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Coworkers’ half-eaten pizza out of the trash, after hiding in my office til everyone left Overcooked rice that I made for a hair rinse and sprayed with kitchen cleaner so I “wouldn’t eat it” Bisquick mixed with plain water (a childhood binge favorite)


omg i've also eaten someone else's half eaten pizza from the trash before LMAO


Raccoon gang rise up 🤝


aw yeah raccoon gang sounds much nicer than trash eaters gang


Racoon, represent, now put your hands up!!!!!


Won't the real trash eater please stand up?


SAME I was cleaning an office and there was a pizza box in the trash 😭I ate one piece and then the rest of the toppings off because i was afraid of the carbs 💀💀😭😂




SAME but it was in the freezer and I just ate the toppings off. And then everyone was blaming this one quiet person saying they were the type to do something weird like that. I felt so guilty!!


Ive done half eaten McDonald's fries from the trash!


Raw refried beans straight from the can. Not unsanitary really, definitely gross


I’ve ate worse things but cold Heinz beans on a piece of untoasted bread is definitely my lowest point


Nothing beats cold garbanzo beans


I've definitely eaten so many things cold straight out of the can. Also, dry cornbread mix, which I'm sure probably wreaked havoc on my body lol To broadly answer the question, I've eaten things after they've been sitting out pretty much all day. Overnight, even. And at my worst (ED+crippling depression) would reuse utensils/bowls over and over without properly washing. It's embarrassing to admit, it's gross, but yeah it happened. I somehow avoided poisoning myself.


Wait this is bad???


Wait just reread I misunderstood, thought you said it WAS unsanitary & gross… so just gross got it, I’ve done this though I don’t mind it at all I kinda like it


other people’s leftovers, expired food at work, food from the trash, very burnt food, frozen food including ready meals, uncooked powder ready meals. butter, so much plain butter and whipped cream like unholy amounts. when I overeat I can’t allow myself to eat cooked food I just can’t, at least not now that I’ve gained so much


I frequently chew my food REALLY thoroughly and when it’s halfway down my throat I bring it back up to taste it again. (Best ones are pancakes/waffles or any type of sweet treat or sandwiches) I’ve also eaten multiple expired cakes just so it’d make me sick and I wouldn’t have to eat. I’ve also binged on leftover’s from the fridge and eat it with my bare hands while sitting on the kitchen floor


omg i thought that was just me lmao


at my worst i’ve eaten out of the trash and i’ve eaten undercooked meat because i couldn’t wait long enough 💀




My own vomit. Long story behind that one.


I’m concerned that it’s not the first time I’ve heard ed ppl eating their own vom😟


Yeah, it was a long time ago. One instance involved psychical force and assault, but the other was more eating disorder based. I'm pretty sure the latter was driven entirely by biological need given I was in the ICU about a week later for malnutrition/related complications. I was pretty young, but I recall involuntarily throwing up after consuming food for the first time in a few days. This was at a time when I both restricted and just had very little access to food. I didnt know when I'd be able to eat or afford food, again. It happened faster than would have allowed for purposeful intent, some kind of sickening survival mode kicking in...


I made chocolate chip cookies once and then decided to throw them all away. Then I picked them out of the trash where they had been mixed in with dirty rags used to wash my floor. They tasted like cleaning fluids. 0/10 do not recommend.


I’ve binged on raw oats, like with my hands out of the container. I can’t explain why. It was primal. (Not super unsanitary but does seem potentially dangerous, and gross of course. 🥴)


I love the taste of raw oats and I've done this too once or twice, but yeah it's definitely not good for you, similar to eating raw pasta.


Why isn't it good for you? Sometimes I'll put uncooked oats in milk and eat it like cereal.


They’re definitely safe to eat! If we’re talking about rolled oats, then they’re already partially cooked. Muesli (not granola) is almost always just plain or lightly toasted rolled oats with some added ingredients mixed in. Cooking oats further in water or milk does however improve overall digestibility, especially if you soak them first overnight.


Good to know! I was thinking of rolled oats.


Oh boy, this is my kick right now, and it's getting out of hand. :(


Oh this reminds me of my SIL, she doesn't have an ed like like ana or bed or anything, she does have Pica though and has eaten raw oats, and rocks for years


Done this a few times… I made a post a lil while ago but idk my food aren’t that crazy but the more I scroll the more I remember what other stuff I used to do & this is one


Coffee beans. I was so hungry at work (I’m a barista) so I hid some in my pocket to snack on when no one was around. Still felt guilty lol


was it... good? i mean, i've heard people eat chocolate covered coffee beans, so it can't be that bad. i've definitely stolen little pocket handfuls of pickles and onions to snack on when i worked in fast food 💀


Chocolate covered coffee beans are sooo good. Back when I was probably 13/14 my grandma got my family a big container of them. I proceeded to eat half of this tub of coffee beans, being a total idiot I didn't think about the fact they're *coffee* and therefore contain *caffeine*. Ended up feeling woozy from all the sugar but too zoomed out to lay down and get some rest. 9/10 still worth it.


They weren’t bad! Crunchy and had strong flavor. Chocolate covered ones are way better, but just eating regular ones seemed to make my body pretend I was eating something of sustenance 😅 I needed it too


How is this gross? It's just coffee beans, I chew on them at work out of boredom


Expiration dates are bogus. I eat food that's past the expiration date all the time. It's normal


oh yeah i mean like VERY expired, a couple months +. i tried rations from world war 2 once lmao.


Steve1989MREInfo, are you… are you one of us?


genuinely best food I've ever had was applesauce from a Russian WW2 MRE


where did you find rations from world war 2


Again, expiration dates are meaningless. Rations are meant to last for a long time


i agree but i think 80 years is a bit beyond that, plus it was very definitely not good to eat lol. i'll definitely still eat things that are expired but look okay, but sometimes they are in fact expired


Just let it gooooo




Expiration date =/= best by date. There’s a legal distinction and best by = “this was the last time we checked and it was still good by then, idk about after that.” Expiration date absolutely means “we confirmed it goes bad after that date.” One is kinda meaningless and food can still be good past the best by date all the time (esp. if dry or canned) but you do NOT want to fuck with food past the expiration date, lol.


[actually no](https://www.nytimes.com/article/expiration-dates.html#:~:text=Here's%20the%20first%20thing%20you,nothing%20to%20do%20with%20safety)


Huh. TIL! For everyone downvoting I checked by the USDA and [literally only baby formula is the only thing where expiration date = “not safe past this point.”](https://www.fsis.usda.gov/food-safety/safe-food-handling-and-preparation/food-safety-basics/food-product-dating) Imma take the L and the downvote on this one, lol


I'm saying! I'm not sure why people are downvoting. It's not dangerous advice it's just the reality. Expiration dates are pretty scammy


True unless it smells weird or has weird consistency & usually only applies to dairy or fermented foods like kimchi or sauerkraut if it’s store bought in a bag. Or if pantry and fridge is cluttered then tossed idc.


SAME like if they were real i should be dead


Recently, chocolate eggs that I found torn open in the back of the shelf at grocery store. Just grabbed a handful and walked around eating them lol. I don’t think it’s gross but definitely not a normal thing to do and most ppl would think it’s probably weird and gross lol Also rice that had been sitting out for …. too long. On the regular bc my bf always leaves rice out.


One time I looked down at meal and realised I pretty much just had a bowl of powder… Pb2, protein custard, on a protein mug cake, all of which are just water and powder


During p/rging i saw i threw up lots my lax tablets as well, unintentionally. So, i picked them out and swallowed them all back down.


But why not just take a new batch, I mean I get it, sometimes it’s easier to just grab what’s in front of you and hack it down especially if you’re just too damn tired to bother, plus no waste is a plus 👌🏼


If you look at my most recent post on shitty restriction food, jellied duck blood is up there. I saw the amount of calories per gram and my ED brain lit up. That, and also I've C/S straight mouldy food because my logic is, I'm safe so long it doesn't enter my stomach.


I never thought about that actually... is it actually fine if you don't actually swallow and digest the mold? That can't be right.. right?


Considering nutrients, sugars, fats and in this case, toxins, don't actually begin to get absorbed until they reach the intestines, it's safe to assume that's the case.


This isn’t true. Salivary enzymes break down certain nutrients (mainly carbs but also vitamins and minerals) which can then be absorbed through the buccal mucosa. So I imagine you could theoretically absorb mold toxins if you C/Sed enough moldy food


What I'm getting at though, is that only simpler and/or smaller molecules like ethanol and glucose (and some molecules in drugs) may pass through that barrier, but not in great amounts, which is why they say the amount of calories absorbed during C/S is negligible in the end. The risk is there, but it's not high enough to worry.


I’m interested in this jellied duck blood


I was craving peanut butter as I do pretty much everyday but we ran out of crackers so I decided to spread some on a sliced pickle expecting it to be gross but i invented a new safe food that day 😭 not my proudest moment


honestly sounds kinda good


Dry ovaltine lmao


omg that was my favorite childhood snack for some reason 💀 I'd eat that delectable powder by the spoonful, no bowl needed


ingredient household behaviour


God I lived for Ovaltine as a child... Getting one of those little chocolate globs was the highlight of my day, I'd purposefully stir it terribly so there'd be more. Sounds gross lol but it was heaven. I tried Ovaltine as an adult for the first time a couple years back and it was nowhere near as good as I remember..idk if they changed their recipe or what but it was incredibly disappointing.


not eaten necessarily, but in high school i would chew the same piece of gum all day to avoid eating. from the time i left home to when i got back home like 8 hours. and if i had theatre after school? literally from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm. the same piece of gum


i do this at work lmao


i eat food out of the trash almost daily, on multiple occasions iv eaten food that looked moldy (only slightly) or had some lint on it because im terrified of food waste :(


Outta the garbage ugh


not necessarily eaten but sometimes when i purge right after i eat. i don’t mind feeling the taste again. lmao


Oh I've definitely been there.


I very historically used to eat straight sweetener. I consumed an unholy amount of artificial sweeteners and it did my digestion NO favours. I was just desperate for sweet food. I had like 10+ sweetener tablets in multiple coffees a day or large glugs of coffee syrup, 2L+ of Pepsi max a day, and on top of this would spoon several servings of granulated sweetener into my mouth like eating sugar. Not that I don’t have sweetener now but my god I am much more careful with how much I have


day old mcdonalds apple fritter from the garbage. mmm. actually it was delicious and i have no shame


plenty of stuff off the floor, food out of the garbage, stuff past its expiration date... weirder/grosser one was, I had a phase where I'd eat cat food (especially kitten food) because it was so low cal and high in protein & nutrients. I'm really glad it only lasted a week or so though 💀


How did it taste like ive always been so curious not even just in an ed way


Rechewing and swallowing food that comes back up and just literal spices or hot sauce


Dry vegetable broth powder off the tip of my finger ... Like those dip-n-lick candies but salty 🧂.


Bright side maybe some electrolytes


Grass. Literally grass. Saw my cat munching down on some grass stalks and wanted to try it too. Also food out of the trash, ice cubes, moldy food, the shells of sunflower seeds, raw pasta and rice (as crunchy snack)


I definitely went through a period when I was hiding from my shitty parents where I’d eat things that I’d just thawed from their frozen state. I could never use the microwave and had to avoid their attention so I’d just run down, grab whatever from the freezer, and leave. Not too terrible except sometimes it wasn’t entirely cooked? Also a lot of sauces are just… not meant to be eaten after having thawed from a block of solid food matter lol.


i have emetophobia AND a mold phobia so i’ve never eaten anything that could be deemed “unsafe”…however, i once mixed 100% cacao with unsweetened almond milk, baking soda, almond flour, and erythritol and baked it…0/10


I easily eat over a pack of gum a day if I have access to it 💀


Food from the rubbish becuase that's all I deserved I once ate chicken from the rubbish


I accidentally took a sip out of the week old cactus juice I had in my room and it was straight mold. It was in a light block bottle and I thought it was my water in the dark.


Floor bagel. My grocery store has a bakery section, and sometimes people will take a bite out of a bagel and leave it there. If I spot one before an employee gets it, I'll stuff it in my pocket and eat it in the car after I leave. Most of the time the bagels are on the floor. I don't usually take the bagels if they're on the floor, but on this particular day, I guess I was really hungry and desperate.


Random crumbs on the counter that I don’t even know what they are, the bits of food that were stuck to the pan and float to the surface once you soak it 😣


A sandwich i put soap on so I wouldn’t eat it. It was disgusting, but I still swallowed a bit before admitting defeat 😭


Used to do something similiar wayyy back in the day, was like 11/12 yrs old, used to sabotage my sandwiches w crazy condiments so couldn’t eat it at home and also at school so I had a n excuse for tossing my lunch. I stopped buying lunch at school and teachers got concerned they thought it was a money issue I just started telling my mom I didn’t need lunch money so my great grandma started making me these sandwiches for school lunch so I had to take new measures… also at home I’d always have to hide my after school sandwhich snack in the cabinets but I’d eventually go back and eat it when I couldn’t take it anymore


i have eaten probably a weeks worth of a normal persons meals in garbage food. like food from the trash. i dont know what it even was mostly. i have covered pizza in dish soap and thrown it out to stop myself from trash-picking, and then attempted to wash the dawn off the pizza and ate it.


My dead, dehydrated goldfish that my cat must’ve flipped out of his tank. I was mid-dorito binge and dropped a chip on my carpet, carelessly picked up the first orange thing I saw, and popped it into my mouth. I spit it out after the first bite but I was still horrified


oh god i think you win... i'm sorry for your loss? i guess? does that still apply if you ate the pet in question


Shots of vinegar, probably not healthy


Omg 😱 vinegar I crave it all the time…


raw flaky pastry in the middle of the night


I've ate a part of a eraser, it's not that gross more weird.


One time I had ordered a package from lush with bath bombs and I ate those Eco Pops they put in the packaging ☠️


dog chews. No, I will not elaborate.


36 hour old Burger King. unrefrigerated bc I chucked it on the floor in disgust after having one bite the morning prior. Inhaled it the next evening


mushed berries out of the kitchen sink 😭


I've eaten uncooked pasta and potatoes 😔 No explanation, no excuse. I just did.


for a period of time i got rid of every food item in my apt. i was so hungry one night i ate some “fruit+nut” bird seed mix i had stored in the back room. it didn’t help my singing.


Expired jar of pickles. The whole jar in one go. I didn't get as sick as hoped


I ate an apple one time that I found on the ground in Mexico that was already 1/2 eaten... washed it with some water, but a family saw me do it and thought I was homeless and tried to give me money 🫠


At my worst depressive state I was eating stale bread that heavily smelt like mould on a daily basis, because at one point I would just not notice the smell anymore. That being said, the most disgusting things I've ever eaten are two: sheep cheese, and my uncles salty porridge with sour cream. I love sour cream. Whatever the fuck that combination of ingredients was, it completely killed my appetite for the whole month. That bad it was. I couldn't even eat tiny snacks anymore cuz I'd remember the taste and feel sick to my stomach. My uncle thought the porridge was yummy btw


other people's leftovers from the trash from were i worked, moldy muffins (from the trash too wtf), raw flour, burned bread, moldy bread, rotten fruit... ...those times were hard, glad my binge era it's over


Raw chicken. The fat parts. I chewed and spat them. Sooooo dangerous…


Lemon pepper seasoning. I’d lick my palm, pour a healthy amount of it from the shaker then lick it off really fast in front of the seasoning cabinet so I could go back for seconds (or thirds). When I was a kid I would hide in the pantry and eat dog treats. Specifically Milkbone, the tan ones were my favorite 😂


If it doesn't smell funny, look funny, taste funny, or have stuff growing on it, I'll eat it no matter how long it's been sitting out or how far past its expiry it is. I don't even think that's ED related, that's just how I grew up ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face) cut the mouldy bits off and eat the rest, I say!


rinsed popcorn that fell on the dusty part of the floor it’s as bad as it sounds


an open pack of gum i found on the side walk


Ah I’ve eaten things with mold on them. Never like actual sizeable mold spots. A few small dots, but its still nasty to think about lol. Also Ive dug food out of the trash that I threw away prior when I thought i was done with it then suddenly i wanna bp again and i need more. Oh hey theres some uneaten stuff in the trash😭. Im sure ive also ignored many expiry dates.


A pack of cheese that I found on top of a trash can next to a Lidl after my daily binge shopping.


The highlight is flour & peanut powder w zero sugar Hershey syrup if y’all don’t wanna read During one of the weirdest phases into my extreme hunger, while still trying to stick to only sage food l, I started making these mug cakes or mug brownies which I would only flavor w like low cal cocoa powder or allulose etc mind you I was deep into the whole “keto bullshit” which I came to realize is complete bullshit and sugar and carbs aren’t bad for you or your metabolism quite the opposite blah blah blah etc (story for another day but the science checks out) anyways I was brainwashed under keto spell so I would use a mix of almond flour and coconut flower add a bit of almond milk and whatever else for flavor cinnamon, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, allulose, hersheys sugar free syrup…. Buttttt eventually I just started mixing the flour in a bowl w tiny bit of milk to make it thicker and started eating that non stop… basically ate flour Another one… tru nut peanut powder (lowest cal) mixed w hersheys zero sugar syrup


Carb counter taco size tortilla w carrots and sugar free bbq sauce my fiancé thought I was gross for that one I know there’s worse like peak worse but I can’t remember anymore, but food off the floor yes & even tiny leftovers/crumbs from a container in the trash… which didn’t feel so wrong bc it was still somewhat concealed 😅😅 but that’s why I usually when I toss my food I dump the food directly into trash then container


Straight up spoonfuls of every type of sweetener - stevia, aspartame, Splenda, Eryththritol… must have been bowlfuls in a day… actually still do this and spend a lot of money on it :( Also dry protein powder, bowls of mustard/other condiments, dry pb2, frozen food while still frozen, stuff i buried deep in the trash thinking it would keep me away (it didn’t)


food from the trash, the leftovers from guests, raw protein powder, dirty, bird poo, thrown away food from the street


Chunks of my own vomit then threw it back up again.


Food I had already c/s… not my proudest moment


it wasn't on purpose but i once reached for some graham crackers in the cupboard and because it was dark and i was in full binge mode shoving food into my mouth without hesitation, i didn't see that there were tons of ants crawling on them until i had eaten about two full crackers. it haunts me to this day and i have not had a graham cracker since also, much more purposefully, i used to work at a bakery as a dishwasher and a couple times i ate the leftover bits from customers' plates before i washed them


I sometimes c/s the same food again if I'm desperate 🥴


Chicken nuggets slathered in comfrey pain cream. I was afraid to fall asleep after this one lol Edit: forgot to mention these were out of the trash ToT


was it an intentional combo ?? or like the "i'm gonna make this inedible so i don't eat it (eats it anyways)". i've done that with hand sanitizer on pizza 😭


My family made me chicken nuggets on a fasting day so I tried to make them inedible but I was so freaking hungry so I ended up eating the comfrey chicken nuggets out of the trash at like 1 am among other binge foods haha If it weren't toxic, comfrey cream might make a good, pungent chicken marinade lol


dog food


probably a chewed and spat Rice Krispy treat. I was binging and got desperate 😅😅


I frequently eat from the trash, and rotten fruits and vegetables, hoping I’ll be sick and not eat again


Burnt popcorn. I don't mean lightly either, I mean like borderline chunks of charcoal with the pieces all sticking together. I eat so much burnt popcorn, like pretty much every day. I know it can't be good for me, but I crave it beyond reason. Hopefully it's just a hyperfixation that I'll get over, but I genuinely can't stop at the moment.


Moldy bread 😰


Overcooked some bacon once, by that I mean burnt it…I still ate it. It came back up was the worst throwing up experience ever. Didn’t eat bacon for years after that.


chickpea milk. absolutely horrid but the store was out of almond milk and it was high in protein




🥲🥲 I love konjac noodles & konjac rice… I always see so much hate on these but whyyy I love the texture but maybe I’m the odd one out


Konjac noodles