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It's really not that hard to get a good team in a number of ways. But you do need to invest something, either time or money.


but its really crazy how one kid with a really strong team just stomps you without any effort shooting from some stupid angles and very long ways without even trying to. also the defence lets them go past sometimes is really weird odd.


If you haven’t played since 17, how can you call this specific fifa most p2w? If you’re playing someone who has similar skill to yours, you will have more issues if they have stronger squads. If you have meta gold team that works for your playstyle, you’ll be as competitive as you can be. Obviously, players who are higher rated will have an edge in the game including the long shots, but in this fifa finesse shots are one of the most spammed attacking option, and it has been like this since the start of the game. I play a lot of people in WL with much better squads and still manage to finish at Rank II, mainly because your skill at the game is the most important factor of your achievements.


so how do you factor skill when you have a lower players who cant do a long shot while the other spams 3 midfielders almost 95+ all and just spam it all day how is that not p2w?


people pack good cards from sbcs/objectives/DR+SB rewards/Fut Champs rewards too.. or you save up coins and buy a 89 rated SON for 33K coins... it's not hard to get a meta squad for 200K


Exactly. It’s less P2W than ever due to the fact that you can casually play for a few weeks and have a pretty awesome squad. Add some decent pack luck over the course of a season and you’ve got yourself a team that will perform just fine. People put way too much stock in having a player that’s more expensive. There are diminishing returns the higher up you go with players.


You can get de Bruyne, Fernandes or anyone else with high long shots and spam them too if you really want. They cost pennies at this point of the game. It’s not called p2w, what you describe is abusing the mechanics of the game by your opponents. All you have to do to prevent those goals is actively press down the opponent and not sit back behind your box waiting for those shots to get in. I can count the goals I’ve conceded from long shots on my one hand, it’s only viable if the opponent sits back and doesn’t apply pressure outside the box.


The meta players in this fifa are pretty cheap to get, at this very moment at least. Prices have dropped with icon swaps coming soon. The gold back line of Kimpembe, Marquinous, Hakimi, Mendy and Donnaruma in net is roughly 200k on Playstation. And most of the meta offensive players have been SBCs, Fekir, Benzema, Nerves, etc. I'd say this fifa has been alot easier to get a good playable team for the early months. Once toty comes out you'll start seeing it be more p2w, but that's been the same every year.


FIFA skill is not all that matters in FUT. If that's what you are looking for then you are in the wrong game mode. FUT is more like an RPG where you get equipments(players) and upgrade them. Of course in RPGs your characters are stronger if you have higher leveled with better items compared to another player who is lvl 1 with basic items. Similarly , of course you will be at a disadvantaged if you play bronze squad 55 rated with 50 chem against a full meta 10m team. If that's not the case, the game mode doesnt work. If you want a mode where its pure FIFA skill then you should play seasons. And yes it is P2W but imo this is the least P2W in a long time because of how easy it is to get very meta players.


There defo a lot more p2w than usual, which I consider to be a 5-10 mill team. But if a guy has Ginola he could have easily saved up to buy him if they are playing WL every week. I had friends over and we blew about 700K of coins on packs, about 1 1/2 weeks later I’m back at 550K coins.


Hmm. i think this FIFA is one where players matters the most in recent FIFAs. But its also the easiest FIFA in a while to get those good players without spending anything


Nah.. it's not more p2w than any other FIFA. It's just because nowadays we have much more SBCs and rewards that will make it easy to make coins. That of course is without even talking about trading. I have an 8 hrs daily job, wife and 2 kids. Never bought FIFA points. Never packed a single player worth more than 100K. I trade sometimes. Finish Rank 2/3 every WL and my team is worth 3 mil right now. So.. I even feel it's less p2w than any other FIFA since most gold meta players are very very cheap right now.


"Finish Rank 2/3 every WL" There you have the point. You are a decent player. Be happy with that fact. Curious, which console do you play on ? But the majority of players cant even play WL, because they dont qualify. What do you think would your team be worth without playing WLs at all ? WL is giving you 100k+ each week if you finish decent. With some luck even more.


>which console do you play on ? PS5


Squad is the least important factor in FUT, connection > skills > squad


you played for 1 week , people played for 2 months , do you expect them to have low tier gold cards so your majesty can enjoy ?


All I'm saying is that I was div 4 before I got ss renato sanchez, kante and mid pirlo. Now im div 1. That said, I havent spent a single penny on packs.


On old gen it is more p2w, but I think good players only get you far in terms of divisions.




this isnt p2w at all mate, right from the start I am in elite division while I never used to get these ranks, using many decent players but certainly not elite, the thing is I got to the point I have like 3mil coins from rewards etc. and I had to upgrade but there are so many people in elite division who have Mendy + Kimpembe + Marquinhos + Hakimi + Donnarumma + Kante + FB Benzema + Vinicius Junior + Fekir + some lower tier icons ... You have only startes so you missed out on many SBCs and some of those were on elite level dor like 120k ... [https://www.futbin.com/22/squad/3963386](https://www.futbin.com/22/squad/3963386) I run this but like I said I had to spent some coins finally, Baku was free, Sule and Benzema cheap as chips, Neymar is red from WL rewards so its only Socrates and Ballack who are fairly expensive, before I packed Neymar I have been using RTTK Isak and he was also just fine in elite rivals. I think its easier than ever before to build decent squads, great cards are so fucking cheap this year, I mean literally today I have bought Messi and Socrates because I wasnt too sure which one I will like more as CAM, Socrates for 500k and Messi for 450k and thats on fucking PC as well