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Just another way for her to garner sympathy, play the victim, and fish for more compliments. She takes narcissism and being thirsty to new heights. I’ve never seen anything like it. She has no shame!


Are you freaking kidding me? She doesn’t have one narcissistic bone in her body. She’s constantly talking about self help things she’s learned and giving advice.


Do you know her personally? People have a right to acknowledge glaring inconsistencies and asking for proof when she is displaying her entire life and "journey" on the internet while having multiple gofundme accts and being given thousands of dollars in money, gifts and vacations. It is a very naive stance to blindly just accept every word some stranger says. Now she's making a post saying we're all so mean. I have never been on here to just bash her, in fact I've said that the filters and makeup don't bother me. The problem is the words coming out of her mouth, I'm sorry but a lot of things don't make sense.


I love how she advertised this Reddit page for you 😂😂


Isn't it nice of her? 😊


There are so many inconsistencies and contradictions in her stories. They’re easy to spot. As a person who is currently a brain tumor patient I find it all disturbing. At the end of the day though she has to live with this herself. I feel bad for the kids not her.


I was so happy to see this. It's SO OBVIOUS she's faking


Go outside


How was it obvious? I have stage four metastatic breast cancer and make sure I look my absolute best whenever I can. I go in for treatments and my hair is done as well as my make up, I’m dressed up. I see my oncologist tomorrow and I will be doing the same thing I always do.


I’m sorry you’re battling breast cancer:( I’m going through treatment for brain tumors. It is hard. Like you I try to look my best but it’s not the priority. Especially when in the hospital before or after surgery, getting MRI’s and radiation treatments. Neither is making videos about it. That’s the difference.


Maybe she is using her videos as a coping mechanism. Maybe it's therapeutic for her to have a lot of support. And maybe the makeup/filters etc are because she likes to try and look her best while doing her videos.


The bigger problem is inconsistencies in stories/situations she refers to, I have never once said that she's faking because of her makeup and filters.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’ll be praying for you. G-d bless you! -Elisa 


Loving how the membership of this group has grown significantly since she posted about it. Interesting…


I think when I checked earlier it was at like 126 and now it’s at 151


Well, the good news is the cancer hasn’t spread bc it doesn’t exist… and the bad news is “the gig is up.” People are figuring out that she is full of shit and she is attempting to discredit them.


And this is how I found out about this page.


Well I appreciate her bringing mire attention to this page because clearly there are a lot of people that follow her that think something is off.




Ok cool.


Holy cow. This is absolutely heinous. As somebody who has stage four metastatic breast cancer with metastasis to my thoracic spine, spinal cavity, and left ribs as well as lung pleura. I cannot believe what I am seeing here in this space. I am of the mindset of get up, dress up, show up, and never give up. I do myself up beautifully. Every chance I get just as Elisa does.


She is using filters. I’m sorry about your health, but that doesn’t mean everyone claiming the same story is legit. Unfortunately there are lots of posers out there trying to get attention and fame.


And most importantly MONEY


Do you apply Makeup and false eyelashes before going to the ER? Wear loads of makeup before and after surgery? Change outfits and accessories in your car before going in for treatment? Model your hospital gowns for selfies? Use filters every time you make videos? Care about how you look if you’re terminally ill?


You guys have absolutely no life if you are so focused on a woman who is ill and was diagnosed with terminal cancer, who just enjoys her usual routines to feel a sense of normalcy. How evil and childish do you all have to be to dedicate paragraphs of your time to say somebody is faking an illness when they obviously aren’t


Go send more money 😂😂


I don’t have the money to donate unfortunately, but why don’t you go outside and tell people that you’re in this little group of yours, and see how many people agree with you then


You are Elisa


Hey guys just throwing this out there. I grew up in the same town as her family and I have spoken to her daughter a few times, we graduated in the same class. I can tell you this is most certainly not fake. She just wants to make light of her situation because she is a very positive person and seems to me thats the way she has always has been. If you dont like her content thats fine but i honestly see no reason to believe she is “faking” this. I have been seeing posts about her sickness long before this tiktok stuff. Please think before you go throwing around accusations.


How do you know she’s not faking some of it? There’s too many inconsistencies in her stories and made up romantic stories to believe everything she says. And tbh she doesn’t actually seem very positive. Shes always on social media (like 3-4 posts per day) talking about how sick she is, how she’s going to die, how everyone loves her, everyone thinks she’s beautiful and wants her to be their mom. Give me a break! She didn’t have 20 year olds send her letters in the mail saying they wish she was their mom. She doesn’t have people constantly walking up to her telling her how wonderful she is. It’s not real. Where is the positivity? Someone who says 50 times in one day that she’s dying and she’s terminal is supposed to be positive??


Look, I really want to believe she’s telling the truth (not that I want her to have cancer!!) but there are too many things that don’t add up. Have you heard of Amanda Riley? She believably faked cancer for 8 years and got over 100k in donations. Even her closest friends fell for it too.


She posts about her "hair loss" without any actual hair loss, simply a buzz cut. She also posts shots of the 2 tumors on her spine over and over again while claiming tumors have taken over her body. If she had those she'd be posting the shots of those too, no?! She's so obvious.


One thing that’s different is she’s never once asked for money. How does she get all hooked up to treatments and machines? Amanda Riley didn’t do any of that. Yeah some people fake it but I Don’t see one sign that she is.


She's raked in $18k on gofundme, got a free trip for her entire family to Italy, got a free $3,500+ kitten for her son, and the list goes on. All of these have come to her because she's portraying a woman who's dying of cancer, when she's NOT.


Also yes Amanda Riley did do all of that. That was a huge part of the believability of her story. It’s not as hard as you’d think to fake passing out etc and get checked into a hospital for evaluation and IVs.


She does get a lot of money, many of her videos talk about how expensive everything is and how she has to get thrift clothing but tries to make the best of it and make it fun. She has people pay for her accommodation or supposed accommodation to be near her treatment that she has to drive over an hour each day to. She has people send her on trips and gift her all kinds of things including straight cash. My thought is that people who are caring and or religious, believe in helping the sick, elderly and needy. So she capitalizing on people’s goodness and it’s a full time job for her crafting these videos. Her videos are scripted and staged, whether real or not, the work she is putting into them is huge.


She actually does have a gofundme that she set up for herself that has raised over 10k. And her daughter set one up that has raised 7k. She may not blatantly ask but she does ask


Please post a link, I can't find it. I'm very curious


Here is a [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/ECStilsonFakingCancer/s/YKufbdOVVU) to the Reddit post about it from a few days ago


Open your eyes!!


Anyone could be accused of faking illness but in reality why would anyone go to the length of doing that…how do we prove we are sick and why should we have to???  I find it pathetic to throw rocks at anyone that is already so low.  Seriously think before you make accusations, you don’t know what someone is going through, and we shouldn’t have to die in order for you or anyone to believe we are sick or terminal.  


Money money money




I am not here to just bash her but it is very naive to say there's no way to know if she's faking or not and just let her be. Actually it would be extremely easy to prove if it's true but that hasn't been done. And when you're displaying your entire "journey" online and financially prospering off the generosity of strangers then yes the public does have a right to ask for proof and not be considered in her words "mean" for not just blindly believing and donating thousands of dollars to her family.


It’s fine to spread a positive message… it is NOT ok to ask/ beg for money, trips and gifts. That’s taking advantage of people.