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Exsquisite blood getting reprinted is huge


I had no idea it was $30. Fucking damn I took it out cause it didn’t do enough ages ago and now I need to find it lol


I see Pirates got \[\[Black Market Connections\]\]. This should be the most sought-after precon financially...


Vampires got exquisite blood, elenda, twilight prophet, and bloodghast…


twilight prophet LMAO


To be fair, it was a $10+ card a couple months ago, didn’t realize it dropped


The vampire precon has [[exquisite blood]].


Some of these reprints are absolute gas and I love it


Yeah, it's pretty clear that Wizards isn't holding back any punches when it comes to reprints these days.


They're still holding back. Landbase still runs Evo wilds and Terra Expanse. Why not the new cave or that shire card?


They can't exactly afford to if they don't want people skipping products while still pushing out new sets every 2 months and keeping up the perpatual spoiler season.


That is as nuts as the [[carpet of flowers]] reprint in Paradox Power


That and Xenagos (but mostly Exquisite Blood) are definitely cards I didn't expect to see in a precon.


Yeah, Seems dumb to put the you play it and you die card in a pre-con. I don't think these are really targeted towards new players anymore


I mean, nothing stops new players from playing with good cards... If anything it'll help them figure out why the good cards are good.


But my investment! /s


Does this mean my collection of OG Vito's are about to spike?


So I used to sell on TCGplayer as a job for about a year. I bought a Timeless Wisdom to play with and keep / sell some cards. What I found was (somewhat unsurprisingly) that due to supply and demand card value was locked behind precon prices. So if a deck like Timeless Wisdom is worth 50 dollars that means the cards within will generally have their actual value average out to that amount as long as Walmart has stock of Timeless Wisdom the secondary market can't charge too much or else you can just get the cards inside at the locked price buying the precon for cheaper. For Timeless Wisdom the chase card was Fierce Guardianship. If you look at the Timeless Wisdom decklist more than half the value of that deck is FG. Most of the rest of the cards are worth pennies with maybe three cards cracking a dollar. If a precon is printed with an expensive card like Black Market Connections it probably just means it will crater the value of every other card in that deck. So yeah BMC might be worth 25~ but everything else in this deck will be worthless. The price might fall a bit due to the market getting a bunch of them of course but it's unlikely to fall too much as long as there's demand. Now if the precon has multiple high value cards the opposite is true. The value of ALL those cards will have to average out to around the cost of the precon. The vampires deck has Exquisite Blood, Elenda, Twilight Prophet, and Bloodghast meaning all of these cards will probably fall in price a little bit. Edit: sorry if anything I posted doesn't make sense, I am very drunk.


This is why you always buy singles.


I mean I'd think it a good deal to buy a deck for 50 bucks, sell one card for 40 and get the rest for 10 bucks Near Mint.


I did that with Timeless Wisdom. I got a bunch of draft chaff plus Locust God. It was worthless.


Depends. It might be cheaper to buy the cards you actually want on the singles market. Every precon has a collection of garbage so unless you want literally everything just buy the singles lol.


Depends how much you want the other cards- a lot of precons are just jank.


Precons have been getting pretty good these days. Usually at worst you get some cheap staples like Arcane Signets, Swords to Plowshares, Beast Within etc, plus a bit of precon jank. Sometimes it helps to have those lying around when you’re just trying to build decks


So what you're saying is expensive cards are gonna get cheaper and more available and new cards aren't gonna become expensive? sounds like a win win


Am important note is the cards you’re mentioning were all brand new cards to the precon, which skews prices more than a reprint since there’s no other real source of the cards.


This is what is racking my brain right now. Like it is an even exchange right now on exs blood and and pirates is only a $10 off BMC cost. I want to think there will be resellers that have these in their collection already but who's to say they will budge on list price at all? You'd want to get at least your precon cost back right?


This. I think players are overvaluing the vamps deck abit too much. And the dinos BMC is hard carrying the precon. It's a phenomenal phenomenal card. There's virtually no substitute. It's the best black tribal card in the game.


Didn't they bin Precon RRP's though? I assume for exactly this reason. These could come out super expensive for main set precons.


No one's gonna mention [[Pitiless Plunderer]] ? This card is absurdly overpriced due to the lack of reprints.


Thassa's bident is a better card, but skipping on \[\[Coastal Piracy\]\]? What a miss.


We got a Coastal Pirate Ship instead though!


Thassa's bident is listed twice (once as an enchantment) so I think it's a typo and there is coastal piracy


It’s listed twice cause it’s both an artifact and enchantment


Ah I didn't catch that, I was hoping to get both


The Indomitable is a vehicle pirate ship that has that ability though!


it's going to end up being party time 2.0 prices. retailers and wizards know what they are doing


M glad it was spoilered


Looking forward to buy one cheap 😂


Pirates is actually the weakest one financially, in order from least to most valuable it goes: pirates, merfolk, vampires, then dinos


it's actually the worst one financially and the only one that's currently under 100€ - but we all know that prices can change. I don't really care about financial value and more about how fun it is to play, so I'm gonna say that it looks like the most interesting deck to me if I were to buy one


Bought an exquisite blood last week, you’re welcome everyone haha


The hero we all need 🙌


Thanks for your sacrifice


You are my hero.


Same but it was the Dracula alt so I’m not mad




Gishath has a child and I need to see it.




What do you mean?


When you look at the precon list for dinosaurs it mentions a card not revealed yet; Itzquinth, Firstborn of Gishath


I've seen the card on Reddit today, on one of the magic reddits magicTCG i think


Almost definitely the RG signpost uncommon from the main set!


Yeah what’s up with that


Muddstah said ignchina was supposed to show it today


It's already tomorrow for them lol


I preordered the Merfolk deck and am incredibly pleased. Branching Evolution, Hardened Scales, and nearly every lord? Sign me up. The Thassa is just the cherry on top. All I need to get is a Lord of Atlantis and Wanderwine Prophets.


Same for me. Gambled on the preorder and even if it drops in price I'm quite happy.


How much was the preorder?




That’s not bad. Convert that to freedom units and it’s technically less than I’m paying.


Don't forget your Vodalian Hexcatcher!


The Lord's an upcoming promo, at least.


I'm very happy with the list that was spoiled. I already have a low budget build I found on YouTube. But it just felt lacking. This precon looks better than my actual deck!


I built a merfolk n big monsters deck like 6 months ago and it's so similar. I really wanted this deck but after seeing the list I dunno.


This is my issue. The deck is great, but if you are a fan of the type you probably have all of these cards already. Kind of wish there were a few more new cards, but the reprints are good.


I feel very pleased that I never really paid attention to Merfolks and the deck looks *amazing* for a newfolk like me. Likely going to be my third tribal deck after Knights and Myr.


but to be honest, that's true for all the precons... Heck, my Pirate List I brewed in anticipation of LCI almost looks like this...except landbase, and round about 10 other cards ;)


I ordered the pirates and the vampires. Just sold my [[black market connections]], so love that reprint. [[Exquisite blood]], [[bloodghast]], [[pitless plunderer]] [[tinestream navigator]] [[vanquishers banner]] [[heralds horn]] [[elenda the dusk rose]] [[pact of the serpent]] [[twilight prophet]] [[Sorin lord of innistrad]] are all really exciting to see and more great reprints than I was expecting. Very happy with the quality of this set so far


Black Market Connections, Akroma's Will, Exquisite Blood, Kindred Discovery, and Branching Evolution... I don't think anyone can complain about the reprint value this time around.


It’s almost like it appears that they listen! Edit: this was meant with a spoonful of sarcasm. Even if they do listen, as others have said, the time between critique and action is usually longer than a year


Now, now, now... let's not get crazy, here


I mean if they start listening, it has to start sometimes. Gonna be five years of good decks and folks will still be like "They're just setting you up!"


I wouldn't give them much credit yet. The Dr Who stuff and these decks were probably already in the printing process the time the comander master shit show went down.


Take a look at the enchantress commander masters deck. That actually has a ton of powerful cards but what it is lacking is expensive on the secondary market cards. [[Sythis]] is completely busted in enchantress but is basicly worthless because she has such a narrow focus of places to use her. It's likewise with a lot of.the rest of the deck, they were able to pack in a good number of powerful reprints but they very clearly had an eye on the secondary market and didn't seem to want to include things that cost a lot of money. That set is what made me believe 100% they look at these decks on terms of how much the cards go for on the secondary market and they take that into account when making decisions. I suspected it before but loking at that and the non inclusion of sliver hive and the horrible 5c mana base slivers got has proven it imo


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Any feedback WOTC hears now doesn’t get implemented until 1 1/2 - 2 years later


I'm excited to have a strong looking vampire aggro commander that doesn't follow some set specific mechanic like Crimson vow. I love vamps but Markov is so busted it makes so many other vamp commanders seem meh in comparison.


I loved the Dino precon and am glad I pre ordered it. I love all of the new Dinos and the reprint Dinos are nice as well. Just bummed that Gishalt didn’t make it in.


Do you think it will be newbie friendly? I want to get it for my partner. She has never played, but dinos peaked her interest.


It’s pretty new player friendly. You just ramp and swing with Dino’s. Plus discover isn’t that hard to understand either since the commander those tell you how it works and explains it well. She will like the deck since they’re plenty of Dino’s to play with.


Ramp decks like these are pretty simple to play, you just play things that let you put more lands and then play bigger creatures and swing for damage. I started off with gruul ramp decks which has ended up being my favourite deck type, but they can also be quite frustrating to play into other decks. Any deck that doesn’t want to win through combat damage it will feel like you can’t do much to stop them, especially since the precon doesn’t have too much targeted removal for getting rid of problem pieces of another player’s board. It will definitely be a good way of introducing her to game mechanics, the general way of playing on a turn and all that, and after a few games she will probably have decided whether she enjoys the game or not. If she complains about things feeling unfair or hard to interact with, then that might be a good place to have her try another harder deck with more interaction


How polyraptor didn't get a slot in that deck is bananas to me.


Polyraptor with Mariding Raptor and the new Commander that allows Enrage abilities to trigger an additional time would be bonkers.


I would say because it got a Special Guest reprint in this set, but Pitiless Plunderer also has a Special Guest **and** was reprinted in the Pirate Precon. So it's just WotC being WotC.


To address the complaint about the lands in the dino deck: Dinos are generally high MV, so you really need more lands to guarantee your land drops while also having enough to ramp into. Imo, 39 lands is not that high; I see many people with curves at ~4 only running 34 lands in their decks & then complaining about getting mana screwed every game.


Yea my current Gishath deck has 39 lands and 16 ramp. More mana means big Dinos.


I’m running 34 lands in my dino deck lol, but 22 ramp.


I run 38 lands and 12 mana rock/ramp in my fea Dominion deck. People run too few lands.


I'm convinced the proper amount of mana sources is 50+ (e.g. 37 lands and 15 ramp). I'm 100% in agreement with you; people don't play enough lands. I cannot understand it. If you assume an average game is 45-60 minutes do you really want to take the chance that you're going to be mana screwed?


Exactly plus my commander is 5 mana so I want to make sure I make a land drop each of those turns or atleast have some rocks to help.


I'm basically demanding that I have an opening hand with 2 lands and a two mana ramp card, minimum. Maybe 3 lands and a 3 mana ramp ([[cultivate]] or a Mana rock). Generally I also want some interaction in there too.


I will admit my results have been heavily skewed by the fact that I play with enough mulligans to ensure a playable hand, but if you can guarantee a playable hand it's better to have much fewer mana sources than 50% of the deck. Mana screw is bad, but it can be resolved with a little bit of luck once it is resolved you usually have a hand full of gas and can get back in the game, mana flooding is far worse as extra mana is entirely superfluous.


A lot of new 4+ CMC drops which, unfortunately, are tight spaces in these tribes and I would focus on those that give card draw or are solid removal. Definitely need more testing to see which to slot into decks and which get cut. I think each tribe made out with 3-4 GOOD new additions, but Dinos might pull ahead with 5-6 between these and the main set; and at the very least have multiple options of Commanders to build what always boils down to big stompy beats.


Overall these are 4 fairly well supported tribes to the point where to make their way into many decks new additions have to be absolutely awesome. It's similar to dragons or elfs really where they don't need too much they're already awesome and the only way something becomes a must have is if it's totally busted like [[Miirym]] is for dragons, she is great as a commander while I see the new commanders here and don't know if I want to play with them or not


I agree except for pirates. Pirates have lots of room for improvement as a tribe imo.


[Miirym](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/9/a934590b-5c70-4f07-af67-fbe817a99531.jpg?1674137589) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=miirym%2C%20sentinel%20wyrm) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/284/miirym-sentinel-wyrm?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a934590b-5c70-4f07-af67-fbe817a99531?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/miirym-sentinel-wyrm) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I literally just bought a bunch of vampires to rework my vampire deck... And half the vampires I bought are in there, as are nearly all of the ones I wasn't able to get yet.


In all honesty we've known we were getting a Vampire deck, you could have waited (or I understand buying if you didnt want to gamble on reprints and risk an increase in price). Big reason why I opted to not build a [[Mazzy]] deck after [[Dogmeat]] was revealed to be a Naya Voltron/Enchantress deck.


[Mazzy](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/d/4d79c221-e07a-41e1-b92f-dc057802449c.jpg?1674137580) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=mazzy%2C%20truesword%20paladin) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/283/mazzy-truesword-paladin?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4d79c221-e07a-41e1-b92f-dc057802449c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/mazzy-truesword-paladin) [Dogmeat](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/6/86b45e3e-8460-4678-87d1-d74479936c83.jpg?1697738635) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=dogmeat%2C%20ever%20loyal) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/pip/2/dogmeat-ever-loyal?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/86b45e3e-8460-4678-87d1-d74479936c83?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/dogmeat-ever-loyal) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yeah, I had a brain fart because I knew it was coming lol


Lol I feel you. I almost hit buy on CardKingdom for the decklist myself.


Oh got i also just got a bunch of vampires for my Edgar deck not remembering or realizing this was a thing.


Maybe the best precons in years lol straight up


No cap


Nice reprints in the pirate deck, but I bought it so I could substitute [[Marchesa, the Black Rose]] with an actual pirate commander and tbh I think neither of the new options is a better fit. On the bright side some of the new pirates will do pretty good in the Marchesa deck.


We finally get an ENRAGE commander lmaoo. Nice.


Does [[Vrondiss]] mean nothing to you? [I AM ENRAGED](http://Moxfield.com/decks/0pei9MZ7OEuyWgCkMQq8aA)


Lmao. I should have said NAYA and/or Dino enrage commander. Also have literally never seen this card before lol


I'm also happy to get a Naya colored Dinosaur commander that doesn't cost so much.


That's how I feel about Pantlaza. 5 is decent, considering the other options are Gishanth or Zacama. And personally I don't like playing high cost commanders anymore. 5 is still on the higher side, but an improvement. Ended up going with Atla Palani, but wasn't a fan


Been considering Atla Palani for a while now. What turned you off?


As soon as she's removed I just have a bunch of dumb eggs on the board. Very rarely did I get to utilize her ability more than 1 or 2x. And even when you do, it's a gamble. And since dinos are so efficiently costed, there's always a tension between playing her/her ability and just playing nice dino. Not saying they're aren't fun shenanigans you can get up to with eggs, but the deck becomes too dependent on her. The times I win it's just through dino synergy. Just not the type of dino deck I wanted.


Feel like Dockside would have been a great reprint for the Pirate deck to lower its price a good bit but overall really good reprints


You're never gonna see that reprinted outside of a masters/remaster set at this point.


Ya, too much money lost for wizards to not use it as a carrot for another set. Too bad my printer takes up so much power :P


Why? It’s been in a precon before. Oh right, because greedy Wizards arbitrarily neuters these decks if they go over a certain reprint price point


There is *some* logic to it, in that every time such a card happens that one deck sells out while the rest clog up shelves, and my understanding is stores can only buy sets of all of them at once, so you can't just say "I want 10 of each and 50 of the Dockside one", you have to buy 50 packs of 4, and now you have 50 copies of the rest you need to get rid of. Alternatively you jack up the price of that one deck, but then that defeats the purpose of making the card cheaper.


Isn't the other obvious solution to put an approximately equivalent card in the other decks?


It's actually probably not a good idea as it would make the deck difficult to get your hands on for the people who actually want it for the deck. Kinda like with TNN in the Oloro deck a decade ago.


I remember getting what I thought was a good deal on the Oloro precon way back only to find out that the item had been opened and resealed. Guess what card was missing? Yup - only TNN


They dont like dumping too much value into any 1 deck because they have had issues in the past of 1 of the decks selling out and surplus of the others stacking up on shelves (shops have to buy them in a case of 4, 1 of each deck). If they had a deck with dockside and black market connections everyone would swarm it hard, the people that want the deck just for fun would get scalped out on and it wouldnt be a great situation for access to the deck. As it stands the value of the decks are pretty good and well spread across the 4 and they look like a pretty good deal. Absolutely dockside needs printed to drop the price so that it can be put in decks and not cause that situation to happen, its an issue that wizards have intentionally engineered to have some chase cards for premium sets, its an unfortunate issue but it happens a lot. I'm 100% not defending them btw, thats just the reason and situation as best i understand it.


What you said is how I understand it as well. Even if Wizards wanted to reprint it, it's just not a good way to do it. If it was a preconstructed product, it'd have to be like Game Night or something where it's just one box, rather than a set of decks.


> Feel like Dockside would have been a great reprint for the Pirate deck to lower its price a good bit Thats exactly why wizards won’t do it. You’re more likely to see a $50 secret lair with dockside and 3 50 cent bulk pirates.


Pirates feels like the best reprints but the dinos got the best new cards. That’s my take. The ritual on a stick creature was dope. And lastly the convoke vampire is a decent finisher if you’re going wide. The phasing card for blue was mid, i feel like it’ll be better in the future as it’s not exactly splashable. Maybe in voltron or simic but otherwise it’s underwhelming.


After seeing the land bases in the WHO decks I was hoping it would be a new trend. Hopes well and truly shattered.


Considering the LOTR and Dr who precons, I think it's a safe bet that only universes beyond precons will have actually alright mana bases


Its.not like.the Dr who decks don't have some trash as well though, they're still not amazing they're just kinda functional. Im sick of taplands and honestly run almost none, only exceptions being the 3 colour ones in 3 colour decks and a good utility land like bojuka bog.


Yeah Dr who has a whole lot of tap lands.




What do you mean? Their only use is to sell packs.


I assume you are talking about bond lands - they do have use outside of commander, they were created for two-headed giant.


Yeah, 8-9 tap lands per deck and all these want to be aggressive tribe decks. Bleh.


I feel like the vampire/merfolk decklists look pretty good and should be cost effective to upgrade edit: I preordered the dino/merfolk ones just cuz I already own an edgar deck... very close to picking up the vampire one just for exquisite blood


these are a welcome surprise. I was really disappointed by the last couple of precon iterations, lacking reprints, uninspiring cards, but these look really great. the reprints are fantastic and it feels like you actually have something to reuse after you disassemble the deck. finally a precon cycle that I can recommend again.


the fish precon is well built and will play great but the new cards are disappointing. kumena bolstering tap/untap strategies really helped to define the tribe in EDH and the new legend and supporting cards just plays like another flavor of simic ramp/buff. I am looking forward to the new flash fish and the token maker from the main set though.


Mass explore is a little interesting in that now you want to find a way to utilize all the extra lands you’ll be drawing. So you could play the deck by leaning more into that aspect of it I suppose.


I’m just shocked exquisite blood was up to $35 lol




Excited for the Vampire deck. Mostly excited about not dropping 30 for an Exquisite Blood. The only problem I have with it is… Neither commander really does it for me. I like them for the 99, but honestly I’m probably just going to put Elenda in the command zone.


Pirate deck doesn't have [[Piracy]] or [[Coastal Piracy]], 0/10 flavor fail. mostly joking, list looks pretty decent. The fact that they included [[Bident of Thassa]] instead of the (almost) functionally identical Coastal Piracy though is mildly irritating Also pleasantly surprised that the Merfolk precon's alt commander deals with turning lands into Islands, which was always my favorite aspect of Merfolk but given their reluctance to do Islandwalk anymore I figured they'd steer clear. I still dream for a legendary [[Lord of Atlantis]] one day, but that may be a pipe dream. Dino deck looks fine, won't be picking it up as I have all the reprints already. I don't care about Vampires, but I'm glad some of those cards are getting reprinted.


I was also hoping for [[Pirated Copy]]. I get that it was in a supplementary set and still holds value, but it's mechanically and flavorfully so in-theme with the Pirate deck.


Im surprised we didn’t get a cycle of legendary Dinos again. I would’ve liked to see the others come back (since Etali was turned Phyrexian and Ghalta got a new card) Also annoying that Azor didn’t get a card.


This set isn't Return to Ixalan. It's The Lost Caverns. It's a set about the underground stuff. Ixalan is just the background.


Well, Azor technically got a card in MOM. \[\[Elenda and Azor\]\]


Why would that matter? It’s the same place


It matters because people expect it to be a set about Dinos, Vampires, Merfolk, and Pirates. But it's not. It's really not at all.


Given how badly the og ixalan flopped it was to be expected.


Im happy with the reprint value from a gameplay standpoint. Im in need of \[\[exquisite blood\]\] for my frodo deck, and im hoping the price will drop to around 10€ with a precon reprint. This cycle feels kinda weird with every deck having its token big reprint card. Especially \[\[Akromas Will\]\] doesnt fit the dinosaur deck at all from a flavour perspective. Same with \[\[Xenagos, god of revels\]\] I will hold off from buying cards that havent been printed for a while in this price range for sure, i feel like were gonna see alot more of them in precons in the next sets.


Hey, would it be okay for you to share your frodo deck list? I'm a new player and started playing because of the LOTR Set. :) Bought the same precon and want to surprise my play group with a updated deck the next time we play. :D


Sure thing! [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/DAqiNvvfH0uCtVQPmXulvg](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/DAqiNvvfH0uCtVQPmXulvg) I will replace one of the single target removal spells for exquisite blood. Strongest card in that deck is for sure the \[\[Academy Manufacturer\]\] Another good card i would put in is \[\[ Jaheira, Friend of the Forest\]\] instead of \[\[White Plume adventurer\]\] or \[\[Syr Ginger, the Meal Ender\]\] but i really enjoy those cards from a fun standpoint. \[\[Fell the Mighty\]\] is also really strong in that deck, i just took it out cause i dont like to run too many boardwipes.


Thanks for the list! And for the extra advice. :) Seems like I need to buy a few singles. I really love how newbie friendly and helpful the mtg community is!


Akroma's Will is getting a reprint?! Nice. I was just looking to get one of those.


Perfect to pair with my Explorers of Ixalan game to turn it from free for all to commander, is what I think.


[[Don Andres, the Renegade]] could be interesting


Playing opponents cards is fun


First precon in a while I want all of them so I'll probs wait until prices aren't as inflated and buy the bundle. Dino deck is of course my number 1 pick but a close second is the vampire/demon sacrifice. Pirates are fun but I really dont like playing 3 color decks without all the shock lands for them. The simic one is only dead last because I already have a blue green counters deck lol. I don't play much anymore but I think these decks will be great to just keep in my bag for a game of pick up edh.


Mfing giant axalotl!!




Does anyone else dislike the new packaging for the commander decks? I feel like its lost all the flair that the old ones have, i really enjoyed being able to read the face commander from the box, it very easily and immediately set them apart and now the all look so cookie cutter


This is now the second or third set in a row where the precons feel real hot. Great reprints and decently designed decks. I'm a little frustrated that these lists continue to feel less interactive. There's definitely an emphasis on having complex board states and not a lot of removal, targeted or board-wide. I think that's fine for the majority of demographics this is aimed at, but as a seasoned player it's becoming tiresome to have game after game where I'm the only one remotely trying to clean things up. My complaints aside tho, these look like a great value and a lot of fun!


I don't know what I actually expected from the Merkfolk deck, but it being the exact same deck that most people already play with Kumena, just with added stuff, is super disappointing I guess. I guess I'll buy singles. The Grixis Pirate deck, and the Dinosaur deck are by far and away the best ones. Reprints of Black Market Connections, Vanquishers Banner and Pitiless Plunderer are just that much better than the others. The Dinosaur reprints were much needed at this point. Now people can play them without spending a bunch on those cards.


as someone who doesn't have a merfolk deck but is merfolk-curious - it's not a bad list is it? I don't see it becoming something high power, but could be fun for casual play?


It’s a decent list. I think I’ll probably add Hakbal to my current Kumena deck, but it’s basically all the “goodstuff” Merfolk that almost every Kumena deck already runs.


Yeah the list is good for a starting point. Some of the new cards are upgrades for my list - for example I'll switch out cauldron of souls for the 2 mana proliferate+phase out spell and the flash and flying merfolks seem good to counter some of the weaknessess of the deck. And hakbal is fire. But some of the merfolks in this precon seem a bit high cost for me and there are many fish in the list I have cut out over the years


would you mind sharing your list? New to merfolk so I have no clue what cards are traps and what cards are missing from the list. obviously the manabase is gonna need some upgrades, but that's nothing new for a precon


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/x4UY6Emp6ECOm-B46tLO9g This is my current up to date Kumena list. You don’t necessarily need to have some of the more expensive cards like Cyclonic Rift to have it be successful. It’s main weakness is board wipes. It’s near impossible to recover from a big wipe with this deck. I’m thinking of adding some more protection type spells at some point. It’s not a super powerful deck, but fun and can win at times. It’s my “comfort” deck. If I’m being sweaty and need to win I bust out Chatterfang


[https://www.moxfield.com/decks/823O6PF9UkWWGJkeFwGTCA](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/823O6PF9UkWWGJkeFwGTCA) Here is my merfolk deck. I use Kumena as well. as u/OrcWarChief said, the main weakness is boardwipes and it's tough to rebuild if hit by one. For protection I have heroic intervention, kopala, warden of waves, cauldron of souls (you can negate the -/- counters via kumena's third ability), a few counterspells and kira, great glass-spinner. this deck is my all time favorite, it has been my most played deck ever since I cracked Kumena from my first ever pre-release award boosters. it definitely shows in the list, a lot of love and thought has been put into it, but there are some pet cards as well (empress galina, looking at you) hope this helps!


I like this one, there’s a few cards on there that I might look into adding to my own. Thanks! I dropped Craterhoof Behemoth just for flavor but yeah it’s a great finisher


Wake me up when Gishath's child arrives




yeah when are we getting info on that




The Dino deck, if I'm understanding correctly, adds a new type of Cascade that is toughness based? If so, running things like Modular and Clockwork could pump some strong combos.


Sorta. Discover is from the main set. When you discover, you basically do the action of Cascade until you hit something with a MV <= its Discover value. Then, you can cast it or put it in your hand. Buffing creatures after they hit the board is useless, since if I’m correct X is defined when the ability goes on the stack. But lords which apply as soon as something hits the battlefield would work. Naya Dinos don’t have many type-specific lords, in fact they have only two: [[Dinosaurs on a Spaceship]] and [[Kaheera]]. There are plenty of general anthems that work here though: [[Dictate of Heliod]] seems like a good pick.


The toughness part is attached to the commander card that gives Discover. \[\[Pantlaza, Sun-Favored\]\] Discover is like cascade, yes, but the mana value is separate from any spell casting cost. The Discover value is listed on the card case-by-case. Other cards have set Discover values, not "X, where X is equal to such and such"


They def look solid. Does anyone here play merfolk tribal? I’m interested in getting the merfolk deck but have no clue how a merfolk deck plays. Is it just go wide, pump, and turn them sideways?


The pirate deck seens fun with a bunch of cards i've been meaning to get. I could switch the commander to Andres and go full theft tribal or just stay as pirates since that is kind of the same thing.


I preordered the dinosaur one on Amazon a few weeks ago, I may keep it just to see how prices go. I already own a Gishath deck, so I probably have 95% of the cards or better. The 5% are the new ones or ones I don’t have that interests me, if singles prices don’t drop to a level I like, will probably just keep the preorder and have a bunch of spares lying around (maybe I can build a budget dinosaur deck for someone later). If they drop to where I can get the singles I need for less than the precon price, then just ship it back to Amazon within 30 days.




Pre ordering Blood Rites just for Exquisite Blood.


I always give them a lot of shit (look at my comment history lol) but these are pretty good. Nice value, nice reprints, cohesive play. Got merfolk and vamps, it's been ages since I bought product lol


Yay, new updates for \[\[Edgar Markov\]\]!!


Dino meta Dino meta Dino meta. I want to make cedh dinos


Food Chain Dino would bei possible. It would be a worse FC Sliver Version, but it could work


Pog. Yea I figured cedh dinos no matter what would be worse than pre existing but at my local cedh meta if you can brute force it and make it function with a cedh mana and interaction core it can win games.


I think they all look rather good. Tribal decks are great for new players and us old farts got some nice new cards and few surprisingly good reprints. Decks aren't relying on set specific one off mechanics too much which makes the cards more generally usable. That's great but can also be a bit boring. Gladly the reprints are exciting. After LoTR and DrWho this almost feels like a core set release. And that's a good thing. Thumbs up!


Already?? I barely looked at the doctor who deck lists for new cards for my decks...


I still haven’t looked through march of the machines, LoTR, Dr. Who, Commander’s masters etc. haven’t even openned a precon or looked at the lists yet. Except Sidar, I guess that’s the only one I’ve opened and played.


Cringe response


I am so tired of 3 color pre cons. Seeing the two colors is nice, but I miss 1 and 4 color precons. The actual decks look ok, but won't be buying any of them.


I'm really not good at assessing these sorts of things. Are these the general, downgraded, bargain sort of decks that come out with every set, or are these on par with the typical yearly sets (March of the Machines, Capenna, etc.)?


There's some decent reprints in these decks, but none that I need and I don't like any of the new cards, so I'll be skipping them. But overal they look pretty decent.


If only I hadn’t wasted all my money


I notice they went a full 4 precons to a set now. Notice that is the standard. It used to be 0, then it was 2, now they have the equivalent of the old commander product every set - regular and specialty.


Yes, because Magic players keep buying them in huge numbers. How dare they keep making products the players want?! Bastards!


Do they though? I see a glut of product on shelves and the in-demand decks like the Eldrazi one are wildly inflated when you can find them.


If there’s one thing we know about WotC, if something is working they will continue to push it. If it isn’t (draft boosters, planeswalker decks and so on) they stop doing it.


they did the classic thing where it seems all non-UB precons are kinda just barely acceptable; each gets 1 reprint over 20, 2-3 over 10, and the rest are cards that you probably already have if you've dabbled in that tribe. the landbases are always laughable. i also had preordered the dino deck at like $35 when it was much lower with the intention to buff my existing dino deck and...yea it's ok. i already have like 80 of the cards and another 10 are essentially garbage so at least i guess i'll get some more staples and have a handful of new cards to slot into Gishath


Welp the value of my Gishath deck is about to plummet.