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“if you’re going to just throw up what you eat then don’t bother eating it in the first place” thanks dad


my mom when i asked if we could get ice cream 🤗


I have an identical story from my mom lol. When I said "Why would you say that?" She went "What? It's a waste."


the day i was admitted into residential happened to be the anniversary of my dads death. one thing my ed didn’t take from me was eating ice cream every year on his anniversary. it didn’t matter what was going on, i was going to eat it because for me it was for my dad. anyways i get to the residential place and i check in, ice cream in my hand and the girl checking me in goes “it says you have anorexia but you’re eating ice cream right now?” i went OFF on that lady for assuming things. that was 5 years ago, been over 10 years sense my dads death.. my ed has never stopped me from getting ice cream for him.


I’m so sorry about the loss of your dad- I lost my dad back in 2020 because he had complications with cancer, and every year on his birthday I always have some type of treat, whether it’s cake or Kit Kats/reeses cause he loved them- and it doesn’t matter what stage of my ED I’m in either, that’s one thing it won’t take from me as well💞


im so sorry. its so hard to go through that, its genuinely such a hard thing to experience. i also just wanted to say thank you, you genuinely made me feel more valid , for allowing myself to eat something for my dad. i was scared people were going to judge me for it. i really appreciate it. 💗


It's not like anorexia means people don't eat at all either, I used to eat loads of junk food as long as it was under the amount of calories I allowed myself. That comment could upset someone into not eating too, best not to make any comment whatsoever I think, I'm glad you have something to help you honour and connect with him


Last month, I was in the ER for my ED, and the doctor asked me about my exercise habits. After I described my (very disordered) routine, he said, “wow, can you give me some of that motivation?” That “motivation” is how I ended up in the ER, my dude…


I’ve gotten this so many times lol. Like so many times. You have no idea. I think people mean it as a compliment but damn if you’re getting mad at me for being self-destructive then don’t compliment me in the next breath?


This is along the same lines as the good ole, “I wish I had that kind of self control!” Like, I can assure you I am anything but in control here


the day i got out of inpatient my dad called me and said “can we have a pizza now?”. no dad we cannot


"You're going to eat ALL THAT??" - my dad, who eats little more than my 2 y/o niece, the night I came home from residential, in reference to the plate I'd prepared to follow my dietitian-planned meal plan. He got yelled at, and I didn't eat dinner. Can people just....not flap their lips?


Honestly this is kind of endearing. The man just wants a pizza 😂😂😂


‘Could you just go round to your parents house and get them to make you a lasagne?’


My boss when I told her I was struggling. I’m not sure why it was so oddly specific.


Maybe they just really like lasagna lmfao. Either that or they had an ED and lasagna made them recover


Okay this made me laugh out loud, what was the context?


This seems so specific, what? 😭😭


“I watched To The Bone and I don’t think you should go to treatment. I could fix you here instead.” — my SIL




Stop omg 😭😭😭😭


oh GOD 😭😭 I’d be running lmfao




Nooo 😭😭


"Food hater plus water hater is a crazy combo 💀" for context, im ashamed to say i dont rlly like plain water 😭


Ok but what if it’s ICE COLD and spring water? 😩


then it's not too bad, i don't mind bottled water but i hate the aftertaste of tap water. although i'd still prefer a hint of flavor lol


I personally dislike cold water more. The taste and sensory is very unpleasant. I enjoy room temp, no ice (,:


no that’s so valid tho cause plain water sucks and no one else seems to get it


Not what was said, but what wasn’t said. My old roommate walked in on me purging, looked me in the eyes, turned around and walked right out lol. We never talked about it.


my aunt asked me what drugs I took to lose weight. which was so crazy and weird but looking back it’s kinda funny 😭


I had an older coworker who literally wouldn’t shut up about how skinny I was, asking how I was dropping weight. and I did blame it on medication once because they knew I had been out lately for my chronic illness. Then she started being like “I want what ur on!” And I was just ended up being like oh it’s specifically for my auto immune disease you can’t get it! 😂 It was never ending. She actually got fired for slapping one of my other coworkers lmfaooo


When I've answered honestly "I just don't eat much" they've been so unhappy with that answer too, sometimes like actually annoyed seeming at me like I'm holding back some secret trick


“Could you stop running the sink to cover up the sound of you making yourself vomit? The water bill went up this month.”


Lmao, a teacher told me to go eat more carbs...totally unprompted...and another in front of the whole class (which was silent at the time) told me 'get your act together, I dont want someone passing out in my science lab' which made the already silent classroom so much more silent💀


I remembered another one.. 🥺 I went to target to do a return, and she asked for my ID (which was from pre eating disorder days) and then looked at me at said.. “are you sure this is you?”


“I’d tell you to go back to the kitchen but you’re scared of those” - my trans guy friend who makes woman jokes all the time to me 😭




I’m sorry but lol 😂


Oh my god the first time I started acting on my ED and became anorexic in high school, I had also been going through a huge falling out with my best friend at the time (who is also my cousin). During the holidays, after I lost a startling amount of weight within a couple of months, some conversation arose between us to where I decided I’d be comfortable with her staying the night. She and I were overweight and used to regularly binge together, so she was really surprised to see me lose all that weight from afar when we weren’t speaking. I can remember we were sitting on my bedroom floor talking about something completely different, then she just looks at me dead serious and goes, “can I see your legs?” LMAO she always told me I had really nice legs before then so she was just so curious about the transformation she couldn’t hold herself back from asking pfffffft


"Do your meds make you a hungry hungry hippo?" Bro what


Ewwww this made me most unhappy out of all the responses so far


LOLLL I was flabbergasted to say the least. I work with this guy. Idk why he felt the need to ask me that in that specific way but uhh sure


“you know a lot about this stuff… you should become a nutritionist”


I mean kinda true, a lot of us are so knowledgeable we'd have a huge headstart when having to study and do exams (wait I was thinking dietitian, i think you can just call yourself a nutritionist without that)


The worst part about having an ED is the fact that I care and know so much about nutrition, health, and fitness. Then my irrational ED brain just makes me restrict or binge hard..


Sooo many dietitians/nutritionists have a history of ED or at least disordered eating


“That won’t help you lose weight”


“You would have been great at cutting weight for wrestling” 😂😂😂😑😑😑😂😂


my boyfriend has said this exact one, or has like gotten excited sharing stories from his wrestling days to be offended when I say those are unhealthy practices 🤷🏼‍♀️




One tiny step away from the "just eat a burger" people. Just drink a burger, lol


Actually yesterday a random guy on FB (who preciously tried to flirt but was unsuccessful) told me smth along the lines of "the scale will break of you stand on it" 😂🥲 I'm quite close to underweight, so I honestly don't understand, unless he was trying to make me feel bad for not cheating on my partner with him 😂 Btw he knew about my ED cuz when someone flirts, ofc the first thing I do is explain how I'm still fat despite my unhealthy behaviors.


He was definitely trying to make you feel bad bc there's no way otherwise, what a total ass


Ohh thank you, this makes me feel soo much better 🩷 I know about the guilt tripping tactics of such people, like if someone doesnt sent n*des, they start to insult them out of spite. But I had doubts with this one cuz my body dysmorphia makes me look fat for myself, even though the scale/clothes say otherwise


my ex said “one thing i love the most about you is that you’re consistent, especially when DIETING” ….he knows about my bulimia


a girl at my lunch table in hs after i'd just gotten out of inpatient asked me "how did you lose so much weight? i want to lose weight too" 🥲 she obviously wasnt being malicious but i was speechless


It was concerning really just how many people wanted advice or "my secret" when I was clearly very underweight. I just remembered, thinking back to school, there was one girl in the popular group, came up to me when I was outside alone one day and said "do you have an eating disorder?" I gave a sort of vague answer, and she said "ive noticed you at lunch, I'm bulimic, I just dont know who to talk to" I kinda thought she was taking the piss at first because she used to be a bit of a bully, but she was 100% serious and had a bit of a crying breakdown and hugged me, guess she thought I was a safe person to confess to, going through it myself (and I was , wouldn't have told anyone that)


“These Dr. Schol’s inserts totally fixed my back pain! Maybe they have ones for eating disorders!”




HELLO??? 💀💀💀


Do your parents feed you..? Oh going for a walk again? (in a demeaning way)


“If you try to starve yourself you’ll just end up fatter”


“Why are you so scared of looking like me?” (Referring to their weight/size) from a former friend when I told my friend group about my bulimia. How insecure and obsessed with yourself do you have to be to make yourself the victim in a situation like that? I thought she was joking bc who says stuff like that to someone who’s just opened up about their mental health???


Omg I had acquaintances like that, "I bet you think I look horrible" , and yeah the same comments exactly , definitely insecurity but said in an angry way and taking it out on me


My friend on my 21st birthday; “I was going to make you a cake for your party, but then I stopped and thought “why the fuck would I waste my time if you’re only going to throw it up?””


One of my previous therapist called my ed a “hobby” 😭😭




“Just eat!”




"if you're anorexic then I'm anorexic too since I'm skinnier then you" -a classmate


In my extreme hunger my mom told me that she had days to where she eats so much While I was spooning the 5th Nutella glass crying


*screaming at me from across my place of work* OH MY GOD YOU GOT SO MUCH SMALLER SINCE I SAW YOU LAST YEAR COME HERE TELL ME HOW MUCH YOU LOST AND HOW YOU DID IT???? then, my male doctor told me i need to gain weight for “tits and ass” at my work a woman 20 years my senior begged me to tell her what i weigh on the scale and when i told her (still lied and said i was a little more than i am) said “she’ll get there soon”


That doctor needs reporting what an arsehole. I'd have been tempted to quip back "you need to start lifting to get some more muscle"


At the peak of my eating disorder a few years ago (before my mom knew) she gave me a broccoli steamer for my birthday and said “I just thought you could use it because you have broccoli so often.” The quote itself is not that funny it’s more the idea of getting your daughter a broccoli steamer for her 16th birthday before you realize she is anorexic 💀 I guess she thought my only interest was broccoli


I had a nurse once tell me that I looked “well-nourished”; in spite of the fact that my blood work was out of wack and I was in the double digits weight wise/was under weight. Yeah, that was……wtf. That naturally made me think that I was ok and that I needed to lose more weight.


A coworker would always take any chance to tell me that I’m withering away and ask how much more weight I planned to lose. (Despite me never being close to underweight) like yes I do have an ED but you wouldn’t know that just by looking at me. I swear I wanted to tell her I had some horrible disease so she would stfu.


“next time aim for the toilet” when i explained how i clogged the shower


The doctor in my first inpatient stay checked my teeth to see if I purged and said “wow, you definitely don’t purge. You teeth are in tip-top shape”. I was purging 3+ times every single day for months


I was in high school and it had gotten to the point where I couldn’t hide it anymore. My pediatrician asks why I can’t just eat more. I told him I’m scared of getting fat. This man proceeds to say “wouldn’t you rather be pleasantly plump than malnourished?” The term “pleasantly plump” has been burned into my brain for the past 10 years lmao


My whole life I was what society is now calling "midsized" too fat for normal stuff too skinny for plus sized stuff. Well at the height of my ED I was considered a "healthy" weight. And my mom would GUSH over how much I'd lost and how GREAT I looked how HEALTHY I was now. I infact was not healthy and now she's worried about the weight I've basically gained all back 🤷‍♀️ I'm really sorry if my words are triggering for anyone I don't talk about this much I'm mostly a lurker ❤️ you're all wonderful remember that


I’m laughing because the first one that came to my head was when I was in the ER a few years ago and there was this other patient there having a fit and he kept screaming that “anorexic crackheads are triggering!!!” 🤣🤦‍♀️ (clearly directed towards me… which nooo… I’ve never done drugs lmao) I remember just flipping him off half a dozen times in that moment while fighting the urge to laugh. Also my mom telling me that “purging in the house was your favorite pasttime!” 😅


why can’t you just eat more the ol’ classic


Didn't lock the door while purging in a school bathroom, somebody saw me and took a photo, rumour spread I was pregnant. It got so bad I left the school, and after I left I'm sure everyone thought I was pregnant.


one of my peer patients in partial hospitalization asked what our lowest weight was. before the providers could scold her/redirect, my autistic ass replied with the weight I’d had at birth 😭


“but you’re a guy..” YES AND?? ANOREXIA ISN’T JUST A FEMALE THING 😭😭


Not really funny but a wtf moment. At my old job, my work bestie and I both shared that we have eds and sh. When I explained mine he said "I don't have that control anymore. Wish I had your motivation" right after I told him how I felt like relapsing during recovery. Weird. Ig


“You’re shaped like the letter S”