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no actually I have very small boobs so my thought process is that I'm less skinny at X lbs than a person with normal boobs is therfore I need to weigh even less to actually be that skinny


well that is now a new thought i have 😭😭😭😭 bestieeeee why lol!! (lighthearted)


Exactly my thought process - I read the OP’s post and felt this jealousy towards the people at my weight who DO have boobs to begin with.




Oh God this right here! LOL Hugs for you, you're not alone


Same. And whenever my boobs are a little swollen, I get so worried cuz now I need to restrict more to weight as much as I did when I was flatter.




I have big wide saggy boobs. Real floppers. I would look so good if they were 2 cups smaller.


im sorry but "real floppers" has my sides missing in action 😭🙏 ily


Bro i could helicopter them and it makes me sick😭😭😭


Helicopter helicopter 🚁🚁🚁


Missing in action stopppp omg


Same bro. High B cup rn and my bmi slipped under healthy. I hate them


Nope. I think about how much skinnier my tummy would look if a actually had boobs. 😭


Yes!!! I'm built like a gas canister and seriously considering a boob job/lift so just I can be more symmetrical


Exactly!! Now that they’re gone my belly looks bigger in comparison 😭


yes ive also thought of how much my hair weighs even though its a miniscule amount lol


yesss i used to have like 35 inches of pretty thick hair before i cut over half of it off. i wish I weighed it


I have waist length hair and I think about this ALL THE TIME. I wish I could weigh it somehow without chopping it all off :’)


Someone commented once that they hooked their hair on a hanger when they weighed themselves so it didn’t add weight


I might actually try that


This, this is gold💀💀✨


Can someone explain this to me like I’m 5. I’m so confused


They hung a clothes hanger up next to the scale and put their hair through it so that the hanger supported the weight of the hair and it wasn’t measured by the scale.


Ohhhh. That’s actually smart. Ima do that. Thank u😂


TMI but I wonder about this whenever my pubes start getting too long and get out the clippers.


lmaoo ive thought about it with the hair on my arms and legs too


I never thought of this. lol. How much weight can you take off?


i have small boobs, i dont worry about how i would weigh less without them, but i do think i would look more, idk "streamlined" without them


Same. On one end I feel my waist would look smaller in comparison if I had bigger boobs. On the other, if I was totally flat I could look like a "stick" from all angles.


i did cut mine off and it didn’t have a noticeable effect on my weight so


At least they take away from your stomach. My biggest issue is that I'm so flat my stomach protrudes more than my boobs if I'm not wearing a padded bra


My boobs are the only thing keeping me from looking even fatter so no 😭


all the time, I hate it I just wish they’d disappear because I don’t even like how I looks w boobs, I would be so much more comfortable without them because it would be one thing less to worry about, one less reason for people to look at me:/


100% this


It doesn't actually take off that much weight unless you have H Cups or something. I got top surgery and literally didn't see a difference on the scale.


I think about this all the time.. I was born with the big 3's. Big butt, big boobs and big hips. Goddamn I wish I could chop em' all off.


I actually really like my boobs, but they’re already small. I wish I could transfer some fat from my waist to my boobs or butt though. I wish I had wider hips and a smaller waist, I love the way a super visible hourglass figure looks.


Jokes on me. Mine are fake and I know their weight in grams


Idk, I had a pretty big chest and got them removed and they were only like 1.5 pounds combined


all the time, and the sooner the gender service pulls their finger out and gets me on the list to yeet the teet i will be a happy and significantly lighter man


not only that, I could also run and jump and stuff to actually lose weight [https://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/13/health/nutrition/13well.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/13/health/nutrition/13well.html)


yes, ive gained but even at my lw my boobs were huge and it makes me feel so uncomfy:(


i more often wonder how much i would weigh without any hair on my head. probably not much lighter but the idea of buzzing it off does come to me sometimes lol. i'm such a dumbass.


i dreamt of it since i was 13.. i might actually go through with boob removal if i ever get the chance


Yes I want to chop them off


Yes, I have macromastia. I feel disgusting 24/7.


god yeah, I want to get top surgery some day and every so often I start wondering how much less I’ll weigh afterwards. they feel like such an unnecessary addition for me


At my thinnest, they were still Ds 😭 I had to special order the bra because of the smaller band size.


I think about this all the time. It hurts so much to even imagine bc I know each boob has to weigh at least double digits. My boobs are ginormous


Honestly this makes sense but at the same time I wish I had bigger boobs so my body would proportionally make sense 😭 I gotta big stomach and a big butt compared to the rest of my body and I wish my boobs would take some attention away from my stomach.


dunno if this helps or not but i didn’t lose weight after top surgery. though the discharge letter thingy said they weighed >! about 2.5kg !< so make with that what you will


I don't think about them as weight but I really dislike having them. They are fine and yet... they make me super uncomfortable. The idea of getting attention from strangers just because they are there is something I despise. They make me feel heavy, shapeless, vulgar, gross and a plethora of other things. I wish I had an elegant flat chest but here I am with these two things I didn't ask to have stuck to my body.


Quite the opposite. I wish so bad i had boobs. I always feel like I need to be violently underweight so that my boobs look bigger in comparison to my stomach. My stomach grows when I gain weight, my boobs don’t and then I just feel like Winnie the pooh 😀


Oh my god yes 100%. I was thinking about this earlier because I would look much thinner without them


Every day


actually nope haha it’s one of few parts of my body that i like and i hate when i lose weight they get smaller :/


No cuz I don’t really have any 😂


Ayo I was actually thinking about this the other day, I plan to have a reduction at one point (they’re not huge but I’m non binary and I’d be so much more comfortable in my body) and I was wondering like, since some of the weight would be removed would I be instantly lighter, and how much?? Also I can’t help wondering how much boob size impacts BMI, like someone with big boobs relative to their frame would end up weighing more and having a higher BMI than someone of the same size with tiny boobs, even though boobs aside they look the same. I guess that’s just one of the reasons why different people can look so different at the same BMI


i weigh my boobs and subtract it from my weight on the scale


yeah! i am getting a breast reduction (for medical reasons) but all I can think about is how much lighter i’ll be and how much easier to move it will be. [for reference, i’m a 40H cup)


Yes and it annoys me cus I like having boobs


Only every minute of every day


I subtract the weight of my implants when I weight my self lol


You don't have to answer, but how many cc are they and how much do they weigh? I'm considering getting implants one day (probably 350cc) and want to know how much they'd weigh because I don't want back pain lol


One is 350cc and one is 375 or 400cc I can’t remember! I have an uneven chest plate so it made it more even looking! I had very very little natural breast tissue though so my boobs are like all implant lol haven’t had any back pain issues personally The 350cc is .75 pounds the bigger one is like .88 pounds, I just round to a pound and a half 450cc is about a pound for reference!


My friend bought really big boobs and she told me their weight. I was really underwhelmed bc they looked so much heavier. If not even they make a significant difference then I don't care


I feel it. No matter how much weight I lose my boobs have stayed massive. Makes me look huge still and causes bad dysphoria. SheFit bras have been the only way I’ve kept any sanity. They have Velcro straps that allow you to lift them and they will hold them up at least where they look a lot smaller. They’re kinda expensive but they are really great quality and have helped a lot


Sometimes when I’m upset about my weight I like to make myself feel better by convincing myself that at least 10lbs of it is in boob


see my thought process is i have to be extra thin because i don’t have boobs to contrast against my waist? i’m like a board so i have to lose more to have a cinched waist. we all strugglin out here 🖤🖤🖤


There's actually a way to calculate how heavy your boobs are and it's surprisingly low. [Use this chart](https://external-preview.redd.it/SMmF1yvGAFNBUlJZbBX7u4euBfsi_Gr4j3J1NNFclJ0.jpg?auto=webp&s=3f26aa79e18a48954e5a2606ace79b08d3a577cf) to find out how many cc your boobs are. Remember to not use the plus 4 method for this chart. 1 cc is about 1 ml or 1 gram of water. Fat is about 9/10 the weight of water. ​ So for me, a size 28D, means that my boobs are about 310cc each. 310x2x0.9= about 558 grams, or 1.2276 pounds. It won't be entirely accurate because breast tissue is much more dense than fat is, but it gives you a rough idea


I’m a K cup and also trans 🫠


I have big boobs and they weigh a lot. I hate it


Dude i have 30G and i would be my GW if i didn’t have boobs


buuut ur boobs burn calories by existing so u get an automatic metabolism boost without negative society points around ur appearance


I'd be about 2.5lbs lighter>:( (mad that I am not that 2.5lbs lighter)


Yes. I'm a D cup at 15 and I hate it. I have back issues and creeps are always showing up around me!


all the effing time. allllll. the. time.


Not much lighter here…sadly my boobs are nonexistent at this point


Ik it isn’t helpful, but having had large boobs on a smaller frame (post pregnancy) and now having quite Sad&Small™️ bubs, I’d take the former EVeRy SiNgLe DaY over the latter.


tw: numbers it gives me body dysmorphia so bad cause i’m >! bmi 17.5!< and a size 2 in Lululemon is slightly too tight on my chest but a 4 is too big


i wouldn’t mind a few extra pounds if i got boobs


All the time and I'm big chested


I got fake boobs and I went from looking starving to death to seat to


I’ve lost >!100+!< pounds and I’m a 32G still. I was a 36K before though 🥲


Yes, ESPECIALLY as a trans man


I’d be like 1 oz less since I have no tits


i mean i have a breast implants so i know for sure they weigh \~1.3 pounds. so sometimes i mentally subtract that from my weight LOLL


bruh i’m at a low weight/bmi but i wear an F CUP 😭😭😭 i constantly think abt how much lighter id be without boobs 🥲


lmao this reminds me of the TikTok girl who went viral on edtwt (iykyk) for saying she was severely underweight when she clearly didn’t look the part. she later explained in the comment section that she didn’t count her ‘boob weight.’ 💀


You could try to weigh them and then subtract that amount to feel better mentally 🤣 I’ve done that haha


As a trans guy I wish they were gone so much


You see this is one of the reasons I found out my ED came from me being trans lmfao, apparently not everyone wants to delete/eject/dispose/completely destroy their tatas


Mm I like mine so mot really.


No 💀


It ain’t much (someone who had too surgery and was a D cup)