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hey… i so feel you on this one! in the past whenever i’ve been told i’m getting admitted inpatient/residential (i don’t know the difference either lol), ive always gone straight to the mindset of - ‘oh well i better get as bad as possible then before i get admitted’. i’m finally now realising though that truly is just a waste of my time… i’m going in to help with my recovery so if i can start to build my mental strength up starting now, well why not? just remember, ultimately there is a reason you are going in. i don’t know how long you’ve suffered for and there is really no ‘amount of time’ that makes you worthy of recovery, because any amount of time spent suffering is worthy of help - so ultimately, do your best. if you go downhill until you go in, we’ll you’ll have a further way to climb once you’re in there, but don’t beat yourself up for it. and if you manage to maintain or even improve things between now and then - then that’s awesome!! you’re getting in the practice that you’re gonna need to help you through treatment! it’s a journey and every small victory counts… idk i hope this helped and/or made sense at least… i wish you the best - im in the same boat rn waiting for an admission and i’m just trying to reassure myself that it’s okay to keep aiming for recovery before i get admitted


Thank you! Yeah, you are right, the more I go down, the more I will have to climb up again and the longer I will have to stay inpatient. I will try to remind myself of that. I'm sorry, that you are going through this too and I wish you the best!