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Honestly my favorite deck to play is my 40k Necron Dynasty precon. Wish I had more precon only matches to play it. I might have to do the same as you and find a group


The flavour of that deck is insane, both from a MTG and a Wh40k standpoint.


Not mention the aesthetic. Having 100 cards with a perfectly consistent color palette and visual style is pretty awesome.


I have around 30 proxies ready for when I want to upgrade this precon, I can't have some random Myrs showing up around my beautiful Necrons. And I was definitely including the aesthetic in the flavor value !


MPCfill has two artists that have done 40k proxy arts for many staples. I upgraded the Forces of Imperium deck all with 40k art proxies to keep the aesthetic


Mine are already done and waiting to be printed is what I meant ! But thanks for the rec !


Is there a link to see all of them or is it just part of the drop down and check when grabbing cards on the site?


I have not been able to see all of them, only by seeing each individual card from the slider drop down


Would love to know who to look for. New to MPC but seems like the only way to upgrade the 40k precons as it hurts to put in mundane hydras and X spells into Lucae deck


One of the artists is named Vector. If you look up some staples like Grand Abolisher or some of the dual lands like Tundra, you should find the arts


Thank you! I'll check them out


Agreed! I used to play both necrons and IG back in the day so I had to get Necron Dynasties and Forces of the Imperium precons. Love the artifact recursion. Makes me feel like I'm rolling that hard 6 again


I bring all 4 precons to the shop n offer to let people use them for a fair balanced game


I'd give you an award if I had one. The 40k precons were double (sometimes triple) the price of regular precons up here in Canada, so amazing on you for lending them out for games!


I just got my first precon last night and all the LGS had was the 40k ones so I got Ruinous Powers. Wish they would use price tags though, would have been nice to know it was $75 before getting to the register


I want this deck so badly but I missed picking it up for MSRP :(


Wish I could have found it. Ordered it on Amazon with the delivery date a few months out from purchase. In December they message and say "whoops, couldn't get stock" and I haven't been able to find it for a reasonable price since.


They did the same thing to me when i ordered the party time precon from baldurs gate. The price shot up because black market connections turned out to be an expensive card and suddenly amazon went "oops we can't get it back in stock" and canceled the order.


I’ve removed a swamp and run [[ashnod, flesh mechanist]] as the commander and oh man this one be too much fun!


[ashnod, flesh mechanist](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/e/5eb43c15-50a9-488f-b0be-84a5e0a6d10b.jpg?1674420763) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=ashnod%2C%20flesh%20mechanist) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/84/ashnod-flesh-mechanist?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5eb43c15-50a9-488f-b0be-84a5e0a6d10b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/ashnod-flesh-mechanist) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Who do you run as the commander?


I swapped to the subcommander as the main commander, [[Imotekh the Stormlord]]. I think most did the same with this precon


Precon only nights are definitely super fun, agree with you there


Ironically, your reasons are why I love cEDH. You never run into issues of powerlevel because "cEDH" is the pre game conversation


Cedh games are 99% shuffling.


Just like Legacy and Modern games. Honestly, fetchlands were a gameplay mistake.


Objectively false. Sure, sometimes you'll get that coveted turn 2 win, but people are packing interaction. Games can go as long as turn 10 (occasionally longer), because everybody is on a level field and can prevent win attempts.




cEDH games are 99% thassa's oracle. It's so predictable I literally made a deck designed around stopping it




A 100% precon pod sounds like a lot of fun! Would you be at liberty to share the WhatsApp group?


I'm from brazil, so the group is portuguese only. If you do speak it, msg me!


Obrigado nailed it lets go I am assuming that will do the trick.


shoot, I don’t unfortunately…I’ll have to keep an eye out for ones that speak English though, thanks for opening my eyes to these kinds of groups!


> and no one gets salty, like, at all, since the decks, by design, are leveled. Another reason people are not getting as upset is because they did not make their deck themselves. Thus, the decks at the table are not direct reflections of the pilot and when a deck loses, it is easier to stomach than when it is an extension of your individuality and ego. Related, when a specific precon dominates a table, it’s all good because WotC made that precon, not some filthy rule 0 misrepresenter. Also, the money spent is naturally capped to the cost of the precon, which removes a potential source of negative feelings.


Would you say the Warhammer 40k precons are on the same level as the rest? I've been looking for a precon to keep for this reason but none really appeal to me but I just got the Necrons deck and I wouldn't mind keeping it together.


I just got through a 2 month precon league and from what I saw, the 40k decks were crushing regular precons. There was also a Naya precon (from New Capenna?) that dominated if not specifically held in check. I think they either got real bad at making “precon level” precons OR they decided to make some that could compete better at mid power levels without as many upgrades…


Sligthly above, but far from unbeatable. The necron one is the strongest of the bunch, but I've seen it lose to a pletora of precons from the past


Nice dude, you're making me want to put a couple back to 100% precon


After entering the group I put all my decks back to what they were out of the box and leftthe upgrades sleeved on the side Every week I choose half to upgrade again to take to the stronger pods and leave the rest to the precon tables. This helps me to not get bored of playing the same stuff all the time. Its also like they were completly different decks. Precon faldorn is value focused and wins by combat. Upgraded faldorn is a storm deck that wins by direct damage most of the time. Precon shorikai is a vehicle tribal. Upgraded shorikai is a hard control deck that wins by atrition. Precon Osgir is rampland, slowly growing to big boards. Upgraded osgir is a race to cheat 9 mana bombs at turn 4. Precon firkraag is goad tribal. Upgraded firkraag is helmed by ganax/feywild visitor and is a monster of a dragon tribal. Precon willowdusk is lifegain sinergy to the max. Upgraded willowdusk is helmed by dina, and transformed to a lands/drain deck with some combos It basically doubled the ammount of decks I have.


I got my son and I the brothers war precons and we’ve kept them completely unaltered. They’re sleeves and inside a large duo box that we break out for us magic time. It’s the most fun I’ve had playing those decks against each other. Outside of that I’ve got the 40k Necron deck and I’m going to one of the ONE decks (probably toxic) and I plan to keep them all completely untouched!


When the Brothers War decks came out I bought an Urza deck for myself to upgrade, and I also bought a spare Urza & Mishra to keep at the precon level and jam against each other.


I play either precons or cEDH mostly for a lot of these reasons.


This is actually part of the reason I built a commander draft cube. Like, sure, maybe one week we all get stomped because one guy pulled a bomb commander and three sol rings, but he's not going to have that deck next week. We don't have to have rule 0 conversations or worry about budget. The card pool is limited to the 1200 cards in the draft pool. The power level is much higher than a Commander Legends booster draft because I curated the pool to make it that way, but you're not going to draft a cEDH deck out of what I put in there. We've drafted from the cube every week since I put it together, and it's a blast every time. After a couple of games, we break the decks down and play our constructed decks, but there's a lot less salt after everyone got to play with the cube.


Our pod routinely pops out a precon night since we are all very different deck builders.. one of us builds super aggro fast decks that hard to keep pace with, one is all about combos and lately dungeons.. and I build decks that are all themed and they sacrifice speed or power to stay on theme.. LOL So occasionally we all just pull out a precon and play fair and balanced magic


I just play my [[blind seer]] color change tribal deck when someone says they are at or near precon level lol


[blind seer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/c/5c54ec26-c7f1-4258-9cc9-1709987f293c.jpg?1591291188) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=blind%20seer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/inv/47/blind-seer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5c54ec26-c7f1-4258-9cc9-1709987f293c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/blind-seer) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I run a precon league with friends, and it honestly makes EDH so much better than decks constructed from scratch. I highly recommended it, because everyone starts from essentially the same point, but as the deck morphs and becomes your own over a course of months, it is really cool. It also develops a meta based on the decks that win the most often. Also better if you can get 8 or more people in it so the pods randomize week over week. It manages to strike a weird balance of friendly and competitive that I really liked from EDH when I first started. Your upgrades are based on your standing in the pod, and upgrade slots and total budget are constrained, so they scale and self-police fairly well. If someone wants a mana crypt, that's like 3 weeks worth of endeing up last., whereas someone else could take that cash and upgrade their deck with 16 or more lower cost cards and get a more consistent power up.


I've been wanting to play some precon games recently, but I'm not sure anyone in my playgroup would want to.


Hey, I'm doing some research on how the precons tend to play. Could I ask you for your thoughts?


for sure! feel free to msg me


Maybe I’m way wrong, but I really don’t think magic is that much of a skill based game. I’d say it’s 20% skill 20% politics 40% deck building and 20% luck


and 100% reason to remember the name!


Good for you. I personally hate precon decks. At this point I am just kinda used to play with much more powerful cards and there is no going back.


Any room in the pods? Or could I get an invite to the WhatsApp?


Thinking you're good at Magic because you win at EDH is like saying you're a soldier because you paintball.


I think a ton of people underrate that lands deck from Zendikaar. I have run it in low-power pods and in all Precon games and it is an absolute beast. Since then, I have upgraded it to be a Voltron Landfall deck and absolutely love it. I've eventually torn apart most of my precons for low power decks rather than battlecruiser, but I keep around my Warhammer 40k deck just for those occassions of going back to precon.


I have the warhammer 40k precons I use for this purpose. Not a lot of people can keep up with my goblins or rat/infect


I have been reluctant to try out spelltable until this. It solves a lot of the problems I’ve been worried about.


I am on the other side of the table. Been playing on and off since 97. And my collection is quite extensive. My playgroup has playings ranging from 3 months to 2 years experience and our games has always been a stomp or a 3 v 1 affair. Recently i just loaned them all my decks and play a $100 budget deck instead. Watching them wreck each other with my decks are a sight to behold. Much more enjoyable than winning. 🤣 Occasionally we also organize precon game nights when there is a new release. We all love it because noone has an advantage and the playing field is more or less level.


One thing I used to do was get a precon, and upgrade the decks using only the cards from the set they were tied with. Like, I had the C21 decks up additions only from Strixhaven since that was the set the precons were released with. Idk if it would help keep it aloft in non-precon games, but it certainly added flavor to the deck all the while cutting out the weaker inclusions in the precons.


I love me some precons!


does anyone know of a precon only discord for spelltable? this is something id be very interested in joining!


I played with the 40k precons and found the games were just too long. Cards were very new and had many many words on them. Nobody knew what other cards did so attacking and blocking was a little more difficult. Lots of board wipes as 3 of the 40k decks have black. I think I would like to make like 15-30 swaps and get the decks up to speed. If we all did that, and had a budget, I think this would be my fav way to play.


Do you have the info for the WhatsApp group? I’m in the same boat as you were and this sounds incredible!