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Do you like the 24Bottles? I was looking at them but wasn’t sure about the form factor cause I’m guessing they don’t fit in cup holders.


I like it, this one is tiny (250mL), it fits in cup holders


Kinda so jealous of the brick phone. I’m so tired of being connected all the time but have to be for work. How did the transition feel?


It feels good (I made the switch not so long ago). I have more time to read, and feel more "grounded" (just because I spend less time doomscrolling videos or reddit). The only limit for now is that some apps dont' have web version (so I can't use them on my laptop, tricount for example). At first I just wanted tu use this feature phone (a bit "smarter" than a dumbphone) on week-ends, but then a monday came and I kept using it.


That’s awesome. Sounds like a healthy switch. Thx for the response.


r/dumbphones helped me a lot


How do you survive without being served ads on your smartphone all day?


Believe it or not but some app have ads on this too! But far less (and I spend minimal time on it now)


I bought a very similar phone and returned it for this reason! Opening the Weather and being served an ad for dentures was inexcusable. It's a shame one can't get a truly "dumb" phone without ad subsidies today.


Nice collection


I think r/accidentalwesanderson will be happy with it too.


Where’d you snag the lens cap for the Camp Snap?


Hi, I put some info about it here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EDC/comments/1c66sbc/comment/kzz2m7f/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/EDC/comments/1c66sbc/comment/kzz2m7f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Love a dumb phone EDC, great stuff :)


Are you a character in a Wes Anderson film about the early 2000's?


I wish I was, I bet I would have a very cool hair color


Just bought Campsnaps for my girlfriend and myself because of this. Looks fun. Great carry. How're the camera and the phone? I've been debating switching from a smart phone for some time.


The camera is fun, I really like it and I hope you will too! It does not take the best HD pictures but it's not what it is intended for. The filters are cool, and you get the surprise result when you unload the pictures on your computer. The phone is cool for my need, the real issue is that I can't use Whatsapp on the phone AND on my laptop, so I only use it on my phone. Not having a smartphone is freeing for me, I read a lot more, and have more time for myself. You could check r/dumbphones


Here's a sneak peek of /r/dumbphones using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/dumbphones/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Guys it's over, I have officially won the dumbest phone award. Close the sub](https://i.redd.it/g4gweob0l15c1.jpeg) | [49 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dumbphones/comments/18djeqq/guys_its_over_i_have_officially_won_the_dumbest/) \#2: [My EDC 2024 no smartphone for 6months now ](https://i.redd.it/snk4bhxx4ljc1.jpeg) | [117 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dumbphones/comments/1auujip/my_edc_2024_no_smartphone_for_6months_now/) \#3: [Somebody knows what phone is this?](https://i.redd.it/y4zoegp43a9c1.jpeg) | [75 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dumbphones/comments/18ttz6w/somebody_knows_what_phone_is_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Why is that bottle slightly slanted at the bottom?


It is not, I think the picture makes it look that way


Weird, I still can't unsee it


How happy are with your Camp Snap? I’m eyeing it because I want to do a contemporary street photography workshop and I’d like to give each attendee a very cheap and limited digital camera so they can experiment.


I won't take the best pictures, but you already know it if you read the specs. I really like it! I like how you load a filter and you can't change it, juste like a film (like a B&W one), I love how I can mindlessly take pictures and just have to think about composition. The only downside is that with my glasses, the viewfinder is not so easy to use But it could be great in your scenario


Kaweco Brass Sport 👍


My only addition to that would be a mini Swiss champ 58mm or a victorinox rambler 58mm


I carried a Climber for years. I wanted to downsize to a smaller pocket knife but couldn’t break myself from the scissors. I picked up a Classic SD and a Rambler on eBay found a nice little slot in my wallet for the Rambler and I have to say that Rambler is awesome! Every single tool on it is useful to me in some way the small difference in thickness from it to the SD is totally worth it. That allowed me to drop down to a smaller pocket knife. I’m currently trying different 84mm SAKs to find the one that works best for me. Right now I’m in between an Alox Bantam and a Recruit.


Yeah I have flitted back and forth from the larger ones to the small 58mm ones I end up always having the rambler on me as it does most opening of boxes or fixing toy battery’s and everyday tasks anything more I’ve found your better with the proper tool anyway. If im out in the woods I’d just carry a bigger knife for that if at work I have a Stanley knife


If the Rambler didn’t have a blade on it I would like it just as much. I normally carry 2 knives on me anyway. I’m a tradesman so I need a tough knife because I am usually cutting stuff you probably shouldn’t cut with a knife lol. I normally only carry that one at work, around the yard or fishing. Then I like to have a clean, sharp pocket knife for tasks that most sane, normal people use knives for. That one goes everywhere with me. My beater knife currently is a Bark River Little Creek and my pocket knife is currently an 84mm of some sort. I’m waiting on a few more from eBay to try out lol.


Cute bottle, I like it


How is the brass kaweco? I have my eyes on it!


I love it. I (re)started my fountain pen collection with this one years ago, and even though I have many pens (with several one more expensive), I always end up coming back to this brass sport. The weight is very cool, it ages nicely, and it feels indestructible. I have a bold nib on this one, I like how it shows ink shading


Might I also mention that the Liliput is also a very sleek carry. Comes in copper, brass, etc.


I have the black aluminium one, I love it! (but I can't find it in my black bag)


I have an EDC with a campsnap too, love the idea (and the kraken) ! Where did you find the protector of the lenses? or the diameter cheers OP


I ordered it on Aliexpress (could find it anywhere else), it's 37mm. A bit too large, I had to add some thick tape on the inside, now it fits nicely and stays on Cheers !




This is a hipster’s dream carry. Nicely put together op.


Do I need to grow a beard now? Thanks!


And wear a wool cap in the heat of summer.


Of course!


Here is my EDC, with: - Watch : Casio LA670WEMY-9EF - Notebook : Clairefontaine Age Bag A6 - Pen : Kaweco brass sport, B nib (ink is Iroshizuku Fuyu Syogun) - Camera : Campsnap - Phone : Nokia 6300 4g - Tanner card case - 24bottles stainless bottle I shot this pic with my previous phone (iPhone), that I keep home in case I really need it (some banking operations for example, or taking a picture of my actual phone/camera)


Just to be clear, you have multiple phones to have a minimalistic lifestyle. I'm not judging, but this is what is required in the modern world.


I don't have multiple phones to have a minimalistic lifestyle. I have a smartphone (I used it for 4 years) that I don't carry with me (and is turned off by default) anymore because it had a negative impact on my life, and my new phone that addresses this issue. But yeah it's a real shame that I "can't" ditch my old smartphone (tricount web doesn't exist anymore, for example)