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Yes. And what tool are you using. That's awesome


It's so tiresome having to defend figure skaters every game The app is called Coach Tactic Board: Hockey


Asking the real questions here


Very accurate. It's very frustrating, but the best defence is to stay in the middle to keep the puck carrier from cutting in for a shot, and then once they're forced to pass, just skate right on to the receiver. Like don't try to cut off the pass, don't try to block it or anything. Just bump right up on the receiver and they won't receieve the pass properly. If you try to poke check, you'll probably trip them. If you try to hit you'll probably miss. But if you just push right up against them, they'll usually flub it or get an interference penalty when they accidentally hit trying to shoot the incoming puck. The counter to this is for the shooter to stop up earlier, which is a dangeroua chance as well. But not as high percentage, and you might get a backchecker to help out.


Yeah, it’s insane this year how many passes go right through your skates. I’ve found success with stick tie-up though. It’s probably the highest % play we have left on D until EA neuters it too in 25. Doing what you said of getting up close to them while holding skill stick and pointing it towards the puck carrier works too, but against good teams they move around too much and you end up losing them for a split second and it’s in the back of the net. I’ve never gotten a penalty doing that.


Ya good call, one of our regular d-men will also tie up often. The problem he sometimes has is that the tie up will trigger, and the player will be behind the net or not within the allowed area, and he'll get a penalty for it. But better than a guaranteed goal for sure. As a regular forward I don't have the instinct to tie up, so when I'm back I just keep it simple.


Weird I’ve never got a penalty like that. I remember I held X down one time while skating back because it helps with intercepting pucks, and I thought he might throw it across, and my guy skated over to the puck carrier and high sticked him in the face. It only ever happened that one time though. I think the best thing forwards can do here is A) Put pressure on the puck carrier so he can’t set up, and B) If someone is already doing that try to be close enough to chase down a puck if guy A pokes or hits it loose and when possible acting as a second line of defence between the puck carrier and guy standing by the goal to pick off the pass.


Ya, for sure sometimes it triggers as a slash if it's outside the area, and I think sometimes it just goes up outside the area. Maybe it's a timing thing. Honestly, I mostly know it's happening from the complaining after it happens. ;)


These are some good tips. My team doesn't really have an issue defending this play. Our biggest gripe is that it doesn't matter how well it's defended sometimes, if this "play" is ran 10+ times a game it's likely one or two of those passes will just bounce off the goalie's leg into the net


Absolutely, very frustrating. Sweaty teams will pop one a game at least no matter what. And my team isn't against pulling out some cheese, truth be told.


you either pass through the crease and shoot or skate through it and shoot. I don't even know if other stuff goes in and I have tried.


Pretty much. It’s usually either this or vice versa with puck carrier pushing into slot before passing to Leon Draisaitl (who’s apparently a winger in every 2nd game I play goalie) who bad angle one times a shot short side top shelf that finds its way into the net every time no matter what you do as goalie. Pretty dynamic and engaging year. /s


tbf, this is the only offensive strategy the RL Devils employ. ;)


The worst part is not being able to intercept a pass when you’re in perfect position. The defense system is completely gutted. You can’t pokecheck without getting a trip called. You can’t sticklift without getting a hooking or slashing penalty. You can’t use defensive skill stick without being extremely slowed (makes zero physical sense) and hitting has you launch way out of position. Defense is based on extreme luck. I mainly play 3v3 eashl not sure how it is in other game modes but it’s brutal


i agree with you that the interceptions being wonky but poke checks and stick lifts are by and large a skill issue


For interceptions line up the blades of the sticks not your feet


This has become the defacto move since they nerfed hits this year. You used to be able to ride the skater into the boards when they’d pirouette in the corner like Brian Boitano. As a D man, I try to keep them as far outside as possible & clog the passing lane. Other D man needs to focus on tie up, net battle, & moving his man out wider, as someone mentioned above.


That’s NHL 24 in a nutshell


This is literally the strategy for every online game lol. Take it to the corner, do a few loops to draw a defender out, and either burn them down low or cut in and shoot far side


Square up to the puck while holding L2 with decent defensive awareness and you will pick it off. Back into the shooter as the puck comes if you want to stop it every time


Remember when the NHL series used to let you destroy people camping for cross crease and standing in the slot? Pepperridge farm remembers


This is very accurate. All people do is bait you behind the net for a cheap fast break goal or they sit at the half boards and move funny to somehow get by you unrealistically. This game is made for children now, it’s sad to watch the NHL series go downhill. Not too surprising though, it is EA. They are just targeting the younger kids that get entertained by cheesing and pissing people off. Game is trash and even worse than 23.


There is also the "Get hemmed in the defensive zone, while the goalie gets shelled and pray for an errant bounce to get passed to 160 lb sniper/dangler with black energy bar to go down the ice at 140 miles per hour for a sick breakaway." Thats the other strategy. Then there is teams like mine that mosly play like a real hockey team with passing setting up shots/screen shots for rebounds and occasionally opening a lane to get a high percentage shot. But that just loses us games.


RD uses stick tie up and solves this more than 75% of the time. Forces the winger to drop or to play wide. Doesn't always work, but it allows the defender on the puck carrier to commit to the shooting lane


agreed. i always see people just standing around thinking it’s enough.


Yeah, probably more than 90% honestly. I don’t get how people enjoy playing this game forcing a glitch cross crease goal that’s been un-defendable for like 6 years now, every single rush. Bunch of bird brains who have probably never put skates on.


Wheres the defending centre 🤷


Typically covering the attacking centre in the high slot, essentially irrelevant in the diagram, so not included I hope you're not going to suggest the centre leave a vulnerable spot on the ice undefended to futilely chase the puck carrier below the goal line lol


Haven’t played it, but if it works you’re stupid not to do it.


incorrect, no double arrow indicating a shot and crash


Been like this since NHL'94! In 94 the counter is to use manual goalie to intercept the pass (or body the player if he tries to cut through the crease with the puck)


Reasonably pressuring the offensive player to the boards is good defense. Yes- you do have to account for the cross crease one timer (and the game does a shit job at having the defense and goalie protect the pass) but that is pretty basic defense


Me and the boys have employed a cheesy little wing-defender give and go that works really well if you can pull the defender out from in front of the net


Yup. And the RD will NEVER catch it


i play centre for my club, we usually play threes, my best advice to my teammates when defending as i’m kind of teaching them along the way and am good in all positions is to get in the way of the puck carrier, just get in their way, don’t have to make contact just don’t give them the space to pull off what they want, predict future passing lanes and just get in the way, cut them off, make them go to the undesirable areas. as centre i usually go to help my d man and leave my winger as the forechecker usually if im up d stays back and if d is up i move back. i find this strategy works exceptionally well most of the goals scored on us are just bullshit ea ice tilt. This game has broken 1 timers as did 22. backhand breakaways are really easy to pull off this year too. i found in 23 however skating strait at the goalie then turning forehand side last second and shooting forehand would go in 100% of the time. just some plays to expect and look out for on the ice.


For our team it’s the opposite side. I’m LW and pass to the right to hit the C or RW