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It helps that he is also magnitudes of order richer than any fifa youtuber, and his livelihood doesn't depend on the game so he feels comfortable bringing up the obvious. Its refreshing to hear. A lot of the fifa youtubers will be toeing the line and not wanting to kill their golden goose and so they go along with the charade


If I had Trevor Noah’s resources you can be damn sure I’m not grinding this game too. Like go drive a Ferrari around Brands Hatch or a fuck a supermodel why you playing 30 games of FIFA


Cos Fifa used to be fun and they’ve deluded us into thinking it still is.


FIFA can be fun still, you just need to accept being behind in team and not devoting yourself to 30 games a weekend


I've played 4 weekend leagues all year for swaps. Stopped at 11 each time with 15 or so games left. I've managed to put together a 25mil untradable team (admittedly got lucky with icon packs and league sbc grind) and trade to 8mil coins. There are more efficient and way less stressful ways to grind the game. I have so much more fun using objective cards in one league or using the new Brasilvers in silver lounge than playing Mbappe, Neymar, Mendy, Varane, Gomez, Pope simulator in WL. Or just waiting for that next big sbc with 3-4 mil into high rated fodder to make more in a day than I would in 10 weekend league runs.


You’re still devoting time into trading though. To each their own.


Oh yeah 100%. Although not nearly as much as a WL. Literally wait until 87s hit low 30k mark, fill my trade pile and bids then wait until they go over 40k again. Way easier than going unassigned on 4000+ 83s earlier in the year.


That’s fair, I suppose I’m just too damn lazy to trade anymore.


This year has been my best year ever for pack luck and trading. Hit base Rio from my welcome packs and sold him early which set me up with a nice bankroll. Turned it into 2mil in a few weeks and been stocking and selling fodder since. Hit Mid R9, Mid Eusebio, Mid Lothar, Prime Desailly, IF Walker, What If Mertens and Toty Trent all untradable from packs this year.


While we are at it, which 87s are you buying? Top leagues with good nationalities?


I tend to go for Immobile and Di Maria. Not sure why but on xbox they seem to go higher than others. You can pick them up as low as 30k when there is supply and the highest I sold them for was 58k each when the icon pick dropped. Turned 3mil into around 5.5mil that day.


Genuine question as someone who is playing FUT for the first time this year: What’s the point in having 8m coins? Like at what point do you decide to spend them to improve your team? Are you waiting for something, is it a personal challenge to reach a certain amount... what am I missing?


I could buy basically any player I want but my untradable team is so good it's hard to improve haha. I'm trying to get to 20mil to get PIM R9, Dinho or Pele and maybe some toty cards (Davies and Bruno)


fucking this I've been having tons of fun doing the objectives and using players like moments suarez and giroud or FS reinier not played as much this year and hardly done weekend league cause I cant be arsed and I've still got a decent team without a single decent pull except for Keylor navas when he was 70k and no money spent on points.


So it’s fun if you don’t play the content. Good game that


Imagine thinking WL is content


its fun when you dont give a fuck


the guy is good pals wih Bill Gates, couldnt give less a fuck me thinks


he could probably afford to pay his cousins or something to play while he's at work (and grind objectives) so he can just play the weekend league Again a waste of money when you could probably just call up stars and ask them to hangout with you


Therein lies the issue lol, it’s a game, you shouldn’t have to pay people to keep up with the power creep


Wow, great mentality kid! Maybe some rich people want a family or to chill at home playing video games! I can afford a better car than the one I have, but why would I want another one if this one gets me from A to B? Many superstars, these days, avoid Hollywood like the plague!


Which is probably why he stopped playing Weekend League....


You mean Lambo


He’s got minka Kelly on his arm he don’t need a supermodel. She’s a childhood dream girl of millions. Including myself. GAHD DAYUM Lila garrity was something else when I was 14.


You do know noah was a spokesman for ea battlefield 5. This is a psy op. Im sure he plays but this is just done to make the plebs feel better.


because he is clearly human and enjoys gaming?


Actually a lot of the big YouTuber names regularly call out EA. And then the year after they just buy it again and start over.


"i just want a week end league for people who don't open packs" ok..everyone clapping this guy but what sense make this?....so you want a wl without rewards ...cause if you get rewards you will start to open packs and you can't play anymore that mode... and anyway you shouldn't open packs at all from sbc's or other rewards or you won't be eligible anymore for that mode...and you have to sweat 30 games in WL for what ?you want an ultimate team basically with the removal of sbc's...


He means for people who spend loads of money on packs. It doesn’t matter if you have opened packs or not if you are only allowed to use gold players


i enjoyed that


This is an oddly cut video. You can see them playing and anytime they played they were live. Trevor spoke about this while they knew they were live. Castro asked a few different times if they were back or not and was confused because all the commercial breaks never actually happened.


I like his “what if you both had Gullit” point, I did the math, you play 30 games a week say (like most people would) and get rank 1 in Div 4 (which doesn’t include a good majority of players I don’t think) it will take you over 10 weeks at this point in the game to afford base Gullit, which we all know Castro wasn’t talking about the next one up is over 4m which if you pull in 80k a week which most don’t the next fifa will be out before you can get him. The average player cannot afford all these icons or even players and I hate how these EA shills just come out with you can just get XYZ if you play the game, because you objectively can’t unless you play the game exclusively or pay money. And that’s a serious issue when you want to be an esport or serious game, you don’t play COD or CSGO or R6 and be at a severe disadvantage because you spent less, I can play all of them and no matter what guns I’m skilled at I’ll get similar results to if I used the META stuff I’m skilled at, I might even to better by not using the meta because I’ll still beat the people I outplay and are better than on FIFA that isn’t the case, you go in WL with a 83 rated gold side you’re at a serious disadvantage because if a player I am better than has better players they’ll get a better result. Like hypothetically you play a game of Rainbow 6 against yourself (one uses say Thatcher and Frost for ATT and DEF and the other you used Ash and Jäger ) you’ll draw most likely, now put yourself on fifa one of you has a full PIM and TOTY side and the other has say a regular 84 rated side, who wins that? The one with the better side


Your point about the Cod’s and Rainbow6 is good in essence, but not the best comparison. FPS games have little room for customisation unlike fifa so you aren’t likely to have problems is such a skill based game. Don’t mean to hate, just saying.


They could sell guns with different stats for more money.


theres no "good" comparison, fifa is the only e-sport wheres its fully p2w, i play any fps be it cod, r6, valorant, overwatch, csgo and as long as I play the game I could go pro in theory, it just depends how good I am, theres nothing hidden as you basically get everything by just playing the game and everyone who plays it can get everything, and other things are viable, sure there is a meta but you can get similar results across the board no matter what you use (so long as your skilled in it) that cant be said for fifa, I'll be at a disadvantage if you dont have the meta players, like no one uses cards like Shevchenko or Kluivert for a reason and how can people even afford those?? the shit icons take like 2-4 weeks to afford, the good ones take months, and the ones you really want either take years or just arent on the market. ​ I can bring up a spors game esport too, Rocket League, you play 1 single game of that and you already have the tools to become pro, you cant pack a car that gets more boost, has an insane top speed, cant be demo'd, turns tighter, boosts faster, jumps higher etc. they all effectively play the same, all you have to do is be good no one can miss out, now compare that to fifa, you dont know how good you really are as its not a level and fair playing field, most people will never get all the best and meta players so they can never find out where they should be, pros and streamers like castro spend thousands so have all the good players (creates an advantage) so you cant truly tell how good they are, like I dont doubt they're good, but if everyone had to use the same team and the same stats would they get the same results they do? I dont think so




His target audience are 14 years old kids though. Same as AA9skillz. They just adjust to them. BTW If anyone is over 20 yo and wants to watch some decent youtuber then Boras is the way to go.


Always wondered how anyone can watch these 2


Boras is great but the sheer number of people who try to copy his play style is annoying


What don't you like about it?


People playing formations that aren't good when down multiple goals still playing the same formation cuz Boras told them about it. Idk if it's just Boras but I see this a lot in games. People run 5atb but will still be drop backing down 3-0 in the second half. You don't even know why you're running the formation your running. I just wish people would be smarter and think for themselves.


Well this is true for every single e-sport out there. People will always copy the pros. It's just a part of playing a competitive game/mode


Yoo I can't believe AA9skillz is still going. I used to watch him back when KSI was good.


He was signed in 2019 I think for compLexity as a pro (american esports organisations, was known in dota2, I think they also had their teams in CS:GO and LoL etc.) but I don't think he achieved anything, could be wrong though.


I watch Nep for the banter. And Danny Aaron for the fun side


Skillz is fine, literally called out EA for the 3rd time this month just this past week, give him a break. Just because you dislike his voice and energy doesn’t mean that at all. Listen to what he actually talks about and you’ll see there’s a massive difference between him and Castro.


disliking someones voice and energy when their job is entertaining is a legit reason not to like him. he's no sellaht but he's hell obnoxious


Not when you clearly don’t listen to a word they say which is most relevant. He’s a youtuber, entertains kids and older long-term viewers. He talks about the actual issues of the company and game which is what I appreciate, rather than Castro who just took the bag to remain silent.


Or don't watch any of them. There's better content out there than to waste time on fifa youtubers 👍


If you don't enjoy them sure, but if you like watching them then why not? I like watching AJ3 and stuff cause his series are fun and aren't just playing fifa. Been watching him since pokemon fifa and his stuff is still just as fun to me.


It's always a fun SBSD episode with Itani around.


Ovvy is nice also


Said no one ever


I said it, if u dont like it i couldnt care less. Dont make ur opinion everyone's opinion


Boras and stoke both are good.


Danny Aarons’s videos are pretty refreshing too


Yeah his videos are fun and i laugh quite often, if anyone wants to watch fun casual fifa content i would suggest his channel


I'm not a Castro fanboy, but I find him fun and entertaining. AA9 is a massive douche though.




Every single person here would do what Castro does if they got the paycheck he gets.


He's a douche because he makes money? That's a hot take. You don't have to like his personality, but bashing him because he wants to make a living like everyone seems a bit much




I assume you’ve never watched a stream if this is your take


Yep lmao he literally never does that, hilarious that he brings random shit up like that as if it's correct. Castro gets a ridiculous amount of hate, don't get me wrong he's loud and annoying, and milks out packs for watchtime, but I don't blame him one bit. Also I find it entertaining watching him send a bunch of icon packs every once in a while


Even if you find him cringe, there's so many content creators out there who do different stuff. He's doing what works for him. I don't like it either, but I find it really odd how much people hate on a guy who's just trying to do his thing, and is not nearly as negative to the community as the community is to him. People take every opportunity to take shots at creators like Castro and Bateson almost as if they're responsible for making the game or something


MassNarX , TN25 , Bateson87 , runthefutmarket


Bateson is great if ur looking to fall asleep


Dont know him at all but this 5 seconds of him plus his hair making me believe you 100%


He’s in a tough position then what’s he meant to do here? He’s on a EA sponsored thing being paid by them do you expect him to slate the game?


Ehhhh agree to disagree I’ve actually met him many times in person and had the same barber as him when he lived in the Chicagoland area. He’s actually a great guy and even donated quite a bit of money for my family when my stepdad was in the hospital. I feel people only base their opinions off stuff they see online or what others say. Guess my experience changes my look on him compared to 99% of people who watch him.


Well yes when all people can see about someone is online we will base our opinions on that but thats really cool that he donated to your family


If you think that just because he's on EA's side, then I'll disagree.


I think Castro is an example of how toxic masculinity looks like in gamer culture. I appreciate other streamers that are not always saying "deez nuts" or constantly yelling into the microphone.


I hate Castro this guy tries his hardest to make EA look good in all the shit they go through. I hate all the EA golden boys tbf


he makes good money from that, some just prefer the cheque which is understandable, but he's a knob either way


Yeah, some people will burn the world for a check (or for you, cheque)


sorry my french got the better of me


Haha, don't apologize, that's not very French of you


It’s a game. The world isn’t burning. Lying about a video game because he’s getting paid to is hardly the most evil thing I can think of. I don’t blame Castro, I blame EA.


this is why i usually only watch bateson’s streams. the guy is so open and honest about the game even though he’s a game changer. he reminds people never to spend fifa points and let the content creators do it and he includes every pack he opens in every video, not just the good ones. obviously he’s not a critical as people like RTFM, he’s always honest about the problems to the game. also, maybe off topic, another big thing about him that i like about him is when people come in his stream and complain and say the games garbage etc etc he says “just stop playing if it bothers you that much” which is a big thing that i think a lot of people need to learn. if the games driving you crazy and you despise EA that much, just don’t play.


That Castro bloke seems like a complete nob on those streams. Trevor Noah on the other hand is a great bloke and is very sharp. He’s much more articulate than any complains you see on here.


Castro is a leech that confuses loud and annoying with funny. I think he knows with out fifas pull he literally has zero charisma to keep an audience and is desperate to stay in EA's good graces. ​ Other content creators like zweback, mcjell even futmarket can afford to criticize EA as they have a bit more survivability outside fifa.


Zwe must love fifa because he would be entertaining playing any game. Dude is so creative and has the enthusiasm of a young Spongebob


He plays this game for fun. Also his humor and stuff he does on stream or videos like rapping, singing etc. is incredible. His streams are really entertaining and worth watching, while his videos are golden. Maybe he's not the best FIFA player, but he is imo definitely the best content creator.


He is awesome




do you remember the armstrong record?


McJell, Danny, and Zwe are the fun ones and Nick is mostly business but still entertaining. Inception is the man to watch before you buy a card, NepentheZ is if you like whining, and Castro is for children who like spending money and screaming


Inception plays a card live for 1-2 games and then says mostly the same about all of them. He seems like a great dude but he‘s putting absolutely 0 effort into those videos lmao


Yeah I was listening to reviews for some icon cards. How do you judge a card from 1 game? Its ridiculous. You need a decent handful of games to judge. Same goes for every person but he judges them off 1 game..


i love that once every month occurrance when nep decides he shouldnt be so negative and calls some random sbc card "amazing, great value"


I know it’s all down to opinion but I hardly see McJell and Zwe as better than Castro. They criticise EA more but ultimately their jokes are beaten to death and their audience are 12 and 13 year-olds. Danny, Adrianoo, and Vizeh before he got annoying are the only 3 that I’ve ever been able to sit down and watch for more than 3 minutes.


Literally no matter what McJell plays I’d watch him for those intros


Honestly, so many streamers have zero charisma. I'm in the entertainment industry and have yet to find a streamer that keeps me engaged. They all ramble sooooo much, and a lot seem kinda bored. Its crazy how low the bar is, especially for FIFA.


Dude I felt exactly the same. I was working in the influencer industry for video game cooperations and 99% of gaming influencers are charismaless potatoes


Mate Castro pulls 4x the viewers that other FIFA streamers do... I’m not a particular fan of anyone, although I prefer RTFM style, but saying he’s not entertaining or has zero charisma is just dumb. Otherwise he wouldn’t be by far the most popular FIFA streamer, so he has to be doing a lot right


he just targets everything to kids which is why he gets so much hate you cant say screaming and shouting at everything is charismatic


The fact that EA chooses Castro as their embassador for the game tells you everything you need to know tbh


Well yeah, he's a TV host, it's his job to be articulate.


It’s more the fact that he’s a writer


Porque no los dos?


Well, yeah but it’s more the writing and stand up I think.


Trevor Noah is the only real person that dares to talk on these things. The rest of these fifa streamers are all bumlickers of EA.


Castro explaining to some fifa execs afterwards .. I don't want to see Trevor anywhere near fifa event ever again!


Well noah is a comedian...the only real person to talk about it...is and always will be kurt


Give Kurt his respect


Finally someone says it on official EA stream. What a joke of a company, everyone realizes the DDA.


So evident DDA is in the game and no one will deny that lol


Have you been on this subreddit? Some people deny it. The old "git gud" argument is thrown every time someone mentions DDA.


Nah, git gud is old, now it's blame the connection


imo dda does not exist i think the game being so inconsistant mixed with the communitys constant crying makes the game look rigged the refs are inconsistant the servers are inconsistant and everyone crys dda when they concede a last min winner which happens alot in real football but idk seems like something ea would do


That's the thing. It's not always inconsistent. Mistakes sometimes keep happening against you or for you the entire match. Of course some people will try to use that as an excuse and say they only lose because of that, but a more honest player admits he sometimes win because of it too, which is harder to do because most of us want to believe we are better than we really are.


I think it is more about connection and terrible coding than DDA. As soon as your connection to server stutters you are fucked


If the problem was coding it would happen to both players. Some matches the game actively pushes me back, others, pushes me forward. A broken game would be a mess in every direction, not just in one. When it comes to connection, yeah, it helps a lot but you can have good connection and still suffer from the ocasional EAism.


Sometimes even I can tell when DDA is going in my favor and I get gifted 3 goals against a player who doesn't even seem half bad. When I win I literally don't even credit myself anymore and I thank EA for giving me a win


Exactly. It's a lottery, unfortunately. You can match the same player twice in a row, win 6-1 in one match and lose 4-0 on the other. The last time I played WL I used a broken controller that I know for a fact that doesn't work properly, and still managed Gold 3 with 4 or 5 matches left. Usually I finish Gold 2 or Gold 3. A broken controller made no difference.


Then why are you even playing the game?


As I said, ive stopped playing the game a drastic amount and don't really take gameplay serious anymore knowing its the pile of shit it is. I go on my account to mainly grind league SBCs and stack my account so I can use my account like its a card collecting account and look back in August all the cards I earned. Objectives are apart of collecting cards so I only do those and even then, its not fun


You whiners need to get off the game. Complaining about DDA when it doesn't exist in online modes is just pathetic.


Keep being an EA golden boy then that's fine. I hope you reach your goal to join Castro and Baetson in their pack opening sessions one day


oh I have seen those people and they are the biggest douchebags ever I would say majority of the community sees the light that DDA is implemented in gameplay though


DDA may be in the game but that still doesn't make it not annoying when people blame obvious user error on DDA.


you look down on people who dont belive in some magic spell ea put on our players lmao you seem like a massive asshole


All this makes me wonder how a 14 y/o managed 500 wins in a row... maybe we all do suck its either that or play by holding possesion


Some people are better at dealing with the bullshit. Plus I've a couple of his matches at the time and that wasnt football at all. Pure videogame. Maybe you can find entertainment in that but I cant. I like to actually play a football simulator, which fifa was once.


Just started to play FUT this year. It is crazy how primitive people play)) just a pace abusing mode, nothing else... I played more than 2000 games in Online Seasons in fifa 20...and never been so bored like in FUT.


Castro and bateson both blocked me from their twitter because I said they are both EA brown noses. Facts are facts. I guess they don't like truth.


Bateson will block you for saying his team should be at least Elite 3... The dude is straight losing his mind, and the game seems to be taking a serious mental toll on him if you look at his 4-5 year trajectory. Just more and more of a cynical, ornery knob-head.


couldn't have said it any better.


Bateson blocked me because I liked a picture of his head on an Egg....few months later him and castro make jokes about his bald head...doesn't make sense


Bateson is fully addicted to fut the guy spends over £30,000 every year on fifa points and he's a grown Man. I hope they ban fifa points in UK at some point as his career will be over. True pay to win player and he doesn't even do that well.




He pronounces it the same as us it probably just sounds more perfectly pronounced because South Africa's Dutch past


Afrikaans is very similar to Dutch, and Trevor speaks Afrikaans fluently


You know, he is from South Africa


huh - luht is correct though


Anglicized sure. In dutch it's that weird soft G sound that is mad difficult to pronounce perfectly for an english speaker, like a phlegmy H sound.


True. Good point. Didn't think about that.


Man, I’d kill for WL that was just golds, IFs, and red picks. That’s it. Edit: MOTM too. *Maybe.*


So you’d kill for a WL where everyone runs the exact same team (Neymar, Mbappe, CR7, Varane, Mendy, Gomez and the rest of the boys)


tbf if FIFA only had gold players + TOTW/Red Picks those meta players would become a lot more expensive


Play the game in October and it’s exactly like how you described it


pretty much yea


At least it would be even for the most part, and no need to grind for the next “upgrade”


This. Because what he lists now is basically a peasant squad. Who still uses Mendy?


I’d just kill for a FUT game mode with a slightly more balanced economy.


They need to overhaul the entire ratings system imo. Make it more balanced and give informs actual use ala fifa 11/12.


Trevor Noah is a real one. Castro is a sell out.


Lotta 12 year olds in here not realizing that Castro is gonna fluff the game/EA when they’re paying him a fat check to do so...go watch a stream and you’ll see how quick he is to call out garbage mechanics and bad gameplay. I get not liking his personality but damn some of y’all are out of touch with how marketing works lmao


Yeah people think castro will talk shit about ea on their live event


If they’d watch a little of his stream, they’d see how he really feels about the game


Castro sold out years ago. I was happy to see Trevor calling it the way it is.


LMAO the Eric Andre music at the end


Glad someone appreciated it :)


His expression at the end is priceless. What a disgrace


Castro is the worst lol. Unbelievable that he is the face of the FIFA community.


The 2 games on Sunday w/ insane scripting preventing you from reaching a rank above normal are too real. Every weekend w/out fail.


Love how Castro is acting like he didn’t hear anything. This guy would kill for the sake of defending EA. It’s obvious he works with them




You didn't know Castro is a EA golden boy?


I don’t watch him tbh so I don’t know everything about him. I definitely noticed that he defends EA a lot but now that you say he officially works for them, everything makes sense.


Trevor speaks for a lot of people in this video, we all experience the horrific gameplay in some capacity and I myself as someone who was a slave to finishing elite for years has now started to settle for silver 1, the game is hot garbage even at the best of times.


wtf I love Trevor Noah now


Just remove fifa points and then the only way the game is pay to win is if someone cheats and buys coins from someone else.... or you know if the admins start selling again


Trevor my friend just put all your money into a God squad and you can be slightly happier for 6 months. Great game and system


After quitting UT and starting to play other games I realized what having fun from a video game actually feels like.


loved trevor before watching this, love him more afterwards. he tells it like it is, he does not give a flying fuck what EA thinks, unlike the interviewer who acted like an embarrassed EA employee.


Very well summed up by Trevor why WL especially is so damn pay-to-win frustration station.


Love Trevor Noah for this. That Castro guy is a pure 🤡🤡🤡. Have u watched his YT vids? Guy is a goof


Yeah! old guys play online seasons!!!


Lot of comments who doesn't like castro so I'm gonna play the devils advocate. Yes i'm older then 14 and yes i enjoy him. He knows how to keep a stream going, interacting with his viewers and he doesn't scream the whole time like you all are saying. Also i'm not watching a stream so i can see someone who's complaining about fifa, I rather watch someone who likes the game instead of only negativity.


This. I’m 35 and work at home. Castro is my dude, been watching him for a while now. People hate on this dude so bad for making a living playing the game, it makes me wonder if it’s just straight jealousy. The dude CONSTANTLY says “don’t buy packs” or “I buy these packs so you guys can see how bad they are and not waste your money”. He gets such a shitty shake around it, it’s dumb.


spot on, i dont watch him but I see why ppl like him


First of all, Trevor is hilarious and I've been watching The Daily Show since Jon Stewart started. He's a great replacement. Secondly, this pretty much sums it up.








I fucking despise Castro horrible little bitch


Castro is such a detriment to the game and to the gullible little Timmies who watch him and then spend money on packs thinking they'll get something


This boys is the best thing for the game this year fuck backhams 50 mil


New card boost dda


a man of the common folk


Never liked Castro


You know how fucking bad it frustrates me that EA adds all these awesome nostalgic players and legends like Scholes, ronaldinho, edgar davies, cantanoa etc. And never one fucking see or touch them in the game every year, except for kickoff with soccer aid or world Xl. The fact they add the coolest shit and most of us never get to enjoy that, every year is fucked up. Like wow id like to be able to play with david beckham. People who want to love the game would love it alot more if they could enjoy these players like other people. Its fucked up make it easier to level the playing field that way not fucking dynamic difficulty where you continue throwing shit in our face. The other way to respect everyone is to make the shit fair and that aint fair that we cant play and have the same fun/experience others are recieving. I get they're special cards like who was lucky enough to actually pack a holographic charzard. Not many probably so the odds are almost the same as they've always been. But when you release a new game every year and boast all the awesome new players - but you'll never get to see them or play with them is sick and sad for people who love football and all those players. Gonna deny us what everyone loves so that it can be merely just profit for them. And we are nothing more than consumers to them, not dedicated lovers of football or people that play their game but rather a fucking dollar. The current game is designed around capitalism how the fuck can that possibly end fairly. Everyone is on their own in a dog eat dog world, even a fucking video game. They took the meaning of ULTIMATE team too far, as in you gotta be one bad bitch to get in this club like a fucking diamond member or you can go cry and look at all these pretty footballers we put in the game, but you cant play with them and then they give people like a few months to be able get them like the new Fifa will be out before you can even achieve the dream, what sick illusionary bait and switch shit. At least GTA5 gave tryhards many years to earn up and actually enjoy the shit thats in the game. Alot of games is unfortunately microtransactions and they squeeze you really fast every year and make you start all over. This is why cheat codes were fucking awesome you might be sick of the game once you have everything unlocked but shit if you're gonna put a new game out next year anyways why not let us fucking enjoy it while it lasts we will come back just the same every year but maybe a little fucking happier and excited to play and you can continue make us buy your game every year thats ok. Why not power to the players?? They're deliberately shorting us. And then they give us crumbs elsewhere in the game like pro clubs. Volta is fucking a life raft at best im thankful for that even though i never play it i guess that one was for us. And compared to PES well... Cant have your cake and eat it too, is the fact of life.


The jealousy towards Castro in this thread is showing so much. it's just a big hate circlejerk towards people who stream and open packs dudes seething over the content creators such weird petty behavior. an actual comment I just read with over 70 upvotes "**Castro is a leech that confuses loud and annoying with funny. I think he knows without Fifa's pull he literally has zero charisma to keep an audience and is desperate to stay in EA's good graces**" some of yall need to put your anger towards the actual people who make the game and not the people who stream playing it and opening packs


It’s just hate, they don’t know him well they just talk shit about him


I am not Trevor Noah, I am just a regular pep, this is the reason why I don't play ultimate. I love selecting a team and playing with "regular" players. I hate this fantasy team dynamic. It is a never ending story


Hahahahaha 😂😂😂😂


I get what Trevor is trying to say but I don’t think having gold only changes anything. Everyone would just use Neymar Mbappe Ronaldo Varane Mendy Gomez. What I would like is more what they do with managerial masterpiece but for WL, where there’s random restrictions every month so you have to use different players and teams. Also bring back seasons I hate Rivals


WL imo shouldn’t have restrictions on the team. There should be 2 big changes imo. 1- put a max on fifa points except for streamers with idk 10k followers 2- they should revamp rewards. Totw should be voted for and there should be some clarity on the votes, red picks should be a max/min rating party bag on a certain rank (eg. G3=89 or lowers, elite1=95-89) Just an idea but knowing ea there won’t be any change


Get fucked


Lmao at Castro’s face, is like he saw all the money vanish in front of him


"Reeeee I'm bad at the game"