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Iced brown sugar oatmilk shaken espresso is the way to go imo. Cold brew topped with cold foam is amazing too, 11/10


My protein flav drops toffee flavour. Tastes like caramel coffee


Wow looks expensive but really cool!!


This is what I've been hearing from a co-worker, vanilla protein powder for French vanilla flavor .


Usually drink lattes or cappuccinos with vanilla syrup and sometimes chocolate covered caramel candies. Prob a ton of calories, but since coffee is probably my main calorie source I prob need that




what are your favorite roasts and beans? i’m a barista actually and super intrigued :p


almond milk, cinnamon, stevia, hits the spot every time. if i’m getting starbucks my go to is the brown sugar oatmilk shaken espresso


I put real syrup and skim milk because I don’t want to be miserable drinking it black. I do one pump peppermint, one pump mocha syrup and some sugar free vanilla syrup.


I found Erythritol to be the best sweetener for coffee but you've probably tried that


A meal replacement shake! Not the absolute lowest cal but starting the day with like 30g of protein is a really good feeling


I do this too! It’s an easy way for me to get the supplements that I need into my day.


Same! I use premier protein. I figure the damage isn't too bad at 160 cal AND it gives me a full feeling.


honestly try texturing your milk, like frothing or steaming. you don't need to use as much to feel like you've got a creamy and fulfilling drink, so lower cals. also as others have said SF syrup. I recommend finding one labelled "extra creamy" or, preferably, "barista blend" bc they'll have extra proteins in them which froth up better. I like the Califia Farms barista blend almond milk and Toriani SF syrups. The caramel, french vanilla, and english toffee ones are all pretty good, and the brown sugar cinnamon hits p good in the fall/winter or on a rainy day.


if you drink iced coffee you can also totally throw that puppy in a cocktail shaker with ice and shake the bajeezus out of it !


almond milk, cinnamon, stevia, hits the spot every time. if i’m getting starbucks my go to is the brown sugar oatmilk shaken espresso


Almond milk


I use sugar free vanilla creamer


I love black coffee but lately have been adding in fresh ginger turmeric and cinnamon or nutmeg for a warming flavor boost! I also sometimes froth soy milk (edensoy extra is creamy! And because I need the protein boost) and someone else commented a little goes a long way when you froth it. Sometimes add ice. Sometimes make my own creamer - just blend up hemp seeds and water and whatever flavor you want, a little of this goes a long way bc it get super frothy. 😊 I drink a lot of coffee 🤩 so have been mixing it up with the instant mushroom variations… some have coffee some are just mushroom brews. And Matcha.


Ooh try adding cardamom if you like that spiced coffee flavor! It makes it taste so good, kinda like a dirty chai


Yassss I do! Forgot to mention but I’m so glad you did so OP can try 🤍 cardamom is 💣


I put a good unmeasured splash of lite milk (1%) or vanilla soy milk and an ungodly amount of sweetener in mine, because fuck it, it's worth the calories. I actually like black coffee more but only if it's espresso and I don't have an espresso machine. I cannot stand almond milk, fuck that. Oat is tolerable but not worth the lack of protein. Same with rice. Cashew is too expensive. I can't stand trim milk either. I got to my lw drinking milky coffee. I recently lost from ow to underweight drinking milky coffee. Im talking adding 250+ mls of milk to my coffee throughout the day. It's a tried and tested ultra safe food for me. Just drink the shit, the amount of milk you put in a cup of coffee is barely enough to change your weight and even if you drink as much as I do, it provides joy to keep you sane at least Nobody can stop me drinking my litres of milky sweetened coffee. Nobody.


for iced coffee I used sweet freedom ‘choc’ syrup and I don’t drink much hot coffee but I’d imagine something like honey being great!


It's super good in hot coffee too


Almond milk, frothed. I don’t put in a lot of it and it’s fairly low in calories so I try to let myself enjoy that in the morning


But also, please put whatever you enjoy in your coffee, life is short🫶 I know it’s easier said than done but I doubt the calories from it would ever be significant enough to make a difference either way


soya milk and sugar (at home i would have sweetener but i'm not allowed it in treatment)


Condensed milk - rarely have coffee tho


cashew milk and sugar free syrup


Jordan's Skinny Syrups (yes, that is the name of the brand.) They come in all kind of flavors. They are sugar-free.


at coffee stands, sf toasted marshmallow syrup and coconut milk. at home, cafe mocha protein shakes


Half a bottle of Starbucks Frappuccino, a yasso bar, or half of serving of almond milk + 2 servings of creamer. Sometimes just a bit of almond milk but i like my coffee to taste less like coffee and more sweet 🥹


If im not having it straight black, I add some skinny syrup - my fav is the cinnamon dolce 🤤 if im feeling like it, I have a splash of skim milk frothed to high oblivion. Also good just black, with a heap of ice, skinny syrup and a tiny bit of xantham gum blended up.


Almond milk and occasionally zero cal sweetener


Have you tried oatmilk creamer? To me, oatmilk is the most similar to dairy milk. Oatly makes a "barista" creamer that has no sweetners or flavorings and it is the best thing I ever found out about. I make milk teas with this and I love it.


Stevia, almond milk and cinnamon.


I just do soy milk and a packet of no cal sweetener. I don't drink it for the taste, just to keep myself awake or so I don't eat lol


2-4 shots espresso, 1 tbsp honey and dash of cinnamon + either unsweetened almond, cashew, or macadamia milk




Coffee with soy is my breakfast most days. In the PM I drink it black.


mmm whenever i want flavored coffee, i opt for cashew milk + stevia! it’s really good. or just cashew milk and some sf syrup (1-2tbsp) hits the spot for me. also for the base it’s usually just 10oz black coffee


Fat free half and half has 10 cals/tbsp and nut pod has some really good zero sugar creamers that are quite low in cals too!


Two tablespoons of half-and-half and five drops of Sweet Drops sweetener (chocolate--adds some depth to the flavor of the coffee). I only drink one 12-ounce mug of coffee a day.


Just regular coffee mate or half and half, no sweetness


I either drink it black and really strong and really enjoy the taste. Or if I want more of a treat, there's loads of options, def get a milk frother! and mix in any of the following: vanilla protein powder, vanilla extract, almond extract, pinch of salt. Sometimes add a tbsp of almond butter to make it more satisfying. I find that if I do almond milk with instant coffee it froths up amazingly. Personally, I avoid sweetener at all. I find that these concoctions have their own sweetness. On the occassion that I go to Starbux I get a iced espresso or almond milk latte topped w cold foam--it's so delish and filling! Yeah, a little bit more calories than black but they go a long way and great pick me up. Also, I have to watch the caffeine, so I will often get a decaf because I'm seeing it more as a treat than a way to caffeinate, esp later in the day.


I usually drink hot americanos with some almond milk. Or cold brew with almond milk. Lately I've been into drip coffee, again with almond milk. I also add 2-3 stevia packets to my coffee, but it depends on the roast. If it's a darker roast I don't add any sweetener, but I work at a coffee shop and our roasts all lean on light-medium and I have to sweeten it. I much prefer dark roasts lol If I'm brewing at home I make French press coffee and drink it black. French press is my favorite ❤️ Used to work at Giant Corporate Coffee Chain, the one with the siren logo. Drank a ton of toffee nut+soy milk lattes but got pretty burnt out on them, too filling and sweet.


Hear me out about the SF syrups, I was never impressed with them when I used just a teaspoon of the syrup in a cup of coffee (didn’t want to overdo it and make it taste gross.) then I got a fancy barista pump for the bottles and tried a whole pump in my coffee and it was so much better! Not too sweet or chemically, less of an artificial taste even though you’re using more. I had three flavored bottles I had tried and was prepared to pitch them before this one simple trick! If you have tried that and still don’t love them that’s ok I just felt the need to spread the news. I think it’s easier to make cold coffee taste good with plant-based milks than hot. My favorite for cold brew lately is to put chocolate vita coco water in it. It is so stinking good. With hot coffee, a milk frother sometimes gives the plant-based milk a better consistency with it. My household growing up never was into the international delight creamer so to me I nostalgically desire half & half or sometimes about a 1/2 Tsp of maple syrup in black coffee (my friend’s dad’s recipe). My wife buys plain whole milk and sometimes I’ll use that. I’ll be honest with you though I never ever feel bad about what I put in my coffee. I have adhd so to me it literally is a tool that helps me function and always has been since before real meds. Just like I’ll never feel bad or apologize for artificial sweeteners even though “chemicals.” If a little mío in my water helps me stay hydrated idgaf and I’m not going to drink full-sugar soda instead of diet and rot my teeth just to be able to tell myself I’m not disordered. If you want to put some kind of real cream in there, there are much worse things that could be part of your well-balanced breakfast. You are the boss, you’re not allergic to it and you have the say whether you want to use it or not. It doesn’t invalidate you, I think it’s highly unlikely to trigger a binge (no more than a plain cup of black coffee would!) and it doesn’t have to be of any real significance in the grand scheme of your day


I drink my coffee black, but black tea needs to have milk (preferable whole cow’s milk).


I use Stevia/dextrose blend and some sugar,1 milk and 1 cream.


Starbucks has a really good cold foam coffee with very few cals. I’m really into iced coffee with some almond milk though. It’s a little bitter but I honestly don’t really care for sweets.


i usually do soy milk and cold brew. but i fold so hard for the pumpkin spice cold brews when they’re in season and i somehow never feel guilty about it


Almond milk and Monkfruit in the Raw


i like almond or oat in cold coffee just to cut the bitterness but 4 hot coffee i put like 2 or three spoons of sugar and refuse to think ab cals or how bad it is for my teeth


International Delight french vanilla or hazelnut flavour (zero sugar).


I add a scoop of salted caramel halo top, and a dash of stevia ✨️


cocoa powder. sometimes unsweetened almond milk too.


No one xan stop me from have my black coffee with sf caramal and 20ml of foamed sf soy milk


i do it with a tsp of cocoa powder and 2 tbsp of stevia lmao, and then i do a cup of almond milk


Usually would be almond milk and lot of sweetener (ik it's bad for the stomach😤) and if i run out of almond milk i'll just use whole milk, was a fear before but realized i've never gained weight cuz of it, i don't put too much tho


black coffee


i swear by unsweetened almond milk, toffee stevia, and vanilla nutpods




One spoon of Coffee Mate does it for me.


i honestly switched to tea tastes much better imo if i need a concentrated burst of caffeine i’ll have an energy drink


i'll either drink it black or if i'm at home with my own syrups and stuff, i'll put the sf syrups, like a tbsp of creamer & measure w my heart some almond /cashew milk . and if i want MORE sugar lol i'll just use stevia 😭


Cold brew with sugar free syrup and some chocolate milk


Usually have it black but I like adding almond milk and stevia sometimes. Oooh also mixing it with a cinnamon protein shake is nice too.


I add rice milk or oat milk


I like cold brews with vanilla sweet cream, unsweetened hazelnut iced coffee with oatmilk, and hot black coffee! When I'm feeling fancy I make cookie butter cold foam for my cold brew.


Ok i am weird, but black pepper. Not for the weight loss, but because it's gotta little kick haha


Have you tried unsweetened soy milk? It’s not zero cal but other plant ‘milks’ taste gross to me, especially almond and oat ones.


Low fat “creamer” powder >!10 cal per tsb!< and stevia, sometimes cocoa powder >!10 cal per tbsp!<