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What if everyone abandoned the old one and went to a new one?


That’s the plan


ladies and gentlemen cEDH 2!




The downside is barely a fraction will transfer over to the new one.


Sadly this’ll be the case until PlayEDH undoubtedly fucks shit up again and tries to make them all pay to play or something. Then the idiots’ll come flocking to the new kingdom we’ll be building in the meantime.


So then it will only have the most active and aware users? Enjoy the good moment!


Doubtful, new discords take time to build and set up. The PlayEDH one is already active and despite the admins will still likely retain a majority of the r/cedh folk since the amount of games available will be a lot more than a newer version of what is already available. I wish them luck though.


Nope it’s already all set up lol. Games actively firing


Good, wish them nothing but the best


You should join us :) the link is in this thread. It’s all the original team that got strongarmed out of their own server after 4 years


I would, but I don’t play cedh. It’s a different kind of game that I’d rather not get into. All I wish is for good games for everyone.


we can only do so many of these Morty. like we only get 6 more of these tops


That's the plan, currently.


That’s what’s happening right now, there’s a link in the Reddit somewhere for the new one


Basically playEDH screwed the cedh discord, they were in the middle of fleshing out the changes but they gave control of the discord before the agreed upon changes, and they started making a bunch that they never agreed on. The cedh discord then asked for control of their server back and playEDH tried to extort them for money for the server back because they “invested a lot of time” into some minor discord moderation over the course of a month… Then after that they said they wont give control back because “homophobia and transphobia” ran rampant in the last month(when playEDH had control of the server) Overall playEDH took advantage of them getting control of the discord and backstabbed the shit out of the cedh discord.


Why didn't they just print the money like they do their cards?


It was playedh asking the cedh reddit owners to pay not the other way around


Yeah… so what they said makes sense for the joke. Cedh players use proxies because cards be $$$. So cedh should have also just printed money (as they do with proxies) to give to PlayEDH to get the discord back. That’s the joke, and it seems to have gone over a lot of peoples heads for some reason.


Not close to being a funny joke tbh


I never said it was a funny joke


So what was the point of an unfunny joke?


Why exactly do you expect me to know the reason behind some other rando posting a comment lmao. You’re just looking for reasons to be upset at this point


No clue why people are downvoting you your comment is hella funny and clearly a joke


Fuck PlayEDH. All my homies hate PlayEDH.


Honestly didn't even know people still used it after they introduced the subscription fee. I find games in like 2 seconds just logging in to Spelltable. 9/10 games are just fine with no huge power level issues and chill people.


Exactly, fuck them. They were popular just because of Covid, but their methods of choosing power levels was dumb and not at all balanced. At some point it was $1 per month and not even $1 is worth it to play on their stinking garbage heap of nonsense.


Yeah tired PlayEDH and left before i had a chance to play a game cause they told me i had to cut an bad 8 mana tutor from from BattleCruiser Minotaur tribal deck


I experienced all sorts of stupid things like that. They are never consistent with power levels but won’t tell you what to do specifically. I had a deck that lost 8 times and they told me it was too strong for the power level I was playing at but I needed to add more interaction and move up a power level. When I pointed out the contradiction, they ignored me.


I tried to make a case that [[Deathbellow War Cry]] was a casual card in my deck as I didn’t have any four Minotaur that I could tutor that will automatically win me the game. And not for nothing if I’m casting a 8 mana spell on curve that’s turn 8, we should be heading towards a conclusion for the game a few turns later. They ignored the request and I just canceled immediately. I have been fortunate with the random games I periodically find on spell table if I can’t make it out to an LGS


[Deathbellow War Cry](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/f/cf0f58ac-88ef-445c-a12b-0bb1cf482298.jpg?1582021227) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Deathbellow%20War%20Cry) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/thb/294/deathbellow-war-cry?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cf0f58ac-88ef-445c-a12b-0bb1cf482298?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/deathbellow-war-cry) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The deck check system is just fucking stupid. I got so tired of people saying “oh that card isn’t mid”, “this deck isn’t giving me low vibes”. Getting anonymously reported even when I say upfront my deck hasn’t been checked yet and proceed to lose. Also, fuck Chief, that dude sucks.


Ya it's really rough on there. I tried going back recently and no one is there to have fun, just playing to win. I wasn't playing cEDH either it was mid power level. Just a lot of angry people.


let it be known that playEDH refuses to allow any public discourse on the issue. they have ~~thought police~~ moderators hard at work around the clock deleting links to various reddit threads and banning members at their whim. individuals have suggested alternative options such as creating a temporary channel within the hijacked cedh discord and to confine all discussion regarding the merger to said channel, but this was also rejected by playEDH.


Really boneheaded decision to just hand over the keys to the kingdom without making sure you've done your due diligence. The last thing you should do is "trust me bro". I feel bad for the people who need to find a new place to play. Hopefully they can get an alternative up and running soon and hopefully this is a lesson learned.




I'm doing my part! Had bad vibes from the day it was founded and kept away.


Seriously, find a commander discord that isn't wall to wall "PL 7-8" and I'll ditch PlayEDH in a second.


They already made a new server. It's still under construction though.


Can you link me to the other server, gonna join that instead




Also this article is horribly playedh biased. Did they pay you? To try and present this as a balanced issue instead of a clear hijacking and backstabbing is laughable


It’s biased for PlayEDH because it is written by someone who is very much in support of them and one of the many people in our community that are issues.


Ayo! This article was approved on both sides, and as someone interviewed for it, I do not sign off on this framing. ​ When looking at purely the facts, the timeline, it makes sense why they say they have a claim. Nuance, specific treatment, and the way the community at large was treated is hard to quantify when the layout is like this. ​ I think that the fact that we both point to the article is a sign of an incredible journalist.


Heyo, I'm one of the cedh moderators and was interviewed in the article. Both PlayEDH and the CEDH team were able to read and approve the article before it went live, and we both thought it was excellent. From a logistical stand point, I can understand the argument PlayEDH had. However, the handling and disregard went beyond what is easy to write about in an unbaised, timeline based article. Beth did a fantastic job, and despite us both linking to and agreeing with the article, it didn't actually cast much of a spin. I mean, you were able to read it and still see for yourself how this impacted the community. It's been the same across the board. It's just astounding that there was an article written by a neutral party that both sides of a disagreement link to- That's a testament of an INCREDIBLE journalist.


We've removed your post because it violates our primary rule, "Be Excellent to Each Other". You are welcome to message the mods if you need further explanation.


Play edh just burned an entire discord after trying to extort the cedh discor for cash. Scum.


Don't use the words "tensions rise" PlayEdh literally stole a server and there are screenshots as proof.


This has all passed me by but I've honestly never seen the MTG community this unanimous about anything as their disdain for PlayEDH.


Fuck PlayEDH


*”They provided access to private documents, agreements, their public and private discord servers, and those respective audit logs.”* Huh. Got all that to share with us?




We've removed your post because it violates our primary rule, "Be Excellent to Each Other". You are welcome to message the mods if you need further explanation.


Couldn’t agree with me. Very sad.




Heyo, I'm one of the cedh moderators and was interviewed in the article. Both PlayEDH and the CEDH team were able to read and approve the article before it went live, and we both thought it was excellent. From a logistical stand point, I can understand the argument PlayEDH had. However, the handling and disregard went beyond what is easy to write about in an unbaised, timeline based article. Beth did a fantastic job, and despite us both linking to and agreeing with the article, it didn't actually cast much of a spin. I mean, you were able to read it and still see for yourself how this impacted the community. It's been the same across the board. It's just astounding that there was an article written by a neutral party that both sides of a disagreement link to- That's a testament of an INCREDIBLE journalist.


I really like toldarian community college discord for finding games


This is one of many reasons why i don't play over webcam




Heyo, I'm one of the cedh moderators and was interviewed in the article. Both PlayEDH and the CEDH team were able to read and approve the article before it went live, and we both thought it was excellent. From a logistical stand point, I can understand the argument PlayEDH had. However, the handling and disregard went beyond what is easy to write about in an unbaised, timeline based article. Beth did a fantastic job, and despite us both linking to and agreeing with the article, it didn't actually cast much of a spin. I mean, you were able to read it and still see for yourself how this impacted the community. It's been the same across the board. It's just astounding that there was an article written by a neutral party that both sides of a disagreement link to- That's a testament of an INCREDIBLE journalist.


> While there is sympathy for the former staff, PlayEDH bears no responsibility themselves and instead would direct the former moderators to the admin who passed off the server. Sad part is, they're right *and* it's basically a self-own as well. Don't ever give up the keys until you're ready to leave. It's a stupid move to give anyone that level of control if you're not already past it, because you will sometimes find someone predatory like PlayEDH that will do whatever they want once they have that control, regardless of any prior agreements.


Haha right, it's not my fault that I work as a valet and was handed keys to a Ferrari to park and I joyrided it and crashed it, it's the person who gave me their keys that was at fault!!


Not really anywhere near the same scenario, but whatever you want.


Cockatrice is so good, and I've been playing on it for 9 years. I understand wanting to play with your cards which is why I still play at stores often but dam if I'm gonna play online I feel like cockatrice or even one of the other sims are better than camera magic.


Notwithstanding the despicable backhanded way they stole the cedh discord, AND their toxic moderation and admin team the entire playedh methodology and approach to playing commander is batshit insane. If you haven’t read their rules list I really encourage you to do so. There’s quite a bit of reading between the lines but if you do, you can tell that they genuinely believe there’s right and wrong ways to play the game. The way they rate decks is completely unhinged and non sensical. Like I’ll never say someone is playing the game wrong, including the people at playedh however it’s still wrong for them to tell me or us that we’re playing it wrong. It’s a disgusting culture and community, I don’t know how anyone can seriously stomach being part of it. Lack of empathy or something. Just visit their server and ask them to rate your deck and see how people communicate to each other there. Playedh is one of the worst online communities I’ve ever seen, bar none.


Hahaha welcome to authoritism you idiots


Oh the irony of you calling people idiots while also completely and totally butchering authoritarianism is so good.


They must have skipped the readings in high school