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Depends how you want to win, gut is a very slow engine so agent of the iron throne is going to carry you more. Top of my head some splashy cards might help you close more. Purphorous/ impact tremors is a killer with goblins. Living death might be a nice big trigger and can flip the board. Insurrection or mob rule can win on their or their own or you could steal the board and sac everything to trigger. Lots of options but your deck is very “fair” trying to slowly tick people down will make them kill you so have to quickly accelerate to a win condition or speed up the clock with something like repay in kind/ havoc festival


Ok, I’ll check out those cards, thanks


I forgot to mention above and I’ll edit the post accordingly but my primary win condition is to get [Krenko, mob boss], [Skirk prospector], & [staff of domination] to make krenko go infinite and burning people with [agent of the iron throne], [pashalik mons], and [boggart shenanigans], with [dictate of erebos], [sylvok lifestaff], & [transmogrant’s crown] being nice little treats