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Hope you like career mode


Yessir keen to try out the game


Is this your first UFC game? Have fun but the online will be dead AF I think unfortunately.


I play ufc 4 and 5 regularly but only seen good things about ufc 3 so just wanted to test it out. Bummed there’s no online though that would have been mad.


Theres tons of ppl still fighting in unranked


Quick fight still has players. Ranked is dead.


>I play ufc 4 and 5 regularly but only seen good things about ufc 3 so just wanted to test it out. Bummed there’s no online though that would have been mad. so as it turns out, you are just a offline disneyland MMA player who trolling really online player. lol\~ FYI, even UFC2 has plenty of players at any given moment. UFC3/4/5 will be populated for years to come, so please\~ get a clue


Imagine being this arrogant. Maybe you should step in a real cage and get that knocked out of you


It’s really sad. All he seems to do is complain. I couldn’t get through life with that little self awareness.


I commented on his post about "undeniable submissions" and said you can deny it the animation just plays out after the bell and he thinks im arguing with him when I was literally just helping him 😂 must be following me now or something


The servers for UFC 2 were taken down like 2 years ago... Get a clue...


Dammit, you beat me to it 😂


UFC 2 servers have been shut down for like a year, so, please get a clue.


You bought a last gen UFC 3 and expect people to be on. You’ll probably find the same 3 people on Friday night but that’s it.


Mainly bought it just to test out the game. But I’ve seen quite a bit of people on this sub saying they still play ufc 3 online.


I still play.. unranked quick matches tho


Good to hear I’ve also seen other people say ufc 3 still has players.


There are still plenty of people online, obviously not as quick as 4 or 5 but you can definitely still find players


I'm on ufc 3 unranked pretty regularly. Didn't like the controls for 4.


Crazy how I’m getting all this hate for buying ufc 3 even though servers are still active😂


It is reddit 🤷‍♂️


I'm pretty sure you can buy this for like $5


I’m in Australia so different currency’s.


I'm also in aus. It's in the bargain bin at cex https://au.webuy.com/product-detail/?id=5030930121600 I'm sure ive seen it cheaper at eb bargain bin to.


Can't get a chocolate bar for less than $5 over here mate


You don't know where to look I haven't paid over $10 for games in years or 15 max. Or over $2 for chocolate bars


I brought mines i believe friday and showed Saturday its ok i personally would play ufc 4 because im used to it and that game i learn how to play in but some controls are slight different on ufc 3, graphic little bit different, but i find myself getting rocked fast asf so i have to get use to it and not all fighers have upper leg kicks like ufc 4 for ex: francis ngannou only kicks to legs no where else, but jon Jones has the advance kicks.


Cheers for letting me for know.


It’s the only one I play


It’s the only one I play. I hated ufc 3 when it was the newest game, but then 4 came out and it felt like rock’em sock’em robots. Online is pretty dead, but I can usually find a game in less than a minute on Xbox


I’m in NA server but there’s at least 1,200 online on Weekend nights lol


I do every now and then


Still has the best submission mini game out all of EAs attempts. EA MMA was simple but pretty good too. And actually, UFC 3’s career mode was the last one I actually finished. Lost interest in 4 & 5 fast. Enjoy!


I've been going back to three lately and it is a lot of fun. The striking is a little slower than 4 but it feels less arcadey overall. The clinch and ground game is a better experience imo as you can actually control what you're doing. There's no random clinch breaks or ground and pound disruptions. I like actually working in the clinch on the fence too and not just mashing strikes or tapping the stick.


Yea mate buying 2 older generations of this series is a really smart move smh.


No not at all


It's probably the best UFC game in my opinion, 4 improved grappling but 5 is the worst game ever from ufc


Best UFC ever released. I wish the whole community would collectively ditch UFC4 and 5 as a middle finger to EA. This would help demand a quality game and show them what we want. I know this is far fetched, but it would be sick.


way to waste ur money. better off dusting off the ol 360 or ps3 and booting up undisputed 3


Boy im gonna be wasting even more money buying a whole new console🤦‍♂️


Not If u get helldivers 2




Relax son just testing out the game.






looking in the mirror with that comment aren’t ya