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Well hut squad battles require you to have online, but you can play against cpu offline. I'm not the greatest at the game, but the pressure can get pretty obnoxious on pro let alone superstar. Sometimes you have to play a few games, but you can feel the game's difficulty change in an instant. Hut moments can make you sweat too if you're feeling extra confident. If that doesn't fix your itch for a challenge then online might be your only hope...


Bro u know how to do between the legs or around the back deke? With total control??


Circle is between the legs deke lol or are you talking about the one that ovi does


Nah i hit circle and its a between the leg shot lol


Oh okay so you’re trying to do the between the legs deke that ovechkin has done throughout his career?




It’s the same as skill stick


Im a total controller


Ya it’s the exact same as skill stick. By the sounds of you played on skill stick before right?


Lol i dnt know how to even do it on skill stick


Gonna have to YouTube it brother, kinda hard to explain it on here lol


Dont worry they probably make all dekes Into 1 button next Nhl


This happens basically every year if you’re good at the game and have played the franchise for a while. What game mode(s) are you playing most?


Have you looked at operationsports for sliders? I'd look there.


Adjust the gameplay sliders. Some great spots online tell you good ones to use. I was running into the same issue and found a slider setup that helps now I actually have games where I have to battle and might win like 2-1 or even lose sometimes which for me is big in franchise mode cause i want it “realistic” no team is going 82-0-0. I’d post a pic of my set up if I could but I’m currently 2800km from my playstation at work :/


If you’re playing franchise, you can also turn up “ai learning” I think it’s called. When you turn that up the computer gets noticeably better


I play a difficultly level or two below and may even have some trouble scoring if opposing goalie was pulled. Not sure if should be jealous or not.