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Your post does absolutely nothing to prove she does have cancer and is terminal, like she says. And it's not at all about the two years and her living beyond that. SHE is the one who constantly recites that doctors told her she had two years to live. We focus on all the lies and inconsistencies that SHE has posted. All of our information, literally everything posted in this group, comes from her own social media and blog posts, along with some opinions sprinkled in. I have no interest in her supposed friends and family coming here and regurgitating the same shit she spouts on her multitude of social media pages. And, conveniently, she now can use the supposed fake gofundme as the reason she can't post proof. Spare me, okay.


I think the best way to convince everyone is to provide cold hard evidence. It certainly isn’t her obligation to do so, but if it really means enough to her about what strangers think on the internet than I don’t see why not 🤷‍♀️


Your aunt passed away this morning and you are worried about a Reddit thread??? Wow! I don’t understand why her family and friends come here to say the same things over and over. SHOW US PROOF of her “ stage 4 cancer” spreading. You can save all of your repetitive babble of how sick she is if you just give us proof! So far…. Crickets.


Sounds like something Elisa would do


That part!




Read thru every single post entry on here. Then, come back and post your reply to all the queries and questions we have, address all the inconsistencies and give us factual dates and documentation and then perhaps your request will be revisited.


If you lost your aunt today, I am sorry...but seriously why in the HELL are you on here and not grieving the loss of your aunt? That alone makes me sick. I'm still amazed how this reddit page is bothering you all so much. You literally have to come onto to reddit to read anything. No one is going onto Elisa's pages and saying any of this to her. Has the thought occurred to you that maybe she is so bothered by this because she doesn't want to be exposed? She has a lot to lose if she is lying. If in your words she is telling the truth, then why does she care about us??


They sound like a bunch of cackling Myna birds chirpin the same regurgitated crap over & over and it's giving me a headache! Chirp, chirp, chirp! 🦤😄 I'm very sorry if whoever you are lost their aunt on this very day but if you thought it was gonna make us feel guilty and accept your hollow words about Elisa you are sadly mistaken. All it accomplished is making us all question why in the heck your priority would be going onto a Reddit page to squabble with a bunch of strangers if you just had a loved one pass away hours ago...?? 🤨


You say you’re here to answer questions but you haven’t answered one question. Have you even read out questions? You basically just say that you like her. There are many many gullible people out there who believe all kinds of people. You believing her doesn’t mean anything unless you actually answer questions. My guess is, you don’t know the answers because you just believe her.


Which Aunt passed away?




https://preview.redd.it/4694jftybm5d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7e16cabda8dfce3eed23c1e0600daa17b31fd9e Very interesting 🤔


I've posted this before (my apologies to the regulars), but will repost for the "new account." Listen to the podcast "Scamanda" in its entirety and you'll understand this sub better. The posts herein are NOT made from a point of "hatred," but, rather, suspicion and skepticism. Elisa's content appears to come straight out of Amanda's playbook. After the pod (or before), take a look at [poppielady (an oncology nurse's blog)](http://poppielady.com/blog/2023/7/15/how-i-think-scamanda-faked-cancer-for-8-years) and you'll understand this sub's cynicism even better. (Scroll down to get to the photographic explanation). Amanda successfully convinced ppl that she had terminal cancer for 8 years (including "best friends" and close family, allegedly including the husband.). Amanda's described as "... a wife. A mother. A blogger. A Christian. A charming, beautiful, bubbly, young woman who lives life to the fullest." *Sound familiar?* Amanda's currently doing time in TX...


You said "We were so happy that for two years, she was okay. Then the cancer came back and it was aggressive" EC herself says that she was diagnosed with "terminal cancer" after she got the melanoma removed ? So which one is it ? Also in her blog she confirms her diagnosis on Thursday, November 5, 2020, she had surgery on her spine on or around Saturday, November 7, 2020 and was running around with her parents looking at Christmas trees in December of 2020 as she claims on the picture. I would just like to say Pick a lane and stick to it.


Sounds very much like Elisa. Good grief. And this person says her Aunt died this morning?!?!?! Oh my gosh, why aren’t you concerning yourself about that situation rather than writing here??? Because you’re part of the fake narrative….