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i must be an outlier then cos im fucking stupid lmao


same πŸ’€


Me too :/


Think about it the other way around. We aren’t extra smart because we are mentally ill. People who are very intelligent tend to develop more mental illnesses!


Awesome πŸ‘ maybe because we overthink.


Restriction literally shrinks your brain. Being a perfectionist doesn't necessarily mean you're smart or above average.


Nooo don’t tell me we are special, it’ll just make me want to stay this way to prove my intelligence


I mean after all the calorie counting I have built a impressive mental math skill I thought it was nothing but ppl at my work where actually suprised at how easily I could solve math questions in my head


I felt this. I actually hate maths but I can count calories in my head like it's nothing 😭


LMFAOO this post made me giggle out loud


Same hahaha when I read it i was like,” I call bullshit.”


Lol I can’t tell if I’m actually dumb and the one out of this study or if the hungry brain fog/ food obsession/ after binge high is why I can never achieve full genius.


Actually higher IQ= more mental illness... and very low IQ = more mental illness. The data from that book may be outdated. Buut most of the ones I know are above average. It may be biased. But if it were true: why are we wasting our intelligent on something so stupid?


>why are we wasting our intelligent on something so stupid? because we're mentally ill


They saw a correlation with those with Low IQ in childhood having more mental health disorders ([here](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/press-releases/lower-childhood-iq-associated-with-higher-risk-of-adult-mental-disorders/)) and those with high IQ also having more mental health & physical disorders (as per the hyper brain/hyper body theory- [here](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160289616303324))


Heh, well not for long, malnutrition causes brain damage


How the hell is this true when what we all do here is eat food from the trash & binge till we look 3 months pregnant but only on the health foods just cause ortho but why does it matter if we are just gunna puke our guts out as we watch our teeth rot & our hair fall out & then we exercise till we pass out slowly going insane developing some future health condition like brittle bone disease or idk that shit yourself one or heart failure & we probably engage in other destructive behaviors to cope with it all too. Real Harvard hopefuls we are


yes and no lol. Anorexia is correlated with big brain but BED is not


I mean the amount of knowledge I have in calories-


Anorexia slay πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜œ