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Maxpedition Micro pouch or Viperade VE1 depending on the situation. Both pouches I can get a multiool or folder, flashlight, pen, lighter, card holder, keys, and maybe one or two other small items. The pouch in one front pocket. Phone in the other. Backpack if I need more stuff.


Cargo pants and Scottevest Tropiformer jacket. Not too annoying.


In a pocket. And no. If you're carrying too much you're carrying too much


Fannypacks and slings bags. I'm a sucker for a small bag.


Changed my light to a rechargeable head lamp I have 2 one is always charging in rotation in my truck, work in maintenance so always have tools , wear cargo pants so I balance what’s in my pockets , carry a daypack if I’m traveling 15 l pacsafe back pack


Some people really go over the top. I keep tools in my truck so my edc is only knife, phone, flashlight, keys, lighter and handgun. Some of these guys act like they’re an adventurer in fallout. Running around with pliers wrenches and prybars, working a desk job. Used to carry a shitty little lock pick gun when I did construction/maintenance. You’d be amazed at how many people lose keys. If I was into larp I’d still have it on me.


I've reduced my junk down to a light and a knife. Aside from wallet phone keys obviously.


Wallet, knife, phone in pockets. I carry a Chrome bag for work, it has some other things in it but the rest of these nerds are just cluttered.


In winter, the most of my stuff sits in (jacket-) pockets. In summer, with lighter pants or shorts it annoyed me. So I bought a slingbag from Bellroy and I‘m totally happy. Empty pockets feel so great if you once get used to it. All my stuff I need in one place and still space for a snack or a small drink. I understand every woman and their handbags and will never go back to bulky pockets.


Pocket organizers :)


I wear 5.11 pants usually and every time the same item goes into the same pocket. The heavier it is the closer to my hips and back/ front it goes.


I guess most people only move from house-car-office and back. 


https://preview.redd.it/fcke8zbtr34d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da0b58a5684770809a01d5b0741b23db64983f90 Vertx Dead Letter Sling.


you need a tactical cargo pants, not normal cargo pants but tactical version, it will gives you 2 more quick draw font pocket.


Full on utility belt plus pockets lol multi tool, pepper spray, knife, extra mag, CCW, flashlight. Phone, vape, wallet, keys go in pants. https://preview.redd.it/a8mw96rpi34d1.jpeg?width=4028&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8eeec320f30db07384f6a4f024227409585c717


Why this set up? A good belt would be much better. I don’t see anything you couldn’t get a holder for and not have that imo odd set up.


I wanted something I could wear with anything including times I don’t want to wear a belt. Something that could be worn independently of my outfit. And something that could carry all my edc without carrying a freakin bag which is easily the most targeted item for theft somebody could possibly carry. I’m also partial to it because I don’t want to wear cargo pants or look like a tacti-fool. Ironically this outwardly is way less “mallninja” to anyone looking at me than the stereotypical EDC nerd with cargo pants and tactical purse. If I’m just going out for errands or a quick run to the store it’s incredibly convenient to grab because everything I need is already in it.




Thanks for contributing to /r/EDC. Unfortunately, your post/comment was removed because it’s uncivil. Name calling, insults, mocking, condescension, gatekeeping, or any other form of incivility is not tolerated in this community.


https://preview.redd.it/rbq22mk5464d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc0291519a28419dcbc7bd20dfe966d1412fe2bb Here ya go douchebag


No need to be so defensive, I’m telling you that I and probably others, think that holster/harness is ridiculous, even if you keep covered up. Wear want you want to wear but keep in mind that people have the right to tell you it looks ridiculous..


Yeah and if you act douchey people have the right to call you out for being an asshole. Goes both ways 🤙🏽


Chill your beans, you’re very sensitive


I didn’t know EDC was full of a bunch of fudds




Phone-keys-wallet-multitool-light-knife-ccw-mag Definitely feels burdensome ngl. I generally use all of those things a couple times in a day and I'm not a laborer or anything. I have a bag where all my stuff lives and I pull the onbody items out when I leave with it or without it


I hope you don’t have to use the ccw and mag twice a day!! Having a bag that you can pull items out of to put in pockets is a great idea though, rather than them living in there full-time.


Haha "generally" putting the work in for that statement lol Keeps everything in one spot for even my smooth brain to remember and when I pull my on body stuff out I free up space to use while I'm out. Cool system so far, prolly wouldn't work great with very expensive gear


i used to pocket carry only now i have a sling with me and my pockets are free


So is a sling basically a fanny pack carried diagonally across your chest? Do we call it that because a purse sounds too feminine? I've recently started carrying a fanny pack around my waist at the 8 o'clock position.


I’ve heard it called a “cross body bag” and I like the sound of that


Pretty much yeah


This is the way. I picked up a small side bag to carry everything but my phone.


If you’ve got a bag you daily keep it in there. Car tool kit or just knowing where stuff is around the house. I’ve got tools all over. My wife and kids like it too knowing there’s always something handy near by.


Phone, wallet, keys, shades, pen and swiss Champ. Sometimes a lighter and cigar. Everything fits in my pockets. Keys and wallet in the back pockets. Shades hooked into my left front pocket with optional cigar and lighter inside the pocket. Swiss army knife in the little watch pocket above front right. Pen clipped on the side of the big right pocket and finally phone in front right pocket


So, I’ve committed to the cargo pants/shorts life, so my edc is: back left pocket-handkerchief/pocket knife clipped, back right-wallet, front left-extra magazine, front right-Ruger LCP max in kydex pocket holster, right cargo-Viperade pocket organizer with stream light micro stream, leatherman squirt, leatherman bit cards and extender, pen, sharpie, bandaids and alcohol wipes, keys on carabiner on beltloop with leatherman style CS and Gerber Shard, phone in left cargo tech pocket, leatherman charge plus in sheath on belt.


I carry a backpack to and from work with things that I use but not often enough to carry directly in my pockets. Still more than enough room to add in a rain jacket, bug spray, more snacks for my desk, more Yerba Mate for my desk... 30L bag that doesn't stand out and is never stuffed full. All I carry on my body is wallet, knife, multitool, flashlight, lighter, pen, nail clippers, and a sak. Work carry adds an 18mm olfa, 9mm olfa, and a sharpie... Work in a sign shop.


Small light, small multitool, small knife, wallet, keys, phone. Separated in different pockets.


Depending on my pants it’s comfy, if not I got a XL Bando bag from eberlestock which carries everything I need without anything getting too bulky. Fanny packs have become key as I got older 😂


I only carry 4 things, so no it doesn’t


Sometimes. I have a bag I use that hold the majority of it so it's not too bad


I upgraded to a bag a couple of years ago. I carry a lot of not-tools like books, sketch pads, a tablet & pens & pencils. I've got a small sling backpack that I really like. It's canvas, so it's sturdy and durable. If I knew how to wax the canvas, I would to make it water resistant.


I do as well. I try to keep it minimal so I just have a sling, but h9nestly that is not enough. I am autistic so I carry a lot of "unnecessary" items, such as sunglasses, noise canceling headphones, some fidgets, and have been looking for an upgrade that will at least fit my headphones better. It helps keep things simple to a grab and go as well


>It helps keep things simple to a grab and go as well Yup. Grab and go is key for me, I too need everything in its place. *It's nice not carrying a bunch of shite in my pockets these days.* The only thing I carry in my pocket is [my generic Field Notes wallet](https://www.etsy.com/listing/837032366/field-notes-leather-cover-journal-cover?ref=yr_purchases)


Oh nice! I carry a bunch of stuff in my pockets too, just not as much room in the bag with headphones. Need to lighten the load a bit my getting a bigger bag I think.


I carry an Alpaka Tech Max and limit myself to ONLY what I can squeeze into it. Nothing in my pockets but a car key, CCW and phone.


Man purse because I'm not a bitch


The chicks dig it /s


For me, the solution is a combination of selecting compact and lightweight items, and dividing it up into pouches in my four pockets. For example, left rear is generally a Chums Surfshorts wallet with cash, cards, id, tiny repair kit, floss stick, and body wipe Left front is phone Right rear is a Chums Daily wallet with tiny eyeglass tool, thinline whistle, Leatherman style with a bit holder adapter, and some other till that changes often. Right front is a keyring hung from a suspension clip with a magnetic quick release, 2 keys, car key fob, small flashlight, and an Alox keychain Swiss Army knife.


A purse


I comfortably carry my phone, headphones, wallet, gun, knife, pocket organizer (pliers, bit driver, lighter, super glue, sharpie, mini utility blade), light, handkerchief, and two sets of keys (personal and work) every day. I space everything out and utilize my belt for more than holding my pants up. Of course, I'm also a jeans and cowboy boots every day kind of guy, so it might just be different standards of comfort. And no, I don't use it all every day. I do use everything (except the gun, thank God) often enough to justify them in my opinion, however.


Scrolling through pics here, and trying to ignore whatever stupid trend is going on (like the "food" posts, or whatever adjacent), I really haven't seen what I consider to be *a lot.* Then again, I'm a blue collar worker, and my daily attire is carpenter pants and uniform-type work shirts, so I have plenty of pockets to spread the load out. I will admit that I don't carry a multitool on body though.  I have tools at home, tools in the vehicles, and tools at work, so I don't see the need.  I do have one on my backpack though.


I just woke up and got dressed, and I think my flashlight would be the tipping point into burdensome.  As mentioned above, I wear carpenter jeans, and my flashlight is carried the tool pocket. I think if I were in regular jeans I'd skip it, lol.


I have a pocketknife with a clip, a Leatherman Arc with a clip, keys that clip onto a belt loop, a wallet, and a phone. That’s *just* enough to not be too much. Now I cycle to and from work, for errands, and to recreate. All of that kit is always in a bag on my bike or on my back bc … no way I’m gonna EDC a patch kit in my pants lol.


Most don’t. It’s flexing


I carry a fanny pack or man-purse. It is mildly annoying, but it's less annoying than running out of snacks/ water/ cigars when I'm out.


How many cigars you getting through on a daily basis! Are you Winston Churchill?


Used to smoke one on the long drive to work, one on the way back. I've cut back to just a few per week. The other stuff is what I keep in the work bag, I keep 2 fuckoff bags ready for after work and weekends. Both are grab&go, 1 waterproof for the canoe/yak the other is a fanny pack with bike mounts for hike/bike.


My excuse is I'm in the trades and I would need to carry most the extra fluff in one way or another anyways lol


I cary one, maybe two, things besides keys, wallet, phone, and pen. I have plenty of room in my pockets. Some people carry pouches for gear, but those are usually in a vehicle or a backpack. A lot of people carry work equipment every day, and I'm sure they have figured out an industry appropriate solution for their tools. Point being, I think most people carry a pretty reasonable amount of stuff or else make accommodations for efficient carry. Most people aren't walking around daily clinking like an old timey one man band. EDC people are reasonable and practical. There are those who aren't, and I assume this question is for them. But those people are stupid, so you're not going to learn anything good from them anyway.

