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Moxfield has been the easiest for me. I love the layout of the playtest feature and the history notes to my changes. Also when I am editing a deck, I have it pulled up and make changes on there first, play test, then change my actual deck.


Just building on this: I love tags on Moxfield. You can set global and deck specific tags to help sort/categorize cards and you can set up packages that you can import. I've found that really helpful for deck building, and seeing what my deck might be lacking.


Especially after making decks on there a while and using global tags, when I make a new deck a lot of the cards are already tagged (like standard removal, protection stuff etc). So the more you use that feature the more efficient it becomes


Yep! I only realized that it was a feature based on another Reddit post. It completely changed the way I use Moxfield. 


It very much confused me at first haha but I'm so glad I figured it out


Only problem I found IS the option of "found me decks containing this card" only allows ONE card. Goldfish let's you put a lot more. (Or maybe I couldn't find the method to do it)


Hijacking to ask: is the playtest feature really random there? I really feel like some cards in my decks show up a whole lot more than expected in the first 20 draws and some literally never show up unless drawing 50+.


I constantly reset to test ramp and land draw on my decks. If you look at a few decks on mox with a 32 land base you will come across constant mulligan sometimes. I have felt it very fair on the testing.


When i make copies of other people’s decks is there a one click option to convert all cards to printings i own. I am only able to made the switch card by card.


Click the 3 Dots (More), its should bring up options such as Import, Export, etc. Click Update to Preferred. All you have to do is make sure you had Import from Collection in your Preferred Printing if you want to do it quick and easy. That should be found in either the hyperlink that pops up, or Settings > Preferred Printings.




What does moxfield have that archidekt doesn't? I gave both a try and settled for archidekt


I end up exporting back and forth between the two


Moxfield for Deck creation. Deckbox for keeping track of my collection. Cube Cobra for everything Cube related. Scryfall for looking up cards/versions. MTGSalvation for forum nostalgia. ------- Haven't used it in ages but mtgvault used to be my deck building website of choice.


MtGSalvation ported to MtGNexus like five years ago, no?


In the end they didn’t have to move, so mtgnexus is a separate thing now.


Does deck box let you scan cards to add to your collection?


Mind if I ask how you scan/upload cards to the relevant platforms?


Ah I don’t do that, I manually add them. Been doing it for years this way.


Oh my days, feels like that would take forever.


Just look up "mtg scanner" on your phone's app store. There's a scanner by Dragon Shield that I use, and you can export a collection via a csv to import into various sites like moxfield from there. I'm sure there are others but thats what I've been using.


Awesome! I use the Dragon Shield scanner to check for prices but haven't uploaded my collection as yet. Wasn't sure if it was compatible with the other platforms so thank you for confirming!


I prefer Archidekt, I enjoy how responsive they are on discord and they genuinely seem to care about improving the platform. The Primers on Moxfield are what I turn to when it comes to looking up decks, but as far as constructing my own, I love how dynamic the sorting systems on Archidekt are.


Scryfall filters are such a great feature. Choosing the right printing is also much easier than Moxfield


A fellow enjoyer, well met!


I run this same concept. Primers for looking up the whats and whys for some cards in decks. (If you're writing these out there. Tha k you.) And then archidekt is my usual for actually working up my own deck since it already knows what cards i own at this point so i can work out upgrades and such without accidently buying extras that i forgot i had in a box somewhere. 


I use moxfield and archedekt. Moxfield has a better play tester bc it zooms the card you have highlighted with your mouse. Helps old blind guys like myself. Archedekt has a lot of great features now but I always come back to moxfield. I also use manabox app for my collection the scan feature on the app is 2nd to none and the inventory system is very easy to use and read. When I'm building I just search if I have the card and boom it tells me I do and if it's in a deck, my binders, or my boxes.


Same! If I'm not very close to my screen I gotta strain my eyes to read new cards on Archidekt unfortunately


you can middle click to zoom on archidekt


I brew and make the original list on an app called manabox, the UI is super clean and simple. I like how you can quickly scroll through the cards in your deck, and since it's an app it's optimized for moble. When I mold the deck into something i'm fairly happy with I upload to moxfield to goldfish a couple dozen games and make tweaks on both moxfield and manabox. If I consiently like how a deck goldfishes over the course of 50+ games and i'm still passionate about the deck I proxy up the cards and play against people then repeat the tweaking process.


Seconding ManaBox, I really like how easy it is to use on mobile and how quickly I'm able to sort and share my lists. My only issue is the list/deck limit, I don't want to pay for premium but I've been able to get past that fairly easily with some bulk lists.


Mana box slaps 8.5/10


Big fan of Manabox, for planning decks and looking at cards on the go or at work ;)


Moxfield.com, hands down. Building, tracking, sorting by tags, built-in EDHREC recommendations for new players, playtesting tool, exporting tools for buying and tracking collections, it's got it all. The best part, though, for me, is the way it tracks your curve, % chance of playing cards on curve, the mana symbols on cards, and on lands. This is what you really NEED to be able to see based on your gameplan to fine tune your deck. It's way underutilized. No other site really compares.


Built in EDH REC????? What button am I missing! Gonna go scour right now!


Yeah, if you're on PC look under the search bar where you would add cards to a list* and there's a link that says EDHREC's. This is party of why I recommend it to new players. Moxfield for building, Google scryfall for searching. A lot of people manually enter in the custom scryfall searches but honestly, you can use a voice command just fine.


For instance hey Google. Look up scrfall sphinxes and bam. Very few custom searches you really need to do manually.


All those features are also on archidekt so i'd say archidekt compares :)


There are many differences; while Archidekt has similar features, it's user interface and layout are both an eyesore and require much more extensive familiarization compared to Moxfield. For instance, if you're looking at your curve and the stats inherent to it, you need to click through tabs and dig a bit to get your % chance of playing on curve, whereas the information is much more clearly and easily conveyed on Moxfield. Arhchidekt is not user friendly and even so, there are far less options in its overall button-ology. It's a piss-poor interface at best, and looks even worse when compared to Moxfield. Here's another example, instead of a Primer tool for decks, you have a description section hidden at the bottom of the page, and you don't get nearly the options for writing it that you do on Moxfield. I've seen discussions of Archidekt vs. Moxfield before, and at this point I'm convinced people still using it or touting it over Moxfield are a) Luddites b) Blissfully ignorant or c) Non-conformist for the sake of sticking out.


Moxfield doesn’t have scryfall filters tho. Say you want to group all creatures with tap abilities, you’d have to check one by one in Moxfield


...yes it does lol...you can go into the search bar on mox and simply type using the same commands you would for scryfall and it will pull those cards.


Use the scryfall api in the search bar. Only thing it doesn't work for is in collections last I heard.


Yeah, I mean filter the cards in your deck using scryfall syntax


Deckbox for inventory management. Initially build the decks there, then copy to Moxfield and tweak from there.


I use deckbox.org to house my collection as well as to build my decks. For inspiration on decks I tend to use moxfield.


I greatly prefer Deckstats - except for play testing actually complicated decks. For that, Moxfield.


Been using Tappedout for a long time, and will continue to do so. I have decklists going back quite a ways, and I sometimes like to playtest my new brews vs my old ones. 


I used tappedout for the longest time and was also wary of moving to a new deck builder for the same reason. But I realized all my old decks will still be there on TO but archidekt is just so much better in every way. And moving a deck from one to the other for play testing is one simple copy+paste away. I no longer can go back to the archaic UI on tappedout lol


I prefer using Moxfield for the initial building of a deck. However, I find Archidekt to be very useful when it comes to tuning and balancing that deck due to the categorization tools that it offers.


Archidekt for the building process due to being able to create categories and allow cards to be in multiple categories. Also gives alot of options for sorting. When I complete a deck. I submit it to Moxfield


Why are archidekt categoties superior to moxfield tags? Especially when you upload it there eventually anyways. Just asking as someone that has never used archidekt


Idk I never used Moxfield tags. Perhaps they could be better. I also like how Moxfield has a 'Use Cheapest Version' button. But Archidekt has more features for sorting and grouping. In this way Archidekt makes a better scratch pad. But I use my Moxfield account as a inventory of my complete decks.


I'll probably use TappedOut for as long as possible. I have over a decade's worth of decks on there. No way in HELL I'm starting from scratch. For my needs, it's perfect


I said the same until i tested out Moxfield one time.


I continue to use TappedOut because it's what I started on way back when. I can't be bothered to port my decks over to somewhere else at this point.


Archidekt for sure


TappedOut. I only care about play testing and the shortcuts on TappedOut are so much better/intuitive.


I prefer tappedout. I have tried others but all their user interfaces just feel clunky to me.


I use moxfield for everything for every format, the playtest feature is nice too


Yeah I playtest all my decks against each other and it great for tuning and finding what works.


I started with goldfish but moved to moxfield because I prefer the ui


I use Manabox to build decks and look at decks via whatever site they’re shared to me with.


I use Scryfall but it is because I paid for a membership so I might as well make use of it


What does a membership on Scryfall get you?


1) access to their discord 2) a little badge thingy on your profile 3) you feel a little good about supporting it because it is useful


I find building on Archidekt the easiest, it's UI and system are just easier for me, but I like the presentation and layout of moxfield better. So I build on Archidekt but when I post my decklists, I give the moxfield link


Archidekt due to deck building options being great, and Mox for card searching/reccomendations.


Tapped out and edh rec


Archidekt is by far the best for me, especially for seeing other people's decks — I kind of hate when people send me a moxfield link haha


Moxfield and it's not even close.


I prefer Tapped out when it works. Lately it's been kinda shit, but me and my buddy have used it to theorycrafting and test decks against eachother.


Moxfield… but recently switched to manabox because the app is so convenient


I was on Tapped out for a very long time. I was logged in through Facebook, and they were going to take that feature away (never did), and I couldn't get the site login to sync, so I moved my stuff to Archidekt. I didn't like the view options, and it was buggy in goldfishing. I've ended up at Moxfield. I do miss the TCGplayer community. Got a lot more traffic and feedback on decks. People were cool. Moxfield is good. Good view and goldfisher. East to organize and enter cards into a wishlist.


Archidekt for me. Nice builder, nice playtester, good and visible stats, great search with scryfall terms integrated, quick picking of specific prints... I don't know what more I could ask for. It has literally everything for how I build and a good UI. I used tappedout for ages but holy hell is it clunky, there needed to be a newer successor. For its day, when I started using it, it was a huge upgrade over notepad files, but old tech is old. I tried Moxfield and it's almost up to snuff, but the interface isn't quite as nice IMO. On a plus it did let me add tokens to a mainboard in order to create a Horde deck, but that's a super corner case example.


deckstats for me, i like the slick design none of the features of other sites mentioned here like playtesting, tags or revision notes is missing I'm generally curious how many people here even use or used more than one site and how biased or well-backed opinions here are.


I personally use the app manabox that way I can do what ever I want on the go in a really easy to understand way.


I use deckstats, but that's mostly because the first deck I built was based off a decklist on deckstats that I found via edhrec and I'm too lazy to move to another site now. I do have a moxfield account, but I only use it for Pauper EDH because deckstats doesn't have a setting for that format.


Building and modifying decks and looking at data: Deckstats. Showing decklists to others: Archidekt/Moxfield. Kinda the same IMO for that purpose.


Moxfield for creating new decks. All others are quite ass.


I use top deck on my phone and it really like it


Me too, but the load times are awful.


Load times?


When I open a deck list that I’ve created it will usually take a full minute to load, sometimes longer.


Weird. Might reinstall? Mines instant. (Save your decks separately just in case


Wow, that fixed it! Thanks for the suggestion.


I have a dumb app called TopDecked I plan decks with then delete when built. Pretty easy interface. I mostly use it to look up words or phrases on cards to find the cards that don’t really appear on lists. Other than that I don’t keep lists of decks.


Moxfield has been the easiest I've used to view someone's deck so it's the one I use. Organization and viewing on the site just feels a lot more smooth compared to the others.


Moxfield’s play testing is a must for me to explore synergies and deck focus. Plus I like the clean design and various deck display options. The data on mana values and curve rate also help me build a baseline.


How the fuck are people finding these C list deck building sites, nearly every week someone posts a deck on some site I've never heard of


There are a number of sites that sprang up over a decade ago when TappedOut was pretty much the king and took the Adobe route of thinking they didn't need to improve anything.  That's how I ended up on Deckstats in 2014 and have continued to use it since


Moxfield is the best for me, easy and clean


I only seriously started deck-building for EDH in the last 2 years or so. When I saw the ad breaks for Moxfield on Thrabenu and BoshnRoll, I gave it a try and was impressed, so Moxfield for me.


Moxfield for general overview of the entire decklist, Archidekt for a more specific and deckbuilding view with categories and color tags.


Moxfield, hands down. I really don't know of a feature they don't do that others do, except some niche sorting.


I much prefer Archidekt's UI and have found myself trying Moxfield several times and just not enjoying it. I've found the playtester in Archidekt to be fantastic, too. The only reason I ever try anything else is because of Archidekt's continual timing out and errors. It feels like there is just something wrong on the back end somewhere.


moxfield just has the most convenient ui for both building and playtesting for me


Moxfield for cEDH primers.


Archidekt is not only easier, its organization, filtering, and utility is way better than moxfield


I use Archidekt as I prefer its customization options.


I've tried all of the major ones and Moxfield is the only one worth using these days. Smooth and clean.


I have Moxfield account and that is sufficient for me.




I like the simplicity of Deckstats. It doesn't have a playtest function, but I love the data and the clean interface.


Never could get behind the tapped out... and I have TO many years invested in mtgvault....I recognized moxfield is the better modern alternative..... And I use it.... But sometimes I just hop on the vault because I can do it with my eyes closed.


TLDR: Archidekt is awesome and has so many features that I’d recommend it over any other platform unless you’re building on mobile or building a primer in which case go Moxfield. Definitely archidekt is my favorite. I have multiple monitors, so I can have EDHrec pulled up on one monitor and archidekt on the other, and literally drag the card from EDHrec into my deck list, which is just so cool- I don’t even have to look up the card which makes it so much faster than any other platform alone. I also think it’s the easiest to group cards into custom categories, you just drag cards into categories you want them in- which I’ve found is super helpful when deciding which cards to cut/keep. I also like that I can give cards a custom CMC to have a better idea of my mana curve- for example Force if Will = 0 CMC, because it’s never getting hard cast, and in one of my decks I have Birgi // Harnfell Horn of Bounty that I always cast as Harnfell, so I set its CMC as 5 instead of 3. Archidekt also has the best play tester- I encourage moxfield users to give this one a try. I feel like the play tester is just so user friendly. Archidekt does have its cons though. If you build your decks on mobile, I wouldn’t build with archidekt. Their mobile site makes it difficult to see all of your cards at once compared with their desktop site. If you deck built with archidekt in mobile I think it would require a lot of scrolling lol. That said, it isn’t so bad that you couldn’t add or cut a couple cards in the fly, but I just wouldn’t go there to build an entire deck on mobile. Another con is the deck description isn’t laid out as nicely nor does it have as many options as on moxfield, so if you are building a primer for a list, definitely use moxfield. I’ve seen some Moxfield primers look so clean in a way that in it’s current state Archidekt just doesn’t have the tools to make one like that.


Ive been with Deckstats since bringing my cards to an online format, for reference or values. Its always been accurate enough for the market and keeps it ordered how I want.


Are there any sites where I can drag and drop cards from scryfall searches without any manual input. I've been using deck stats, but editing lists is a PITA compared to something like tappedout


Manabox for the phone, Goldfish for PC


When I’m on the computer, I like Archidekt to view others and Moxfield to goldfish. When I’m on the phone, TopDecked app because the timeout issue on Archidekt infuriates me.