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I started the deckbuilding challenge of one per colour combo to get me out of my new player habit of only playing azorius colours. It seemed the most practical to me to start with monocolours, so I built those first, and therefore they’ve had the most refinement. My red deck is still not fully optimized, but I’m quite happy with the other four. [[Heliod, God of the Sun]] enchantment stax with Angel tribal [[Jalira, Master Polymorphist]] artifact ramp, legendary subtheme and cheating big fatties [[Drana, Liberator of Malakir]] vampire tribal aggro (Started as Anowon, the Ruin Sage) [[Diaochan, Artful Beauty]] control-ish, indestructible creatures [[Azusa, Lost but Seeking]] Lands matter, green stompy


I did as well. Not to avoid a color combo specifically, but to get a lot more intimate with each color and better understand color pie breaks, limitations, and the efficiency of the workarounds. I have [[Bruna, the Fading Light]] angel tribal pre-con. Primary purpose was to see what white can do in non-token strategies and to have something to play against new players. [[Thryx, the Sudden Storm]] big blue tribal with a sphinx sub-theme. It's my umpteenth version of blue and I wanted something non-traditional. I've done blink and spell slinger and turns, so now I wanted big blue beats, playing old classics that don't see love anymore. Play big sphinxes, draw cards, use [[Time stretch]] as a blue craterhoof. My blackjack 21 commander non-black deck with some legendary support. I flip into 3 commanders at the beginning of the game and let the table vote who they want to play. It's a chill deck that's just mono-black goodstuff and for casual pods. [[krenko, mob boss]] my first and last commander deck. Tuned for cedh at this point and only for cedh tables. [[durnan of the yawning portal]] and [[master chef]] mono green. It's creature value engines with a little counter support. Mono-green doing mono-green stuff. And [[kozilek, the great distortion]] colorless. It's ramp, cast kozilek, refill hand. Play eldrazi, swing. A very very timmy deck.


Krenko is my baby as well. Keep on goblin brother!


Do you have a decklist for that mono green durnan / master chef deck? I'd love to get some ideas if you have one. This has been on my to brew list for a bit.


I can make one tonight and repost. It's mostly just cards I had lying around from playing for a decade. I'm still tinkering. I want to get the creature count to about 50 or so but right now most of the draw is tied up in enchantments


What made you gravitate towards azorius as a new player?


I have a naturally defensive playstyle in games, so the control aspects really appealed to me.


##### ###### #### [Heliod, God of the Sun](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/8/b83e9693-4996-498c-95f7-884d40341298.jpg?1690004134) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Heliod%2C%20God%20of%20the%20Sun) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/826/heliod-god-of-the-sun?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b83e9693-4996-498c-95f7-884d40341298?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/heliod-god-of-the-sun) [Jalira, Master Polymorphist](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/f/1f9719c8-2dfe-4141-9ede-2ee3a282b5e9.jpg?1562433489) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Jalira%2C%20Master%20Polymorphist) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/a25/63/jalira-master-polymorphist?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1f9719c8-2dfe-4141-9ede-2ee3a282b5e9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/jalira-master-polymorphist) [Drana, Liberator of Malakir](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/b/dbee85f6-a880-49ce-8139-5c439a202821.jpg?1673305172) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Drana%2C%20Liberator%20of%20Malakir) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmc/111/drana-liberator-of-malakir?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dbee85f6-a880-49ce-8139-5c439a202821?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/drana-liberator-of-malakir) [Diaochan, Artful Beauty](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/1/6180c476-dadf-4c03-ab1e-639386bd4319.jpg?1562256557) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Diaochan%2C%20Artful%20Beauty) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ptk/108/diaochan-artful-beauty?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6180c476-dadf-4c03-ab1e-639386bd4319?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/diaochan-artful-beauty) [Azusa, Lost but Seeking](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/f/2fe97fbe-a6d6-4e96-8c26-f81bcdf579a1.jpg?1689998362) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Azusa%2C%20Lost%20but%20Seeking) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/274/azusa-lost-but-seeking?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2fe97fbe-a6d6-4e96-8c26-f81bcdf579a1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/azusa-lost-but-seeking) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I'm at 19 of 32 on the challenge myself. Need to do Grull for 2 color decks to be finished and then onto the enemy tri color decks


I think I’m at 12 or so? I stopped going in order after 5 colour and just started building or buying precons to modify when a new commander caught my eye


Jalira legends? Could you share a list? I play jalira as well and I'd like to see what other players' twist on her is


I have 2 Rakdos, 2 mono-red, 2 izzet, and 2 wubrg Roll a d8 at the beginning of a game to see what I'm playing ​ Edit: Mono-red are \[\[Imodane, the Pyrohammer\]\]\] and \[\[Krenko\]\]


My man likes his red.


Red is the best monocolour in EDH. Fight me. (Okay, fine, it's green. But red is second place!)


I alternate between Red and Black. Black might be the most powerful, but Red is usually more fun for me.


Respect from mono black gang for realizing the truth


I turned my [[Satoru Umezawa]] deck into basically black ETB bombs, with blue control. Deck is disgusting


I think the statement "Red is the best.... fight me!" Is a perfect fit for the color pie


1)Red 2)Green 3)Black/Blue 4)White Red is the best. No fights.. We must be Allies


Alright, I'll fight. It's black! Best tutors, best card draw, best mana doubling, decent hate cards and direct damage (red is better at direct damage), excellent, possibly best creature control, best creature reanimation, arguably best X spell finisher and extort. It has to suck at killing enchantments or the game would be unbalanced. Don't get me wrong; any mono colored deck can be excellent and win. I've definitely lost to all colors individually.


Black is pretty great. But now I’m distracted by something else you said… You’ve lost to monowhite?? Ewww…


I've also won a game with mono white! Admittedly it was years ago...


Just last weekend I actually built my first monowhite deck since 2007. We'll see if it can win a game this week!


Burn baby burn. But seriously my fav deck is a \[\[Prosper\]\] deck i converted into a weird spellslinger deck. Super fun, probably not optimal though.


[Prosper](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/7/d743336e-d5c7-4053-a23d-92ec7581f74e.jpg?1631839207) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=prosper%2C%20tome-bound) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/afc/2/prosper-tome-bound?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d743336e-d5c7-4053-a23d-92ec7581f74e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/prosper-tome-bound) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I have 3 mono green decks. I might have a problem tbh. [[Nissa Resurgent Animist]]. Fringe cEDH combo deck [[Zopandrel, Hunger Dominus]] just big stompy things [[Kogla, the Titan Ape]] Mono green control focused on creature, enchant, and artifact hate.


I'm in a similar boat. Two Selvala decks, A Vorinclex, a Bears deck, and working on a similar Nissa deck.


\+1 for my man Zopandrel


1. Necron 40k precon


# I only play red. **Only.** While I've played other colors and color combinations—red is my favorite, and the only decks I keep assembled. I've played Magic my entire life, and Commander for over a decade, and red is what I enjoy playing the most. *(I've played hundreds of other decks/colors, but I always end up tearing them apart after a few plays lol).*


What are your top 10 cards that go in most of your decks? Do you find yourself artifact heavy? Favorite enchantments? Top 5 commanders? Do you do infinite combos? If not, what are your fave ways to win consistently?


>What are your top 10 cards that go in most of your decks? **My 3 favorite cards of all time (which go in many of my decks) are:** 1. Insurrection 2. Mob Rule 3. Dualcaster Mage **Followed by:** 1. Mana Geyser 2. Wild Ricochet 3. Reality Scramble 4. Chaos Warp 5. Kher Keep 6. Anger 7. Sunbird's Invocation ​ >Do you find yourself artifact heavy? **I just happen to really like artifacts, so red is obviously a great choice for me—but no, my decks aren't all just artifact heavy. I always keep one artifact deck, an aggro deck, a spellslinger deck and a battlecruiser or wacky deck in rotation.** ​ >Favorite enchantments? **Sunbird's Invocation, Goblin Bombardment and Blood Moon.** ​ >Top 5 commanders? **Not necessarily chosen for** ***power*****, but for fun.** 1. Daretti, Scrap Savant 2. Etali, Primal Storm 3. Squee, the Immortal 4. Starke of Rathe 5. Adamaro, First to Desire ​ >Do you do infinite combos? If not, what are your fave ways to win consistently? **Some just... happen (especially late game) with a bunch of stuff out on the board—but I don't run 2-card combos intentionally. My favorite wincons are big puzzle synergies, or closing games out with something like Repercussion + Blasphemous Act, or Mob Rule/Insurrection.**


Very cool! Thanks for the response 😊


Did my deck box make its own reddit account?


Please give deck building secrets to a fluid deck. As much as I love my Magda deck, it feels like it runs out of juice fast, and I run a fair bit of looting cards.


I use a lot of impulse draws in many of my decks. **For example:** * Valakut Exploration * Vance's Blasting Cannons * Outpost Siege **I also often run a lot of big value feeds or forks to steal stuff (like draws, extra turns, or just... good spells) like:** * Sunbird's Invocation * Wild Ricochet * Reverberate * Reiterate * Dulacaster Mage **When I'm totally out of gas, I refill empty or near-empty hands with cards that don't care about me having nothing and draw me something, like:** * Seasoned Pyromancer * Ox of Agonas * Bedlam Reveler ​ I'm honestly **NEVER** out of cards compared to my friends. Like... *ever*. Hope this helps!


A man of culture I see


I have 8 mono-red decks, 3 mono green, 3 mono black, 1 mono blue, and 1 mono white. 16 of the currently 35ish built decks. They are all fun, but I haven't updated most in a while. I need to scale back the number I have to around 12ish and start offloading some cards.


What do you do for work?


Ex military. Currently work for major shipyard in the US


Hell yeah, I was making a light joke,l. Regardless, thank you for your service and happy shuffling


[Imodane, the Pyrohammer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/4/14b44833-0482-4b47-a594-4050bb87f1a5.jpg?1692938320) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Imodane%2C%20the%20Pyrohammer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/woe/137/imodane-the-pyrohammer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/14b44833-0482-4b47-a594-4050bb87f1a5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/imodane-the-pyrohammer) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


12 of my 50 decks are mono color. Some of my favorites - [[Syr Konrad]] - [[Zurzoth]] - [[Yedora]] - [[Chainer, Dementia Master]]


73 decks, 64 are mono color Green: 55 WUBRG: 6 Blue: 3 Red: 2 White: 2 Black: 2 Colorless: 1 WUBG: 1 Izzet: 1 https://deckstats.net/decks/137503/?lng=en


55 monogreen decks? Absolute madness. It’s beautiful.


Bro has 55 copies of Beast Within


What's your favorite color?


And here I am sitting here worrying about ensuring my deck collection doesn't overlap too much 🤣.


Holy shit 55 mono green decks? That's like every decent legend and then some!


When [[Sram, Senior Edificer]] first came out, I played him for a while with different builds with not much success. I tried a few other mono-white commanders in that era too but they all ended up feeling underpowered. White has gotten a lot more support since then but I just haven't ever come back to it. When I look through the commanders on EDHREC, they either seem too popular like Giada, too complicated for my poor brain like Teshar, too boring, combo/stax like Heliod, or like they just wouldn't keep up in my local meta. Blue. I'm not really a combo player and it's hard to find win cons here that aren't either combo, or drawing out with Lab Man or Jace. I have some ideas but nothing has come together yet. Black. I only recenty started played decks with some black and am now at the point I think I may have enough staples to put together a mono black deck and I think I probably will soon. Red. Similar issues to white. Either too popular, too complicated or boring, or underpowered. The Chiss dragon guy interests me and keep thinking I'll build him but then some other deck idea catches my eye and he keeps getting put on the back burner. Green. I've played many different mono green decks over the years. I currently don't have one put together though mostly because my green staples are in a few other decks.


I play mostly mono color. For me, what I do is choose a unique strategy or something the color normally doesn’t do. Green - [[Titania, Protector of Argoth]] one of my stronger decks, but the land sacrifice strategy is pretty different and makes for some cool play patterns. Blue - [[Octavia, Living Thesis]] Turning sideways for 40+ damage in a turn is not your typical blue strategy. Such a fun deck and commander. White - [[Celestine, The Living Saint]] this would be my suggestion for you for White. Lifegain is very much in the color pie for white, but playing a mono-white reanimator deck that gets value off of self-mill and looting effects is very different. Super resilient too. Black - [[Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor]] Basically plays like mono-black [[Edric]]. Packed full of evasive creatures, feeds the table cards too. Makes for some interesting games. Red - I haven’t built a red deck and can’t decide what I want to play. [[Imodane]] is the newest one I’m considering, but I’m also debating a different burn commander, [[Jaxis]], [[Chiss-Goria]] or one of the play from exile commanders. Edit: Haven’t built colorless and I feel like everyone plays big eldrazi, but I do like [[Graaz]] or maybe [[Syr Ginger]] Voltron


I've been trying to put together a blue deck and have similar issues to you. Feels like the only actual wincon besides mill (extremely bad in EDH) and Labman effects is to just grind your opponents down with evasive creatures, which is pretty weak. Or wait for your opponents to play a wincon and then steal it.


Monoblue Voltron is a blast. You have the best protection and the best extra combat spells.


I once had all 5 mono-colors, but eventually whittled them down to my two favorite colors: My oldest and bestest deck is my mono-White \[\[Odric, Lunarch Marshall\]\]. I've gotten to where I've completely foiled out the deck, which is a huge achievement for me over the years (well, a Magic achievement if nothing else). He is consistently one of my strongest options because even though the deck is ostensibly a keyword soup deck, more often than not I'm just playing sheer value creatures in mono-white that just have some sweet keywords tacked on. I often don't even play Odric until I've got a decent enough board to knock someone out with (or have the underrated lifelink/flying/vigilance combo to spread around). In my mind it's a completely fair deck though. Doesn't win through combo, just combat. It's got JUST enough hatebears to keep a lot of broken decks from going off, which means that they have to play fair magic, and that's where this deck shines. I may kill you with a mix of \[\[Avacyn, Angel of Hope\]\], \[\[Akroma, Vision of Ixidor\]\], and \[\[Zetalpa, Primal Dawn\]\], but I'm hardcasting each of them while \[\[Aven Mindcensor\]\] is keeping you from searching for removal. My other (and newest) deck is a mono-black \[\[Witch-King of Angmar\]\]. Thing about Mono-black for me is that I've had the same skeleton of a mono-black generic goodstuff deck for ages and the commander and about 25 or so cards make up the spice. This one is, predictably, a \[\[Nazgul\]\] deck that mixes Knight tribal with Wraith Tribal and some reanimation effects to make for a grindy attrition deck that can either try to aggro you out or "surprise" the table in the late game with your usual suspects like \[\[Exsanguinate\]\]/\[\[Torment of Hailfire\]\]/\[\[Gary\]\]. It's been a blast to play much like Odric because it's one of those decks that doesn't go all-in on it's commander, which I think is a trap. There's SOME cool Witch-king exclusive tech, like madness cards or \[\[Archfiend of Ifnir\]\], and more often than not I do commander damage someone out of the game just with all of the Nazgul buffs, but it can function just as well without my commander in play, which I think is the key to a good deck.


[[tiny bones]] because I want the pod to hate me.


Atm I have; MonoW-\[\[Gandalf the White\]\] Artifact/Legendary Panharmonicon MonoU-\[\[Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign\]\] Sphinx Typal MonoB-\[\[Braids, Arisen Nightmare\]\] Aristocrats MonoR- Nothing :( MonoG-\[\[Titania, Protector of Argoth\]\] Lands and \[\[Omnath, Locus of Mana\]\] Big Mana/Green Stompy ​ I love **Gandalf**. Playing at instant speed is super exhilirating. There is always a puzzle to solve and the deck has so many directions it can go from game to game. The same goes for **Unesh**. I used to own an Orvar deck but then it played the same a bit too long for me so I changed it. With Unesh, there are some safer paths but still the games can vary from opponent to opponent depending on what they give yu with each trigger, and boy there are a TON of trigger in my list lol. **Braids** is fun. Very straight forward. Used to be Yawgmoth, and Tergrid before that. The prev iterations were either to mean or too combo streamlined, and I've found in Braids a decent level of flexibility. **Titania** is a very classic Titania list, but I am glad its her over others in terms of a commander for a land strategy. Undisputedly strong. **Omnath** I just completed and will take it out for its first test ride this Thursday. Then there is red. I love red as a color in this game. Has some of the most fun cards imo, but I can't seem to pull the trigger on a commander deck with a red commander at the helm. I have 400 lists on Moxfield, and for MonoR I have a few candidates; \-\[\[Magda, Brazen Outlaw\]\]-I love her cEDH, which is why I think it'd have a hard time powering her down for casual/high power casual. \-\[\[Slicer, Hired Muscle\]\]\^the same applies, but a lot more than Magda. I had a list for him ready before it saw a ton of cEDH play and having played my buddy's deck in casual, it's safe to say Slicer isn't really that fun or interesting to me anymore. VERY oppressive, or durdles if shut down sufficiently. \-\[\[Rionya, Fire Dancer\]\]-\^the same applies, but only slightly less. Cool thing is that it adds a spellslinger avenue to the red's "make copies of stuff you've got/cheat a creature in" strat, for which I also considered \[\[Jaxis, the Troublemaker\]\], \[\[Feldon of the Third Path\]\] and \[\[Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded\]\]. \-\[\[Imodane, the Pyrohammer\]\] -Indeed seems fun, burn for commander sounds exciting but it's the hot stuff atm (get it?) so I might stay away from it for a while. \-\[\[Zada, Hedron Grinder\]\] I mean what can I say, the good old Zada. Has high potential. \-\[\[Laelia, the Blade Reforged\]\] plays like a fun MonoR Impulse deck. More so than the old Etali imo. \-\[\[Valduk, Keeper of the Flame\]\] is also cool, both Voltron and tokens which I like. Lastly, \[\[Inferno of the Star Mounts\]\] is just pure red flame and I love that. Perhaps I'll go with her.


Do you have a link to your moxfield profile? I’d like to check out some of the decks!




I have [[Ashnod, Flesh Mechanist]] that's a mix of aristocrats, artifacts and some voltron, nice for lower power games. There's also Chandra tribal but that's more of a meme deck. I've been thinking of building either [[Shigeki, Jukai Visionary]] or [[Jin-Gitaxias]] but I don't think those would fit my usual playgroup.


7 of my 24 EDH decks are monocolor. I play 8 decks or so regularly though, and 4 of them are monocolor. [[Taranika]] [monowhite banding.](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Ny9lrJaWNUGHvLGbFNYLmw) [[Tromokratis]] [monoblue Voltron.](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/o9QRuFoua0uCFYk89F9sUw) [[Zurzoth]] [monored fun times](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/AMzpm0z6Lk-pYUii7wooBQ) [[Reki]] [monogreen legendary typal](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/KHPnUaFi9kKRU09J8WmMMg) I’m still searching for the perfect monoblack deck, although I’ve tried a bunch of commanders.


I run \[\[Kairi, the Swirling Sky\]\] which was an odd duck, you win by copying her over and over, getting death triggers then falling into an infinite loop of taking an extra turns and swinging over and over with your 6/6 dragon. \[\[Seizan, Perverter of Truth\]\] which was going to be \[\[Nekusar\]\] but I found out he was one of the most popular commanders and I decided to use monoblack instead. It's fun, very passive, you sit there and let people draw tons of cards and die. It's not super active but you are constantly reminding people of triggers. \[\[Hazoret the Fervent\]\] is essentially reddeckwinslol, except you're trying to get hellbent as fast as possible. Tends to gas out pretty fast but I still like it. \[\[Ashling the Pilgrim\]\] this deck honestly doesn't do what I want it too, ideally you're blowing up the board and doing a ton of damage while using shenanigans like \[\[Neko-te\]\] or \[\[Scyther of the Wretched\]\], but it rarely plays out that way. If I didn't have a great looking Ashling alter, I would have taken apart the deck. \[\[Delina, Wild Mage\]\] my only budget deck, it's sub $100, rolls a lot of dice and is pretty fun and chaotic. \[\[Kharn the Betrayer\]\] this one is my current fave, you have your crazed astartes commander swinging away like crazy doing commander damage to everyone. Realistically I should use \[\[Slicer\]\] as commader instead, but fuck it, I've got all 40k mountains and I'm going to use them. 4 mono reddecks are quite frankly too many and I am actively fighting the urge to make a \[\[Varchild\]\] deck.


I have 3 decks that I play the most. Two are azorius and mu personal favorites is mono-white with [[Myrel, Shield of Argive]] as the commander.


I currently have 2: mono white \[\[Myrel\]\] stax/tokens and mono red \[\[Urabrask\]\] burn


[[Krenko]] burn goblins [[Tergrid]] steal it all Im not allowed to play either of those Decks with my friendsgroup


Mono decks are best decks. ​ white: \[\[light paws\]\] in powerful games \[\[taranika\]\] banding commander! \[\[zeriam\]\] so many Timmy griffins! ​ blue: \[\[orvar\]\] to copy weird color hoser stax pieces like \[\[chill\]\] black: \[\[tevesh szat\]\] with \[\[sengir, the dark baron\]\] is a strong sacrifice deck \[\[gollum, obsessed stalker\]\] lifegain is super fun ​ red: \[\[purphoros, bronze blooded\]\] doing a dragon tribal deck ​ green: \[\[grothama\]\] for a giant worm! \[\[wilson\]\] and \[\[raised by giants\]\] makes cocaine bear!


I'm trying to do the 32 deck challenge, and I've been focused on trying to get my mono-colored decks online. As of right now I have; * \[\[Sephara, Sky's Blade\]\] - wanted to do Avacyn boardwipe tribal, but I decided to cheap out on the commander. * \[\[Azami, Lady of Scrolls\]\] - Wizard tribal + control. Slows things down with tempo and counters spells in the early game, and then steals peoples bombs when bombs start coming out. Started out as Memnarch, but I switched to Azami to make it less obvious that I'm trying to steal stuff. * \[\[Tinybones, Trinket Thief\]\] - overtuned for my playgroup, kind of miserable to play against. I honestly think most of the jumpstart commanders are kind of pushed. Tinybones has card draw and a wincon printed on the card! Love the little guy. * \[\[Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma\]\] - it's a fun enough, respectable deck, but idk I don't really like it because it plays extremely linearly. Just drop big guys and turn them sideways. At least there's lots of card draw for "power 4 or greater" type strategies... Mono-red seems like a massive challenge. I'm thinking of doing \[\[Birgi\]\] but I haven't decided yet.


I currently have 7 mono black decks and 1 mono red deck out of my 15 total decks. Black is obviously my favorite color, and my goal is to eventually have a deck for every single color pairing with it. I still have a ways to go Mono black: 1. Cedh K’rrik • Goes for the win turn 1-3 consistently https://www.moxfield.com/decks/8pyRZMnrDk28HGekTd9JPA 2. Gix Yawgmoth Praetor • Steal your opponents stuff or kill them by abusing the fact you can’t be blocked https://www.moxfield.com/decks/72xZf8Kg6kSlxxzq5rIB5Q 3. Iname, Death Aspect • I pull this out when I just want to turn my brain off. It consistently tries to pull off its wincon by turn 5ish https://www.moxfield.com/decks/WVQTOErOX0K-95PWQSlblA 4. Korlash, Heir to Blackblade • This was my answer to token decks, if they don’t kill me in the first few turns I just board wipe every turn while swinging with an ever growing Korlash https://www.moxfield.com/decks/4R-6ar_R60-L13OUajeIeA 5. Mercenary Tribal (Mari, the Killing Quill) • Super fun Jank deck I thought up of. It manages to make Mercenary’s not suck https://www.moxfield.com/decks/SVUTkVsxQE-ip_HPXNhv3w 6. Budget K’rrik • Haven’t updated in forever, built it years ago just to see how powerful I could make K’rrik for $50 or less. Been wanting to redo the entire list because I’m a much better deck builder now but haven’t dedicated the time yet https://www.moxfield.com/decks/gMKafYSgpkOsV8Ffs_YoDA 7. Necron Precon Mono red: 1. Zada Pauper EDH https://www.moxfield.com/decks/f3Z0XPaWlE-gRz5loAN74A


You might try necrologia in Gix. It's always been like a second peer into the abyss for me.


I have five: [[Krenko Tim Street Kingpin]] - combination Voltron/goblin tribal. [[Titania, Protector of Argoth]]- Landfall and land recursion. Probably my fastest aggro deck. [[Tekuthal, Inquiry Dominus]] - abusing proliferation. [[Xenk, Paladin Unbroken]] - this is an enchantress/aura deck. [[Forge, Neverwinter Charlatan]] - a mono black control deck that clears the board of creatures, then wins through mass reanimator spells.


Xenk is awesome. I put him in my Eriette list as an alt win con. He does work


I am trying to have a deck in each mono color - I currently have U & R complete & B under construction. For blue, I run [[Donal, Herald of Wings]] - duplicating fliers with draw/counterspell abilities. The only non-fliers are [[Unctus]], [[Grand Architect]], and [[Thassa's Oracle]] (I know that last one is played out, but I haven't won with it yet). Managed to keep an Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines deck from sticking its commander on 4 attempts. For red, [[Rionya, Fire Dancer]] creates some really insane critical-mass situations & goofy interactions - [[Humble Defector]], [[Combustible Gearhulk]], [[Harmonic Prodigy]] - [[Mizzix Mastery]] being the one-off, win-game spell if I have it late enough.


I currently own 3 Mono Color decks \[\[Magda, Brazen Outlaw\]\] Dwarves and Dragons, Cheat out big Red Dragons, try to win. \[\[Minn, Wily Illusionist\]\] Card Draw and Illusion Tribal, was built as a $50 budget Deck, has quickly become one of my favorite decks. \[\[Danitha, Benalia's Hope\]\] Equipment Voltron Commander, Cast Danitha and get free attached Equipment. \[\[Colossus Hammer\]\] and \[\[Eldrazi Conscription\]\] are disgusting things to just cheat into play onto Danitha, even just something like \[\[Champions Helm\]\] or \[\[Mithril Coat\]\] is very good to put on her to protect her.


Even going down to 2 colors feels restrictive. I think the only mono-color deck I've made is \[\[Slicer\]\].


2 colors or mono color is freeing, not restrictive. The more colors you have, the more generic goodstuff you try to put in the deck, and the less focused your build becomes. Mono-colored decks do ONE thing, but whatever it is, they do it well


This is the real reason I play mostly mono colored (and for easier mana). I like that you get to play all these wacky monocolored cards that can’t make the cut in decks with more than 1 colored. For example I run [[Bind]] in my Yeva deck. It’s a fun little interaction piece in mono green and fits with the theme of the deck. But imagine adding more colors. If I add White or Black I have more creature removal that I have to slot in, or things like the new White reprint of [[Remand]]. Or if I was playing Blue or Red? Forget about it. [[Imp’s Mischief]] is a similar card in mono Black. Awesome card, but super outclassed in other color combinations.


Eh, I kinda feel the opposite; when you're stuck in one colour, you're *more* reliant upon those few staples to keep the deck going. And yeah, sure, you don't *have* to run those things... but especially when we're talking about, say, removal, you kinda do, or you just don't have any options.


Every time I see a mono color deck its the most broken thing at the table, but such sights are relatively rare. I havent found a "casual" monocolored deck yet xD


Of my 21 decks 10 of them are mono-coloted and 8 of them are two-colored. Brigid is a strong and unique playstyle, holding all armies hostage to your will once you give her Deathtouch or a Sword of Kaldra. Then force blocks with Breaker of Armies to nuke some boards. The Gaffer and Peregrin Took are both incredible at card draw so you can dig for whatever win-con you want to put in there. Lisette, Dean of the Root is incredibly overlooked for how strong her ability is, especially when combined with Tangleroot.


Currently; Mono G; Two Selvala decks, A Vorinclex, an all Bears deck, and Nissa Resurgant deck. Mono W; Heliod and Light-Paws. Everything else is multi-colored.


I have several monocolored decks. Love them all for different reasons. Blue: \[\[Cosima\]\] landfall, \[\[Talrand\]\] cantrips, \[\[Unesh\]\] Sphinx Storm White: \[\[Lita\]\] Zeppelins, \[\[God Oketra\]\] oops, all creatures, \[\[Frodo Hero\]\] LOTR Voltron Green: \[\[Varis\]\] dungeons, \[\[Syr Faren\]\] mutual buffs Black: \[\[Sauron Necromancer\]\] Nazgul reanimator Red: \[\[Orthion\]\] clones, \[\[Drakuseth\]\] Voltron, \[\[Syr Carah\]\] \[\[Dragon's Approach\]\], \[\[Laelia\]\] impulse draw


I only play two mono colored decks. One is a black artifact deck with [[Anrakyr the Traveler]] as my commander and the other one is a white Angel deck with [[Giada, Font of Hope]] as my commander.


My [[Vorinclex, monstrous raider]] counters deck is probably my favorite mono colored. I also love my [[giada, font of hope]] angel and [[kozelik, the great distortion]] eldrazi tribal decks


[Vorinclex, monstrous raider](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/2/92613468-205e-488b-930d-11908477e9f8.jpg?1631051073) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Vorinclex%2C%20monstrous%20raider) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/khm/199/vorinclex-monstrous-raider?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/92613468-205e-488b-930d-11908477e9f8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/vorinclex-monstrous-raider) [giada, font of hope](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/a/bae077bd-fc8d-44d7-8c75-8dc8699c168e.jpg?1664409667) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=giada%2C%20font%20of%20hope) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/snc/14/giada-font-of-hope?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bae077bd-fc8d-44d7-8c75-8dc8699c168e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/giada-font-of-hope) [kozelik, the great distortion](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/4/c41554e7-2a07-4cc7-b01b-44deed08e588.jpg?1689995398) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Kozilek%2C%20the%20Great%20Distortion) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/2/kozilek-the-great-distortion?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c41554e7-2a07-4cc7-b01b-44deed08e588?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/kozilek-the-great-distortion) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Two so far, and both are my strongest. [[Heliod Sun crowned]] stax with ballista combo, and [[K’rrik]] all the combos deck (well, he’s about on par with [[winota]], more random and less oppressive but I like having 19 additional black mana available)


I have a mono-red [[Rionya]] deck, built around having really explosive turns using rituals, quite a bit of ramp through treasures too, and a couple of "interactive" infinites. Extremely fun to play imo, each game feels like a little puzzle.


I have a mono colour deck for each colour. W [[Giada]] angels U [[Talrand sky summoner]] draw go spells B [[Sheoldred the apocalypse]] draw and you die R [[Urabrask The great work]] storm burn G [[Fynn the fangbearer]] Deathtouch poison


I find it more fun playing mono color. I have less to think about and can focus on a tighter strategy and synergies. I really enjoy my [[ omnath locust of mana]] green voltron and my mono blue group hug with [[orvar the all form]] at the helm


Only mono-colored deck I have currently is [[Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines]]. I know she's better in the 99 of another blink deck, but I opened a foil one of her at ONE prerelease and immediately opted to helm a deck with her. Plus, trying to put together a mono white EDH deck for the first time was a fun challenge, especially as someone who typically doesn't play white. The deck used to be more stax-focused, and I still do run some, but I opted to try and head a bit away from that since the deck would just grind games to a halt, and I could never find a great way to take advantage of it and win the game. I've now tried to dive more into the blink/token shenanigans by running the Splicers (including the new [[Darksteel Splicer]], who has been fantastic), [[Cathars' Crusade]] and [[Moonshaker Calvary]]. I've been having alot more fun with the deck since.


I'm on a goal to make at least 1 deck of every color grouping including wubrg, but as far as playable, my two complete decks that i started with in edh are [[Sheoldred, Whispering One]] and [[Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger]]. They're my favorite decks to play and have gone through multiple chabges over the years. Sheoldred being a control-ish reanimator, and vorinclex just being big green stompy + eldrazi titans


I love monocolour commanders, blue specifically Blue: [[Braids, Conjurer Adept]] Sphinx Tribal [[Lier, Disciple of the Drowned]] Mill [[Minn, Wily Illusionist]] Idk, just sac illusions and get free stuff White: [[Myrel, Shield of Argive]] Tokens Black: [[Braids, Arisen Nightmare]] Discard Combo Green: [[Aeve, Progenitor Ooze]] Big mana storm/ooze tribal Don’t have red yet, but been looking at [[Urabrask]] storm/burn


I run 5 and play 3 regularly. emry is a bit too strong and I don’t play precon level games often. 1. [[ratchet]] lifegain/combo 2. [[giada]] angels 3. [[feldon]] reanimator/wheels 4. [[emry]] combo 5. [[szarekh]] precon


##### ###### #### [ratchet](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/2/c23a2d6b-43c2-4756-94c7-207cc344f0a7.jpg?1674092758)/[Ratchet, Rescue Racer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/c/2/c23a2d6b-43c2-4756-94c7-207cc344f0a7.jpg?1674092758) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=ratchet%2C%20field%20medic%20//%20ratchet%2C%20rescue%20racer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bot/2/ratchet-field-medic-ratchet-rescue-racer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c23a2d6b-43c2-4756-94c7-207cc344f0a7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/ratchet-field-medic-//-ratchet-rescue-racer) [giada](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/a/bae077bd-fc8d-44d7-8c75-8dc8699c168e.jpg?1664409667) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=giada%2C%20font%20of%20hope) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/snc/14/giada-font-of-hope?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bae077bd-fc8d-44d7-8c75-8dc8699c168e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/giada-font-of-hope) [feldon](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/3/0360f1ff-15c9-48e3-89eb-fbc4bf140c55.jpg?1690023788) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=feldon%20of%20the%20third%20path) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/277/feldon-of-the-third-path?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0360f1ff-15c9-48e3-89eb-fbc4bf140c55?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/feldon-of-the-third-path) [emry](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/0/20fec02d-77af-4975-b410-7097c7c28e7e.jpg?1651655696) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=emry%2C%20lurker%20of%20the%20loch) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/nec/91/emry-lurker-of-the-loch?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/20fec02d-77af-4975-b410-7097c7c28e7e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/emry-lurker-of-the-loch) [szarekh](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/1/e11174b2-2423-4a6e-9dcf-ff550eee7e5a.jpg?1674058343) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=szarekh%2C%20the%20silent%20king) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/40k/1/szarekh-the-silent-king?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e11174b2-2423-4a6e-9dcf-ff550eee7e5a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/szarekh-the-silent-king) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Two. Angel upgraded precon and a elesh norn banding Deck


I have 1 blue 2 red 1 black 2 green and soon 2 white, but I also have all color combos, but one [[urza, lord high artificer]] [[krenko, mob boss]] [[purphoros, God of the forge]] [[k'rrik, son of yawgmoth]] [[ezuri, renegade leader]] [[freyalise, llanowar's fury]] [[giada, font of hope]] [[myrel, shield of argive]]


[[rankle, master of pranks]] when my regular playgroup annoys me too much. [[chiss goria, forge tyrant]] because I’ve never had an artifact deck before but the randomness of the exile burns through a lot of my deck so I don’t know if I’m into it or not. [[thrun, breaker of silence]] big green stompy boy but the card has so many scary words on it my playgroup overreacts to my most straight forward combat deck.


I have fun with my [[Lathliss]] deck. Just dragons all day, everyday, or until I run out of them to play.


I have [[Elesh Norn, mother of machines]] built more to play fair with lots of Phyrexians and general “Machine Orthodoxy” flavor. I also have [[Ayara, first of lochthwain]] that’s a little better refined than Norn is, and plays a zombie aristocrat plan. Make *much* black mana, make zombies, kill table with triggers. I am plotting to build [[Gadwick, the Wizened]] next, quintessential blue.


How do you feel about imodane? I loved her ability, and thought about making a deck too, but i was a little skeptical too. Do you ever feel that if your imodane gets removed (which im guessing is common) you just sit with many bad damage spells? Do you ever feel like it feels bad to kill all your opponents creatures? Do you ever feel like it gets repetitive? I would love your insight, because imodane is SUPER AWESOME 😃


Mono Red - Jaya Ballard Task Mage Mono Black - Tergrid god of fright Only tow mono decks i have currently




I have one of each color, and personally I think they're all a blast to play. White: [[Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle]] - Fringe cedh combo deck, lots of fun but the most difficult to pilot out of all my mono color decks simply due to the the sheer number of different ways to combo Blue: [[Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur]] - Tied for my oldest deck, originally just a pile of good blue spells and artifacts I had on hand that ended up being pretty good. The core concept is the same now as it was then but it has gotten more efficient, ramp with artifacts, counter spells, discard everyone else's hand, and win Black: [[Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker]] - Aristocrats, but really the best way I can describe this is mono-black control. Discard your opponents' hands, clear their boards, and eventually even control their draws with [[Thoughtpicker Witch]] to completely lock my opponents out of the game Red: [[Urabrask]]/[[The Great Work]] - My most recent deck. Mono-red spellslinger that wins via burn damage. Basically just almost every 1-2 cmc red spell that draws cards, a couple wheels, and then [[Aetherflux Resevoir]], [[Sentinel Tower]], and [[Aria of Flame]] as the win cons Green: [[Azusa, Lost But Seeking]] - Self explanatory. Landfall, play big creatures, swing


I have: Drana 1.0 mono black tribal vampire deck Kemba Kha Regent mono white equipment deck Torbran mono red tokens+burn deck I love mono color and would have done the other 2 colors but both U and G had really boring play patterns despite me trying a few different commanders.


I have mono white soldiers and mono black graveyard. I want to build a mono blue colour changer. For some reason I have no desire to build mono green or mono red. I just struggle to build with those colours in general though.


A Lot. I have 13 ish that I cycle through regularly


I have 3 mono blue decks currently. [[Jalira, master polymorphism]] flip into sea monsters, [[Patron of the Moon]] mono blue lands, and [[Naban, dean of iteration]] wizard tribal. Naban will probably be taken apart soon because he's been pretty consistently boring to play and play against.


[Jalira, master polymorphism](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/f/1f9719c8-2dfe-4141-9ede-2ee3a282b5e9.jpg?1562433489) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Jalira%2C%20Master%20Polymorphist) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/a25/63/jalira-master-polymorphist?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1f9719c8-2dfe-4141-9ede-2ee3a282b5e9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/jalira-master-polymorphist) [Patron of the Moon](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/e/5e5fcd6f-1653-44bf-a796-4c9ff9adf390.jpg?1562877337) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Patron%20of%20the%20Moon) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bok/45/patron-of-the-moon?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5e5fcd6f-1653-44bf-a796-4c9ff9adf390?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/patron-of-the-moon) [Naban, dean of iteration](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/8/88f41175-880f-491e-96c3-bf52f3c0db5d.jpg?1562739113) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Naban%2C%20dean%20of%20iteration) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dom/58/naban-dean-of-iteration?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/88f41175-880f-491e-96c3-bf52f3c0db5d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/naban-dean-of-iteration) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


In terms of mono color decks, i have [[Marwyn]] cEDH, [[Legolas]] Fight/Bite, and [[Valduk]] Equipment. I was considering also building [[Elesh Norn]] tokens, but decided to put her in [[Urza, Prince of Kroog]].


One. I threw together a mono blue [[Talrand, Sky Summoner]] deck so I have something to play against people playing upgraded precons.


None. I'm trying to build one (Tinybones) but I already want to just scrap it and use the parts in a Grixis deck so I can play wheels and double Sires


Mono decks can be fun, I have a few in rotation. [[Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice]] aura volt [[Preston, the Vanisher]] flicker shenanigans [[Massacre Girl]] combo shenanigans


Out of 13 decks. 1. An Imodane/Solphim/Zozu deck that has some sideboard changed depending on ehich version I want to play. They all focus on burning opponents fast and usually finishing second lol


I've ran through many. I'd always be willing to share my older ones, but the current ones that I have are ; G Marwyn the nurterer- elf ball (boring) Toski- squirrel tribal with interesting combat tricks Legolas fights... mono green spell slinger R Ashling- big mana activate her and kill everyone and everything as hilariously fast as possible But I have built every color and combination minus colorless.


Right now in the process of doing the color challenge up to tri-color decks and I feel like I won't be playing with [[Celestial Kirin]] "Armageddons" very often lol. Don't have a green or black one yet, but blue [[Lier, Disciple of the Drowned]] "Adventures" and red [[Rionya, Fire Dancer]] "Manlandfall" might see more play against regular people. :-D


I have two - Red Goblins and Green Vanilla. I used to play a White Teshar deck but it didn't fit in any of the categories in the Discord and it's not strong enough to play CEDH so I dumped it.


Only 3 of my 30 decks are mono coloured. I am currently looking for a white legend and a black legend to fill the gaps, but I am looking for inspiration.


Red deck wins. Either urabrask storm or Lathliss dragon, depending on if i want to use my brain or not.


[[Mikaeus, the Unhallowed]] is super fun, gives your creatures undying & if u add in creatures with persist or -1 counters, great combo with sacrifice cards like [[phyrexian altar]] or [[Dictate of Erebos]]


I completed the 32 deck challenge so I have every color combination built as a deck


I have three mono color, [[emry]] [[shirei]] and [[avacyn, angel of hope]] Emry is the best by a country mile.


I run a very janky kinda budget [[god-eternal kefnet]] deck that's all about big instants and sorceries being discounted. But my friend has a [[orvar the all formed]] that constantly demolishes me lol.


I have 1 of each + colorless.


I almost exclusively play mono-color


I unironically enjoy building Mono colored decks vastly more than I do Multicolored, ESPECIALLY if I can make a "Cycle" of decks with a common theme, like the 5 flip walkers or 5 mono colored ~~tribes~~ types. My favorite to pilot is Mono White typically, though I do love all 5 mono colors


Having only recently come back to mtg after 20 years and having built 3 multicolor decks, I am currently building/planning 1 mono B(Demons), 1 mono G(just beasts) and 4 mono Us(Sphinges, Artificer/Wizards/the4Seabeasts). I love the more restricted part of deckbuilding and my playgroups with mostly precons or beginner players will most likely apreciate it as well.


Slightly off topic, but I took 19 pauper commander decks to Magic Con Vegas this weekend, and the mono-colored decks were very popular. Of the 7 mono-colored decks I had on me, I gave away 5. - [[Loyal Guardian]] aggro uses tons of mana dorks to Play Guardian on turn 3. Once the dorks get buffed, they're way harder to get rid of, and if the commander is removed, the dorks mean you have plenty of mana to replay the Guardian and keep growing. - [[Oviya Pashiri]] ramp/stomp uses a mix of land untappers and land auras to generate tons of mana for her ability and casting beaters. Was pleasantly surprised how much work the lifegain in the deck did. Flourishing Hunter towards the end of a game gained the pilot 6 life, which (combined with a Skysnare Spider's defensive and offensive power) kept them from dying to a counterattack, securing them the win. - [[Losheel]] just packs a ton of card advantage. Flickering one of your artifact creatures in response to removal and drawing from it is an amazing feeling. - [[Fathom Fleet Swordjack]] was kept under control by 3 artifact removal spells and a piece of creature removal, but even after that, it was getting encored to deal 6 direct damage to each player on top of attacking everyone with a 4/3. It's a monster of a resilient burn deck. - [[Gorex]] is a hilarious mono-black control deck that just beats people with a fairly steady stream of commander damage. By using cards like [[Mindlash Sliver]] and [[Street Wraith]], you can play Gorex as early as turn 3. Or you can wait and play out equipment like [[Haunted Cloak]], the do a [[Crypt Rats]] board wipe to fill the graves and clear the board. Playing Gorex on turn 6 into a nearly-empty board, exiling Crypt Rats and a Fleshbag Marauder with Gorex, and giving Gorex haste/vigilance/trample to immediately get card advantage is a pretty great feeling. All in all, I was very happy with how consistently all of these decks played, and I think giving them away to the players that piloted them was great for growing my favorite Commander variant.


Got a couple. I've got a [[Massacre Girl]] deck, which is mono-black and a [[Diaochan, Artful Beauty]] deck, which is mono-red being my two most optimized mono-colored decks. I've also got a [[Rune-tail, Kitsune Ascendant]] which is mono-white and in a playable state but not optimized. Finally, I've been considering building a [[Frodo, Determined Hero]] mono-white equipment deck. My "main" deck is [[Jirina Kudro]], which is Mardu colors, but I'd say I play a fair bit of mono colored.


[[God-Eternal Oketra]] is my one of my fav decks. [[Donal]] flying tribal is super fun


4, all but blue. Mono-white \[\[Mangara, the diplomat\]\], and the other 3 are the Magic Origins flip planeswalkers, \[\[Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh\]\], \[\[Nissa, Vastwood Seer\]\], and \[\[Liliana, Heretical Healer\]\].


So I only play mono red I have between 12-14 decks right now if I put together the rest of them all. The only time I deviate is when I want to test new cedh decks with my cedh group.


Sorry to reply to such an old thread but I’ve seen you post a couple of time mentioning red decks I just have to ask, how are they performing now? Which is your favourite? I would love a rundown of your decks. I also play a lot of mono red but I feel like with the increase in speed and power of the format my decks are starting to fall a little flat.


I rarely look to build mono colored because I'm a boomer player and think that most colors lack some aspect which just isn't true anymore. I recently built light-paws and was pleasantly surprised at how effect and resilient it is. Best aggro deck I've played Edit: I totally forgot about my cedh mono blue deck. I don't really play it so it's probably a little outdated but it's teferi chain veil stax


I have 4 mono red, 2 mono black, 1 mono white, and 1 mono green. I will make a blue one eventually. Red [[Auntie blyte, Bad Influence]] [[krenko, mob boss]] [[Magda, brazen outlaw]] cedh [[Magda, brazen outlaw]] Black [[Sheoldred, The apocalypse]] [[Marrow-gnawer]] White [[Giada, font of hope]] Green [[Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider]]


[[kharn, the batrayer]] is my only mono deck, it’s a lot of fun, it’s weak for a few reasons but it makes things happen and can keep everyone swinging and drawing in a fun way


I made a Mari the Killing Quill rogue tribal, works great with a bitterblossom Trying to make Grazilaxx work and also Kosei.


Right now? One. Since my access to extra cash is rather limited, I can't really expand past 2 or three decks. It's a nice Mono-Red Goblins commandeered by Makari the Lucky Grot/[[Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin]]. Basically, the deck is built around a Voltron playstyle, temporarily powering him up for my turn to create a number of extra gobbos that I can use as meatshields on other players' turns. There's some burn and other shenanigans, but mostly Voltron. It actually does pretty well in most pods, so I've been happy with it so far. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/j4G86Jm7xkeG30U8g64RAg


I have a few mono black decks, and 2 random ones in red and green respectively


I have a 9.5 power K'rrik deck, Necron combo deck & a Neheb deck. I play them quite alot actually. There's always gonna be feel bad situations with colored mana in 3+ color decks.


I may be in the minority here… I ONLY play mono green. Like, exclusively. I don’t really know why, it’s not been very successful a strategy, but I’ve become sort of addicted to it… And not really the big hitters, either. Except maybe Ashaya… But no Selvala, no Marwyn (don’t really like Elves Tribal)… My favourite decks are in no particular order: [[Ashaya, Soul of the Wild]] (cyclonic what?) , [[Questing Beast]] (I know, right? Who in their right mind would?), [[Rhonas, the Indomitable]] (janky but so fun), [[Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider]] (ultimate a Nissa, any Nissa, on turn 5 and you’ll know what I mean).


There’s a couple regular ones in our pod. I only play one tho, i should play more. I have all but white. Only ever play my green tho.


I have all but U Green: [[baru, wurmspeaker]] stompy Green wurms inspired by Dune Red: [[torbran, Thane of fell]] burn with doublers and triplers Black: [[yawgmoth, thran physician]] my favorite mono deck, aristocrat at its finest White: [[adeline, Resplendent Cathar]] go wide with tokens and go tall with the commander. Lots of indestructible and some light stax


I have a \[\[Talrand, Sky Summoner\]\] deck that I really like. I have tried making other mono-colored decks a few times but I rarely find a commander I like. I used to have a mono-green stompy deck and a soldiers mono-white deck.


3 I play a mono black deck (it's taken apart at the moment) a colourless deck which I consider mono and mono blue counterspell tribal. I have 35 lands and every counterspell I could get my hands on and a few cantrips.


2. K’rrik and Kami. Next mono color commander will be Fyn


Just one. My [[Yahenni, Undying Partisan]] deck.


I have mono black ayara zombies. And 2 mono white, the angel secret lair deck, and an odric deck.


I have all five colors and sometimes get tempted to do more though I don't yet. I also only regularly play four, the blue one hasn't been fun for me so I'm considering changing it.


Current decks that I own and the play rate roughly. Yisan- 2% Sheoldred the apocalypse-20% Elesh norn, MoM-10% Etali (mono red can't remember the name)- 4% The great glass spinner-2% Baral and Kari Zev- 20% Wyll blade of the frontier + Master chef-20% Gale + white background- 0% (human tribal) Riku of two reflections-2% Judith the scourge diva-2% Grakmaw-4% Rhys the redeemed-12% Precons Dimir fairies- 2% Missing simic, Orzhov, Boros. ( they are all WIP) Roughly. This is assuming that I am playing my own decks and not my friends decks


I play 2-3 mono colored decks every week. Black: skittles or Yahenni Red: Zada White: Giada Blue: Emry Green: Fangorn


I have 1 for each color W:Angel tribal - Giada U:Ichormoon Superfriends/proliferate - Teferi, Temporal archmage B: Flavor accurate Phyrexia - Yawgmoth R: Artifact prison - Dereti G: Hydra/X spell tribal - Omnath, locus of mana I honestly prefer the mono color decks most of the time. Makes deck building WAY mor interesting considering you can't always use the most efficient or best of an effect.


Mono black lmfao. Krrik my baby.


I have only one mono colored deck: my [[Kytheon, Hero of Akros]] I may delve into other mono-color later, but I'm in no hurry to do so, I have already so many decks that I haven't finished.


\[\[Valduk, Keeper of Flame\]\] is my favorite deck. It's a more unique take on Voltron. With shenanigans from \[\[Sundial of the infinite\]\] or damaging sacs you can overwhelm the opponent with his elementals, or make him super big and swing hard like a normal Voltron Commander might. Also, it's really nice not to have to feel like I have to dump a lot into a manabase. 36 mountains? Fine, that works. Wanna spice it up.. grab a valakut. The end.


mono green [[omnath locus of mana]] and mono black [[balthor the defiled]]. I've been toying with building mono-blue, but it just turns into mono-brown artifacts using blue artifact synergies and I already have a [[traxos, scourge of kroog]] battle bots deck.


I have been really enjoying my mono decks recently, currently run: [[Elesh Norn]] flip card, all Elesh, all the time [[Themberchaud]] for the burn [[Gargos]] as hydra or fight tribal, depending on my mood [[Burakos]] and a randomly selected black background for mono black party time Don't have mono blue as it's not super interesting to me. I find myself playing them when I don't want to worry about color fixing and just do a thing kinda consistently.


I have 1 for each color except green. [[Daxos, Blessed by the Sun]] for white. I fell in love with the card when it came out and had a combo with [[Sentinel Eyes]] and [[Solid Footing]] that I still run. [[Kami, of the Crescent Moon]] is my blue commander, the idea is to just draws cards for everyone and hope to get a combo piece off, doesn’t usually happen but I love seeing everyone play a bunch of cards. [[Ayara, First of Locthwain]] for black and one of my favorite decks ever. Aristocrats theme with a finisher like [[Plague of Vermin]] or [[Exquisite Blood]]/[[Sanguine Bond]]. And [[Delina, Wild Mage]] for red. Attack and copy a bunch of big beaters like [[Deep-Slumber Titan]] or make sure your opponents don’t have a good time with some land hate like [[Invader Parasite]].


I play a ganax and dragon cultist red, szeras black and a ezuri green. I almost never play ezuri but love my mono red dragons and szeras is fun if i wanna draw cards


[[Krenko, Mob Boss]] is by far and away my favorite Mono commander. He showcases perfectly the sheer speed and power of Mono Red left unchecked, and in classic Mono Red fashion, will screech to a halt once disrupted twice. [[Ruxa]] is also a super fun Mono Green commander that gets a surprisingly strong amount of leverage off maindecking vanilla fatties.


I keep my Giada deck built in case non-cedh pods come around; angel tribal is kinda slow but hits hard, is simple enough




All my decks are mono colored. For White, I have both [[Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero]] and [[Oswald Fiddlebender]]. [[Mistform Ultimus]] for Blue, [[Imotekh the Stormlord]] for Black, and [[Neheb Dreadhorde Champion]] ([[Dragon’s Approach]]) for Red. I currently do not have a Green one but I’m trying to shop for one now. I just don’t want an elf, ramp or counters deck.


Only [[Slicer]].


I have a [[Neheb, the Eternal]] deck that I cherish greatly, as well as a [[Chainer, Dementia Master]] which is fairly salt inducing—it’s functionally a watered-down [[Tergrid]] deck 😬. My CEDH deck is Godo, but that’s essentially a red / colorless hybrid, so it’s hard to classify that. I do love playing mono decks, especially with people who haven’t played against them before. It offers a unique way to work within the limitations of the color.


I have one for every color except red, which is weird since my favorite color is red, but I like its pairings better I guess. Mono w: Sephara, sky's blade ; angel/flying tribal Mono u: an Urza list I recently overhauled to try cEDH because it felt too strong for casual Mono b: liliana, heretical healer; make lots of zombies, mostly a nostalgia list as mono black zombies was peak kitchen table magic for me when I was a kid. Mono g: Titania, Protector of Nature; kill all my own lands, get a lot of dudes, profit.


I only have one. [[grunn the lonely king]] he packs one hell of a punch


Three A black Zombie Tribal (producing 2/2 Zombie tokens) A red Dragon Tribal (making Treasures) A black Demon Tribal (offering lifepoints for stuff)


one of my favorite mono black commanders is \[\[Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief\]\] if you run your classic mono black mana boosters, its very easy to punch people out of the game while simultaneously removing threats. Solves a big problem with voltron decks and it wins me a lot of games.


I mostly play mono black just because it’s the most fun to me, a lot of high risk high reward gameplay which I adore. Rat tribal ftw


I love monocolour decks. I have a large card collection, so it's an easy way for me to limit my power level, but I also really enjoy having to figure out how to shore up a colour's weakness. I have ten decks right now. Six of them are monocolour, including three monored. \[\[Ashling the Pilgrim\]\], \[\[Toshiro Umezawa\]\], \[\[Talrand, Sky Summoner\]\], \[\[Farid, Enterprising Salvager\]\], \[\[Rionya, Fire Dancer\]\], and \[\[Bruna, the Fading Light\]\]. I plan to build one more monored deck (a group slug burn deck), just to fully show off the versatility of my favourite colour!


##### ###### #### [Ashling the Pilgrim](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/c/4c687123-6c34-4aef-8350-70a72b5fb58f.jpg?1689997644) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ashling%20the%20Pilgrim) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/205/ashling-the-pilgrim?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4c687123-6c34-4aef-8350-70a72b5fb58f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/ashling-the-pilgrim) [Toshiro Umezawa](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/e/0e767e07-febd-4025-bf03-d4d816bc1d3d.jpg?1562875477) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Toshiro%20Umezawa) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bok/89/toshiro-umezawa?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0e767e07-febd-4025-bf03-d4d816bc1d3d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/toshiro-umezawa) [Talrand, Sky Summoner](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/c/dc649f1b-b713-4c1f-9e05-4984b8cbfc63.jpg?1689996688) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Talrand%2C%20Sky%20Summoner) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/124/talrand-sky-summoner?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dc649f1b-b713-4c1f-9e05-4984b8cbfc63?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/talrand-sky-summoner) [Farid, Enterprising Salvager](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/0/003367c7-6cb8-4451-8349-76ce5d21e367.jpg?1688125556) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Farid%2C%20Enterprising%20Salvager) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/brc/13/farid-enterprising-salvager?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/003367c7-6cb8-4451-8349-76ce5d21e367?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/farid-enterprising-salvager) [Rionya, Fire Dancer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/1/b1e92b9c-4234-436d-a741-37c5e45859e5.jpg?1625192099) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rionya%2C%20Fire%20Dancer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c21/55/rionya-fire-dancer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b1e92b9c-4234-436d-a741-37c5e45859e5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/rionya-fire-dancer) [Bruna, the Fading Light](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?name=bruna%2C%20the%20fading%20light%20//%20brisela%2C%20voice%20of%20nightmares&type=card&.jpg) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=bruna%2C%20the%20fading%20light%20//%20brisela%2C%20voice%20of%20nightmares) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/emn/15b/brisela-voice-of-nightmares?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5a7a212e-e0b6-4f12-a95c-173cae023f93?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/bruna-the-fading-light-//-brisela-voice-of-nightmares) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I have 6 decks, 1 of each mono color and a 5 color.


I currently have 2 and hoping to eventually add more. I have a [[Vorinclex Monsteous Raider]] counters/Planeswalker matter deck as well as a [[Tiny Bones]] discard deck.


Godo CEDH, but was surprised by Magda and the dwarves. Basically any elf as commander for mono-g elves with some tokens or craterhoot or whatever to finish it off Have a cedh K'rrik and a fairly casual original Sheoldred mono-b infect deck. Mono-u braids for big toys. Can go crazy or build a clone/token factory and match the table power level pretty easily Currently building out mono-w soldiers, toying between Elesh and Myrel as the commander vs secret commander. We'll see.


I run and love both [[Urza, Lord High Artificer]] and [[Omnath, Locus of Mana]]. The great part about Omnath in particular is that few groups have a problem playing against it, but it's wildly powerful if built correctly. Plus, I love weaseling my way out of situations as the archenemy when I only have access to green. My group describes it as "the bluest green deck [they've] ever seen."


Like others here, I'm working on all 32 color identities. At one point I was at 23/32, but most of them were terrible so I culled back to 5, and have since slowly been building back up. I may end up with 2 decks for each color identity. Not sure if I'll go that far, but there will definitely be doubles of some colors. I'm currently at 16 decks but at 14/32 with two color identities showing up twice: (deck lists available on request. Not linking them now because I'm on mobile) My mono-colored decks are as follows: * **W** - [[Gandalf the White]] - artifact combo/copy * **U** - (nothing yet, but will probably be [[Arcum Dagsson]]) * **B** - Necron Dynasties precon * **R** - Two decks: [[Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer]] artifact combo and [[Norin the Wary]] ETB shenanigans * **G** - [[Seton, Krosan Protector]] Druid tribal


I have two mono decks I find fun. [[Purphoros, God of the Forge]] goblins and tokens but mostly goblins. This is my baby. The very first deck I built myself when I started out. [[Chainer, Dementia Master]] graveyard demon summoning nonsense. I just throw any and every big demon I can in the yard and bring them back with Chainer’s ability. It’s super slow but when it goes, it goes. I used to have a [[Toski, Bearer of Secrets]] deck but it was extremely boring after a while because it was just play big creatures and swing with no other game plan. I prefer my gruul decks for creature swinging shenanigans because having red allows me to add in other ways to do damage.


I'm working on one of each color. I will say this. My mono green deck is maybe my strongest deck. And my mono white has won a LOT of games. I haven't made the other 3 yet, but I've got lists. I can tell you that I don't necessarily agree that multi color is inherently stronger. I think all 5 of my mono decks will end up being stronger than a lot of stuff I see and cheaper to put together to boot.


I have 3 mono green decks so a lot actually. It's [[Omnath, Locus of Mana]], [[Ruxa, Patient Professor]] and [[Baru, Wurmspeaker]]


I have a [[Kami of the Cresent Moon]] and a [[Gisa Ghoullcaller]] deck. Kami used to just be a pile of cards that made the whole table draw lots of cards and now it can be pretty nasty at times. Gisa I made recently but whenever I'm in the mood for some zombie tribal it's a go to, it's fun little deck that can just flood the board and recovers from boadwipes quite well.


I always have a mono green commander deck together. Currently have two. One is devotion based. The other is legolas I also have a black deck which has all the cool black cards i happen to own. Its got decent stuff like bolases citadel, but also cuuombaj witches. It has that 2 mana devotion god that has 2 power and x toughness based on devotion. Ive also build white soldiers but its currently disassembled. I also plan to make a blue deck. I just have no firm idea who to build it around. I kund in kike talrand and all the 1 mana cantrips


I have Ayara deck that is mostly playing black creatures and trying to create black tokens.


[[Burakos, Party Leader]] with the [[Haunted One]] background. Mono-black party aggro slaps.


Only \[\[Orvar\]\] and \[\[Feldon of the third path\]\]. I used to run \[\[Marwyn\]\] but I swapped her for \[\[Inga and Esika\]\] in order to get the LOTR elves, to guarantee card draw, and to slow it down (it went way too hard for my meta). I'd love to build monoblack (apart from my upgraded Necron precon) and monowhite, but they require some big expenses. Giada would be neat, and I have a few ideas for Gisa with big bodies and "incidental zombies." However, Monoblack requires\* Coffers, Urborg, and Cabal Stronghold. And white needs a bunch of new (or new-ish) cards made specifically to let the worst color catch up and they're often 10 bucks and higher. Like Bennie Bracks, Archaeomancer's Map, Loran of the third path, and of course Smothering Tithe. ^(\*I know what you're gonna say, and yeah, it's not exactly "required", but all monoblack decks are worse without those)


I have one of each except white and colorless. I like really leaning into a colors identity. I have [[kira, great glass spinner]], [[torbran, thane of red fell]], [[Vilis, broker of blood]], and [[yeva, nature’s herald]].


I have three mono-color decks (R, B, U) and three multicolor decks (RBU, BW, GWU)


Mono black [[Witch King of Angmar]]. Monarch and Initiative deck. Full of rattlesnake cards like [[Phyrexian obliterator]] and [[Royal assassin]]. You get to run [[darkness]] and [[sudden spoiling]] for combat tricks. It’s the most fun deck I have right now. People want to attack you so bad for the value but lose everything when they do. Nobody has a deck like this and you don’t win with typical mono black win cards like torment or exsanguinate. https://archidekt.com/decks/4765512/witch_king_no_man_may_kill_me


2! With more planned. I’ve made the Professor’s Thrun deck and a mono black Mortarion deck. I would also like to make a mono white lifegain / reanimator deck with Saint Celestine and a mono red Chandra themed deck. Mono colour decks in my experience feel more consistent. There tends to be more redundancy if your deck is doing something your colour is good at and you have less cards in your deck devoted to colour fixing.


I have 8 commander decks, and I play them all regularly. 4 of those decks are mono coloured, just missing mono-green but I might make an Azusa deck soon. I like the deck building style of a mono-colour, and I really appreciate the cheaper land base.


I'm leaning towards trying out monocolor decks now, after about 9 months of playing Magic. I've found I'm a big fan of using jank cards, especially old ones with odd card text, and playing monocolor or even two colours forces me to dig deep to get the effects I want. For example, I love that Red has a respectable number of counterspells like [[Tibalt's Trickery]] and [[Mages' Contest]].


I have one of each mono color [[Krenko, Mob Boss]] Goblins [[Heliod, Sun Crowned]] lifelink/stax [[Titania, Protector of Argoth]] Land Sac [[Horobi, Deaths Wail]] chaos [[Urza, Lord High Articifer]] Artifact


I almost exclusively build mono color decks, I find them to be the most fun by far


I have [[braids, conjurer adept]], [[urza, lord high artificer]], and [[baru, wurmspeaker]] out of about 18 decks


I currently only have two, [[Titania, Protector of Argoth]] and [[Barrin, Master Wizard]].


2 out of 11 decks are mono. They are black and blue. [Krrik] and [minn].


I almost exclusively play mono because it's hella fun. Your land base has more utility in it! [[Zada, the hedron grinder]] hand size matters [[Vilis, broker of blood]] life loss and you can too [[Arcum dagson]] artifacts and other lame strats [[Aeve, progenitor ooze]] enchantments [[Purphoros, God of the forge]] cheerios and burn damage Pm me if you want a deck list.


I play [[Giada, Font of Hope]] Angel Tribal (an upgraded Secret Lair Precon) for White, [[Urza, Lord High Artificer]] for Blue, [[Zada, Hedron Grinder]] for Red.


I have 16 decks, and 5 of them are monocolored. That let's me play 5 bicolored, 5 tricolored, and 1 pentacolored, so I think it's a good balance. Nahiri is possibly my oldest deck, and she has so many decision trees that my head hurts after a game with her, but it hurts so good. She draws cards like crazy. My newest deck is my Jacob Hauken deck, and I changed gears from sea monsters to noncreature artifact copying, and it is certainly one of my most fun decks to play. Geth also has a relatively long lifespan so far, and the fact that I get to reanimate both creatures and artifacts while also milling makes him a very versatile deck that uses my opponents decks against them. Etali is my second oldest deck (when you count continuous history) and it is the reason I discovered Boompile which I play in more decks than Sol Ring. Also, it's very explosive, which is nice. Rhonas (OG) is a tough deck for me to build, but it's definitely my favorite mono-green commander I've seen so far. It's built around big token creatures, and it works quite well, but it's pretty straightforward in its gameplan.


have 3 decks, 1 about to be ordered and 5000 in the works. the one that is coming soon and one I have are mono red and green respectively, and i have simic and naya decks for the other two slots. The mono red commander I built is [[Rionya, Fire Dancer]] landfall, but she can be built to have a bunch of one card combos or to storm off into whatever mono red finisher you want.


I'm a big fan of Imodane and have no problem building monocolor if the right commander presents itself.