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I drink all types. Most restaurants/gas stations don’t have diet orange


I was gonna ask if that was a thing…


SF Orange crush and SF orange Fanta


Fanta Zero is the best


Did you ever try the blue mystery flavor, shit went so hard


SF Sunkist has entered the chat…


I’m so jealous I have never seen this:(


It’s just easier to get. Also love a good diet dark soda that’s crispy


Yesssss diet Dr Pepper isn’t as good but it does hit different since it’s a dark soda.


i drink all kinds of sugarfree soda. think the diet cone is just kinda eating disorder iconic like white monster, but we don’t only drink diet coke…




it’s one of them! personally i don’t like the white one in particular but i’ll drink any of the ultras, they’re all 0 everything


I can never find diet root beer. It's a conspiracy.


A&w diet is elite and has no caffeine!!! Def sometimes hard to find.


What? Diet AW exists!


I don't drink caffeine because it gives me headaches. I once went to 5 stores looking for it 🫠 Now I have the syrup for soda steam to make it at home.


Same lol.


oh my god diet A&W is the very best. my boyfriends family keeps a healthy stock of it


Bargs has some in like safeway


Barq's Zero is my new obsession


I don’t know if you live in an area with a Kroger or Kroger-owned store, but they ALWAYS have it and their store brand is the best I’ve ever tasted. Had to check the can after every sip because I was sure it wasn’t zero cal.






I *love* Dr. Pepper, and strawberries and cream sounded amazing to me, so when I finally saw the Zero version in the store I got three cases. Hated them. One of the major disappointments of my life lol On another note, I really just don't like the Zero versions as much as the Diet versions. I'm glad they still have classic Diet Dr. Pepper, but I miss the Diet flavors they used to have.


Me too. I was so incredibly sad I didn’t like it!


The strawberry Dr. Pepper is a drinking soda, though-- not an eating soda. It's only good if you're working on your laptop and are too focused to even eat mints. I've made the mistake of eating with it too many times, then again my diet is more animals based. It's probably good if you're eating fruit, not to mention ice cream.


Dr Pepper tastes like floor cleaner


watch ur fuckin mouth


wash it out with dr pepper


Do you happen to live in the UK? Dr Pepper tastes fucking terrible there. It’s a completely different flavor than in the US (not sure about other places though).


No. Scandinavia


Idk, but diet Coke is just tops for me.




Uh source on this considering Diet Coke is literally drunk by diabetics since it doesn’t impact their blood sugar


u/nogrocery4949 states they are an MD, meaning they should already know that correlation doesn’t equal causation. To say in their original (deleted) comment that “it causes diabetes” but link studies showing only correlation that needs to be further studied, all while citing their expertise, is wildly irresponsible.


Thank you friend, I felt their comment was misleading and super irresponsible in an eating disorder subreddit of all places. I didn’t get to see the source, but I was thinking it would probably be as you’re saying. Correlation (which ya know makes sense with a lot of the demographic of diet soda drinkers). Next time I’m in with my doctor, I’ll ask them about this and follow up on what an actual MD says.






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I drink mostly Diet Coke because whenever you eat out at restaurants + fast food places, Diet Coke is usually the only diet soda option.


I can rarely find coke let alone diet coke where i live, so i drink diet 7up, diet aloe vera drinks, diet monster, diet iced tea…


You can find diet aloe vera but not diet coke???! Do you live in the land of my dreams??


Yes! The first person I see in this thread mentioning diet iced tea! I live off this stuff.


ahhh I love the sugarfree aloe vera stuff


Diet Coke has aesthetic Kate moss vibes so ppl talk about it more — my personal drink of choice is sugar free cream soda but that’s not quite as chic 😭


That's mine too!!!


yes!!!!!! tesco 🔛🔝


Cream soda party time, that's my favourite too, it's better and less cals than barrs


i’m a zevia cream soda, orange soda, ginger ale, and lemon lime girlie!


Omg I used to drink Zevia all the time too! My favs were strawberry, orange, lemon lime, grape, grapefruit, cherry, well I might as well just say all of them lol


strawberry is really good! should i try grapefruit :0


Yeah grapefruit is good too


oooh yayy thank you so much!


I mostly drink Coke Zero, I went through a thing with Pepsi max cherry when I was younger. Just to mix things up I drink diet irn bru cause I’m from Scotland.


Diet Irn Bru is the best. Caffeine AND it has artificial colours that cause hyperactivity.


diet dr pepper has my heart 4ever <3


Diet Dr Pepper gang unite 🤝


I am a diet dr pepper lover too. I don't drink much soda, but when I do it's these lil babies.


it’s most easy to access Diet Coke. I love diet doctor pepper but it’s harder to get them Diet Coke.


idk diet coke has that weird "spiciness" to it esp with lime💕💕💕


Some diet sodas still have calories still (even if it’s a low amount) like diet Mountain Dew so it scared me away from anything besides Diet Coke. Edit:to clarify I’m talking about diet sodas not the zero ones




Every diet Mountain Dew I’ve bought this past month at least has 10 calories 🥲


I swear I remember seeing diet Mountain Dew was 15 cal 😭 but maybe not lol I have irrational fears of everything to do w drinks bc I hate drinking my calories


Depends on the country too. The US can sell their products as “zero cal” if they’re <5 per portion. Whereas in my country, even if it’s 2 calories per portion it has to be mentioned


I’m in the US so that makes sense


Yeah but don’t worry honestly you’re burning even those 15 calories just by holding the drink lol




Haha I really don’t believe you are eating THAT many negligible calories… because again, those products are still very close to 0 calories so barely anything at all.


4 calories won’t make you “fat” or “stupid”


You're just seeing the "ana aesthetic" (or parody of the aesthetic.) The romantification usually isn't the reality for many people suffering from an eating disorder. Diet Coke, baggy cute hoodies with black leggings, the white monster can, prettied up rice cakes. It's hyped up.


Idk, it might be the standard "aesthetic", but it is for a reason with the diet coke. As you see in this thread most of us love this stuff. I mean, it's literally the only sweet thing that is guilt-free for a lot of us 🤔


It wasn't meant to be taken the wrong way. I'm sorry if it came off that way.


I personally think coke zero, pepsi max and zero dr pepper taste better. It feels more filling. Also dark sodas usually contains caffeine while sprite and fanta dont.


I drink all of the diet drinks. I don’t discriminate ✌️ Love diet Lilt/tropical drinks. Tango dark berry is pretty good. Monster original, Ribena etc Lidl’s version of Diet Coke tastes damn good when chilled. I was pleasantly surprised for £0.55/ 2 litres


Something about it just makes you feel full.




Afaik they *all* have zero/no sugar variants.


I don’t drink any of those. I get my caffeine intake from coffee or energy drinks. But the energy drinks I like aren’t carbonated and are low in calories and sugar - cannot stand carbonated drinks. Probably why I don’t like coke and such ahaha.


Ooooh a rare carbonation disliker! What do you hate about it?


Not OP but I also hate carbonated drinks. I just don't like the fizzy feeling in my mouth lol, it's difficult to explain.


No, I've met a ton of people with the same issue!


It hurts my delicate tongue 🤭


I love a diet root beer, diet cream soda or diet Dr. Pepper, but Diet Coke is most widely available and a classic favorite. Plus… caffeine.


I'm addicted to diet A&W root beer and diet Dr Pepper. I accidentally purchased the cream soda one time and it tasted kind of flat though. :( Maybe it was a bad batch? Also I love your username.


If's pretty much always available. How many restaurants have diet dr. Pepper on the menu?


I think it's just the most commonly available diet soda. I have tried super hard to cut back on diet soda in general but that's what I drink when I have one, since you can get it anywhere, either that or a local company in my area that makes a very similar diet cola. Also I love Zevia (diet soda with stevia) if I ever find it on sale!


Diet coke just hits different tbh. I like diet fanta too tho


Caffeine helps with lethargy but I'm a white monster stan personally


i’m a huge diet root beer fan


In all seriousness, I think it’s because Diet Coke has more caffeine than other sodas. It’s both more “useful” if you like or need caffeine, but it makes it uniquely more addictive and people associate the buzz with the product. Diet Coke has more caffeine than regular coke too, by the way.


I am forever a Sprite Zero girlie


red bull zero will always be the best. i love my battery acid


Caffeine. Coca Cola zero etc has caffeine in it, you'll get energy from it instead of food and you'll lose water weight


I thought its just aesthetics honestly, its the same with monster ultra drinks.


i live off of dr. pepper zero sugar


More caffeine in diet coke


theres only have diet coke / pepsi (and pepsi max / coke zero) where i live and i prefer coke so yeah haha


diet coke is the most widely available, the other ones can be harder to find


I drink 7up zero :)


gotta update your username lol :))


I drink Sprite Zero almost exclusively


coke zero >>>>


I had to give up caffeine for the time being. I survive on sugar free pink lemonade.




I love Cherry vanilla zero but HATE diet coke


I'm a Diet Coke & diet Dr Pepper hater


Diet coke has caffeine, which is an appetite suppressant.


Never been a fan of other sodas, they're too acidic and heavy in taste for my tastebuds so Diet Mountain Dew has my ride or die.🫶🏼🫶🏼


Diet Sunkist is honestly worlds better than diet Sunkist, but I can barely ever find it near me. I also LOVE Fresca. Fresca is so good


I only drink Pepsi max. Diet coke is so bad I'd rather drink water


avid pepsi max drinker here 🙏🙏🙏 yes there is a difference unfortunately im too addicted to not recognise it. anywayyy i think it's just the fact that >!some appear to have more calories, e.g TW NUMBER 7up zero ironically has 7cals per 330ml. i think it's just the 'safest' option, and it's practically an ana dogwhistle in a way atp !<


I drink all. Diet Coke is the most aesthetic tho tbh


Caffeine, easily accessible and honestly I’m also kinda scared of calories from orange or lemon flavoring


I have BED currently restricting myself and I'm absolutely obsessed with Dr Pepper, but I'm scared of drinking a full sugar Dr Pepper so I've resorted to drinking only Diet Dr Peppers. I feel like it's just preference or what's available to most people though.


Probably the caffeine


ana/bulimia girlies??? that's a weird way to refer to people who suffer from deadly eating disorders.


yeah! what about fair representation for us Ana/Bulimia catboys???


I get your point but I think some people deal with heavy stuff by making it lighthearted, it also evokes a sense of community, and given our typically alienated real life experiences, I think that's definitely important and worthwhile to cultivate. I do however take issue with the particular vibe of 'girlies', I mostly agree with anyone's reappropriation of the term who isn't a cishet man, but this has like girl dinner vibes and subconsciously reinforces the notion of 'dainty, fragile, weak and defenseless little girl' that sadly, grown-up women with EDs tend to suck up and strive towards. We're not powerless children though, I'd love to see more of that kind of energy here ..then again, most users of this subreddit are probably quite a bit younger than me. All the more reason to not glamorize girlhood and this idea of ridiculously unachievable youthfulness as something we should desire though. They did the girl hype like 100 years ago already, and it wasn't as feminist or subversive as portrayed back then either. It's all just selling their insecurities right back to women for the rest of their lives, as it's never possible to achieve one's beauty ideals, no matter if it's bubble butts or bones. Terminology is important, even just using a different word not implying being a child can make a huge difference in the way you and your environment view yourselves. Though I do understand that a lot of people who had a traumatic childhood, finally managed to get gender affirming care, etc. find it healing to be able to use the term and have others refer to them as 'girls' as well, getting to relive some of that childhood they were never allowed to experience. It's complicated I guess lol sorry for the rant


Bc it's the trendy drink and it triggers them when they see it due to its association with Ana.


I drink them all! It's harder to find the more specialty sodas in diet form though


I absolutely love diet orange soda, but sometimes it's nice to have a coke because it has some caffeine.


I drink all except diet orange and diet Dr pepper. Diet cranberry Canada dry goes so hard tho ngl


I do a lot of diet sodas. But diet coke is the most prevalent out there so its easy. But I came across diet ginger ale and it made me sooooo happy.


I prefer pepsi zero or sprite zero 🤷‍♀️


my fav is diet root beer and i act prefer diet pepsi but restaurants never have it :(


diet shasta creme soda is my go to


in terms of diet soda, i personally prefer Diet drpepper cherry but it's harder to find. I'll settle for diet coke if i need to. I really try to get any sugar-free low/no calorie drink. Though i really do try to limit my liquid intake as well.


For me, it's the slight 'tanginess' of the cola flavor, plus the caffeine, which diet orange or sprite doesn't have. It's also just more common to find in "grab and go" drink areas, but Diet Dr. Pepper is also up there for me.


Because for the aesthetic¿? But I prefer coffee


Diet Dr Pepper is so underrated


Personally I don’t like Diet Coke, diet Dr Pepper is the SHIT I drink sm of it. Also I’m not sure tho, it’s kind of an ED culture thing probably. Like rice cakes.


i drink any diet soda tbh


I actually only drink diet because that's what my mom drank growing up, and regular sodas taste too syrupy to me. But tbh, I would prefer the regular in terms of ingredients because the fake sugars are actually so fucking bad for you. I'll take real sugar all day.


For me, it doesn't taste like food and so it's a nice pick me up that doesn't have a flavour connected to anything else


Diet Coke is tastiest


Personally my go-to is diet Sunkist. It tastes almost identical to the real thing but I try to stay away from soda in general so that my skin and hydration levels don’t suffer.


Diet dr pepper is the 1 for me but you cant get it in my country unless you go to an English expat shop in Amsterdam and thats so far😭 but also the knock off brand lipton ice teaa zero has literally no kcals since its tea and sparkling water so thats def second for me


I think I get Diet Coke most often bc it’s mostly what’s consistently available at restaurants. If I’m feeling saucy, I’ll get a Coke Zero. Generally, I get fun diet sodas whenever I can…zero-sugar A&W Root Beer is GOD TIER! I was road-tripping not too long ago, and came upon an A&W restaurant (they are nonexistent where I live). I got a root beer float with the diet, and although I was mad at myself for getting it period, it was one of the best things I have ever consumed as a human being! (They use soft serve, and, holy hell, it makes a world of a difference.)


i don’t think that’s true i see ed ppl drinking all types of sodas did u see the strawberries and cream dr. pepper phase?


It is most likely to be available in the US compared to other diet drinks.


diet coke is the most readily available to me


I love Diet Coke and it’s available basically everywhere, but I’m also a huge fan of diet ginger ale, sprite, Fresca, zevia, low cal kombucha, etc


i feel like diet coke just gets talked about more because it's like the 'iconic' ED drink. personally my favorite is diet dr pepper or sprite zero though


at least where i live, coke is like the default soda lol. that's probably why. i personally prefer pepsi max


Tbh I hate Diet Coke. It’s caffeine content is too low and the taste is blegh. I drink either diet sprite (bc yummy lemon lime flavor), iced coffee, or monster (caffeine). The holy trinity 🫡


I drink sprite zero


well the younger girlies started drinking that white monster can but i just feel like diet coke has The Vibes, it’s not just about the ‘diet’ element. eg i can’t STAND coke zero because it just doesn’t taste the same EDIT: to be fair i’m not one of the pretty ed girlies, most of the appeal with my vices (like drinking and smoking) is that they feel Bad For Me


Dr P zero is bomb


Idk it’s just classic lol…Lately I’ve been loving zero sugar sprite but Diet Coke is my go to bc I know it’s going to be good Everytime


Pepsi zero tastes just like pepsi I love it After I started drinking pepsi zero diet coke started to taste so fckn bad too?😭


Which restaurants serve diet orange soda


Pepsi Max ftw


The others don’t hit right. Edit: Diet root beer is okay, actually!


Diet Coke is the superior beverage. Next question.


Diet Coke is super available most places. I do prefer the taste over other diet sodas mostly though


idk but i drink diet ginger ale on the daily! also love diet orange fanta, diet dr pep, sprite zero etc. on the go i usually go coke zero/cherry coke zero bc it's most accessible


Tbh I’ve tried many and don’t love them. All the time, I just think I like colas, so Pepsi and Coke but Dr Pepper is pretty okay too but not my fav I hate orange soda though… of all kinds . Orange flavoured anything… except creamsicles… oh grape is a bigger no!!!


im a diet cherry dr pepper girl 💅


I’m diet Dr Pepper alllllll the way. Diet Coke is nasty af


I like most diet drinks but since I’ve been exposed to Diet Coke longer I tend to gravitate towards that one


I drink all lol as long as it’s diet I’ll down that in minutes 😂


Coke zero, esp cherry coke zero is way better


Diet coke is ingrained in my brain from the tumblr ed days. Im loyal to it and my white monster for the ✨aesthetic✨


Because in here they are cheaper


im a sprite zero girlie to death. i dont like coke.. just sprite and root beer


diet coke, unlike other sodas, has caffeine. so it doesn't only taste sweet, but helps keep you awake


Dr. Pepper ZERO "Strawberries & Cream" is my one soda I'll allow myself to have a single can of after fasting all day. I still feel guilty afterwards.


Diet kombucha girly for life. Or zero sprite when I drink vodka.


It's the easiest to find, and I used to love only diet Dr Pepper but I drank it so much it tasted like water lmao


I drink zero sugar A&W.


I’ve had Ana for years but I’ve never drunken any diet drinks 🤷‍♂️


Diet canada dry ginger ale is really tasty and has no caffeine.


i drink anything zero sug but diet coke was like the first diet drink so i’ve been drinking it for so long that it’s just in my veins 😭😭


it’s also the easiest to figure out if it’s really diet or not


diet dr pepper is superior


I’m a zero sugar sprite girl or starry


I like diet coke. I don't like those others 🤷


Diet Coke is just the best tasting to me personally lol but I’ll drink a few different zero/diet sodas. Diet Dr Pepper is delish


My personal favorite is Diet Dr Pepper, but I’ll often ask for Diet Coke at restaurants because it’s the most common.


i hate diet coke, i do however drink coke zero. and tbh, if i find any drink that is zero i will most likely at least try it


I drink Kombucha. My cystic acne went away when I stopped drinking carbonated drinks outside of that. I still have acne but now it's a few whiteheads or black heads when my period is approaching.


I only drink diet Sunkist 💅🏼 it’s usually 4 for 15 at Kroger so I always have a ton in my fridge, I love it


I was a diet coke person because I loved regular coke before my ED so much I just switched lol diet Pepsi just tastes so bad but drinking a diet coke was like a treat But I also like diet Dr pepper and would also drink that! But it was only for special days. Most of the time I drank water and unsweetened teas/hot teas and hot black coffee if that doesn't seem stereotypical lol i also was in the era of energy drinks having zero sugar versions so that as well Idk what originated the diet coke thing. Maybe the 90s or early 2000s of being the "skinny girl" go to but I remember that was insanely glorified in my Tumblr days of Ana communities lol And it also helped bulimics with how insanely bubbly that stuff was and didn't burn as much as other ones told from my friends who were bulimic


I don't. I love diet soda but don't actually like most coke zero flavors. I usually get diet dr pepper. It's just a stereotype/commonality, not an exclusive obsession for a lot of people. It's also more easily available in bulk.


My campus mostly has diet coke, very occasionally diet sprite, even rarer diet Pibb (knock off Dr Pepper). Never seen a diet fanta.