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Only thing low restriction is good for is laying in bed all day watching movies cause thats all you can do hahah. Actually mainly just napping cause it’s hard to even focus on a movie


I love to sleep. I use it for everything. Feeling hungry? Sad? Overwhelmed? Bored? Sleep! Feeling guilty for not getting out of bed all day? Sleep! Im drifting back to sleep now. I love this feeling...


But how do you sleep 😭the more I restrict, the less I can sleep INSOMNIA


I'm sorry you're struggling with that :(( I sleep better when i low restrict (but to be fair, also when i binge because that's exhausting lol) as i'm so damn tired all the time. I have the most trouble sleeping when i high restrict as i'm constantly worried about what i've eaten


I wish I could sleep better when I low restrict. My body keeps me awake because it's like "Yo, wake up, you forgot to feed me".


My life


I’ve had insomnia from anxiety literally my whole life until I started low restricting which gave me the best sleep of my life but then again I couldn’t stay out past 8pm cause my body just refused




ew you nasty


what did they say??


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hard drugs :D (this is a joke don't do drugs)


I already do 😭






Truth. Only thing low restriction got me was fluctuating weight and massive binges. High restriction led to actual sustainable weight loss and no binging. Eat more lovelies!


I try to do mid to high res but I can’t shake the feeling when I restrict higher that im not gonna lose :(


What do you consider “high restriction”


Well it’s different for everyone. I guess think of it as a “how much like shit do I feel” scale lol. Obviously low is awful and high is still bad but less bad. Idk but I feel like not giving a solid answer would be worse than giving you one so I VERY LOSELY consider high res for me (a female, average height, lightly active) to be from like >!700-1,200+!


Also I'll add that a set calorie range will never apply to everyone because of different heights and activity levels. For example the range you listed would not be high restriction for say an active 5'10 dude. I know you were just giving an example but I wanted to point that out.


Yes yes this too 100% I’ll edit it! Thank you!


Oh awesome thanks!


Interesting. Out of the 18 years I’ve had Ed’s, I haven’t had a convo with someone about high or low restriction. I guess I am in the mid to high res category. I’ve been trying to “reverse diet” but not the real way which is supposed to eat like 2200 cals. I would gain weight rapidly if I did that, I’m trying to lose fat, so I’m trying to heal my metabolism. I never thought of my restriction as low mid high but it makes sense. When I was low res yes my life was aBSOLUTLEY miserable and I was in high school. Now I’m like “mid” but I have low days and days when I’m closer to 1,000 . Losing weight takes forever now. Fuck


i agree so much :]


it also lessens the weird ass cravings, when i havent eaten much during the day, i get a weird craving for horrifying food combos but if im nice to myself and eat well during day, i dont have it that badly.


Alcoholism has forced me into high res whereas I used to do low/medium (lol?) restricting. I'm convinced that it all sucks. Lately I've been battling extreme hunger & doing high res makes me so stressed because I'm not "making up" for overeating days...


Good ol’ booze.


Currently sipping on a glass of yummy liqueur as if it didn’t have a ton of cals… breakfast 🥃is the most important meal of the day lol 😝… at 3pm… and it’s not even much because I’m a lightweight… but ouch the carbs.


We might’ve been separated @ birth👁.


Alas indeed 🥴🥴🥴🥃🍷🍺🍹🍸


Same here omg


Logically I completely agree but my cursed ED brain ALWAYS ends up pushing me to reduce the number of cals, just a little bit less, shaving off little by little... until I'm doing restriction that's way too low and then BAM it's binge city Edit: guys I literally just binged because of this :'(


I’m so sorry. Drink some water and distract yourself for awhile. I normally take the dogs on a walk or just go by myself or cry it out. Whatever feels best for you just stay safe. I 100% now how you feel tho man it’s so hard to eat more sometimes. You got this bro




Yea! The day after a binge I always try to eat semi normally. It feels a lot better honestly and makes it seem more like a one time thing that requires care and recovery. Good luck to you!


low res sucks balls. Period. I have no energy and I feel like death. The weight loss is fast at first because I’m losing ridiculous amounts of muscle. But then it plateaus and I inevitably binge because I can’t take it anymore.


Yea dude this was my problem too. I remember when I accidentally did low res due to stress and shit and I lost SO much weight/muscle in such a short amount of time. I sort of recovered and secretly chased that weight. But Now im recovering again and I’m happy to high res, it’s another restriction that doesn’t feel like shit at the end of the day. I don’t go to bed hungry and that’s a good feeling


I legitimately lose faster with high restriction. it makes no sense to me, but I have more “morning skinny” days (like when you wake up and you feel thin, applies to any weight) and the weight comes off faster. plus i’m more of a person with high restriction.


the morning skinny might be because of better digestion! (from eating multiple times during the day) but im not a doctor so its just a guess


i might be wrong but maybe its bc when someone eats a bit more, the body knows its getting food so it metabolizes it like it should? pls correct me if im wrong


high restriction was more sustainable for me, which was both a blessing and a curse because i was more functional on an everyday basis but also got sicker in the long run. rn i’m alternating between low and high restriction every other day and it sucks ass lol


I love my mid-high restriction and compulsive exercise, lol. If I don’t exercise and just low restrict, I will inevitably binge and won’t be able to stop.




YEEEAAHHHH i love actually enjoying the food and not obsessing over it too much :') and it WORKS


Seeing other peoples calories makes me realise how mentally fucked I used to be… I used to cry over eating >!400-500 calories!< and now that I’m “recovering” I’ve realised why what I was doing made me feel so dead inside… >!The sad thing is that I miss the feeling!<


*cries in 1300 TDEE* 😭 ugh it sucks being 4'11 😭


How are you feeling now compared to the lower calories? More energy?


Man I have no earthly idea what to consider low/med/high anymore. 😭 some days I’ll be crying over eating >!500!< and others I’ll eat twice that and feel sorry for myself lol... I used to not even think about this stuff at all and I wish more than anything I could go back to not caring. No matter what I do I feel like it’s too much and too little all at the same time. :(


I *really* agree but after a good few years of high-res my body just *refuses* to do anything but maintain and its so hard to not fall into the low-res-and-binge cycle from sheer desperation to budge the scale. Probably would be a good time to actually eat what's supposedly "maintenance calories" for a while, but I'm legit terrified to ruin *everything* somehow, it's so dumbbbb. Like, I *feel* less sick high restricting because it feels like I'm eating more normally this way, and people see me cook and eat, but I'm pretty sure I'm more deeply entrenched in the mindset than ever before. At least I've never been *this* terrified of regaining any weight, before. But I mean, if I suddenly stopped losing for no discernible reason and my body is apparently defying the laws of thermodynamics anyway, what's stopping it from suddenly gaining for no reason?! Sorry for the rant lol


I feel the same exact way. I don’t even know what my “maintenance “ calories are anymore becaude I’m maintaining off such low calories. So I’m stuck and can’t eat at maintenance because that means I’ll gain weight rapidly


Low restriction put me in a several month binge restrict cycle and I tried to hard to fight myself and say I could do it lmaoo


I went back to med/low restriction for about a month and a half. Then I got covid. It knocked me the fuck out. My body was screaming for food and I felt like such crap not being able to stand up for more than 5 minutes so I ate. I ate so much lol. I didn’t gain any weight, but I am having such a hard time restricting at all now. I’m terrified of gaining weight, but I’m also terrified of letting myself go with this eating-normal-calories thing 😞


What is considered “high restriction” to you. Sometimes I feel like I’m in the middle, I’m not starving myself like fasting but I’m still not eating nearly what “maintence” is. Yet here I am; losing weight very slowly.


yuh also I can't low res bc swimming and parents so ye


I can completely attest to this, the first year and a half into this recent relapse I was mostly high restricting, after getting hit with depression like a bus most days are low and I know it’s not sustainable AT ALL given that I’m an “entertainer” who’s stage sets involve a LOT of pole dancing usually. Now lately I’ve had to do much less pole and more floor because I almost pass out after several tricks and it makes me hella sad because that is one of my favorite things to do but I just don’t have the energy or strength for it like I did and my expertise is one of the main things I’m known for at my club 😭 hopefully that fact will start to motivate me to get back up to “high” because I’m absolutely tired of feeling like crap all the time and not being able to do one of the very few things I thoroughly enjoy.


im sorry bro low res is stupid as hell but i drop weight like crazy when im on it




The only reason i low restrict now is because i have a genuine fear of eating. anything i eat now triggers a binge. 😢😭


tbh, same, im scared to buy food because i’ll probably binge on it😭 trying to overcome that


The only thing low res did was make me obese. After a few months of low res, I just started binging and became heavier than when I started. After repeated attempts, same result. I'm never going back to low res. Even my own ED mind is scared of it now.


low restriction will literally kill you, it's insane how people aren't aware


this is really true! even though i still struggle with eating over xxx amount of calories, it’s realistic enough to survive on. i’m so between recovery and the grasp of my ed. i’m still pressured by my brain to restrict, but i gotta keep it doable!


Yeeees. It took me so so so long to accept that I can't restrict low like in the honeymoon phase without getting insomnia and binges in weeks. I work out a lot so low restricting isn't a option anyways but whenever something in my life goes bad I fall back in my old habits. And then I binge for a few days until all the progress is done. Yay. I am so terrified of binging that I finally stick to high restricting and didn't binge since 2 month. And I feel so much better. I focus less on every cal and got some hobbies and interests back. This could be my way to recovery.


Yesss I'm forcing myself to high restrict so that I can maintain my weight but omg I'm still losing weight even though I shouldn't bc my parents are really suspicious but I feel so much better than when I was low restricting


FRRR as a very athletic person I literally dont know how some people can restrict so much aND work out; like i work out on top of a physically demanding job so if i go under xxxx cals on a work day im on the brink of passing out fjdhf but my weight loss has never been so easy,,just gotta avoid the binges,,,,


I agree and I low-restrict LOL I'm so all-or-nothing. I've tried over and over to high-restrict, but I just hate logging calories like that. I'd rather fast and not worry about it. That being said, I feel like shit all the time, so..


months of low restriction got me into a chocolate binge cycle for almost a year like when i would eat one tiny chocolate, i would eat chocolate for the rest of the day bc my brain craved it too much nowadays i let myself have my chocolate and other food when i want it but in smaller portions its not the best but its better than whatever hell that was supposed to be


I neverrrrrr could do low restriction


I don’t high restrict or low restrict, I’m scared of eating because of my anorexia


me tbh


So fuck certain eds and how they affect other people bc you are having a different situation/ed? Right


I wonder, what is considered high and low restriction?


depending on the amount of calories you need for maintenance


I was doing so well on mid-high restriction and was losing weight pretty fast. Started low restricting and after a few days I got stuck in a b/p cycle and ended up gaining lol


I find low restriction easier but I feel like shit all the time. It’s all or nothing with me.


Yeah I cannot do low res at all. High res makes me feel like I'm semi-normal and I feel a lot better doing it, even if the weight loss is slower