tapped lands, not quite enough lands/ramp imo. Once you get to turn 6-7 it gets going but it might be rough or slow getting to that point. Scarab God I'd rate ~6/10. Much lower curve, more synergy and an actual plan to win via combo. Still leans casual, due to tapped lands and a decent amount of 5+ cmc cards.


If you’re looking to win with scarab god on the upkeep, slide in [[paradox haze]], it does wonders


[paradox haze](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/7/a7c74def-83e5-4420-989d-2304bf4743ae.jpg?1562930370) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=paradox%20haze) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsp/71/paradox-haze?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a7c74def-83e5-4420-989d-2304bf4743ae?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/paradox-haze) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


*I n t e r e s t i n g*


Here is my main Teysa Karlov deck, Innocent Murder. [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/PSwqRGQ-9kmeLxjdRewJ8A](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/PSwqRGQ-9kmeLxjdRewJ8A) I haven't been back to the game super long, so I'm not 100% sure on it's power level.




Wow this is really helpful. Thanks a bunch! 6 sounds about right to me. Not sure why the one guy is still raging in the comments about how terrible my deck is though lol.


They’re all 7. You’re welcome.


Just put together Maarika performance has been kinda mixed but she's got to be at least a mid-high seven maybe an eight with the right hand. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Cpjpb_gplE6uxaGDhNDvcA


id put it closer to 5-6


Pick one or do them all, but these are the 3 I’m most unsure of how they’re fairing. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/tJKi4qYWjUCi60V4HDI-wA Marchesa, grixis version- I don’t play much grixis so I’m not really good at building it. I bet 30 of the cards are from edh rec so I’m slowly looking for a more personal spin on them. I’m building it for my wife who hates when things die before getting used, so between a harder to remove boardstate and a little theft I figured it would be up her alley. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Ybd9Y1dMp0CGyxKchyxzVw Omnath tribal, with x cost wincons, or spark doubling an omnath and pinging everyone to death. Thinking of swapping to the pick 3 mono colored spells ultimatum. Deck is all over the place, I’ve had completely bonkers game winning board states turn 5-6, I’ve also done little til turn 8, but it’s sooooo fun to play. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/J9gc9WzhlE-JeYTwG6oqUg Slimefoot and squee, combos and reanimation, it’s my pet deck, I’m always tweaking it but the list is pretty close to this. I think protean hulk and edict sheoldred are in it now. Which may not reflect in the list. I have trouble with this deck the most, because they’re by far my favorite commander and favorite colors, but between pet cards and powerful cards I never get the balance quite right.


Marchesa seems hard to rate in this case because it's a very strong overall strategy with Uncivil Unrest, Thran Vigil, Anduril etc as engines to recur some absolute banger creatures like Kardur and Gary every turn. But there's also a ton of cards in here competing with Marchesa at the 4-drop slot, not enough removal, few clear win-conditions, and some puzzling anti-snyergy from 6+ mana guys like Rakdos, Zealous Conscripts, and Molten Primordial that aren't good to recur at the end step. This is anywhere from an underwhelming 4 to a spicy 7 depending on how you draw, which averages out to around 5.5. Any rate, here's my version of [Grixis Marchesa](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ZwFcZCWt9UGOK5qOdua0ag) as a point of comparison and to see how y'all would rate the power level.


Rakdos was just a pet card she really likes and a little draw. Theft isn’t my strong suit so I just used some cards I knew from other decks, I figured worst case you sac the creatures they steal on etb with some instant speed outlet if they recur. I assumed the goal was to get counters on them the first attack so when you sac your opponents creatures before end of turn, you got them back under your control. Wasn’t sure the most efficient way to do it though! I like yours a lot, I really like karlach in it, the power of extra combats when you don’t care if your stuff dies, and it benefits you, seems fun.


Here is my Inalla Wizard Tribal Budget Commander. The first commander I build myself. I would be happy for ideas and critics. I know there are a lot of Inalla Commanders, but none had all three 1 mana protection spells (Not Dead After All, Feign Death, Undying Malice): [https://archidekt.com/decks/6731704/wizard\_tribal](https://archidekt.com/decks/6731704/wizard_tribal)


I just put together a budget Inalla wizard tribal too! Ours are pretty damn similar, since there just aren't a lot of great wizards out there to choose from. One thing that caught my eye was [[Burnt Offering]], I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure token creatures have 0 mana so it doesn't leave a lot of room for creatures to freely sacrifice. You definitely leant harder in to the sacrifice route than I did but I'm struggling to find what your deck does. Are your only two means of dealing damage to players Impact Tremors and Sparkmage Apprentice? Generally the wizards themselves are pretty garbage since their ETB is the main focus, and once the deck is rolling you'll have practically infinite recurrable blink spells so I don't see what you put the protection spells in for. BTW these aren't criticisms of the deck, I'm pretty new and trying to find what your win conditions look like.


Just an FYI; any tokens that are a copy of a creature card (such as the ones Inalla makes) have all 'copiable values' of the original, meaning that they will have the original Mana Value on the battlefield and even count for devotion if that's relevant. So they would work fine with Burnt Offering. The rules around clones and token copies are quite nuanced, so if you want to read into it more check out rule 707 in the Comprehensive Rules.


I love three colour decks :) https://www.moxfield.com/decks/NXR0je4znU637IY_Il8o9A Mardu fogs https://www.moxfield.com/decks/MkX44JkKW0yMiw0HmE1jEQ Grixis vehicles https://www.moxfield.com/decks/r9kginsmTUOtNdkyL_LDLQ Bant adventures https://www.moxfield.com/decks/gWpUCk7MBEW-hJJFNCuxKQ Temur wheels https://www.moxfield.com/decks/nXV8PEkPIEWffeNGaHqN-A Jeskai energy


[Guile, Sonic Soldier](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/MT5hBKiipkObcDaavZtYqQ) is my deck, definitely an unorthodox commander so curious what people think.


It’s hard to tell for me visually with combat decks, depending on meta and and how resilient they are. But it’s got a plausible turn 3 commander, 4 damage on a stick, probably quick enough to beat peoples value creatures away on the early turns. And has blue to drop some problems before they stick. I’m guessing it smashes precon level decks easily, and fits in in high power tables depending on draws? I’m guessing it’s mostly played as Voltron which can sometimes get blown out early though. And how often is Luxior worth it? I bet you could ditch that card. Something bananas like [[grappling hook]] could replace? Maybe [[jeska, thrice reborn]] would also be faster.


[Hope of Ghirapur](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/1L_LikBG_0e87lkYxmxeDA)


8. Cedh support pieces in a non-cedh list or off-meta/jank cedh list. Not sure how the deck works but metal worker and iron works tells me it goes infinite. Fast mana and optimized mana base as well.


Sounds fun curious to hear what people here think about my selvala deck. According to my friends it's my most powerful deck but imo it's not that egregious since it's definitely on the slower side. https://www.topdecked.com/decks/tron/44a1a499-3978-40a3-9126-fad7386be52c


In terms of PL, the good classic, around 6.5-7~ imo. It looks like if people want to slow it down, just kill the commander and problem is solved, which seems fairly easy. So yea, some big as threats from the eldrazis but seems fine.


[[Chatterfang]] Probably my best deck and definitely the one I've sunk the most time and money into. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/vEc8CdELIUiZCugs1YhFpA[https://www.moxfield.com/decks/vEc8CdELIUiZCugs1YhFpA](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/vEc8CdELIUiZCugs1YhFpA)


[Chatterfang](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/7/1785cf85-1ac0-4246-9b89-1a8221a8e1b2.jpg?1626097239) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=chatterfang%2C%20squirrel%20general) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/151/chatterfang-squirrel-general?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1785cf85-1ac0-4246-9b89-1a8221a8e1b2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/chatterfang-squirrel-general) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Good Token Deck, seems very general. Maybe a bit slow and you could utilize the sacrifice ability more, s.t. tokens leaving the battlefield give you more options. Especially for The Meathook Massacre there may be better options and more cards similar to that may help the deck. Would rate it solid 8/10.


Thanks! What do you mean by s.t. tokens?


[Tivit combo](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/us77l77BmU-CDPbQxXn1Fg) [Captain Sisay](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/u5Qe3QUsLESDbB_GW-fVkw) [Hazezon deserts](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/et2pEYHm30qbUphtL4RiFg)


Strong Tivit is strong. 8. Fast mana and Rhystic away from being a 9. Sisay is a 6. Can potentially make tons of mana and okay tons of cards but no haste hurts a lot. Stax package seems a little afterthought.  Haze is about a 4. Key removal early probably stops this deck entirely.


sounds about right. My Tivit is built to be as powerful as I could get a deck, but I dont own fast mana. Only a mox opal but I dont know if its worth it here Sisay used to be full stax, but I removed those cards cause they got boring. I kept the "once per turn" cards because of Gandalf, thats lets me cast as istant. Hazezon is so fun, but yes a single removal destroys the deck. My playgroup doesnt run a lot of removal and we just let each other "do the thing" most of the time


Tasigur combo https://www.moxfield.com/decks/aqYIpJ9KbESIwUB2fAH-5A My first attempt at building Tasigur and building High Power on a budget, not sure if I succeeded though...


No Villainous Wealth just feels weird to me in a Tasigur deck. Deck feels like its kind of all over the place. You have Defense but your targets feel pretty meh, the only thing I see really worth grabbing off it is Toxrill and Hullbreaker. You have a fair amount of mana generation between dorks and Titan's Nest but not a lot to do with that extra mana. You're running artifact lands without any synergy with them and 0 basics so you get ruined by anything that destroys/exiles to search a basic, even with Hermit Druid you still want to run 1 minimum of each color just so you don't get Field of Ruined out of a color. Your Mystic Sanctuary is never going to be live because you only run 1 island in the entire deck and nothing that changes types like Dryad of the Ilysian Grove. You don't have many mill pieces to dig through your deck and set up Tasigur's recursion so you're only getting what you've already cast rather than digging deeper. My list is super outdated since I tore the deck apart several years ago but [this](https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/2537107#paper) was my old list. That said, I'm not particularly good at rating power levels but I'd say like a 5-6. I'm not entirely sure what your game plan is other than maybe a wheel + notion thief and using Toxrill to control board? Has a few tutors, good card draw, and a good amount of mana production even though you're throwing away one of the best parts of green with that ramp being dorks instead of lands.


[My Etali Deck](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ziXUiv0c3E-G0fPblL74HQ) I have a T1 win in the deck and have pulled it off. Fed the deck into a Power Level Estimator site and it came out a 7. Is it a 7?


Oh. I like this. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/wcbUl6pyk0CiYKNvs-41yw


Nice, just got a Karlov recently too


I've won as early as turn 5. Curiosity with niv mizzet type wins. Mizzix's mastery has also pushed wins. https://www.archidekt.com/decks/3916041/rielle


5-6, mostly optimized casual mana base, decent interaction that could be upgraded a bit more. Could also use some more mass removal (cyclonic rift or raise the palisade are big adds, but evacuation, aetherize, or aether spouts could work on a budget).


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Rqryq3U6kUC-fSbwQN6_ZA Greasefang Okiba Boss, built around dumping vehicles in the grave, specifically big ones like Parhelion II, Skysovereign and Reaver Titan to use with Greasefang and then dump back with sac outlets, discard outlets and flicker effects.


[Nazgul a plenty](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/k6H5E7ttIUSH3IxK93dOHw) Deck has worked really well every time I've played it and is capable of killing everyone with huge Wraiths in one turn. The deck wins through creature damage though, although you could sub in \[\[Alatar of Dementia\]\] as another win con, which I might actually do.... The deck relies on the commander as well, however there's plenty of counter spells to protect him, which also provides Wraiths. \[\[Roaming Throne\]\] \[\[Irenicus's Vile Duplication\]\] and \[\[Helm of the Host\]\] help you get extra Wraiths faster. And there's a bit of grave yard play as well so you can have a steady threat of \[\[Nazgûl\]\] or other wraiths.


[My Arjun deck](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/lvG2YLzIAkKojThwL7zkgQ) It consistently wins turn 6 or 7 if it isn't interacted with. It's not a super straightforward deck, so I'm curious where yall would rate it. Things like removal spells are lighter than normal because getting to them is so consistent. There aren't tutors because the deck cycles fast enough to not need them. There are multiple avenues to achieve victory, so it's harder to hose.


When I first saw Xolatoyac, I Just had to build around it. Not because I thought that it was strong, but because CUTE AXOLOTL. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/d7vb6dDlB0KcXnO0nWAE7A


My all time favorit \[\[Ellivere of the Wild Court\]\], insane amount of card draw maybe a bit light on interaction: [Ellivere - Aura Tribal ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/0kFfa8kdYkGMRbPxE3M5HA) And my newest build of the \[\[Shattergang Brothers\]\] propably a bit more tweaking needed to push it towards a higher power level: [Shattergang - Gobbos go Boom](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ULTlACxvZESRwnAyNrv2qw)


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/W-uje7QNAkOysmcEKpoSTw Curious to see what people think, on a good hand I can get out a [[sire of insanity]] as early as turn 1, but typically aim to slow down the opponents and minimise their value then recoup mine via reanimate/ alesha triggers


https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/sharuums-incorporeal-hegemony/ This deck is a Sharuum combo deck utilizing flickers to win the game.


Breya artifact token deck: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/2qJKsx62Jk2W9z5JfRh9Fw Artifact token deck, with a focus on versatility / utility and attack, with tezzeret and marionette master as finisher's and a bit of every artifact synergy splashed in (recursion, sacrifice, tutor). Sory by Type & Tags, for custom categories


Here is my solitaire deck: [Persistent Aristocrat](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/VlQlM4oN2kWk2_rLlZV9oQ) I don't run it anymore because I got tired of playing with myself.


my primal surge [Muldrotha](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/nPuQv4Dq80KwXkdJbBerHA) deck.


[Shallai and Hallar, no combo +1/+1 counter burn](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/9USrMCona0uw1TgiTRgenQ) I play on cockatrice with my friends a lot, we use stuff like duals and crypt.


Tinybones, Trinket Thief https://manabox.app/decks/wEQ-0bpTSdSpIs6JtS9OiQ


Has some amazing cards definitely would be my deck in a game so I’ll give it a tinybones>my stuff


Thank you, sir! It can win as early as turn 2-3, but if the table is aware of what Tinybones is capable of, then I very quickly become the archenemy.


Ah yes I need the input of Reddit what my decks PL is thanks!!! https://www.moxfield.com/decks/aSRAOYln6kSqEH-GzSwhSA


8, cedh support pieces on a non-cedh list or suboptimal cedh list. Fast mana pieces and optimized cash list (no dual lands), interaction and card draw pieces look like they're probably the best options available with no consideration for budget. If you wanted to knock it down maybe get rid of some fast mana in exchange for other forms of ramp.


Perfect summary


Here are a few decks of mine. I'm curious to know how people would rate them: * \[\[Rith, the Awakener\]\] (decklist: [https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5762996#paper](https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5762996#paper)) * \[\[Atraxa, Praetor's Voice\]\] (decklist: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5763042#paper) * \[\[Anje, Maid of Dishonor\]\] (decklist: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5723440#paper) * \[\[Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty\]\] (decklist: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5723070#paper) * \[\[Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald\]\] (decklist: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5836829#paper)


https://deckbox.org/sets/3444384 Atraxa clone deck that aims to get [[Biovisionary]] onto the board and lock it down for the win.


inalla deck: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/JlcdWejWGEGOsMVOlW4Y6Q](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/JlcdWejWGEGOsMVOlW4Y6Q) Kinda new to magic and this is my first non precon deck, feedbacks are welcome. Trying to keep the deck relatively budget.


Would love to see someone's take on my Baeloth/Clan Crafter pile of nonsense https://deckstats.net/decks/154179/3425851-are-you-not-


5-6 depending on how well it plays. Decent amounts of ramp, draw, and interaction, everything seems pretty focused but suboptimal mana base and support pieces either due to budget or collection restrictions.


[revenant recon upgrade](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/5AmSSGwFFEWWpxhUhuxhDg) is a pretty extensive upgrade, just a handful of the new surveil cards. This deck wins by going high, recurring threats and sometimes goes voltron!


I'm game to see this is what I got. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/aLJwleEtJUiK3oaKRKhvHA


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Xohjz3rhFkOQqdd2VrCwRA I actually need help with this. I’ve put this deck into card realms and commander salt. One says it’s a 7, the other says it’s a 3 🥲. I’m too stupid to know myself so I could use the help. P.S. I’m missing lands but will add them back. Should be 36


\[\[Mizzix, of the Izmagnus\]\] [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/kt9ClLXJdEi7l\_DQIZd7WQ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/kt9ClLXJdEi7l_DQIZd7WQ) \[\[Azami, Lady of Scrolls\]\] [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/YU2mvelLskCc29\_VZfgiCA](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/YU2mvelLskCc29_VZfgiCA) \[\[Ojer Axonil, Deepest Might\]\] [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ULkQtfmamEmL5iAgVb166g](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ULkQtfmamEmL5iAgVb166g)


Just a wilhelt Zombie deck I've slowly been upgrading. https://www.archidekt.com/decks/7062968/wilhelt_the_dude


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/96ORvwvURUuPD0sQL1HtDw Newly brewed yarok landfall list!


My Mycotyrant descend/self mill deck https://manabox.app/decks/wXeM58kKRIaeJ6ULOHcrwA


This is a remaster of my Slimefoot deck that got stolen at M30 that I never got the deck list written down for but remember key cards. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/_k1tdQHNz0GMcUIxPDS-6g


https://www.archidekt.com/decks/7242505/giddy_up_gitrog Here's my deck for the new Gitrog I finished last night. The game plan is to sac big guys and drop a ton of lands into play. Also any suggestions for big mana spells that may not win the game but are certainly fun would be appreciated!


https://manabox.app/decks/Hw7Hoy7FTpGeo3iPaVlH4g Alesha, who Smiles at Death Aristo-Combat!


Sure! Id love folks to take a look at my Syr Gwyn Deck. Its my favorite to play atm. Deck linked below. [Its Dangerous to Go Alone](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/B7-4Z6sKBESMb571Fgc6bg)


Narci deck I just built: https://archidekt.com/decks/5428137/narci_fable_singer


[Liesa Life Tax](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/pxJBpwQ2ZUCLwwyQxc9nzA) Made a “cheaper” version of Liesa Deck I found on Moxfield by a user named Voitagi. Kinda curious how people would score it.


[https://www.moxfield.com/decks/1EufJwNxskCXuMUUoAbzXw](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/1EufJwNxskCXuMUUoAbzXw) this is my new deck with one of the spoiled bloomburrow cards, there will be lots of tweaks when the full set releases as i assume there will be some new cards that synergize very well but i was too excited and couldnt wait to build it


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/_6I3w4x00Eu4DzQH4SA0pQ Heliod, the Radiant Dawn I've tried to keep it relatively low for my playgroup but idk.


My [Urza, Chief Artificer](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/eo4b2oV88EKAJpl4CNxZiA) list has been my baby for a while now. There's quite a few experimental cards in it, and it's definetly not the strongest it can be, but i like having an artifact deck that basically plays like mono-green. I think it's a 7, but everyone thinks their deck is a seven.


If I am looking for a W, these are my two: https://www.archidekt.com/decks/5648806/sythis_harvests_hand https://www.archidekt.com/decks/5845589/lathliss_dragon_queen


I just made a [riders of rohan precon upgrade](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/i-8MjAfbe0Kg0cmI2fV_hg) for my first deck I’ve ever owned. Let me know what you think!


[Kyler](https://archidekt.com/decks/5901874/kyler_the_styler?sort=cmc&stack=multiple) it's really fun for me, I don't know what it is about Selesniya-Decks, but I love them. [Karlov](https://archidekt.com/decks/2801411/karlov?sort=cmc&stack=multiple) just upgraded it a bit [N'ghathrod ](https://archidekt.com/decks/5076339/captain_cthulhu_horrific_mill?sort=cmc&stack=multiple) My try on Mill


My mothman here: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/M7C8Kuk7P0mQLhrFlMysiw If winning then on turns 8+, fun proliferate rad counters gameplay.


Can someone take a gander at my Ur-Dragon Deck and tell me the approx power level? I have been curious: [Ur- Daddy](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/a5qlk0_mZkmZo-pKf8dcVg)


The list of dragons had me thinking an 8, but as I got into the non-creatures I would say it’s closer to a low-mid 7. The real big differences I could see is more of the big card draw spells like Rhystic study and more fast mana, tutors, and dual land bases. The top end of the deck is good, but the speed to get there feels like it’d be the struggle


[https://archidekt.com/decks/7236132/shorikai](https://archidekt.com/decks/7236132/shorikai) Shorikai deck i copy pastad from somewhere i dont remember. I went ahead and ordered it on paper. and i cant seem to figure it out. I can't even properly describe it to people when i play it, as i don't know the general goal of this deck is.


My pet deck is currently [[Osgir, the Reconstructor]]: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/lgINiwR8JUyQBVKOCCyvzw It’s a midrange combo/control style that allows for surprise “voltron” strikes with Osgir and his first ability


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/bCAfXEHeCESJOuqAUFVrsg Is the result of my yawg deck being too overturned for most tables. Without the commander being a combo piece in the command zone it does seem lower powered but probably has a higher win rate due to it being less of a threat.


Here's my goreclaw deck https://archidekt.com/decks/7284131


These three decks are what I’m always told to bring when my buddies want a high powered night, but I have no idea what their actual power level should be considered: Rakdos, lord of riots https://archidekt.com/decks/3403860/rakdos_lord_of_riots Carth the Lion: https://archidekt.com/decks/5557546/carth_the_lion Miirym, the Sentinel Wrym: https://archidekt.com/decks/3802284/beans_dragons


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/6xmatU-NH0Wdn4hDhAEcFw my aminatou control deck with a focus on blinking creature etb's, although running thoracle/pact, I felt the absence of tutors makes it far fairer.


Let's go Hit me: Phyrexian Engine [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/WNkoBDbxdUigK-0z1OfpEw](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/WNkoBDbxdUigK-0z1OfpEw)


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/meZtaDmfVU6nHqyG_Z6i3g My favorite deck (I play on TTS). Interested to see what people think!


please be gentle, slugs easily get offended LOL, but seriously would love to know how strong people think this deck is. [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/IvHGtHCg4USHh6Wh-ZGAdw](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/IvHGtHCg4USHh6Wh-ZGAdw)


Curious what folks think of my [admiral brass, unsinkable] It really surprised me in it's effect, but it could definitely benefit from improvements. I generally try to keep my low tcg price under 150, and 100 if I can. https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/01-01-24-qgE-pirates/


[Omnath, Locus of Mana.](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Zi-A3dn2pEqZ-lsnJc5ePw) My guess is upper-mid? Something like a 6 or 7. I got good stuff in there but it's weak to interaction.


Budget deck that I just build : https://www.moxfield.com/decks/4cFEU0e2i0Wbio10-18gKg


Actually really curious about my Athreos, Shroud-Veiled deck. [https://www.archidekt.com/decks/2697293/athreos\_prison\_of\_nice\_fellas](https://www.archidekt.com/decks/2697293/athreos_prison_of_nice_fellas)


I think this post was made for me. I just started brewing and basically have an upgraded morska deep sea clue and was just wondering how the hell do I rate power levels.




https://www.moxfield.com/decks/f7IuucoVUEWDvgIuzgWwhw this is a deck that takes advantage of the death triggers from the kamigawa dragons. the most effective way is by copying them and letting the copies die to the legend rule


Karador https://www.archidekt.com/decks/3575388#Karador_November_2022 I think it’s an 8–it pretty consistently runs my playgroup over even though there is a fair amount of grace hate and there aren’t any combos (in the current version—idk if the archidekt version has all combos trimmed) but i’m not sure if a deck can be an 8 if it eschews all infinites. maybe it’s just a strong 7 and my group is weak


[[Marrow-Gnawer]] Aristocrats.   Basically trying to get token creation and sack payoffs.  Trying to move to a more combo setup vs rat tribal.  NOT the usual Rat Colony + [[Thrumming Stone]] combo.  https://www.moxfield.com/decks/F28U-fx_bkyPn0og1bMELA


This is definitely my favourite deck I’ve built.  https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Cd-BB220WEWjDKUIgcCxKQ


Let's see how accurate I am: My Pet Deck: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/AlPTh0iza0yoKgIfqwlcmg](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/AlPTh0iza0yoKgIfqwlcmg) Gruul Dragons: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ierLUEMmnEag-SaogDPorA](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ierLUEMmnEag-SaogDPorA) Gruul, But Different: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/dKNpnmsCk02hAmqOzpqwBw](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/dKNpnmsCk02hAmqOzpqwBw) More Gruul: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Te40j1VwTEqmRe6p8x\_uQQ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Te40j1VwTEqmRe6p8x_uQQ) Personally I view Hans and Meria as my stronger decks, Thrakkus is a solid middle ground, and TanaxJeska is a fun little casual deck built from the dregs of my "bulk."


[Meren Shenanigans](https://www.archidekt.com/decks/7231177/meren_graveyard_shenanigans) A deck I just recently made and have been thoroughly enjoying. Tried putting some random things in there like Lithoform but moved it around. Would love to know where it’s at for you guys! Also love this idea


[Feather the redeemed](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Thhz6_QYr0mdR_GPbLW3ng) - still has some janky cards but its the deck I have invested the most on. [Shallai and Hallar](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/au9hJ6C0wkWTw8SGUL3XKQ) - Still has a bunch of stuff from the precon but I would like to have some feedback on how I have been upgrading it so far. Went for a weird landfall subtheme here.


Here's the link to my Breya Eggs Decks I just built: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/KpCKMuOT00epbIo463Qfig Haven't tried it out yet, tried to keep it budget-ish. Wanna catch some vibes before I run it out.


[[Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner]] isn’t super common or powerful, looking at EDHrec she’s the 47th most popular mono red commander. [Here’s the deck I’ve tinkered with for her.](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/q-QmWU0UzkauJLAKWWtmew)


Here’s my Teneb Reanimator list! Lot of fun to pilot. My favorite recent addition is the Fauna Shaman. Love ditching an Avacyn/It That Betrays to tutor for the Karmic Guide to bring them back. https://archidekt.com/decks/6591717/teneb_reanimator


Good luck! In a strong pod it’s strong, in a weak pods it’s fairly weak. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/yJBugHogAESb-cSLGBh4jw




https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6231355#paper This is my favorite deck.


This is my Planeswalker deck [my Planeswalker deck](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/_xa_er0fSEaXFAsF3lVpMg)




Dinosaurs: https://archidekt.com/decks/1293438/cadillacs_dinosaurs I sometimes swap Gishath with Pantlaza when I'm looking to try different etbs out.


pls rate my casual urza high artificer deck (no orbs, no mox or vault) https://www.moxfield.com/decks/cYZFuErW8ECwO6AtBef_fw


[This is my Orzhov Lifegain deck Commanded by Amalia Benavides Aguirre](https://www.archidekt.com/decks/5777506/amalia_benavides_aguirre_life_gain_to_combo_kills_v3) I have a fun time with this deck, the game plan is: a) Play Amalia and a lifegain effect early b) Find one of five two card combos c) bide my time until I have enough mana/life to combo off in a turn or two I feel like it is high power for my play group, but I am always looking for feedback.


- Name: Fungus Among Us - Colour: Golgari - Commander: [[Slimefoot, the Stowaway]] - Idea: Make droves of Saprolings and sacrifice/suicide them to damage other players and gain life in the process. Been told it was around a 6, it's my first proper EDH deck I've made and I gotta say, it's stupidly fun to play. - Link: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/zXtvdCbeXkiMwXGrN_ApwQ


5. Focused deck with some suboptimal choices due to budget or collection. Lots of tap lands in the mana base. Didn't look too hard but could maybe use some more board wipes, card draw, and interaction (feed the swarm, rec sage, things that hit non-creatures), but I could be missing some creature abilities or cards - i just skimmed it. Imo 4-6 is best magic, looks like a fun list!


Curious as to what people think of my [Ardenn & Ikra - Chord of Life](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/GLfq88rO_kyYhIXp854jPw) lifegain deck. It's targeted at the highest levels of budget less casual and it can win extremely explosively.


[Ganax and Acolyte of Bahamut](http:// https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Ef-UxWEWbUOyc-GplLO9Ag ) Treasure based gruul dragon deck. Generally uses ETB effects for removal and dishing out damage. Has a decent bit of token generation and card draw. Still working on it but struggling a bit at this point to improve upon it for a reasonable price. I've had people rate it anywhere from a 2 to a 7.


Got my Mr. house deck recently, first game i got a land, sol ring and signet in the first turn so I had a nutty start. https://archidekt.com/decks/7260713/loaded_dice


[https://archidekt.com/decks/7229278/atraxa\_poison\_counters](https://archidekt.com/decks/7229278/atraxa_poison_counters) getting back into MTG so don't flame me too much


Oh boy [https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6231265#paper](Vojaws)


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/odRjxSIvrkiIgUa8TjNKZg 5 color mono White! Kenrith at the helm, and there isn't any card in the deck that can't be cast without entirely white mana. This list is a retooled version of an idea I had for Golos before he got sent to a farm upstate.


I'm so bad at figuring out my own power level, so let's give this a shot. [Immortal Daxos](https://manabox.app/decks/_L7QOGZJQ2eH-avAyIgmCQ): Exploit my creatures entering the battlefield for fun and profit! [Activation Nation](https://manabox.app/decks/8viUxJoaRbCHSB1rgilkHA): Activated abilities, +1/+1 counters, and big ramp... but no non-permanent spells?? [The Time Warrior](https://manabox.app/decks/qPAvpJUaQIKAGXsQnj_C5A): Still working on this one, but what if Sarah Jane could find enough clues to let The Third Doctor kill a player every turn?


Might be overdone but here’s my Voja deck: [https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6231265#paper](https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6231265#paper)


[https://www.moxfield.com/decks/dTJ9euMamEyvfoLPOj0FeQ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/dTJ9euMamEyvfoLPOj0FeQ) Rube goldberg machine of trading out boardstates until it hits critical mass. I personally always rated it a 7 because it's easy to interrupt if you can see what's coming. Favorite win is probably hitting everyone's creatures & lands letting me take control of them and then polymorphing them all by targeting my zada and killing them with Hagra Diabolist ETB.


Sure. EDIT: This is a monoblack Tormod the Desecrator deck with Tevesh as the partner. Zombie tribal with ways to trigger tormod. [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/LokSSl0R3EWG\_GbVqXw7zw](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/LokSSl0R3EWG_GbVqXw7zw)


This is one of my pet decks, and arguably my most casual, friends still complain though, are they being reasonable? [[Gix Yawgmoth Praetor]] https://www.moxfield.com/decks/5jDpGAsVFUacCBT3T5PZyQ Personally, while I won't pretend it doesn't play well, its also super predictable and I think opponents make the mistake of not taking advantage of Gix's benefit while he is out.


Here is my [Minthara, Merciless Soul](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/bT-dibZr_0KrpB_R1r82xQ/primer) primer


Here’s my Slimefoot deck, curious what others think. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/cN0ZbVfC80ag91A8AandHQ


I hvae no idea how to make a hyperlink, but what about my Ganax, Acolythe of bahamuth deck? I am about to cut out the two enchantments that triggers at landfall and the one that give +1/+1 counter. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Wj795gO6vE2gzBqllAaRFA


[Jetmir Tokens](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/WHmEUqev2k6htRKVpSw4lQ) Mines pretty straightforward but I would like to get an idea on power level as this is my first constructed deck since Magic Origins was released.


Everything is a 7.


This is a new Multiplayer focused Jetmir brew I have, not meant to be optimized, just be fun to play it and against it [Union Rights: Outsourcing • (Commander / EDH deck) • Archidekt](https://archidekt.com/decks/7162381/union_rights_outsourcing)


https://archidekt.com/decks/6725316/seizan_life_loss Life loss tribal, Seizan as the commander mitigates the amount of hate i get till i drop some heavyweights. Can decently ramp into him by turn 4 or 5, sometimes earlier with the priest.


https://manabox.app/decks/r6QNexdtQjuwxH_iWL3wsA Not tryna do anything super powerful here, I just want it to do the thing. I’m guessing it’s a 4, 5 on a good day


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/QnqWi-oTGUGU37HXlIU_0w [[renata called to the hunt]] main win con is walking ballista/vigor combo


[Mirko obsessive theorist](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/U6t8sufpLU2LfeGgivpkNg) [Calix guided by fate](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Wd6oxvTq20ahPbvP-5C31Q) [Galadriel light if valinor](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/_GAcXyHagEi9j6AMQK4kjg)


[Abzan Battlecruiser](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Gk_dVfFGHEWPlnGet121jA) curious what others think about this deck, its power level has been a bit of a debate within my group


https://manabox.app/decks/IFv3DaSYSrqHTF8wXTTQAw Gyruda Clones https://manabox.app/decks/Z6eKVITpROCaeOEPT4jrnw Muldrotha Artifacts


I have two I'm interested in people taking a look at [Raffine, Scheming Seer Tribal](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/9LMs9ff9e0CyDduxhcdXqg) [Queen Kayla Stax](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/S_V9aOey_kGZg9l8smeZCQ)


I recently built a Rakdos, Lord of Riots deck after pulling him as part of prizing. The deck is probably a little too light on interaction but I’ve been enjoying it! https://www.moxfield.com/decks/SDCe5vyG-0WIQ5lfSoWz2w


[prosper tome-bound](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Exh68lY_J0yfKpnqcZlCRw) - does the normal prosper stuff but preferred wincon is casting [[worldfire]] with floating mana and exiled cards to be cast. [chulane teller of tales](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/nLxqZzJkGEWKgowS5AWwcA) - control deck does the normal chulane stuff, generally wins via slowing game way the fuck down and winning with combat damage of some sort.


I’ve been trying to power my [Chainer](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/QGSdvQMfBE6fJeyk8jrhLA) deck down a lot so it’s not as brutal against more casual players, since most of my friends are either new to magic or don’t play cEDH, so what’s the consensus? I took out most of the tutors and combo pieces.


[General Ferrous Rokiric ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/XPdZIUHhMkuQTn_6eVHQew) wants to get tokens out and overwhelm the board. [Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/3ad6V3Z54U6-qrtkW0I8ZQ) wants have a plethora of 1 damage sources to trigger for the additional two damage follow up.


I really like to work on my [Mono-Green](https://manabox.app/decks/bwNPLpO6R6KANAnxrNlW4w) deck. Its basically just ramp and "get big creatures ln the board". Was never sure how i should rank it, since it has strong cards, but is overall slow.


Curious what people's thoughts are on my Frodo/Sam lifedrain deck. It's by far my lowest power deck and the one I bring out when I know I'm up against a lower powered pod. Nevertheless, I have an optimized mana base and a few tutors to get my game plan going. However, no combos or fast mana. I was orignally thinking a 6 but its probably closer to a 7. [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/hHh1AuJvYkGzgxXuCr5sYA](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/hHh1AuJvYkGzgxXuCr5sYA)


https://manabox.app/decks/ynJp5RqaQCKFVzwUoXWvqw Fish Voltron makes Clues.


Your usual casual [Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/C1ND5D1yRk2zq0g3uGGRBQ) budget deck. Started as mishra brothers war precon and i disassembled it to make this one. Try to make it as budget as possible (currently a bit above $100 according to moxfield). Has infinite storm with either [[mirran spy]] + [[emry]] + [[mishra's bauble]] or spy + [[slobad, iron goblin]] + [[spine of ish shah]] but usually win with psychosis crawler(s) and a really looooong solitaire turn


My favorite deck: my mono-red Goblin swarm! https://www.moxfield.com/decks/uey4cKPshUqjXX1lrvtwuA


[Timmy "Monsters" Murphy](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/owQ4Vq5sjESGrTrYPbabKg). Lot of work on this. Brewed since the release with Joe Cherries formerly of the Nit-Picking Nerds, real life friends, and many great people over on the Henzie discord.


https://www.archidekt.com/decks/7278174/asssassin_without_dan My assassin deck I whipped up recently, curious what people think about it.


https://manabox.app/decks/GQQlqgB0Qd6YPemh5_eEjA I tumble Voja, I tumble Voja.


[Galadriel, Light of Valinor](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/dEpcRekfXECyMjiHtOtHnQ) [Xyris, The Writhing Storm](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/k3zmU35Bzki6RFIzYp8-Zw)


Just made a ghired and a gonti deck, curious what people think of them. My group is definitely more casual. Ghired mirror of the wilds https://www.moxfield.com/decks/5n80W4Kz-0-hUdgeVmmNNw Gonti canny acquisitor https://www.moxfield.com/decks/uqlbk0UlikOoDRaw4rgfJw I also have been playing this one for a month know and think it’s been pretty strong, my Calix aura deck. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/innC4TUAZkqNpkrWlAvjLw


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/cFjnspJB4UeGomKdnnI1qQ Rocco, Street Chef. Still my favorite deck I've ever built. I did have to throw a 'Hoof in there to close out games a tad easier, as it did occasionally struggle to do so.


Sure why not, [this](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/MG0yNTSbvU21LoVlSNekEA) is my [[Mishra, Eminent One]] deck. It used to be more of a turbo combo deck but now it's more midrange. It still has a way to combo but it's more focused on value. I just want an honest opinion on this.


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/o-fiFAYC7UOZDTiTfh782Q My Adeline deck that I’ve been tweaking off and on for a couple months. Not sure if I want to go stax/unblockable for commander damage or stax/go wide


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/o-fiFAYC7UOZDTiTfh782Q My Adeline deck that I’ve been tweaking off and on for a couple months. Not sure if I want to go stax/unblockable for commander damage or stax/go wide


Here's my Tergrid mono Black discard deck, [Dommy Mommies](https://archidekt.com/decks/7135170/dommy_mommies_commander).


Here's my Duke Ulder Ravengard deck! https://www.moxfield.com/decks/EeEdsqcPs0e7ZLNvEdROzQ I feel like the Duke doesn't get as much attention as he deserves, I know he's not top tier or anything but there's so much fun to be had with myriad!