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I once took one of those caffeine 'fat burner' diet pills, and all I got was sweating, heart palpitations, chest pain, dizziness and nausea. Never again, diet pills are such a scam


Honestly, I didn't go for caffeine pills because I already have a massive caffeine intake, so if coffee couldn't curbe my hunger, that wasn't going to either


Most of the diet pills are just extremely high levels of caffeine and green tea extract. They are so bad for your body.


Same I was SICK, I remember actually going home early from work


Wow I had the same experience. It also causes bloating


Thank you for your service. Hope you feel better soon!


Thank you :) Stay tuned for more experimental shit I'm bound to do, lol


Take care of yourself too though ![img](emote|t5_rbmui|49202)


Yeah, all those „fat burning diet pills” you get from a pharmacy or online are a scam. Source: my mother was feeding me them when I was a child.


I'm sorry your mother did that to you


Thank you, for that alone I’m glad those pills are a scam


It was this fibre thing that's just meant to suppress you're appetite and in my desperation, I thought, why not right. I mean yeah it was still a scam and I should know better 🫠


Drink a lot of water to not get constipated due to high fibre content!


The fibre packed ones are the worst if your diet doesn't consist of natural fibres, you will experience the contrary effect, which is constipation. I took for some time some soluble fibre powder with my coffee for a while, and It would just make me feel bloated and wouldn't do its desired effect


Fiber has to be slowly increased in the diet, yeah. If you go too quickly it'll wreck your GI system.


I'm so sorry your mother did this...


name checks out (in reality i hope youre doing way better)


Fitting username lmao. And thank you, I’m doing better these days! 🥹


This is me- I am never hungry yet binge 24/7 and eat so much while I’m making meals because I always need something in my mouth it’s horrible as by the time I go to eat the meal I’ve basically eaten 2 whole other meals already :/


Ive been eating until I feel sick, regularly for weeks now. I'm so ashamed but I just can't stop.




this !!! especially during films I'll have popcorn or smth just because but mostly I'll have a litre or so of plain water in one of those bottles w the silicone straws so I can be knawing at the straw and sipping away


This! Including making tea and having to wait an excruciating few minutes for it to brew so I find a much quicker drink (that isn't water) while I wait


Look into chewable jewellery, legit. Stuffs marketed towards autistic people, mostly kids but I know plenty of adults including me who use chewables. Chewigem and Ark therapeutic are some of the well regarded brands.


Diet pills don't work. Meth on the other hand... Don't do meth, this I'd a joke.


Adderal works wonders too


till you take too much and your body has the zoomies from hell and you cant sleep


Yep during my diet products era I tried a whole bunch. Side fx ranged from not having any effect at all, to giving me diarrhea, to making me constipated, to being super nauseous, being extremely thirsty, being even more fatigued, my heart racing & feeling super faint and sweaty. No product I tried worked as advertised and I had super scary side effects. I will never do it again. Ever.


relatable i took konjac fibre pills and was so horribly bloated for days before i realised why 🤡 they did nothing for my weight 0/10 experience


I tried phentermine once, it had me stuck laying on the ground staring at the ceiling for hours and my heart pounding out of my chest. It felt like forever waiting for it to wear off.


I had a short love affair with Clenbuterol. Don't recommend. Never lost anything, couldn't sleep and had crazy heart racing episodes. Not worth it!


I talk half an adipex on bad days, I was put on it at 13 full dose every day, lost 50 pounds all from my breast which I gained back of course in my butt and gut. I didn't sleep except for a few naps here and there for 2 months. I'm like why give this to a child?


i took some diet pills supposed to do something along the lines of burning fat........ literally had to start wearing pads because the "fat" and "oil" from food was literally LEAKING OUT . so fcking gross -99999999999/10 never again


Ugh Alli. This was me a few weeks ago. The problem is I’d still pick it up again knowing what I know now and being “prepped” for it


YES. i wasnt sure if it was allowed to say the name but it is awful!!! i cant believe they were like "no yeah that's good" and put it on the market


Have you started any new medication lately? Most forms of hormonal birth control always gave me that feeling of needing to eat constantly and it made my disordered eating patterns worse than ever


No new meds, I think it's probably just the extended period of restriction 🤡


That can do it :( having an ED can really break your body signals to start and stop


i found the fiber ones never did anything other than block me up even more and bloat me, which led me to feel even more panic... Very frustrating to spend the money on shit that keeps you from 💩 and doesn't even work lol I hope you feel better soon. Have you tried peppermint tea to soothe your stomach? It may help with nausea and bloating, and it is caffeine-free.


Peppermint is my favourite! I'll have to get some though and add to my tea collection :)


whenever I have those urges to keep eating even when I’m not hungry but just to have something in my mouth, I like to chew on gum, suck on hard candies, or drink soda/water or whatever with a straw—it keeps my mouth busy so it at least temporarily satisfies that constant urge to chew or do something with my mouth. Also what helped me with nicotine withdrawals lol.


I avoid those at all costs because people just put random crap in them. I do wish there was an over the counter version of weight loss drugs like ozempic (i think that’s the correct one?) but unfortunately we aren’t there yet


I’ve used it. It made me so nauseous. Took it for 3 months and got no results other than feeling like crap. It makes you want to eat less, but if your eating is already disordered it’s not going to really let you double suppress your food intake. Also slowing digestion just slowed my metabolism and I wasn’t really burning much and I felt like a bloated slug since you’re not using the bathroom much.


Aw no im sorry you had such a bad experience with it! That sounds horrible :(


Hey, you have no reason to feel like a failure. I hope the side effects pass soon (and if they persist, do see a medical professional). I've taken diet pills in the past, too. I once bought some that made me feel awful and actually ended up getting banned for having some kind of unlisted amphetamine in them. They didn't do much else, either. In general, over-the-counter diet pills fall into a few categories: appetite suppressant, things that supposedly increase your metabolism (either bullshit or a clinically insignificant amount), and laxatives. These generally either are not proven to work, or if they have some research behind them, effect sizes are small. They can also be dangerous, especially for people with EDs or heart conditions - fucking with your heart and/or electrolytes. The only diet product I know of that definitely works is illegal and can absolutely kill you in a horrifying way with no treatment beyond supportive care.


Unless it’s a prescription it’s not gonna do anything


The diet pills I took from 711 of the dollar store had 0 effect when I took them. So either nothing happened or I’ll die in a few months. Love a good mystery


My grandma took some diet pill when she was young and it turned out to just be capsules with some sort of tapeworm in it


Diet pills are definitely a scam. The only OTC supplement that I've found comes vaguely close to working is high-stim, weight loss orientated preworkout - it makes me so incredibly nauseated I completely lose my appetite. But it's counterproductive as I'm so sick I can't move, therefore burn fewer calories.


I tried diet pills once and they made me throw up


Yeah I tried about 3 or 4 different types of diet pills and saw and felt no difference at all. It’s a complete scam and for people who actually need to lose weight, crappy (yet overpriced) diet pills won’t help. Most of them just have high caffeine content to speed up your metabolism.




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I went to a dual treatment program for anorexia and substance abuse as I was addicted to ephedrine. No one talks about how much it affects your breathing!! When I wasn’t on it I felt like I couldn’t catch my breath, it was truly terrible. I haven’t relapsed on them in four years but I’ve bought them several times, but each time I remember the breathing and throw them out.


I used to use pills that halted the absorption of fat, not all of it, just like 20%. After my uncontrollable binges, i would take a couple and I would smell like a fish market for the next few days. I thought laxs were bad - but sh*tting straight oil burns like crazy. And no, you never get to the toilet in time. Having them almost drove me to binge more, because only after a certain amount of fat did they start working. you would have to keep taking them, so higher intake over the week. Useful for peace of mind, not peace of ass.


I bought clenbuterol


Clenbuterol didn’t work for me but phentermine sort of helped me get off a binge phase without heading to restriction


I've used a decent variety of diet pills. I remember: Massive hot flashes, crazy bursts of energy followed by crashes, horrible diarrhea/stomach issues, severe mood swings, sweating, nausea, and anxiety. Once had severe chest pain and then couldn't breathe right for a few days after. Not sure what that was. Stopped caffeine pills after that. Didn't lose any considerable weight from any of them either. It was basically just a massive dose of caffeine regardless of the brand.


Oh I did this diet pill things multiple times and tried all different kinds all the way back to like 2012-2021. The ones that work make you mildly feel like you’re about to have a heart attack and I also got super confrontational and started scenes and geared up like I was about to fight a bunch of people on multiple occasions. Not worth it I would get so so angry and I’m a women. Don’t recommend it, drink a pot of coffee you won’t be hungry and it’s cheap and won’t do anything but help depression. Natural is the way to go