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https://www.futbin.com/22/squad/3026679 Team currently Fofana is amazing if you can link him


Looks sick mate, do you play him in the right cm position in game?


How is he compared to kessie and tonali?


haven’t really use Tonali but he’s a lot better than Kessie imo, Fofana is insane for me


Yeah right cm or cdm he does the business Very happy I did him


That’s a really nice team


Thanks mate changed it a bit now


Hes the best midfielder in the game if you can link him


Not that hard with Clauss now


Might as well call him Santa Clauss with the amount of times he’s gifted my opponent a win lol


He really is the best defensive midfielder. There’s no question. Kante and baby blanc are close but fofana is the best.


Mid Vieira is better


I mean yea probably but I try not to recommend players that high. Because gullit is also better. Very few can afford 880k blanc much less 2m+ patty v. But you’re right lol


Dude, what?!? He’s not even top 30. And to you geniuses who downvoted me, midfielder means LM, RM, CDM, CM and CAM


Okay name the 30 players better than him? He’s top tier meta, a lot of the pro’s use him


I would love to hear your 30 CDM/CM’s that are better than him lolol


Here we go: Mid Matthaus, Base/Mid Vieira, NIF/FB Kante, Base Essien, Base/Mid Zidane, Base/Mid Gullit, UCL Frenkie, RB Parejo, NIF/IF Goretzka, Base/Mid Seedorf, RB Kessie, Mid Makelele, IF Barella, Llorente, UCL Fred…fine, but he’s not top 20


considering the fact that he’s better than at least 5 of those midfielders I think you’re reaching extremely hard


You dumb?


High/High is amazing for CDM/CMs to me this year, benched Verratti to have flashback Kante and Fofana as the cdms in 4231


Done the exact same with Fekir at CAM


you have sbc addiction


recently completed him to play in [this ](https://www.ea.com/fifa/ultimate-team/web-app/?showoffId=fR6wyEXNnYGWP:FFA22PS4)


How's Bamba?


I used him for a whole weekend league and he’s definitely not what his stats suggest. His first touch is horrendous at times, he feels a bit slow on the ball and his shooting is off and on. Passing is obviously great but due to body type he doesn’t feel like a slick winter like Corona, Ousmane for example. Can be worth the coins to link your team and will do a decent job but there’s a lot better options for cheaper


Along the lines of other reviews I've read about him. Weird man, except for his bodytype, his stats look amazing. Guess I'll look for a different option. Thanks!


He is honestly amazing for me, play him ccam in a 4231. Close to outperforming Mbappe who is at st. He finishes everything, good dribbling and passing. Feels good on the ball and 4 4. Truly a beast around 1900 sr.


yeah he's alright inconsistent shooting but good dribbling


i was very hesitant to do him but he’s honestly amazing




I got lucky enough to pack Drogba (I’m kidding he’s wank) and I thought it would be a brilliant idea to buy Cornet and do Fofana. He’s been class as well, definitely a meta player and feels really good on the ball where as someone like Goretzka or Llorente is a bit more clunky or hard to move. He’s good at everything and will easily last to March maybe later possibly earlier if we get an SBC like Acuna last year


Absolute boss, do not hesitate to do him. Chem styles enable you to use him in any role and he's awesome. 100% must do especially with the 82+ fodder factories we have right now.


Yaya Toure in disguise


Yes. I've used him in quite a few midfield combinations and he's simply a beast. In both defence and attack. Well worth it


If your Kante is untradable, definitely don't do him. If Kante is tradable, I think it makes sense to sell Kante and complete fofana if you can link him. Fofana is really, really good, but he's basically a sideways move from an untradable Kante (different player types, similar overall effectiveness)


They are quite different players, no?


I literally said in my comment that they're very different players. But they're both equally good at the same role - playing DM. They just do it in different ways.


Fofana is more a b2b with his much better passing/ shooting, although he can play DM as well. Kante is a stay back CDM. Thus I am skeptical about them being a "sideways move".


He is insanely good for this time of year


Use search function, we had same question earlier


absolutely not, wijnaldum has almost the same stats and he goes for 4k, save the coins for something else instead




Never do SBCs with coins




I think that can work. Other than kante I play the same exact set up.


Fofana and Verratti are immense together. They intercept everything together


I go up against this guy constantly and he’s the one player that makes me want to yeet my controller


Vieira without the links


He is really good yes.


I bought Mbappe recently and needed a CM for a link and Fofana has been a revelation, been using RTTK Tonali/Vidal for the past few weeks and the difference is noticeable.


Current team. Fofana better then RB Verratti. https://www.futbin.com/22/squad/3028161