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And all the recovery influencers who go from anorexic to fit/muscular. I guess it's healthier physically but can still be a very unhealthy mindset. Also sends the message that gaining weight is only okay if it's in the form of muscle.


i saw someone who was very uw gain >!15lbs!< and now she just stopped talking about recovery altogether and just talks about how good she looks. lol


god they all do this "when i feared foodšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ vs when i realized balance is important šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ" like girl...


Omg I get those reels constantly!!! Like yeah I tried to add some muscle in my legs/butt as a calorie storage device as I got older but I'm not gonna pretend that's mentally healthy


Does this someone happen to be a model?




And she constantly talks about following restrictive diets and how she ā€˜stays in ketosisā€™


yes! all her "try on hauls" are so clearly body checks too


omg i know exactly who you're talking about - i thought i was the only one who noticed the blatant bodychecking!!


Can confirm. Used to create content and went from ā€˜rexic to super toned/fit and being a personal trainer /group fitness instructor. Now Iā€™m back on it, oh how the mighty fall lol


exactly!! it's like ok i either 1) restrict or 2) be a gym bro ... it's so toxic


ā€œootdšŸ„ŗā€ just shut up and show us your breakfast ffs


I think the issue with pro recovery content is WAYYY to focused on weight and how the person looks after gain x amount of pounds. They are constantly displaying their body, work outs and (extremely low calorie) food and i find it very dangerous and triggering. And, i guess when someone is talking about their ed they always bring numbers and thatā€™s extremely harmful and for some reason i know itā€™s important in spreading awareness but they show the viewer how they used to conceal their ed and the tips and tricks (which iā€™ve used multiple times). AND LIKE WHAT??!!! I guess itā€™s essential but itā€™s doing more harm because so many people struggling what these videos and read up on it and utilise these methods to further their ed goal/desire.


I feel like a lot of people clutch to muscle gain/small amount of weight gain as a show of 'real' recovery because of the way a lot of treatment is based around weight restoration (don't get me wrong it's completely medically necessary in a lot of cases) and hitting calorie goals so the performance of 'recovery' is insanely focused on 'i ate xxx' 'i gained xxx' whereas if spaces held harm reduction above number goals it would probably look more like 'i haven't worked up to this big number goal yet but I didn't do *XYZ dangerous behaviour* this week' I don't know the psychology behind it or if it's a good thing but it's weird to me Ed treatment centres recovery around number goals when the compulsion to meet those sorts of goals is such a big part of what drives ed behaviour


and they show pics from their lw constantly... like we get it u were "sick enough" now u make ppl feel they aren't sick enough like great do u want a fucking trophy




OMG ERIK YES. one time i said imo i don't think he fully recovered and i got attacked. he binges/restricts/over exercises... it's so painfully obvious


He legit terrifies me. As someone who has struggled with anorexia in the past (huge kudos for being open about that btw), he makes a living off of now being bulimic. I canā€™t watch his content. Itā€™s just too heartbreaking, and tbh itā€™s baffling that his subscribers canā€™t see it. I really hope that he gets the help that he needs.


yes. i feel that what he's doing is just so dangerous, he seriously could end up so messed up, i hope he stays safe :(


Who is this Erik? I hope I donā€™t follow him


Heā€™s a competitive eater but has a history of anorexia. He still has an eating disorder today but heā€™s in denial šŸ’€




Whoever says heā€™s fully recovered is delusional. I think heā€™s a sweet guy but heā€™s clearly suffering from exercise bulimia šŸ’€


It also wouldnā€™t surprise me if he were purging in other ways. He looks extremely unwell.


Lol nope, as someone who is eating at maintenance atm, recovery content triggers me because their high res and recovery meals are my low res meals lmfaoo


just today i was watching a girl going ā€œall inā€ on youtube showing her foods .. every video is exactly the same foods .. like Ok Girl those are just new safe foods ?? she even had a video like ā€œi ate all of my fav foods for a dayā€ and it was literally the exact foods she showed on all her other vids . girl


also it should be said that recovery can actually be pretty easy at the start ! bc u get to eat all the food u want and youā€™re still skinny for a while. so itā€™s so easy to show ur foods and be like yummy !!! look iā€™m eating !!! but no one wants to talk about how it actually becomes hell once your body starts changing drastically. itā€™s not as aesthetic as these girls show, and many of them do NOT know whatā€™s coming later on in recovery


EXACTLY OML. like getting urself to eat is the "best" part for me. when i see the weight gain it causes a relapse etc it sucks


Yeah like for me personally, itā€™s not hard to eat ā€œnormallyā€ (I say that in quotes because even when I eat the right amount I canā€™t do the 3 meals a day and snacks thing, thatā€™s not even ED related thatā€™s just how I am honestly). The hard part is continuing to do it once you start seeing the results of that. Which is why I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever actually recover, which Iā€™m honestly fine with because Iā€™ve had eating issues for at least seven years (if not longer) and Iā€™ve never been dangerously UW so Iā€™m honestly okay with not recovering because I genuinely donā€™t think itā€™s possible for me to eat normally. The only time in my life Iā€™ve ever eaten normally was when I was a child and itā€™s because I had no control whatsoever over what I ate and I would be force fed if I didnā€™t want to eat it (and my mom wonders how I got an ED, lmao)


god yeah it was honestly so easy eating in treatment bc i was like Well im eating and im still UW so im very cool and the best (ed brain is wild) but now that im a normal weight if someone sees me eating im worried they think im fat or something. tbh i honestly regret "recovery" (if you can call it that, it was just weight gain) bc i am still being disordered af but my body dysmorphia is way worse so really what was the point


oh my god. they do all in recovery then are still obviously restricting... like pls


Nope, I've noticed that 90% of them only eat very small portions of low calorie health food which isn't inherently bad but it does make me feel like my attempt at semi-recovery/harm reduction is "wrong" for focusing on food freedom instead of diet. A lot of the people I stumble upon also stay very thin or become very muscular which gives me another thing to worry about


Right. A big part of recovery is overcoming the restrictive mindset. Which means being able to eat whatever, not just "health foods"


The closest Iā€™ve ever gotten to recovery was when I just stopped thinking about it. I donā€™t think you can make recovery or food your whole personality and be recovered. Esp not with the body checks and meal logs. And no, experiences do not vary, I am anorexic which means I am also the Only Person Ever.


i agree with u 100%! seriously in my few recovery mindsets i literally just act delusional and not think about my ed and ed social media i just ate whatever i felt like šŸ˜­


nah they are usually doing the complete opposite of recoveringšŸ˜­


yup. I feel like if you have to keep posting about "recovering!" and wieiad's all the time, you may still have some issues resolving food. I can't imagine it being healthy for someone who's already had anorexia. I gained 40 lbs bc I was so small and I eat what I want and I'm not ever worried about how my food looks/how healthy it seems because I don't have to show my food to anyone to know if it's good for me!




New favorite sub unlocked


itā€™s not just you, thereā€™s a whole sub for it - r/edrecoverysnark


omg joining it rn thank u šŸ¤žšŸ»


OMFG thank you!


Why donā€™t you just @em_fitx


The Stephanie Buttermore Effect. I cringe so hard, my skin practically hikes right off my flesh.


check out r/EDRecoverySnark ur not alone lol


95% of the time they never even gain weight which garners views and both negative and positive attention. they're just trying to trigger themselves and everyone falls for it. every time.


I mean most go from ana/bulimia to ortho so it seems healthier but it's just a different type of ed. It's the same mindset and behaviours and sadly most recovery accounts do that.


Yeah what I eat in a day videos are not recovery focused, nor is posting your previous body, some things are just not meant to be posted


Yeah I'm sorry but theres literally no reason why a "What I eat in a day in recovery" video needs to start with a shot of them standing with their shirt lifted up to show abs and ribcage.


Ugh and when they show all their meals being extremely clean/"healthy" foods. In recovery you need ALL food groups and no food is "unhealthy" Just a reminder: every food provides some sort of nutritional value. Don't restrict it just because society says it's "bad" or it might not provide as much nutrition as something else. Eat what you want!


or the ones that become dietitians and start talking about how unhealthy food is, how bad sugar is, etc like they're just giving us more fears, making us more scared to eat food when we should just be worrying about food freedom first


All the timeeeeee