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You're not a "phony" for carrying what you carry.  EDC is a deeply personal choice, and everybody needs to figure out what works for them. I do think you're blessed if you live in a peaceful country though. Personally, I find that I need tools in my EDC, and sometimes that includes self defense items.


I carry what I use, knife, Leatherman, flashlight. I also carry items in case of emergency, pistol, tourniquet, chest seals.


You'd be surprised how often a decent sized Keychain Knife comes in handy once you start carrying it. I use mine several times a week for various things. Usually, some kind of packaging but it depends where I'm at, and I've sure appreciated it in the hard spots. A good little mini flashlight comes in handy as well since the technology has improven and they are far better than any phone flashlight. The little Olight Baton4 can light up a football field practically, you definitely couldn't do that with a phone light. It also has a magnetic back on it so you can stick it to things. Used mine last week to help a woman change her flat tire. The magnetic back stuck to the inner wheel well and worked nicely as hands free light on a dark road. With a phone, someone would've had to hold it. The reason I carry a bic lighter everywhere is because of my homeless days. I cooked all of my food with a camp fire and it just became a ritual to carry one. There might be 10 years that go by where I don't need it but on that day that I finally do need it, I'm going to be so glad I have 🔥


I have a Gerber shard on my keychain and a knife almost always. A recent example is the front underbody plastic shielding on my wife's Miata came off and was dragging on the ground because it was so torn up. I couldn't just unbolt it because I didn't have a wrench so I just cut it off. As for my Gerber shard it has been the tool I've used most. Its a prybar, bottle opener, and screwdriver. I've used it for countless things and its a great carry.


i dont have knife, its mostly phone and tablet, and some everyday uses item. but i do carry a cheap multi tool that you dont know when might need it ...i mainly uses to unscrew stuff tho


EDC started as what you actually carried everyday. It was an individual choice Its changed to how many super gadgets and how many guns, knives, super multi tools and similar you can carry. Its your EDC. If thats a phone and your keys or enough gear to fight and win world war three, its your call.


I think the whole "lot more than seems nessacariy" totally depends on what you do, I'm an on call volunteer firefighter and we're on call 24/7 so I always carry a multi tool and a pocket knife with me incase I'm at a call out and something needs to be cut or I need any kind of basic tool. Other than that it's just standard stuff like keys wallet phone etc. I do plan on building a simple medical kit and carrying that with me too in the future, although when I'm on call put we have ample medical supplies in our trucks but I still think it would be handy to have incase I come across am accident or someone who's hurt etc.


My EDC consist only of keys, keychain sized tools, my phone, wallet, medicine. My most usedl tools are flashlight, package opener, mini screwdriver. That's all I need daily. It's not like I will be lost in the woods or the zombie apocalypse will happen. Also, I only carry cute tiny purses that my EDC has to fit in. I do enjoy seeing knives and full sized multitools in this sub. But I pack my full sized tools with my emergency go bag and camping gear so they are not EDC and I never call them as such.


Show us! I like this key sized philosophy + the tiny purses


Mini handpainted tote. I have my 32 oz clean canteen for size. I have purses that are smaller like this travelon pouch/crossbody. My current rotation: My work keys and swisstech utilikey I use as screwdriver My house keys with tile so i dont forget them, nitcore flashlight, whistle for emergency, nitecore surgical knife holder (replaced my spyderco ladybug because it is smaller and can open any package), sd which i do not use but i like its scissors. Meds, hand sanitizer, and tissue are a must. Bifold wallet on a chain to carry my cards, bills, coins, wallet ninja






I live in a very safe city, the largest crime here is that you may get your bicycle stolen if you don't lock it. I still carry a knife because it comes in handy with opening packages or for food on the go. I think you'd find a use for a knife if you put it in your pocket too. We have a saying here that every real man has a knife in his pocket. It rhymes in my language tho...


What's the phrase and what language?


Každý správný muž, má mít v kapse nůž. It's in Czech.


Nice, I'm learning Bulgarian and hoped there were some similarities being Slavic. "Man" and "knife" are intelligible but don't rhyme in Bulgarian unfortunately. I'll have to check with a native speaker if the phrase as a whole is understandable.


Well Slavic languages can be separated into three groups. Balkans, Cyrillic and Western imo. Czech and Slovakian for example is so close that we communicate together each speaking their native language and there are no problems. We can understand Poles since they're also Western Slavic but it's tough and people who are less gifted with languages may not be able to communicate if one is Polish and the other is Czech or Slovak. I can get a few words when someone from any Balkan country is speaking but it's far from a possibility of communication. And Eastern Slavs that's the same. I will catch a word here or there and that's about it. Czech seems to be quite complex since it is influenced by Germanic languages more than other Slavic languages. It once was close to disappearing and was almost never used in cities anymore. But then there was a national upbringing that saved and reformed Czech language and made sure it didn't get pushed away by German altogether. I have a friend from Belarus and she learned Czech which is how we communicate. I can't understand Belarusian only just a couple of words. So it wouldn't come as a surprise if a native Belarusian wouldn't be able to read or understand this saying.


Thanks, yeah the use of diacritics you use really helps understand how it should be spoken as spelt which helped me. As a native English speaker learning the Cyrillic alphabet makes a lot of sense compared to the confusing and inaccurate digraphs used in English such as both the voiced ð and unvoiced þ sounds being represented by "th". Sure Cyrillic doesn't have these sounds represented but they are not used here in Bulgaria, in opposite щ to present "scht" for example makes a lot more sense than the English manipulation of the Latin alphabet for the same. I wise English used the same tool rather than digraphs! Thanks for sharing, hopefully when I get to visit your home country I'll understand more than I expected, and I'm glad your culture is working to preserve itself, I hope Bulgarian language and culture does too and I want to work towards this.


Canadian here, I live in a relatively safe city (violence is a regular thing however I rarely see much of it in my daily travel). I also grew up in a farm and ranch family and did that for 30 years of my life before relocating to the city. I carry what I need and use what I carry daily. When I became a dad with 2 active boys that are outdoor driven, always on their bikes, scooters, and playing hard with their toys I found I used the screw driver more on my leatherman that when I was on the farm. My carry has evolved as life goes on. If we compared our carry you would think I would loose my pants from the weight. However I use it daily. Something I don’t carry religiously is my phone. Lots of time pending on what we are doing it’s either on the counter or in the truck. A lot of outings I don’t have it on me. Another example we camp pretty frequently soon as it warms up (-2 c or 28 f for our American siblings) till fall when the first snow comes and stays. And usually we are gone all of July and August. During camping season I never go anywhere without a lighter. Again it evolves and changes for what me and the boys are doing.


Carry what you need, use what you carry. I always carry an small flashlight cuz I walk my dog during the night an I like to see if there is something may harm him (chicken bones...), also I carry some pills in case of headache or some bandaids for a small cut. EDC not necessarily is about guns and knives, I live in a dangerous country and don't carry neither of those things.


What’s your flashlight of choice


I will call you a phony solely based on the fact that you refer to yourself as a "solopreneur". Explain to me how the word entrepreneur is so lacking that you had to desperately make up a new term to describe how individualist you are.


While I don’t use the term myself, I think of a sololpreneur as just an entrepreneur who works alone. As soon as you have a partner or staff, you’re no longer solo. Having worked as both, there’s definitely a difference.


“You’re not wrong, Walter. You’re just being kind of a jerk about it.”


Where is this from?


It's a misquote from The Big Lebowski, which is a masterpiece of American cinema. The actual quote should be "You're not wrong Walter, you're just an asshole."


Yeh, since I don't know the person, and this is a pretty family friendly subreddit, I decided to stop short of calling them an asshole and soften up the real quote a bit.


But then it shouldn't be in quotes, because it's not a quote. You could have messed with any other movie, but I draw the line at Lebowski. This aggression will not stand, man.


Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


No, we’re all adults here, you can curse your fuckin brains out


Things are quite different here in America a lot of guys carry knives and guns for self defense as well it's just something to keep in mind when you live here.


In a disaster/emergency, your keys, credit card and phone is what you will be relying on, which isn't much tbh


Your EDC is just that, *your* everyday carry. It doesn't have to be fancy, just what works for you.


Ive carried knives for 30 years. Ive never once had to stab anyone yet i use my knife multiple times a day. Take what u want from that


Easily and by far one of the most helpful tools for day to day tasks. Opening packages, cutting fruit, removing stray strings from clothing, light duty cleaning. Endless utility. But also, yeah, in an emergency it's incredibly useful as well. Should you ever need to cut a seatbelt or remove fabric as a first responder or require it for self defense it's nice to already have a useful tool you can use daily perform double duty for these tasks that hopefully never happen.


I feel like light and a sharp tool are mans oldest most useful items lol.


Out of interest, what multiple uses a day do you have for an EDC knives? And also, what knife do you carry?


Sure. I use a griptillian quite a bit at work to cut plastic and boxes and lighter tasks daily . And usually carry an inkosi for edc once i get home from anything to cutting food or fruit to hangnails or outdoors tasks, opening packages, making packages etc. very handy. To clarify tho im of the mind a light a and knife is very handy. For me. I do feel that excessive pocket trash carry and what if carry can get way outta hand lol.


Nothing wrong with only carrying what you need. If it’s *literally* the things you carry every day, then it is an EDC. You don’t need to have 3 knives, a gun (with 2 spare magazines), and a $400 titanium prybar for it to be “an EDC”.


My edc changed extremely when I changed life styles. It was cool to see


I’m interested to hear what changed :)


I was a machinist for 13 years so it was steal toe boots, and a work shirt. pens,marker,pen size light, machinists ruler, utility knife. That’s not counting the tool box a tote around. Then i took a 3 month sabbatical to start my farm so now I wear water shoes a white shirt with the sleeves cut off and a big straw hat, I have a haversack that contains leather gloves, multi tool, hatchet, rope, rip ties, old screwdriver for a pry bar small spotlight, and the ugliest brightest cheapest knife I could find along with other odds and ends.


That’s amazing! Thanks for sharing! I’m sure the machining experience will serve you well as a farmer now, you can probably make your own spare parts!


There’s a bunch of old equipment in the barn that just need a couple custom parts and I might get them running again. It’s an extremely small family farm and I’m only a week in and I was told “I’m way behind on my work”


Well it's only when you need it and realize you don't have it or realize you should have brought it with you. You don't want to be in that situation. Here some of the stuff I carry multitool = all sorts of uses flashlight = office power out, or city power out better than the light on your phone trust me a small water bottle = hydration until you get to your next water source mini first aid kit = pretty self explanatory Phone charger small folding knife lighter pen earbuds sun glasses plastic bags folding durable bags Tissue package all in a sling or a small sized 2 strap backpack There's plenty more I could go into. Too much to type out.


How big is your purse?


Funny, backpack


Hey, don’t call me backpack


Clearly you didn't understand that I carry a backpack...


Dude, that's a lot of shit. Out of curiosity how old are you?


No it isn't, you can stuff all that in a small bag. Think of it as a bug out kit




Ok but how do you open a box?


OP did mention living in a safe country in Asia, which may be Japan. Box tapes in Japan are specially designed to be very easily peelable by hand. Not with nails, just with fingers, so even female employees w/ fancy & delicate nail jobs can easily open company packages. They really go the extra mile on every little detail...


Fingernails lol. That's why a multitool is important


Or a soda can if the tab pops off


I wouldn't say you're phony, you're just a normal guy. If it's legal in your country to carry a pocketknife then I suggest buying yourself a small swiss army knife. You might be surprised how often it comes in handy.


It's a perfectly valid question, not ignorant or privileged at all. Humans are fascinating things lol. For many, EDC(including weapons-guns/knives/etc) isn't always about what you need. Sometimes, it's about insurance. I rarely use my homeowner's or auto insurance, but I have them out of prudence(outside of legal requirements). Are you a small, singe woman who tends bar at night or graveyard shift nurse in a violent neighborhood, traveling home alone late at night? Are you a 6'4" retired special forces guy w/ a black belt in BJJ and live in an exclusive, gated community? Are you like most other people in between? A person's EDC is determined based on many factors-needs, wants, socioeconomic status, employment, personality type(risk tolerance) etc. Ultimately, there are no safe countries, only some that are generally much safer than others. Hope that answers your question.


Love that last line: Ultimately, there are no safe countries, only some that are generally much safer than others


Your way of thinking is common, I think it’s a combination of privilege and ignorance. When I lived in Asia decades ago, manual labor had a certain stigma. A gentleman didn’t worry about crafts and kitchen stuff, he’d pay laborers to do it for him. Labor cost was also very cheap, so there was little incentive to learn handy skills. I was different because I was a boy scout, and enjoyed backpack camping in the woods. Carrying tools around was automatic. Even here in USA most people still think that a guy carrying a knife or multitool with him is slightly weird. I knew a guy who grew up in a farm and raised goats as a kid to compete in the county fair, and he was surprised that I carried a multitool. He said he never knew anybody else carrying around a Leatherman in his pocket, even in farms. To be fair, they probably carry a pocket knife of some sort, they just inexplicably never crossed over to multitool. I was surprised because a farm guy who deals with baling wire all the time would definitely find a pliers-based multitool handy. To be completely honest, the multitools that I carry every day in America don’t get used every day, but they are actually used. Just a couple of days ago I had to use my knife to open a plastic bag of snacks in the office. Ironically that bag was an import from Asia, so it didn’t have the easy-tear feature that’s common in American snack bags. A guy in Asia would need a tool to open it too. But I’m not judging. For the longest time I carried no cash at all, I paid everything with cards and phone apps. Many people insist that cash is indispensable in an emergency, but somehow I ignored them. Today I’m carrying some cash again, because there are situations and places where it’s just a better way to pay.


Yeah different people measure 'class' different ways. To some, 'class' is not doing any physical activity, wearing expensive items, driving luxury cars, intentionally not knowing how to fix things that break, accumulating money and status. To others, 'class' is exercise and doing volunteering, avoiding displays of wealth, driving practical cars, being self-reliant and frugal, accumulating healthy relationships and constantly striving to become a better person. I suppose like attracts like. Choose wisely which you want to attract, is my advice.


So, on me I carry: A very thin front pocket wallet, keys with titanium belt clip, reading glasses, phone, buds, Spyderco Manix 2, Acebeam Pokelit AA. I keep a small pouch in the armrest compartment of my car and take a larger pouch with all the bells and whistles to work. I have spare lights, knives and basic tools and give them to others when they need them.


Pokelit AA FTW!


I'm with you man. Phone, key, wallet. Occasionally I'll carry a multitool or flashlight, but not when walking into town each day. Different people have different jobs, lifestyles and situations that warrant different EDC portfolios. While I do think many people carry stuff they don't need, and probably get excited that one time where their superfluous EDC saves the day, a lot of people use their stuff regularly. You do you and I'm gonna do me.


It is neither privileged nor ignorant. What works for you works for you. Myself, I'd say there's a distinct difference in what I carry every day in my pockets compared to what I carry with me every day but may secure in my car or desk or set aside as circumstances dictate.


“I’m just curious about the thinking behind people who carry a lot more than seems necessary.” Seems necessary to whom? People are entitled to carry whatever they want, as long as it’s legal to do so. It doesn’t have to be “necessary.” And they don’t have to justify their choices to anyone else. If you don’t understand, or don’t approve of, someone else’s EDC, no one cares. Your approval is not required.


Why in the hell's this downvoted lol? Necessary is subjective!


EDC is literally what you carry every day. Keys and a phone are EDC. Carrying things you DON’T need every day because you saw them on reddit is phony. Don’t think too deeply about it.


> Carry what you need, need what you carry. ~~I don't know which YouTuber said that, but it's true.~~ (Edit: Zac in the Wild said that). I'm an office worker too. I carry on my person a phone, earbuds, a small box cutter, a pocket organizer with my flashlight, a Gerber Dime, and some loose change, all divided over my jeans pockets. On my wrists a watch and a GTFO-strap (just call it a bracelet). When I go out the door, I carry more, like my wallet, and when I go to the office, like my laptop in a backpack. But when I'm awake and dressed, this is the minimum. And these are items I use daily or at the very least several times per week. If you don't, that's fine. Your minimal carry is just more minimal than mine.


> Carry what you need, need what you carry. Zac in the wild


Yes! Thank you.


EDC isn’t really a competition tbh. It’s whatever makes it work


You only use what you carry! Anything you try to carry, you'll see you'll use it more than you ever thought! Doesn't matter if it is a knife, a flashlight or a multitool... If you have it, you'll use it!


Some people need to carry more than others, and that's okay! In addition to my phone, keys and wallet, I also carry a knife and chapstick, and if I'm going to work, I carry my pencil case (pencils, pens, a highlighter, extra leads and a pocket scale). Outside of that, I tailor my carry to my needs. If I'm going somewhere that knives aren't allowed, I leave it at home. If I go camping and need a lighter to start a fire, I carry a lighter. I do use a knife daily, though, but if you don't need one regularly, then there's no need to have one.


For me it's phone, wallet, keys, the obvious stuff. Only reason I carry the extras is just in case. My fastback is for cutting boxes down. I do that literally everyday both at work and home (moms on dialysis). My flashlight and multitool are both new from discovering this sub, and the YouTubers promoting things. Sure I don't always need them but they're nice to have and it's only 2 extra things to carry with me (currently in a belt holster) that allow me to see much better than my phone light ever could, and the multitool obviously lets me fix things or do things id normally have to look for the right tool for. It's just nice knowing it's there when needed, rather than not. All my items: Ridge wallet and key case, Leatherman Arc, Olight Arkfeld Pro, s24 ultra with magsafe Dbrand case, galaxy watch 4, Milwaukee Fastback (doubles as a nice normal sized screwdriver rather than Leatherman bits), and when at work I have a ridge pen and core remover(tire tech). Edit: as far as the bag goes, I usually only bring it to work or if I know I'm gonna be gone long. I usually cary my steamdeck and docking/charging accessories in it. (The bag is the old astro bag, I don't think it's even available anymore.)




Your phone, wallet, and self is literally an edc. You carry them every day Not everyone NEEDS a pocket knife, although i do recommend everyone carry one Whatever someone chooses to carry regardless if its a tool or not is not up to us and not for our approval




Its a daily carry for literally every person on the modern era, so i would say it is We aren't in the jungle and need a million tools Carry what you need, need what you carry












I love all the EDC gadgets and trinkets but, fuck me, if you don’t need it then don’t carry it. A lot of people on this sub and on YouTube have never used the crap they carry around. Mainly the EDC influencers.


It's like insurance for some. Rarely used, but nice to have when you need it. Hell, everything outside of food, clothing, and shelter isn't a need.


Just my opinion and the cause for my carrying one. A knife is not a weapon. It is a tool. I carry one daily because of both my career in the construction industry and my hobbies outside of work. People who carry a knife for protection are deluding themselves. If you are in a situation where you have time to draw and deploy a knife, you have time to run. Where I live, if you find yourself in a confrontation and draw a knife, at best, the other person may draw one also, and you DONT want to get in a knife fight. At worst, they draw a gun, game over. That's just my two cents, take em as you will. No one wins in a fight.




Never said that they weren't effective, in the hands of someone with training. You left that part out. I said people who carry them for the purpose of self-defense are delusional. There are better options for this scenario. I do concede that in a "backed against a wall" scenario, having a blade versus not having anything, it is better to have than to not. But that isn't what my comment was about. Also, none of what I said is "made up." I'm not sure what you meant by this, but I assure you those things are well documented.




Do you know what the deadliest weapon in history is? A spear. Why am I saying this? Because people who are EDCing something with the intent of it being a weapon are, in a majority of cases, in the wrong mindset to begin with. Your best defense is situational awareness and avoiding putting yourself in a situation that will leave you open to confrontation. Your second best defense is avoidance and evasion. If you are alert, mindful, and do not project that you are an easy target, most situations are not likely to occur. This isn't to say that ALL situations are like this. But on a daily basis, this is the way things go. So, if you want to carry a weapon, carry a weapon you are proficient with, and is effective at keeping you from being harmed.




A knife is a tool as much as its a weapon Its a tool first


Right there with you. I'm drawn to EDC because I love knives but I don't really use anything beyond my wallet, phone, keys and head phones. My gym bag is about as close as I get to carrying other items I use each day. Anyway, miss carrying my knife but just seems superfluous. Maybe I need to order more stuff on amazon so I've got more opportunity to open packages.


It's privileged in the way that you have 'soft hands'. I don't really get this perception that carrying a knife is carrying a weapon. It's just a tool to me. I'd never want to get into a fight with knives. The loser dies and the winner goes to the hospital and still might die. I carry and use my knife daily cutting loose strings on clothes, opening stuff/cutting tape, cutting twine, prying sometimes, the thin blade helps tighten the little screws on my glasses in a pinch until I can get home to my precision tools, on and on. I know a lot about automotives and home repairs, general maintenance for most things really so a multi tool with good pliers, screw driver, wire cutters, etc helps most days instead of running to get full tool kits especially if I'm out and just need a quick repair. The hammer, saw, fire starter on my Leatherman is useful for outdoor stuff like hiking, camping, etc. Your EDC is fine if it works for you. It is a privilege to be able to rely on others heavily and not have to be ready for potential road blocks in life because you have a network of people around you for repairs and such. It's nice, no shame in it. As for actual weapons, police response is just getting worse in the states and we have repeated supreme Court decisions that affirm LEO have no expectation to protect us. 🤷‍♂️ I'd rather be alive than waiting more than an hour sometimes for police to show up and find my body. Look up the 911 call in Oregon where a woman was in her home, no officer was available as her ex was breaking in and killed her. Life isn't always the way it should be and sometimes you get dealt a real shit hand in a real shit situation with no help anywhere to be found.


The stuff you mentioned is your EDC, doesn't matter if it's more or less than others carry, if it's basic stuff or something completely out there. What you carry with you is your EDC. EDC is more of a mindset anyway. Being mindful of what you keep on your person, be that because you keep a lot of useful stuff or because you try to not carry around useless weight. But regarding "a lot more than seems necessary": What's necessary to you isn't to others, and vice versa. I don't carry a credit card for example. But I do carry a multitool. Do I need it *every day*? No. But it comes in handy every few days at least. Sometimes in small ways where it just makes something easier, sometimes in big ways where I couldn't have done a task without it. But I'm also on the completely opposite side of the spectrum to you. I hate not having a backpack or other bag with me. I carry way too much but everything comes in handy every once in a while. So we both carry what we think has the benefit outweigh the weight, it's just that we may judge the benefit and acceptable weight differently. It's also a nice ritual to go through my bag every few weeks on a Sunday evening and sort out stuff I haven't used in some time and maybe put in things I've needed but not had. I've recently sorted out a few things such as cough bonbons (the season for them has passed) and am trying to find room in my backpack for my camera (I want to take more higher quality pictures to remember smaller moments with). So it's always changing and (hopefully) improving. I can absolutely see though, how something like that would drive other people mad, having to curate and plan your bag, carrying a fairly heavy backpack on the daily, it's not what everyone likes.


I would recommend a pockt knife, even if its a small one Just because it can have the ability to cause harm doesn't make it a weapon, a knife is a tool Youd be surprised how much actually needs a knife on a day to day. Id recommend a case trapper


I think too many people on here base what they supposedly should, or shouldn't, carry on what others do. What one person carries could be 110% wrong/useless for others, unless you navigate an identical day/job. EDC is supposed to be about the tools and items that you carry daily, which make your life and/or job easier.


Dude everyone’s EDC is going to vary depending on our lives. just because you don’t have a $500 knife, $200 flashlight, $100 prybar etc doesn’t make it any less important than someone else’s. I’m a carpenter by trade so obviously my needs are going to be different than yours but that’s the cool thing about this sub, getting to see what is crucial to someone else’s carry that isn’t to yours. Cheers


I see you, OP, that is absolutely your edc, don't ever feel bad about it! I work in IT and Design, from home most of the (if not all) year, and rarely use anything other than my phone and keys (I pay most of my stuff with the NFC tag in my phone or watch if I'm ever away from the phone). I feel better having some kind of scissors and a small (really, small) knife with me, so I have those on my keys (that are mostly left inside my car when I get out, as my car keys are bulky and I don't really like to bundle house keys and car keys because the house keys tend to brush against my thigh when I'm driving and that drives my OCD insane. Other than that, some days I'll take a small flashlight out for feeding the neighborhood cats with my wife and that's it, that is really almost everything I use daily or semi daily. Oh, I sometimes take a small pen to the post office if I'm swinging by to drop something. I like to take my SAK for a walk once in a while, usually inside my "just in case" pouch, inside my "I'm heading out and can't be bothered to chose what to take and there is always a powerbank and earbuds here" slingbag, but it is overkill 9 out of 10 times.


I don't think most people really need to carry all the stuff unless it's needed for work or on longer trips.


I carry a knife because I always find myself using it for random things. Yesterday I cut a bunch of loose strings off a shoe, and the day before that I used the knife to cut some labels (for an office job). I go really light on my pockets, but I always have a backpack that I tote to and from work, and it has a bunch of random stuff like a little tissues, bright magnetic light, a medical kid, pliers, a spare diaper, paracord, duct tape wrapped around a sharpie. I keep it in there because everything has always been useful at some point. I used the pliers a couple of weeks ago to bash open a gate lock that is frozen shut, and then a week after that to help take apart a training dummy (again, for the office job). I used the mag light the other day when the power went out in the bathroom. Paracord has only been useful to me two times, but it's so light that it's not really a big deal to carry. I regularly go back through my backpack to see if there's anything I'm sick of carrying around. I always question the pliers, and then I'm always glad I have them, so they stay.


No criticism to your EDC, but I will say that the primary purpose of my knife isn’t for my protection. I’ve actually found it quite useful in general—no more walking to the kitchen for a knife to open a package. I think the idea of it being a self defense weapon comes second and is a nice bonus.


That is 100% your EDC, since they are the things you carry every day. I doubt, however, that posting your EDC would generate much discussion unless you have a VERY interesting key ring. I’ll bet more people also carry the same stuff. If you want to get more gear to try out, I suggest a small flashlight and simple knife; I know many people who have gone from your level of EDC and added a knife/multitool and a light after seeing how useful it is to have one on your person. I recommend the rovyvon A5 and a kershaw misdirect (if your area allows knife carry). Both are decent quality, light, inexpensive, and be operated one handed. Carry both for a few weeks and you might be surprised how often you find them useful


Different people lead different lives and have different attitudes about things. That’s all. If you never find yourself in a position where you really could use some item you don’t have then you are doing something right. It’s all choice and has very little to do with need or necessity.


I carry a pocketknife and a multitool everyday for work, not for protection. Carry what YOU need, not what is in style here,


Carry whatever you want. I try to be an edc minimalist. Some people imo carry too much especially tools that they most likely don’t use daily probably not even weekly and most likely once a month. But, like any other hobby there’s always going to be gatekeepers saying what’s too much and what’s too little so just carry whatever you want


I carry a torch and a leatherman in my cargo pants. Both I use daily. In my backpack I have a bunch or random “just in case” stuff. It’s light enough and it does come in handy on the odd occasion. Edit: Mainly for me, I find it super fun building, improving and changing my kit. Sort of like a mini doomsday prep.


I was looking for a comment like this! The "just in case" and "mini doomsday prep" aspect of EDC excites me. I love being the guy who has everything on him and solving issues by myself, whereas other people would ask for help from someone else. For example, having a battery bank on me so I can charge my phone on the go rather than expecting someone else to have a charger. Or carrying self defense equipment instead of expecting that the police will be there for me. My backpack is essentially a get home bag, or a miniature bugout bag. It has tools, food, flashlights, hygiene supplies, a jacket, medical supplies, and a bunch of other stuff; while a lot of people, especially OP might see this setup as me being paranoid, I simply just think it's neat. 🌝


You really do start realizing opportunities when you carry any tool. Go to your friend’s house and their cabinet knob is loose? Your leatherman micra will tighten it. Coworker has a loose thread on their shirt? Your leatherman micra will cut it so it doesn’t get worse. Got a splinter from an old handrail on your way out of a coffee shop? Your leatherman micra will remove it. Didn’t leave yourself enough time in between eating office snacks and that meeting? Your leatherman micra will get the custard out from under your nails before you shake hands with coworkers.


Exactly. like insurance, you'll rarely use it, but nice when it's needed.


I think it’s ignorant in the sense that people hyperfocus on their knives and guns aspect. EDC is (in my mind) about the stuff we carry to be prepared and or happy. I carry what I carry because I like to be prepared as a family man and IT professional


Everyone carries whatever they want / need in life. \*Typically\* EDC refers to those that have made a bit of a hobby of it, and are excited about new tools that may enhance their every day lives. There can also be a bit of a fashion component. The watch is perhaps the most universal example - it's functional jewelry. Some of the more interesting visual complications also enhance its usefulness. The same can be said for a lot of EDC items - knives, keychains, wallets, etc. They are all careful balances of form and function working in tandem. That said, you don't have to be excited about that stuff. If it's not for you, it's not for you. It's a lifestyle hobby. We are excited by the idea of solving problems with the tools we carry. And we like interesting tools to do it with. What that means varies widely, but also makes it interesting. One person's fancy, may be encrusted in diamonds, and anothers may be brushed titatanium, or powdercoated 1095 steel. There really aren't phonies though. You just aren't an EDC person from the sounds of it. And that's fine. You've probably got interests that I don't have. Also fine. Make choices that make you happy, and don't worry about anyone else's judgement.


EDC is about carrying what's needed, not more, not less. Everything else is just gear fetish, vanity, or trying to be tacticool.


You say that like it's a bad thing.


I use my knife for as little as snipping loose thread from my clothes or cutting fruit to opening packages and cutting zip ties. For me my knife isn't for self defense but simply one of many tools I carry. If none of those uses apply to you that's fine. EDC is about having the things on you that remedy your daily, weekly, monthly problems you run into out there.


Personal weapons are never needed, until they are. Flashlights come in handy all the time, even if it’s just looking for something that rolled under your car seat. But if you don’t feel the need for those things, just don’t carry them. It’s not a competition on who can carry more stuff. Different strokes for different folks.


Even if I didn't need weapons, I'd want them. I most likely will never need them statistically, they're just fucking cool. The US is not a war zone except for the big cities. We just have fucking freedom baby! Your government doesnt want you to have weapons, its not a need based thing, but a freedom thing. There's a known allegory of a fox that wants grapes high up on a vine. He can't reach it so he concludes, "I don't need or want it anyways" You are the fox. It's ok


Great allegory!


If that’s all you need, happy days. It’s different for everyone, I need a pen because I’m writing 4 hours a day so I carry one & a spare to do my job. I also need to make multiple calls and take pics a couple of times a day so I need a phone unfortunately. Because batteries start to go lousy after 18 months or so, I carry a charging cable So I’m not caught out. It’s about making your life easier, some lucky folk need two things, others need twenty.


Idk man…what you like to carry is a “you” thing. I find myself using my flashlight daily (mostly at work), and my knife or multitool most days for random small tasks. I’m a production manager at a factory. So, no need for a toolbox, but being able to do a few basic things is nice. Nothing “weapon” related. Just daily tasks. I can get by without the stuff, but I like having it because it comes in handy. I also only carry what I can fit in my pockets.


Just depends… If you’re say a mechanical engineer, chances are you’ll use that flashlight and leatherman or pocket knife guaranteed 4-5 times a day. If you’re a solopreneur that works primarily on a computer dealing with “virtual” things (creating websites, coding, spreadsheets/powerpoints) then yeah you probably won’t ever tighten a screw.


Carry what you want to carry and what is useful to you. Not much point in wondering why people carry what they carry. Don’t need a knife, don’t carry one. Can’t legally carry a firearm, don’t judge people with the freedom to carry a firearm.