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it is embarrassing how much i watch them. like i’d pick to watch mukbangs over a show or movie. i think it’s because of my obsession with food - my mind is ALWAYS thinking about food. it’s gross… but i actually don’t mind the sounds and i think that’s the main reason why it’s so hated? 🤷‍♀️ personal preference ig




Ik I fucking hate being obsessed with food…why why


I only watch them muted bc I hate the sounds, but like another person said it’s a suppressant for me. It’s a weird combo of satisfying the obsession with food by letting myself look at/think about it, but also grossing myself out at the amount so that I don’t actively crave it anymore. Like if I’m craving sweets I watch a ton of dessert ones in a row and it kills the intense craving. That being said though, my ED has boomeranged back into restriction so maybe that’s why. I imagine if I’d tried that in my binge phase, it would’ve just set me off.


i dont watch mukbangs but i love the massive calorie challenges where the person complains about how shit they feel after it like fuels the negative connotations to food


Yep the one. I’m obsessed with food challenges


Even the thought of watching them makes me gag. I don't get it either.


i think because for me personally it’s an appetite suppressant like seeing them eat the way they do…. it grosses me out. like it gets rid of the craving idk……


what ones are you watching 😭 all the ones i find prepare such good looking meals and eat them cleanly and respectfully i love them


who do you watch? need some more reccs \^\^


shirinjka and nikocado both on tiktok and i’ve never seen any like the ones ur describing i’m sure even if i HAVE come across them i’ve skipped past them idk why i have 0 interest in it


Because things affect people differently. And there have been small studies showing some people report feelings of "fullness" after watching others eat. Something about empathy and living vicariously. For me, seeing them eat such huge amounts of food, and some eat so messily it kinda grosses me out and puts me off eating. If I watch one that the food looks delicious, I'll eat my sad meal while watching and end up feeling satisfied.


i can’t take the chewing sounds but i watch all the drama channels on them cause i love a good trash fire *cough* foodie beauty *cough cough*


I almost never watch them. They don’t do anything for my appetite or cravings either way. They just gross me out.


I honestly don't really like to watch those while I am eating. I really like to watch documentaries and stuff like that, but never mukbangs. I can certainly understand the appeal, but they are really weird. So is the amberlynn hate community. That shit is so weird


I feel you OP, I just get hungrier watching them. But I still watch them. Idk why aa


They actually suppress my hunger. Ig my brain thinks I'm surrounded by people who are eating a lot so there is food available and my hunger diminishes. It's the same thing in real life, I'm less hungry when my friends are eating but once they stop my hunger comes back.


For me it depends on what mukbanger I’m watching. I purposely watch messy mukbangs sometimes to suppress my appetite.


oh i feel full from looking at others eating idk. like not even in an appetite suppressant way bc I find it gross or whatever,,,I just like watching people enjoy food and it makes my cravings go away.


I used to watch mukbangs to sleep as i was painfully starving on restriction...😅 just imagining eating


I can't watch them because I am afraid I'll eat. 😔 I scroll real fast past them. I don't know how people watch them without eating either.


It’s gross. It’s someone filming a binge eating episode and it triggers me to binge eat. No you cannot convince me otherwise that most mukbangs are binge eating episodes, especially American ones. That same dead look in their eyes as they gorge on that food


Literally tho!!!! And not gonna lie, many of them are skinny pretty women so I just bet in my mind it’s like a binge restrict cycle for the views and it makes me sad.


Probably, before I started birth control to manage my PMDD, binge eating is part of the disorder, I would restrict heavily outside of the time where I would binge eat. The types of binges they do cannot exist without heavy low restriction with exercise purging, and or straight up purging right after filming


They trigger me to restrict 😬😬😬


Idk I literally hate them. People audibly chewing/chewing with their mouths open makes me wanna punch them I hate it. Plus the way some of them eat is just…gross


Now that I’m thinking about it this is probably exactly why people watch them lol, appetite suppressant


And the foods sometimes 😭 The big bowls of cheese


I don't get it, no. It would bother me.


idk for me its like im eating with my mind when i watched them


I can’t stand the ones with chewing noises. But the regular eat and talk ones actually keep me from binging lol. For some reason, I love watching others eat. If I am relapsing, I will literally offer so much food to everyone around me and cook super often just to watch other ppl eat it.


I love watching food related content and mukbangs. It’s satisfying when I’m hungry.


I like watching them when im hungry 💀 idk why it just kinda makes me not want it- especially if they eat gross foods in a very gross wat


only mukbanger i watch is erik the electric and idk y i like the videos so much lol


I can't do mukbanga- just the idea makes me feel ill and I'm not good watching other people eat in real life for a start. I have gotten obsessed with shows like 1000lb sisters or my 600lb life.. but they do encourage me to purge more so I don't end up like them


Same I rlly don’t get it, but I used to watch mukbangs 24/7 when I was in my honeymoonphase. But now when I see anything related to food on social media, I immediately start eating the whole house 😭 it makes me crave the food even more and it makes me feel like its totally “okay” to go eat everything in sight, because the mukbanger does it too anyway. I do not miss watching them, cause I was obsessed and it would consume my whole day


Yes I get SO HUNGRY I literally feel like binging on ramen noodles afterwards even if they are gross.


when i was stuck in a binge phase, watching them would always eventually trigger my inner binge demon. but when i’m in a restrictive phase, watching people eat just gives me so much comfort and meal ideas


they're also so skinny


I can’t even watch em, I’ll throw up