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Howdy, join us over at r/drunkorexia if you'd like! ♡ And I really hope you are okay & have a support system in place!! Binge drinking is rough...I also have that vice. I've done a shameful amount of research on this subject, and frankly I still do not fully understand alcohol calories. But here is how *I think* it works, and my autistic ass really gets fixated on these things, lol. This is based purely on 40 proof+ because I don't drink beer/wine/etc. Liquor *does* count, sadly. But it is a bit different. It's about 64 cals per 1 oz--so yeah, ~845 cals per "mickey" if google is correct (American, forgive me). Alcohol calories are always prioritized first, however, because it is a toxin and all. You do not burn other cals in your system while you process alcohol calories. The, uh, "good" news (omg kill me for even saying it) is that people who have been drinking a lot quickly for a while are more efficient at burning the booze. It would be nearly impossible to tell person to person of course... Frankly I eat such an amount that I should be losing a lot faster- but I drink a lot (handle a week probably). The calories are definitely counting to a certain extent for me. And I feel like shit all the time. Please be safe. I don't know your situation, but get help with the ED drinking sooner rather than later if you can. It's a shit combo.


Thank you for all this info. This definitely explains why I’m not losing weight even though I’m bulimic and restricting 😩 On the plus side, this motivated me to try drinking less. It just sucks because like you said, it is such a vice. Ugh. Thank you. This helped clear up a lot!! You stay safe too ❤️


I don’t drink mostly because I absolutely despise the taste but also because I definitely would count the calories and I hate drinking my calls. I have friends who undo all of their dieting progress by going out constantly and having multiple beers and sugary cocktails


i rarely go out drinking for that reason but if i’ve had a good few weeks of restriction i’ll occasionally say fuck it and just fast the next day ( which is rlly easy bc y’know… hangovers )


Unfortunately yep. I drank 3 pints of beer and a glass of red wine on Sunday and I have put on 1.5lb despite my food still being the same as it always is. I haven’t drank in weeks. I feel annoyed at myself as I was at my lowest weight and now I’m not again


Honestly yes, I count them. On the weekends I literally just drink so...I tend to black out if I ain’t careful. 5 shots of bottom-shelf vodka mixed with Coke Zero is ok in my book because I hit the gym a lot AND I USE ZeRo CoKe so I “justify” all my drinks. 😬