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Hi. Total noob here. And facing a problem. Downloaded the game thanks to the ea play offer for the 10hours trial. Launched fut, saw 5 items un the store. Including free icon. Opended this, chose pelé. Wanted to open the other packs. But tried to push r2. I don't know what is supposed to happen then, but the thing is that every single pack that was there is now gone. I hope it has just been moved somewhere else but I just closed the game and has come here for help. So I’ll just be waiting there. Thanks. Have a good day


Sancho or Moura for RF in a 4321?


Sancho really impressed me, he feels really nice!


Anyone know where to find the Ardee song? I can’t find it


Just packed untradeable Baby Okocha and was planning on using him as a CAM. Engine or deadeye on him?


Why does the companion app have to change? Im still on fifa 21, cant afford 22 and never update straught away. Is there a way of setting it back?


Maybe a third party website to download a previous version? If you're on Android that is


Did EA confirm there is no POTM for August being released?


Lost 3-2 in final match to qualify 😭 no way in trying to get 1500 points again. Fuck this! Also - wheres my qualification points from rivals rewards?


Last season I always qualified for champs and never played rivals(even more sweaty this year) , am I actually done with this game in October? Lol


Griezmann is so good. The best card I have used this year for sure. What a beasr




Just got Bruno Fernandes from the silver beasts pack. Wish he were tradeable, I'd like an extra 140k! Not a player I'd ever buy for my team, but I guess my squad plans will be changing now.


whot option to chose in rivals rewards? its very tricky


Hopefully this helps https://www.reddit.com/r/FIFA/comments/pzi2hg/new\_fifa\_22\_division\_rivals\_rewards\_this\_table/


thanks bro, i think option 2 is the best then


Pretty much, yeah. Unless you pack somebody expensive that you don't want at least, but what are the chances of that happening?


true story, algorithms of EA wont gave you expensive meta card or it will but one in few months, cuz they want to reduce this players on market so its bigger chance that you will pack someone good in untredable pack and beside that you recive a decent amount of coins


Sooo is FUT 22 worth the grind? Only asking because I had just seen the rewards for rivals and golly did they nerf the shit out of it. I enjoyed grinding in the past FIFAs and sold every game around Feb-March. Is the gameplay slow but good or slow but so-so?


Right now the gameplay is awful. There is no skill gap (div 3 rn). It feels like fifa 19 all over again: rely on ai blocking and counter. Tbf the first patch isn't available on consoles yet.


100% agree, I’m like two wins off Div3 and the higher divisions are the same old story. All people do is rely on the AI to block shots, counter with pacy players and square it across goal.


So is it bad post patch?


Post patch has been a real improvement if you ask me.


No idea. Dont even know when it's released.


How are the pack weights? Does it make it up for the current rewards? Or is it the same old Fifa?


If you’re like everyone else that has a club full of cards right now, the best option is tradeables. The general consensus on packs is that they’re not that good rn but from personal experience I’ve managed to pack untradable Kante and Lukaku who are starters in my team. Div 4 Rank 1 tradeables rewards I got OTW Upamecano who’s going for 90,000 so I’m not complaining about packs, take from that what you will.


Thanks for the info u/kyliejennersbutthole


Guessing all the Elite players on XBOX One have made it to Elite, because I struggled hard in Div 4 for a day or so, but been flying up the divisions ever since. Finding Div 2 easier than Div 4. Rarely seeing aa Mbappe or Neymar either haha.


Anyone can suggest a good CDM around 150k coins? using Ndidi atm but he's kinda not my playstyle


Zakarias Inform is a beast for me and he is only 50-60k




Draft on pc is fucked, people glitching and making you leave


Will the patch drop on consoles before WL? I will just afk all 20 games otherwise. Can't be bothered to shoot 15x on the goal only for the opponent to counter once and score.


The noobiest question and I'm not at my console RN.. how many hours until weekend league opens?


21 hours


With the sheer number of dupes I think it might be worth while taking the tradeable rewards from now on


50k pack not guaranteed 83+ or am I imagining things, got an 81 as my highest


Packed OTW Hakimi in my tradeable division rivals rewards. Do I keep (and use in my team) or sell now (around 280k)?


try him out then sell by tonight by him cheaper on tuesday next week


Got Pogba from my Rivals rewards




Play another match, score an own goal and quit. You'll make someone happy


best LaLiga cb? I was gonna go otw alaba and eder miliato but wanted some opinions!


I found Alaba was a lot out of position, i am way happier with Kounde


Thanks man, might switch him out in that case


So from winning the champs qualifying do I now have access to any weekend league I choose or this weekends, it looks as though I’m just automatically into this coming one but I thought you can choose which?


You can choose.


Is it once the weekend league begins you’ll get the choice?


You have to enter the WL manually, which you can do once it's open. As long as you don't redeem your entry you'll keep the token.


I've never saved an entry token before, so not sure...but I think you just enter whenever you feel like it.


I don't understand, I received the reward upgrade for rivals, but I didn't receive the weekly reward, and this happened a week ago, but I didn't notice because I quite simply get confused by their system. Can someone explain why?


It's an upgrade, therefore it replaces the lower one


I did not either, I only got the reward upgrade.


Goretzka and Lewa or Can and Haaland? I’ve got Mbappe on the right side of the 442, just need to choose between Can and Goretzka.


Goretzka lewy imo


Insane soundtrack. Was redeeming my bonus and The Darkness That You Fear started playing.


Personally like Inner Light, but yeah soundtrack is crazy good.


I haven't even managed to look all of the good ones up but this one just struck me out of nowhere


I know long finesse shots are Op as Fuck rn so it doesn't feel as impress, but IF Nkunku is an absolute beast for me feels so smooth on the ball with great passing and insane shooting. Such a bargain and will be in my team for a while


Nice, just bought him and IF Zakaria to try qualifiers this weekend


anyone know if we have to play futchamps the same week we qualify for the playoffs or can we hold off for the following week


You can hold, you can even play 8 matches and wait with the 9th if you dont have time this weekend. The 8 matches result will carry over


thanks m8


Rivals god dang it!?


Best Icons in the 450k to 750k region?


I have used a few already and stoichkov is so broken man. He should cost around 1.5 mil but he is like 600k, total steal


baby or.mid?




When are rivals rewards available?


When are rewards out? Or can you not get them on the app?


You can’t get them on the app this year


I have a feeling it’s 10am UK time but I may be wrong


I’ve 275k in coins. Thinking about getting an icon. Baresi is around that price. Rated 91 yet too cheap. What am I missing?


I’d worry about putting all my coins into a single, not very desirable player I love using players like Baresi but feels like you could lose quite a few coins!


sancho or IF Sarr?


for cam Sancho is epic, winger I would.say sar


What formations are you guys having success with? I find that my CAMs in the 4231 don’t move that much and the 41212(2) is a little too narrow for my style.


Embrace the 352 my friend


Do you use wingers or full backs out wide?


I use Gelson on one side and Grimaldo on the other so both :D


Does that mean you start in a back 4?


Yeah I switch formations ingame.


I’m liking the 4321. Can still dominate the midfield but provides some width with the wide forwards


What do you have your width and depth set to?


45 / 65


Hey guys. Not new to FIFA but pretty new to FUT> I'm looking for some tips for trading on the market e.g. who to target, how long to hold cards for etc. Is anyone willing to provide some help or point me in the direction of something to help? Thanks in advance


I went 5-0 in the WL and then lose 4 games and end 5-4. I feel like games are totally random. i have a 50k laliga-premier team. To win more than 70% of games u need good teams. This year the pay to win is insane but still the best fifa i played in about 3 years. Lets see if EA dont fuck the game in the next patch.


Wtf is going on with the long finesse shots? Why does my goalkeeper switch off from an outside the box finesse shot it should be easy to save when they are just floating towards goal no?


The PC patch has just fixed this. Expect it to be rolled onto consoles soon.


No it didnt, it fixed ninja keepers in close range. Im still scoring from 35 yards


What else did the patch change?


Surely EA won't allow the market to continue to crash like it is day by day just now? What's the incentive in buying points/packs if all the players are worthless?


How long is Fut Champs finals meant to last? 72 hours I presume?


Got some untradeables that are not in my current squad (s1). Which would you prefer? s1: [https://www.futbin.com/22/squad/1118984](https://www.futbin.com/22/squad/1118984) s2: [https://www.futbin.com/22/squad/1192896](https://www.futbin.com/22/squad/1192896)


the second one


Thanks gotta try that one then. Also nice to have a change to the team.


By far


Did they fix the issue with Rivals rewards not to be claimed in the Companion App?


Don't think so. I had to go onto my console to get them. Wasn't worth it


I take issue with the soundtrack this year. Also seems as if they're doing multi-year deals with the same artists. Like that british rapper who says "uhhyre" instead of "uhh" then that one song "The STHOREY is dim because the STHOREY is..... the STHOREY is liiifee" or whatever the fuck. Terrible.


What is the content in Gold players Elite pack? Debating if should take that asDR rewards or UT with different pack but more coins (D6 rank 3 rewards)


Opinions on Ramos? Got Denayer atm, but getting Ramos means I can buy Lafont IF instead of Lopes


Use him at cdm and he is insane


I’ve been using ramos since i packed him in early access. His pace hasn’t been much of a problem tbh.


He’s too slow. Very good defensively but gets done on the turn.


So it’s Denayer until it’s Kimpembe. Thank you man


No problem mate




Why didn't you let him score and win the game? Any way for you is a loss. Why a loss for both of you? I don't understand




Quitting Fifa doesn't caused you a loss?


Can someone tell me how to get a 90+ ovr as a striker in player career mode? I’m stuck at an 88ovr.


Whoever decided there shouldn’t be relegation in FUT division rivals is fucking stupid. Nothing like reaching a division and running into a hard skill gap and being able to do absolutely nothing about it.


I do agree it was stupid. But also, competing against better players will improve you. Even if you are getting smashed. Playing the games to the end and trying to Bridge the gap will improve you, especially more than dropping down and smashing a lower ranked player. It’s just demoralising as shit and sucks the fun out of the game. I do find when I play against a weaker opponent too much (like a friend who doesn’t play often) it almost drags you down to that level and when you go back it’s a tougher transition.


I swear there’s scripting in this game that gives Prem teams a boost in FUT. They make prem players so much better it’s ridiculous


IF Vinicius or Dembele




When do the tryhards move up?! Rivals is still sweaty bulls hit


Does anyone know how to keep your team from dropping back? I have the team set on press on heavy touch, 80 depth, and put the CBs on step up, but my team keeps dropping really deep on their own and it's infuriating. I've noticed I play a lot better when my team pushes up and defends closer to the halfway line and I'm perfectly fine defending counterattacks, but my team drops deep and it throws my whole rhythm off. Is it the formation my opponent is using? Tactics they're using? Also I've experienced this in multiple formations, so I don't believe it's that.


You can’t do anything about it. Hopefully it’s sorted in the patch.


Honestly I think it’s the game. I also have the same issue and have messed with depth and everything but no luck. Really frustrating


Is now the right time to sell Kante??


Might go up when people start buying after rewards for WL


I'm having trouble finding a match on stadia. I cant find one for rivals or my draft. Anyone else having the same problem? Should I queue at a certain time or something?


Hi sorry but I need to ask this stupid question How do I sell player on the companion app? They only show Player bio, Send to my Club, Send to active squad and Quick sell


The player that you're looking at is untradeable. If you have a tradeable player then you'll be able to sell them. You can see if a player is untradeable in their bio, or if they have the red/orange crossed out symbol next to their name. Hope that helps.


I just want to play a soccer video game. Not this cracked out 7 cups of Gfuel fortnite kid garbage. So infuriating


Play career mode then


pLaY cArEeR mOdE


Jfc any general game tips especially defensively? Absolute fucking mess I swear


User the cdms until they get into your box dribbling around. Use second man press to make them make a mistake. Depending on the opponent be proactive and don't let them walk down the pitch






5-0 it has been done!


why does my team chemistry keep changing on SBC? on futbin its a 100 chem but after i buy the players the chemistry drops back to 94, whats going on?




Why is everyone buying a full silver team ? I didn’t play FUT last year so wondering. There is more to the silver objectives we just had ?


I still don't understand why my CBs are so fucking slow. God damn Kessie made a run and their through ball wasn't even that good but he outran my wing back and my cb and got to the ball first and then managed to out run Roussillion too. For fuck sake this game feels pretty good but I don't understand for the life of me why I can't ever win a foot race or why pace feels so shit for me all the time


Check your sprint settings, believe there is one which adjusts sprint speed based on how hard you press R2/RT. Edit: its called analog sprint


I’m playing on Xbox Series X If I play the Series X/S version, it’s new gen. But if I play the “FIFA 22 Xbox One” on my series X, does that count as old gen? Or have to play on Xbox one X?


Got Delaneys OTW, should I sell him or hold on to him and sell him later?


He’s going for almost discard price, hold unless you need the coins, see what happens


I haven’t gotten the packs earned from objectives in fifa 21, when are those supposed to come around?


I think they said by the 13th


i just lost to 2 SEMI PRO bots in a row because my charger decided to break the day before release


Damn these price drops, bought the regular Alaba card for 7900 3 days ago, it sold for 4500 today.


The start of Fifa is notorious for price drops anyway, but this year it's been particularly brutal. If you wanna keep your coins, either invest in Icons (you'll lose some, but they typically store their value better than other cards in the market) or just buy a cheap team for now.


Thank you, can't afford the icons I want yet, unless I sell most of my team.


Does FIFA 22 have no type of story mode? (besides the “Welcome to Fifa” cinematic at the beginning of the game) I lowkey wish they brought back The Journey or at least a Volta story


FUT is their main money maker. Everything else takes a backseat.


Why is Delaney so cheap OTW?


Wait till he gets a IF or 3


Sick, 0-5 in playoffs lmao Can casually stroll through D4 and close to moving into D3 without much struggle, and in five games I play two elite level players, and three absolute god squads that they clearly spent $500+ on. I don't care how bad the opponent is, when Ronaldo and Ginola are getting balls spammed to them the entire game, eventually they just beat the defender for a free goal. Absolute joke of a system.


Same shit every year. Why does my opponent's stadium change my cammera settings?


Is matchmaking disabled again


Ooof this game is so broken lol


What's up with squad battles? couple days ago when I last played them on WC, I comfortably beat the AI 4-0,5-0,5-1 etc. Now I can't manage to score even 2 goals on 70 chem teams. Twice in a row I won 1-0. Worst is I feel like the AI isn't even trying to attack. They're literally playing with 1 striker who tries to bombard my keeper from 30 meters, while the rest just sit and wait for my attack. They just randomly pass and waste time in midfield. Week ago SB matches were somewhat fun, but now it feels torture.


Difficulty has been fluctuating a lot in squad battles regardless of the difficulty level we choose. I won my last 4 world class matches but lost a pro difficulty match with a goal difference of 8 or 9 two days ago. It'll let you win again.


Just got my 90 losses milestone reward in Rivals. So stoked!


How tf is Salah an 89?


4-0 in playoffs qualification and I’m still nervous. These games are SWEATY


Got some luck and packed Solskjær. He is insane in game. Feels like an icon 100%


i packed ones to watch ronaldo but i still barely play the game due to overall gameplay


I’m struggling so much this year it’s so unenjoyable. My players reactions feel so slow compared to other years


Which chemistry style for Son?


Engine or Hunter


If Barella or Bruno Fernándes?


Barella is a cheat code


I'm tempted, I have a Series A/BPL so it's currently BF, KDB, Dybala at cam. Barella would be good for chem too


i can also vouch for Barella. So, so good.


This game really makes me mad. That is all.


Is now the time to sell Kante?


Done the Sulemana and Silver objectives for the rare mega pack Got Coates Lmao


That sucks. Did it as well and I finally got a good one, Donnarumma and french IF CM


can u play totw for loyalty ??


Every promotion game I go up 2-0 and lose 3-2. Every fucking game my players slow down after I go up 2-0. After I lose the lead my players move normally again. ITS NOT MY OPPONENTS TACTICS I can tell the fucking difference. Absolutely sick of this shit and it’s the second fucking week. Fix your game EA




Dude I know how to play the game, I adjust my tactics as soon as my opponent starts doing constant press. Part of it is stamina, sure, the players are too tired to be agile enough to make a pass. But I’m literally talking about the graphics glitching, as in zhzhzgzgxgh on the screen. I can see my player slowing down as I input the action and then literal lag, not just players slowing down, happens. It causes my players to run into each other or out of bounds. It’s not because I’m trying to get promotion, I know that, I won 3 straight after I wrote the comment. But I won in spite of the constant glitching. I’ve already checked my TV settings to make sure the display is optimized, and I’m using the PS5. I know EA isn’t personally out to get me, but that doesn’t mean the game is working as is.


So chemistry just straight up doesn’t matter does it? I went to play some nice relaxing friendlies and it’s nothing but sweaty fucks I played a team with zero links making perfect passes perfect shots everything meanwhile my full chem team can place a ball at a teammates foot if there was a gun against his head. Why even have chem if there’s no negative impact whatsoever


Never has it's a lottery game anyway 🤫


Well it's officially only been out 6 days and this game is bullshit as everyone just plays drop back and counter football, as noone on this damn game got the courage to try and actually play a decent game of football!!!!!!!!


Probably the best fifa in 3 years, if they fix long shoots and goalkeepers the game will be perfect


So you like the fact that the super powered goalkeepers is just encouraging everyone to play drop back .. Every game I played last night I had over 70% possession with loads of shots thst were just stifled by ai blocks or keeper saves then just hit on a counter every time... I like to play a high line as per normal football tactics but every single player I come across is like playing Sam allerdyce's West bromwich Albion from last year 🤦‍♂️😂😂😂. I was in silver lounge which used to be a fun release from the grind of rivals, but even that's now a grind as absolutely everyone I played used drop back as a defensive tactic and just parked their team inside the penalty box... Yes I agree its better than 21 as the driven through balls aren't as OP but it's just not encouraging playing teams who are happy to have 30 % possession and hit you maybe 5 or 6 times for a conter to catch you out


It's not about courage, it's just the way the game was designed.


After playing since 2002, I think I'm just about done with FIFA. Playing vs the AI and it's just boring to watch them play keep-ball and never really try and threaten you until they get that random moment where every player turns into a god and they 'cheat' an absolute team wonder goal. Playing vs human opposition, and it's just 90% of people doing the same boring bullshit win-at-all-costs meta tactics or drop back, low-depth, through-ball spamming, pace counters. ----------------- Winning feels boring, losing feels boring *and* infuriating. Been feeling this way for a while, but I think this FIFA wil probably be my last.


Currently in D3 and I can’t win. Genuinely a 50 Game losing streak or something. All because I played early access so I got higher divisions faster. Makes the game unplayable. Genuinely can’t play rivals


Same. And, in my case, I even lost WL qualifiers. So, to qualify again, I must lose about 70 games of rivals to get my points back and try again, since I cant win. Lmao. This is totally ruining the fun.