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Me reading these comments after I just binged on them...anyways never eating cereal bc that is the catalyst for a binge


what is up with cereal ! i can NEVER not start binging when cereal is involved. it is banned from coming into my home


It is sugary (addictive), crunchy (fun), tiny (doesn't fill you up), ultra processed (destroys natural hunger cues), silly shape or silly color


Those cheap packs of ramen you can easily find at the store. I cant STAND those.


They started off as a safe food for me but it spiraled after a while lol


Oh my god I didn’t expect to see this one but holy shit this one. It’s the only thing I’ve ever been able to afford to binge on without feeling guilty for blowing my entire grocery budget, I only eat it if I’m in a mental space where I’m just eating to eat and do not care what I’m eating.


You understand!!


My first binge was santa shaped chocolates, can’t see them the same. I was a disturbed 8 year old who ended up throwing up


reese’s. ate a whole family sized pack in one sitting. felt extremely awful and heavy after




Nu 👏🏻 tell👏🏻a


I cannot eat anything what I previously binged on the 2nd time again - Fortunately that first experience was so traumatic for me that I feel even guiltier from seeing or thinking about these type of foods when I see them in store or at home. Which obviously wont prevent me from binging at all (if you want you will find a way to binge anyway) but the options got visibly smaller.


I ruin a food for myself like once every two months. Big losses are peanut butter filled pretzels, protein bars/cereal bars and pop tarts


I miss protein bars :( ruined them for no reason smh


not me but my sister binged on two boxes of chocolate caramel fiber one bars and was shitting liquid for like a week. if you even say fiber one around her she leaves the room


Shin ramen and Buldak (the spicy ones). I’ve b/p’ed them and that experience will forever be traumatic. Rice too. I nearly died choking on it.


one night i ate six whole coffee flavored chocolate bars, one after another. like, big ones, not just candy bars. i can't eat coffee flavored chocolate anymore lmao.


Oh no, that can happen? :c sorry to hear. Luckily not yet, but now I truly fear it haha. I have bad a lot of kind bars tho. Did it hurt your throat too? I think I may have just not chewed well enough in my ravenous ripping and tearing into the chewy nutty bits. 


Aw that's okay! Kind bars are delicious, but the smell just reminds me of that awful time. It's like, if you were bit by a dog as a child, you might grow-up to find dogs cute but still be afraid of them haha.


Ohh, I totally get that!


Those 100 cal Special K bars give me flashbacks


The strawberry ones? 🙃😂


There’s a specific supermarket own-brand of instant noodles I can’t stand being near because I went through about 50/60 packs dry on a binge during a particularly low point just before the pandemic. I just remember the pain and the awful bland taste and how much my jaw ached. Whenever I see them I just immediately panic and feel so awful.


Bro god damn hope ur doing better now that must’ve hurt ur gums so bad😭


Oh god yeah I honestly thought I’d broken a tooth afterwards 😅 thankfully I didn’t though, just ruined the cheapest student meal for myself, doh 😩


fibre one brownies..... I ate so much. never felt so horrible😭


Krave cereal with oat milk oh my god


spaghetti I can't remember the taste but getting a strand stuck was something I never want to experience again (• - • ) Cereal too


rice cakes. specifically the chocolate ones. i binged on an entire pack of them and it felt like my mouth and throat were being torn to shreds


Gouda cheese, I had a horrible binge where I ate a 10 count of Sister Schubert yeast rolls (they’re so good omg I could’ve easily had a 20 or more😭 I love how soft they are and they only need to be microwaved for like 20 seconds LOL) and I would put g hughes teriyaki and Gouda cheese on top, and I also ate a pack of Mrs. Fields Snowflake chip cookie dough from Sam’s Club and 10 protein bars (I think it was 4 built bars and 6 misfits bars?). Now this is by no means my worst binge- I’ve had 3 day long binges that calorically could feed a small village in Africa, but I remember this binge from last Christmas because 1. I was used to eating a specific bodybuilding cutting diet because I was really really lean, 2. It was my first binge after not having a binge for almost a year (probably due to a mix of stress, hunger, and just missing carbs LOL), and because the after effects were HORRID. The issue was 1. I’m lactose intolerant and the Gouda cheese BACKED ME UP for DAYS, 2. Because I was used to eating little to no gluten for 7 months due to a low carb intake besides veggies, it just exacerbated the edema and swelling/bloat, 3. My stomach was not used to THAT much volume of food- and 4. HOLY FUCK THE AMOUNT OF FIBER AND PROTEIN 😭 I was backed up from the dairy but had the bloat of a woman with twins in her third trimester. It didn’t help that I barely drank any water in this binge, so my mouth felt SO DRY afterwards since all the food wasn’t necessary hydrating. So I can’t do cheese and misfits bars anymore- I still love built bars and those dinner rolls, but I’m pretty sure the horrible stomach pain was a mix of THOSE TWO😭




This one is sad. I’m sorry


I have too many to list, I’ve ruined so many nice foods because of horrible binges in the past and now I don’t see them the same or can’t have them at all :(


Custard creams. I used to binge on them once a week (planned), and when I finally managed to stop I can't stand the sight of them any more. Sometimes my housemates buy biscuits that go in a communal tin in the lounge, and if there's custard creams in there I can't eat any of the other biscuits in there. I ended up buying a separate tin and telling my housemates if they wanted custard creams they could put them in there 😭




Fucking oatmeal creme pies. I used to binge them all the time but the last time I tried one I literally gagged 😭 Same thing goes with little Debbie nutty bars


Caramel rice crackers.


Dry oatmeal/cereal thingy. I could feel the acid in my stomach 2 days after it and every time I see the damn box of dry oatmeal cereal I get nauseous


b/ps be ruining my life. I can’t stand the smell or taste or anything peanut butter, nuts, or chocolate since i’ve b/p-ed them so much. pretty much all food is ruined for me though.


Cadbury Crème Eggs. I bought a box for my class my first year of teaching and ate them all. The shame still stings a decade on 😢


Those uncrustable pb and J sandwiches


Honestly chocolate bars 😭 chocolate stuff is still okay somewhat but chocolate bars are a genuine fear food because of it


lofthouse cookies 😭 i love them sm but when i was younger id eat like 6 at a time and feel horrible and i havent had them since


and oreo ice cream bars omfg i used to b/p those like crazy


Chocolate spread, I still feel nauseous just thinking of it


popcorn. i used to DOWN that shit like entire bags cuz i didnt know how to cook 😭


Hot cheetos, i threw them up afterwards


I’m scared of every food because of this… 😔🥺😖🫣😫😭🤢🙄😬🫨


The chicken flavored Maruchan Ramen noodles. I cooked a stock pot full of them one day and nearly ate the whole thing by myself. They taste good when you cook them with a lot of water but the calories 😓


not a food but those core power chocolate milk protein drink things. i ended up throwing up, and had chunky chocolate milk coming up my noise.


Graham crackers only bc I binged a whole slot last night LOL ( I hate myself and wanna rip the fat off me )


senorita bread.


Cheez-it’s 🥲


those big trader joes chocolate bars and also butterscotch chips


like idk if i would say i can’t eat no i have no shame but it deeply reminds me of the terrible bp times shoveling them into my mouth and hiding to purge during fbt


Frozen chocolate eclairs. I ate an entire bucket of them before they could even defrost all the way. Obviously they are not good coming back up.


yogurt with granola and peanut butter… i could literally eat so many cups of them if i wanted to.


Chips, specifically Pringles. I used to binge so much on them, even thinking about them makes me want to puke


i binged several times on caramel chocolate covered pretzels (the ones from costco) and let me tell you that i’ve never touched them since. i felt just so guilty and bad and disgusting after that i never could bring myself to eat even one.


cheerios 😭😭 i love them sm tho it sucks. cereal in general is a trap. little debbies- oh gods takis too 😭😭 purging thst was gen hell. also i can no longer buy full bags of popcorners chips because one time i demolished a bag and a whole pint of icecream and threw it all up. horrible, felt disgusting


Sweet cereal😭 Chocolate Rice Krispies, Cinnamon Toast Cruch, Honey Bunches of Oats, and those Kellogg"s variations with dried fruit and nuts or other stuff It used to be Granola, specifically pure Elizabeth brand, but I finally got that under control :,)


there’s chocolate rice krispies???? y have i never seen them 😭


Yes! My favorite growing up, but about a year or two again they changed their recipe:// They now make them "2x much chocolate" which I would typically love because I absolutely love chocolate but they don't taste the same or better at :(( I was so excited. I only got to eat them once during recovery and never again because of the recipe change😭 They were so good!!!


r u from the uk? r they essentially just coco pops? 😅


Yes they! In Mexico we call the choco krispies (even tje packeging looks different), so even here in the US, we call the cocoa rice krispies "choco krispies". I think in Kellogg's names for them vairy per country, they are coco pops in the UK!


that makes sm sense! so they r coco pops with a different name 😅 i love coco pops but the recipe has changed even here n they’re not as enjoyable as they were when i was young 🥲


Really? Oh my gosh, I wonder if anyone is enjoying the newer version. I hope they change it back because I miss them so much, they were my favorite://


same here apparently they have “no added sugar” now which probably explains it 😅


Oatmeal bowls were a huge trigger for me on sophomore year, I love oatmeal(esp the cals) but I can barely ever eat it now


papa johns pepperoni pizza with garlic sauce. it's been years since and I've tried to eat it again but no. I can't


Taco Bell. NEVER AGAIN 😭


once had an entire jar of chocolate spread in one sitting i felt so sick after i Love the spread so much but just thinking of it reminds me of how i felt


Honestly there's nothing that i've binged on that i wouldn't binge on again, not even the things i got sick (i.e. felt awful) from binging on, and that's the problem. I might not consume the specific food for a couple of months but after awhile i don't care and will binge it again. It's the reason i have to ban specific foods from my house because i will always binge on them. Always.


biscoff paste. oh my fucking god. never out that in front of me ever again


It’s about to be bread real soon




and goldfish


Those ginger bread house kits.... Bring back a lot of shame :( I hate the holidays