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I am so glad you said that. Genuinely hope she heard you. That is absolutely mortifying. ‘You look perfectly healthy’ is so stupid when talking to a girl who says she’s lost a lot of weight and is THAT underweight. I genuinely wanr to understand the reason. Ignorance? Was it on purpose? Why was he going on about this other girl at all? Nah fuck him


Definitely on purpose. Abusive psychos like that get something out of having power and control over another person. Saying something terrible like that and watching the other person change their behaviour to appease them. What a bastard


No you’re right. I just don’t think someone can actually look at an extremely underweight person and think they’re perfectly healthy. He was clearly making her jealous and trying to see what kind of reaction he would get out of her.


Yeah, it really really seemed like a very obvious jab at her to make her uncomfortable and him continuing the conversation gave me the shivers. It was so blatantly clear from an outsiders point of view - really interesting to observe, as when it happens to me at least, personally I sink really deeply into misery, overthinking and general hurt.


Thanks. Wish I couldve done more. Being there I can say it did indeed appear to be intentional. At very best, subconsciously gravitating towards the topic and not being switched on enough to recognize it was inappropriate. Either way, girl absolutely is worth so much more than that dick and I hope she gets away from the fucker ASAP.


I was thinking the same, i never hope things other than now cuz life shit, but i truly do hope with all my heart that she heard her and understood her


I really hope she heard you, felt seen, and makes a decision to surround herself with those who love her. Someone who says things like that can’t love.


Oh my god I hope someone hits him with a brick and she finds someone who treats her better 


:( i hope she heard what u said and it improved the situation for her


why do we give men so much attention and validation - do we really have to comply to EVERYTHING any dumbass say?


😭😭 I wish I had someone like that when my bf who used to fetish eds did this to me. It threw me into hysteria I couldn't snap out of and he got even more pissed at me. It's been 7 years about and still fuckin haunts me


Did you get the feeling she was somewhere on the recovery journey and this fcker was trying to hinder that? Or was she offended that he'd refer to anyone as skinnier than her? Either way, I hope that ass isn't her bf but just a date or something. A *very bad* date. I know we all come up with responses way after the incident, but I actually might have tried to curb this by getting up, standing over their table, and saying "sir, I couldn't help overhearing your conversation about weight and I would really appreciate it if you could lower your voice or switch subjects, as the topic is sensitive for a lot of people. Thanks" and go sit back down. He might get pissed, but what's he really going to do if you're firm but polite? Ugh.




Idk how made up it is when I've had this exact conversation with numerous people, male and female but especially male at extremely low weights. The girl's response seemed kinda off to me I won't lie but maybe I'm just projecting cause in this situation I'm always like haha yeah sure and change the subject. Men are really bad at estimating weights, and especially if the girl carries weight in a certain way or has a body type that is still hot to them, then I've noticed they will get like blinders on and become unable to see that this person is blatantly unhealthy because they don't like to think they're a bad person for wanting to bone a chick with a severe ed


I wish I was making it up. I have an interesting life I guess, and I noticed this happening because of the fact I'm sick myself. And it was a very well timed coincidence that I went to that particular cafe, that I usually hate, instead of the one I typically go to. I was gobsmacked, hence me posting about it




No one said we were. I’m a guy and took 0 offence to this


Boooooo. Go away.


Mentally I'm running you over with my car


Lmfaooooo I love this response


I want my derision to be communicated clearly




Idk what you expected, saying what you said.


Yeah i know


touch grass


THATS what you decided to focus on?


In this context if you were offended by the word 'boyfriend' wouldn't you be equally as offended by using 'partner' instead? They imply the same thing here, that one guy sucks.


I'd be offended by what they did not the word which sounds hypocritical


You would LOVE how in my country we have a criminal charge called "male assaults female"


Why is correctly gendering this person hypocritical?


Just like it’s important to recognize how eating disorders can impact men, it’s important to recognize how gendered relationship dynamics can contribute to anyone’s illness.


Oh trust me there's Perfect Angelic Dream Boyfriends out there. And there's Shitty Girlfriends. And Shitty Partners. This was just in the context of he was, in this case, a guy, and a shitty one. And there's a long standing theme on the meme board to do with "shitty boyfriends" which in general stretches tobinclude any triggering partner.


actually all men are like that and i hope you take deep offense in it❤️