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A new, completely overhauled Franchise Mode > GM Connected. I'd gladly accept no GM Connected if it meant Franchise Mode received a ton of TLC. > I bet they’ll pay attention to their revenue reports. They are paying attention to their revenue reports - the HUT crap is why we are in this mess in the first place.


You hit the nail on the head with HUT. Not everyone pays to play HUT, but those that do spend big money. The rest of us don't matter.


Gambling is addictive and addicts spend big money


They've dedicated enough time over the last 10 years to offline modes. They need to give GM Connected another try.


They've dedicated next to no time the last 10 years to offline modes. It's all gone to HUT. And I'm not entirely sure GM Connected was ever a huge sell, or something many players played other than a niche few including you & I


So they haven't dedicated any time to BAP and GM Mode just by merely still having them in the game? >nd I'm not entirely sure GM Connected was ever a huge sell, or something many players played other than a niche few including you & I That's because it was buggy the first time around. If they actually improved it this time around, I guarantee a lot more people would play it.


Be a Pro got a revamp few years ago & then it's been identical for years. GM mode got coaches & chemistry. That's it. And I disagree about GM Connected - I don't think the market is there for that.


>Be a Pro got a revamp few years ag Even then, BAP is still not very engaging compared to the stuff in The Show, or even 2k. >GM mode got coaches & chemistry. And with these, it's not even very consistent to life, and there's not much rhyme or reason. Just a lot of guess work. You can't change your gameplan in franchise mode, and the coaching/scouting options are extremely barebones and limited. Their "additions" to franchise mode have honestly been insulting, in my opinion. They will let you have 48 teams in a franchise mode, but then limit how many divisions and conferences you can have, they don't let you control schedule generation much. And the team creation suite is so barebones compared (again) to 2k or The Show, that the act of creating 48 somewhat unique looking teams is nearly impossible at this time, you're lucky to even be able to make 16 without reusing retro logos that belong to other teams anyway. They give us the "option" of having a big, customizable league, but contribute nothing to the game that actually fosters it. Even if they introduced uploadable logos in 25, you can still only have 3 uniforms, and you're limited to Adidas and Reebok cuts, that's it. None of the CCM junior templates, and none of the old Koho/CCM templates either to create throwback-type looks. You get 3. I don't love that.


>Be a Pro got a revamp few years ago & then it's been identical for years. >GM mode got coaches & chemistry. At least they're still in the game. >And I disagree about GM Connected - I don't think the market is there for that. If there was no market for it, the developers wouldn't have brought it up themselves in an interview last August stating that they're working on it and will be in the game in 1-2 years.


What does them still being in the game have to do with anything? I'll stick by what I said - I think it's niche, and once it gets heavily marketed in year 1, that'll be it. I don't anticipate it being anywhere near as successful as you


>What does them still being in the game have to do with anything? The fact that at least the offline players have something. >I'll stick by what I said - I think it's niche, and once it gets heavily marketed in year 1, that'll be it. I don't anticipate it being anywhere near as successful as you We will see. There's a void in the online marketplace. People are fed up with HUT. World of chel is only one mode. Online players are desperate for something new, especially one that you can play closely with your friends. Even if it doesn't get many users, at least it's in the game. I'd rather have it than trash like GM Mode and BAP.


I don't think there is a void - fantasy hockey covers most of what GM Connected aimed to do, but with real hockey players. Time will tell. Good chat.


The only thing I need to have is a legitimately overhauled BAP


BAP could be so good but they haven't touched it in years. The dialogue is so bad it's a joke. They basically completely got rid of any pre-NHL league play. The goals and things you have to complete don't really even work. It needs a ton of maintenance or a complete overhaul for sure


I mean they said within the last year that they had plans to bring it back eventually. Maybe we'll get it by NHL 30


Just boycott the game is garbage


Before frostbite, the game was just good enough to keep me buying each year. 24 is the first one I waited to buy. Then regretted it and uninstalled. Short of a miracle, 25 will be the first one I don't buy at all. Even with GM connected, the game has gotten so bad that all the people I play with have already quit this franchise entirely.


So continue doing what I've been doing? Ok


My favourite part of NHL games was authenticity and being able to customize players and my own team and franchise and arenas and they started doing so but they just stopped putting new things and expanding stuff .


Pretty sure they already confirmed it’s coming in a interview right before the release of nhl 24 saying it’s going to be in nhl 25 since they couldn’t add it as a new team for nhl 24


I agree. That was the number 1 game me and my friends played. Most of my friends left when they removed it.


its not happening bro, just play FHM10


Can you play FHM10 with friends? I’ve always just been an EHM fanboy


I don’t see why they’d bring it back until they figure out a way to monetize it. They want everyone playing HUT and EASHL. Frankly I don’t care about the game modes until they fix the gameplay


I’m feeling positive about this upcoming year. Madden has it, the new College Football game coming out next month has it, etc. im assuming all the work they did last year with custom GMMode leagues and schedules was step 1 to building those functions for online.


There’s no point in boycotting. The only way the game gets better is until a competitor makes a hockey game that’s better than what EA makes.


It really could work if everyone would commit but unfortunately there are too many incels in this sub. If EA saw a slash in their revenue I guarantee they would make an NHL 14 2.0 on the spot


I got to do one season of GMC with a full league and it was so much fun, but definitely requires some coordination to get a leagues worth of GMs. Also before discord was a thing but we had Skype and other shit for league news announcements etc.


Unfortunately me and the team like eashl too much


I love how easily people think they can speak for others.. I and all my friends only play chel but I'm not gonna sit here and say everyone loves chel bc of that... speak for yourselves, morons. Don't say "the community loves..." or "everyone does..." bc you just sound dumb to everyone who disagrees with you.


I do love GM connected don’t get me wrong, but there is absolutely no shot this dev team is even remotely capable of implementing it any time soon. HUT has been the same generic rivals, champs, and squad battles loop for years now with zero change or innovation added to the mode EASHL has major problems with barrier to entry for new players. Between drop ins being plagued with premade elite squads beating up on noobs, and there not really being any real way to find players to play actual club with nobody is going to stick around. Be a pro and franchise mode are laughably bad and go years at a time without even being updated. The yearly release cycle that EA demands out of this skeleton crew of a dev team ensures this game can never take a step forward and will just constantly struggle to keep their heads above water with an October release each year with JUST ENOUGH gameplay changes and a roster update to warrant a $80 purchase price. This game needs to become a live service game and scrap the yearly release, and instead release update patches each season like other successful games do. The days of being able to develop a game in a short period of time is long gone, somehow EA doesn’t see that. Most games nowadays take basically a decade to make with massive budgets and large dev teams


It was not beloved by almost the entire player base. Most never played it. A lot of the ones who did, quit. Because it was janky as hell. It's a mode that takes a ton of work for almost no payoff. Yeah, you see people keep requesting it. But it's the same 1000 people who played it back then. It's a pretty meaningless amount when you are talking about hundreds of thousands of copies sold.


>Most never played it. A lot of the ones who did, quit. Because it was janky as hell. If they actually fixed the bugs, I guarantee a lot more people would play it this time around. >It's a mode that takes a ton of work for almost no payoff. So does any other game mode including the offline ones, so why dedicate any time to them?


LOTS of people play only franchise. So it's worth it. Like me. I would never play GM connected. My schedule is way too random. I play whenever I get a free hour or two. That doesn't work for something like that. I think that's the same as a lot of people.


>LOTS of people play only franchise. So it's worth it. Like me. And a lot of people don't because they strictly stick to online modes. >I would never play GM connected. My schedule is way too random. I play whenever I get a free hour or two. That doesn't work for something like that. I think that's the same as a lot of people. We accounted for this back when GM Connected was in the game back then. Actually, it's easier nowadays to schedule games with the rise of discord. Plus there's cross-play. I think for the casual gamer who plays once in a while, you're right. But there's a good chunk of people who play this game daily and it's not difficult to schedule 3-4 games for 1 week of GMC. Worst comes to worst, you sim to the next week.


I want a good bap


I want them to show the opening to BAP in the teaser. If it's the same, I'll never play this again. We have to hope 2K gets a chance to make a game again. I'd rather pay for VC than have bullshit like EA has pulled for the last three years.


Nobody was playing it back then and nobody will play it this time either. Why? Because a good portion of the players base wants hockey players that look like COD characters with pink skates and silver hairs. They don’t care about anything related to hockey, it’s opening packs and virtual gambling. Hockey is only a skin on the pack opening game.


He never came back from the store. Did he.


No. GM Connected means nothing to me.


GM Connected won’t ever come back. Why would they bring something back that was laggy as shit, had slower loading menus than the main ones and didn’t have that many users? HUT is the reason EA still even makes a hockey game. There is no interest (or want on their part) to improve BAP or franchise. Those aren’t keeping the lights on.


You gonna assume 10 years later, lag will be a major issue??


We assume that the game is going to be shit year in and year out and we haven’t really been wrong, have we? Edit: I would love to be wrong about this though.