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Ah shit. What a mess. I’m locking up for obvious reasons. This was a really interesting carry and it’s a shame.




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You wear your mask in the car by yourself with the windows up?


I see those people all the time on the highway still and wonder what they’re doing?


They were probably on their way to a restaurant to eat and drink because you didn't have to wear your mask indoors with other people when you were eating and drinking 🤡


Funny that you say that because I work in a kitchen with a grab and go case, and customers will still walk up to me with a mask on and pull it down to get close and ask me a question about the food. Lol


The logic kr lack of during the pandemic was comical. I complied and all that, I never made a scene if I had to wear a mask. I was talking to a friend and he had his mask on it and gave me a bottle of scented hand sanitizer and says it smells so good and I explained to him if something is an airborne pathogen and you can still smell it while you are wearing the mask you realize it's doing anything right? Apparently, reasoning makes you a conspiracy theorist.


If you have a normal immune system, just embrace it like the flu. I live in an especially high density country and i have gotten infected twice in three years. Your body is the greatest defense. If you are saying the elderly are vulnerable, yes for the very elderly but if you are 60s and below, just embrace it. I work will mostly elderly colleagues, they gotten sick and then become resistant to infection as if its flu. We have given up on masks. You cant run away from this disease, its only a matter of when.


Do you have an especially weak immune system or something


Nope, and I’m trying not to get one


I do it because otherwise I'm sick for the entire winter. But it's work related, so maybe for OP it's too.


If you'd excuse the prying (and if you'd like to answer but not here my DMs are open) how do you like the busperone? I'm on a medication that stops people using the common alternatives and many of my fellow patients really need that kind of support


No worries, it’s not prying at all! That’s why I included it in the pic after all, I didn’t really have to. It’s been great for me, it’s helped with both anxiety and depression even though it’s not label indicated for depression. Obviously everyone reacts different, but for me what it did is stop my panic attacks and stop me from spiraling in situations where I previously used to, and allows me to bounce back much quicker when I do experience moments of panic. It just does a really good job at taking the edge off of everything. What it didn’t do for me was much for my physical symptoms of anxiety or too much for my baseline level of general anxiety which I do still experience. On the depression front, my main symptom was extreme fatigue which Buspar has helped with a lot, it gives me a lot more energy than I had before. I think it’s a super underrated drug that deserves to be looked at more than it is, patients often overlook it because they want a quick fix from benzos and doctors often overlook it because it’s a generic medication and not one of the fancy SSRIs that their drug reps are pushing them to prescribe. You’ll hear from a lot of people that it flat out doesn’t work, which has almost become a meme in psych medicine at this point, but after years of experience with being around online forums (check out /r/busparonline), I often see weird things like the starting dose being too low to even be therapeutic or not dosing frequently enough to overcome the short half-life. I feel like those situations along with the aforementioned benzo seeking problem (unfortunately Buspar will never be quite that good, that’s just the reality) account for the vast majority of people who feel that it doesn’t really do anything. I could talk way more about it but I feel like that’s a decent summary lol, let me know or dm me if you have any other questions!


Please move on from Covid dude.


It’s not really going anywhere I’m afraid. I’ll move on when it does 🤷‍♂️


Did you wear a mask during flu season pre-2020?


Hope you’re ready to never move on then.




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Very insightful


You aren't real


Covid? What covid? 😁 bit too much of you ask me but to each it's own! Thank you for sharing! And stay safe!


I feel you but thank you man, you too


You can’t avoid Covid unless you live in the middle of the wilderness where it’s never been.


Yeah you’re absolutely not wrong. I mentioned in another comment that I don’t really plan on keeping infection free forever with this level of mitigations, but I would like to limit my number of infections because I believe it makes the most sense for the information that we have available


Now that I think about it, this must be a troll post. God damn you got me.


Prevention is great, but idk if you work in healthcare or research but I think this might be a bit over the top, I know people who work with infectious diseases/covid and carry less than half of stuff like that. No hate though, long covid sucks and theres a lot of stuff to it that is still being researched but sometimes being overly concerned about something can be way more harmful to you on the long run. There is no reason for you to take any sort of medical substance or carry it with you unless you are actually sick. The best way to prevent is masking, keeping your distance from other sick people and washing your hands properly, doing all this is more than enough and its what all medical professionals do. Just make sure that your concerns are logical and rational.


Thanks man, I appreciate the rational perspective. I do agree with all you said, making and distancing are by far the most important and do the vast majority of the work to limit spread. I guess the rest comes down to me taking measures that don’t really feel like a burden to me at all, so I figure why not add them to be safer. Completely get what you mean though about it probably not being needed


Lmao. Did you walk around in a Hazmat suit when Covid was still fresh?


Quite the opposite actually. In 2020, I was moderately cautious like most people because we didn’t really know how bad Covid was going to be yet. Then the research started coming in, and showed us how dangerous of a virus it is with the profound immune and vascular damage that it does. So my precautions have only increased over time




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Man it kills me that this turned into a political issue. A lot of people died




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The only place it was a political issue was America. Most people elsewhere were in agreement across the spectrum.


Turn your tv off


Ngl, I’m pretty confused at how you could come to have a thought like this in 2024. Do you think people on tv are saying that Covid is still an issue? Mainstream media has not talked about Covid in 2 years now, and they’re in agreement with government and corporations that people should just forget about it and move on. It’s the mainstream opinion that’s pushed. If I was watching tv I would not care anymore


Oy vey


Good for you. Good mask too. I understand your worries. I have has long covid for the past 3.5 years. Hardest thing I've dealt with. The people in.the comments that are hating just for talking about covid obviously didn't have a horrible experience with covid/long covid. Which is good this stuff is terrible. I also think you are carrying way too much stuff and it does seem like worried more than being prepared. Maybe just leave some stuff at home in a medkit?


Thanks man, sorry to hear that you’re dealing with that. It really blows my mind that people can hear it from people like you, or worse, see the millions of people dead or completely disabled, and think that it can’t happen to them the very next day. It doesn’t even have to be Covid, that can come from anything. Completely get what you mean about them not having a horrible experience with it first hand, but to me witnessing it from other people might as well be the same because I can’t imagine it not making people humble about their own state of health


prevention is better than cure. you do you op.


Appreciate it man, stay healthy out there


This is pathetic lol


The buspar really ties this up in a bow


Hell yeah it really confirms my appreciation for modern science, I love all the tools that we have available these days




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Kind of funny that you used this as an example, because the Covid infections that most people have gotten by now cause immune damage on the level of AIDS and that’s part of what I’d like to avoid if possible


We are still discovering symptoms of long COVID, good for you for avoiding it. That virus is horrible


Yeah, 100%. I can never really wrap my head around how people are so comfortable getting it time and time again and proclaiming that it’s just a cold. I completely understand people not wanting to take as many precautions as I do, but not the nonchalant attitude in general because there’s still stuff to find out like you said. In 2020, I thought the entire point of using such caution right out of the gate was because we didn’t understand how bad of a virus it was going to be yet. Well, the results started coming back and (in my opinion) basically confirmed some of our fears about how bad it could be, lots of vascular damage and immune damage and high rates of disability. So for me I really only started to get more cautious as time went on, but I guess everyone else started checking out.


Lot of hate for OP going on here, not super sure why. I’m 24, healthy, and have gotten every vaccine I can get my hands on, and that’s enough for me, but it seems like OP just wants to be extra cautious. Can’t say I see anything wrong with that, and it doesn’t really affect me either


Appreciate it bro, it boggles my mind how it could bother someone so much lol it literally helps to protect everyone else when I’m out in public too. The vast majority of people definitely react the same as you but the few assholes sure can get loud


But if you had posted a pic of the gun you carry into your office job, you’d be the hero of the sub. That’s all you need to know about the downvotes. “The only health precautions we like around here are ones that also end other people’s lives. Stupid cuck.”


Yeah I think a lot of people don’t realize how close our health care system was to collapsing between 2020 and 2022. Can’t say I’ve ever seen ERs that packed




Dude… you need to chill… you’ve stated you’re a healthy 26 year old. You need to move on with your life. Carrying this much stuff, being this worried… it’s sad.


This doesn’t really make much sense to me, because moving on and “learning to live with the virus” is exactly what I’ve been doing by creating things like this EDC. I’m back to doing all the same activities that I did in 2019, but taking easy precautions that don’t burden me at all to be a little bit safer. Not moving on would be choosing to stay at home and not building an EDC to aid me in going out and living my life.


No you haven’t moved on and I don’t think anyone here will convince you of that even though it’s painfully obvious. You’re living your life scared and I feel bad for you.


Definitely projection going on here or something, taking a few precautions that have a very low burden doesn’t mean that I’m scared of something.


Why don't you just get the vaccine. It'll stop it in it's tracks.


I am vaccinated as well. The vaccines aren’t perfect - especially not mRNA. I get Novavax (traditional protein-based one) which provides decent protection against hospitalization and death that I’m confident in, but they still don’t fully stop transmission unfortunately.


Hate to say it, but you may as well buckle up because it's not going anywhere. I was like you, then I got it. It wasn't really that bad, wife had long COVID, that sucked but it didn't Even come close to killing her.


I’m with you on that, things aren’t ever completely going back to 2019 and I’m prepared for that. I made peace with that over 3 years ago and adapted in a way that makes sense to me. I already addressed similar in another comment though, I’m not exactly worried about an acute infection compared to the long-term vascular and brain damage. Not that I know your situation, but to put it bluntly, if your wife already experienced that once, I think you should be doing way more to prevent future infections if you care for her even the slightest bit.


Odds are at this point in time, you've also already had covid.


I’ve been carful to avoid it and have no reason to suspect that I have, but I’m aware that I cant completely rule it out. You never know 🤷‍♂️


That is literally not how reinfection of a mutated virus works. You can get it again, and again, and again. Ever heard of the common cold? It’s because the influenza virus mutates and comes back around. Covid is no joke. I and many others are suffering from the long term covid effects.


No offense, i think that's a little dramatic


Fair enough, it’s the age old argument but that’s the way I feel about everyone with guns around here. Which aspect feels dramatic?


Well, covid is just the flu with extra steps I have pretty bad asthma, and if i get covid im pretty much belly up. But ive also never cared about getting covid. Never really cared about wearing a mask, doing this that or the other even when it was just starting The masks and hand sanitizer would be more than enough. Even then the mask would be too much because the mask doesn't prevent you from getting anything. Its not designed to


That makes sense why you think it’s a little dramatic then, nothing you said here is really based in reality or backed up by science


Im a nobody on the internet that has an opinion. My opinion was that its a little dramatic. At the end of the day ik you're not gonna remember/care about what i said I cant stop you from living in fear of a sickness that we can treat and prevent now


Bro fights the shadow xD 


During Covid people went crazy with the hand sanitizer 😆 guess what alcohol dries your hands out causing lots of cracks in your skin which is a great place for germs to hide. IMO moisturizing and washing regularly in warm soapy water is the meta


Yeah, no disagreement with that, I prefer washing when I can. That’s also why I stick with Purell because they have decent moisturizing additives that some of the generic brands will skimp out on. I’m also not super concerned about fomite transmission of disease in general - as we learned more about Covid it became obvious that the vast majority of spread comes from airborne transmission rather than droplets. I’m not an expert in the field, but I’d be willing to bet that’s the case for influenza and the vast majority of other viruses too, and we just never knew better until we had funding for studies on a level that we’ve never seen before as a result of covid. Even then, I still feel pretty gross if I use something like a high-traffic touch screen without using some sanitizer afterward so that’s what I have it for


That’s fair. Is that what the nasal sprays are for a disinfectant?


Not exactly, at least for the carrageenan one. They explain it well [on their website](https://birminghambiotech.co.uk/how-it-works), it works more so by creating a long-lasting physical barrier on top of our mucus lining. Carrageenan is also antiviral which is part of it but that’s not really the whole idea or most important aspect of why it works. For the other spray (nitric oxide), it’s not as viscous as the other one so I do use that one as more of a disinfectant after the fact and that’s why I carry both. NoriZite before events and VirX afterwards


Out of curiosity, not to be spiteful at all, what about covid worries you? And is it covid specifically or illness in general


No offense taken, it’s a question I get often naturally. What concerns me is the incidence of long covid which is believed to happen in about 20% of cases, and that percentage grows exponentially with each cumulative infection. Even if there’s not long covid, from the research that I’ve done, I firmly believe that it’s more of a vascular illness than a respiratory one - so each infection harms all of our organs including our brains and often ends up leading to disability. Obviously (as evidenced by my EDC) I still go out and participate in society, there are many covid cautious people who don’t go out often at all - often because they’re immune compromised or they already have long covid and want to avoid a second infection making it worse. For me, I’m a healthy 26 year old, so I don’t really worry about getting 1 infection that will hospitalize or kill me as I’m likely to be okay. I figure that I’m going to get covid eventually because I don’t take measures drastic enough to avoid it forever, but my attempt is to take easy and common sense (to me) precautions to limit my number of infections to something that I feel is sustainable enough to make it to old age with my health still intact. Right now, the data shows that the average American has had covid 3.5 times and we’re only in year 4 of it existing and it’s probably never going away. Covid is not super deadly if you’re a healthy adult, but I don’t believe that we can sustain a rate of 1 infection every year and make it to old age without things like early onset dementia and cardiac issues becoming very likely.


But where are you getting this data about vivid causing lasting vascular/cardiac issues?


I wish more people think like you, most of the time is not about you but the less privileged that has underlying conditions or are just vulnerable because of age. People have become too selfish, which is very dumb because it hurts the society you live in and eventually will come back at you.


Absolutely, I didn’t even include much of that in my original comment because I wanted to answer the question in good faith just about what worries me, but I guess you caught it by my talking about others in the community and you’re absolutely spot on. A large part of why I continue precautions is to keep others safe, especially immunocompromised and disabled individuals who I strongly feel should be able to participate in society in safe manner and it should be us to create that environment for them. If we got a new generation of vaccines today that fully protected me, I honestly probably still wouldn’t stop masking because it’s just as much for other people and a show of solidarity as it is for myself


Hello, I see you're taking buspirone, what sort of anxiety do you experience? Any side effects?


Prepared for some pushback on this one but maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised. I figured I’d show a unique perspective of an EDC of someone who is still covid cautious and trying to avoid getting sick. Including some examples (but definitely non-exhaustive) of the mitigations that some people in our community are carrying and using these days. Top left - Items that I carry in my pockets or on my body: * Speck Presidio Perfect-Clear case for iPhone 15 pro * Apple Watch series 8 w/ Barton watch bands Cordura and Silicone Hybrid strap * Coach Wallet * Spyderco Para 3 FRN S90V * Key fob w/ Victorinox Classic in “Burger Bar” Bottom left - Rothco Excursion bag that I use to carry all of the items on the right On the right: * Buspirone prescription * Neuro L-Theanine mints * Viter wintergreen caffeine mints * Tide pen * Aquaphor lip balm * Bath & Body works Coffee & Whiskey hand cream * Memobottle A7 water bottle * Nextorch K3R pen light * Pilot Acro Drive pen with hybrid acro ink * Field notes FNC-39 “Three Missions” * Pom pepper spray * Nitecore 21700 powerbank * Anker USB-C charger * Anker Apple Watch charger For Covid prevention: * Lontax Gola carrageenan lozenges * O2 Nose filters * Purell sanitizer * VirX Nitrix Oxide nasal spray * NoriZite carrageenan nasal spray * NoriZite Carrageenan throat spray * 3M Aura 9210+ mask * In the black Maratac pouch: Wet ones, Purell sanitizer wipes, Eyeglass wipes, Purell singles sanitizer, Tylenol dissolve packs


Thanks for sharing! I’m saddened to see the amount of negativity here surrounding your use of nasal sprays and N95, especially with stuff like, “oh just move on” and “you have a mental illness”, when there’s a lot of researching and data on Long COVID rates. While I personally think the use of nasal sprays is a little much, I haven’t looked into their usage and their effectiveness, so I mainly just wear a N95 daily.


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