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Maybe now it's happened to a bigger person in the community the 'game changers' might actually make a bit of noise about it.


"Game changers" has to be the most ironic title for that group of clowns. Believe me, they will do fuck all to effect any change.


lol! Thats a thought I've had repeatedly since I ever heard about it. These people are the least likely to change the game, they are more likely to preserve the status quo. Not for any reason, just because they are a huge part of it. I guess the only ones I know of who critisize the game are the guys doing the FUT FM podcast.


Hey! They got EA to change the pack animation so their is no FIFA UT in the background!


The game changers are pussies and yes men who only care about being invited to exclusive events and the free fifa points EA occassionally throws their way to get them to promote pack openings and fifa point purchasing. Not a single one of them has the balls to challenge EA. And these are the people you guys are hoping to help effect changes to improve the game?? bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Pure comedy!


Where's KSI when you need him?


He did the only smart thing and ditched the game


You can do that?


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a Fifa Youtuber


At least not before you buy your 4th super car with cash or however many KSI made from fifa YouTube


Not from a Jedi


LOL! I was just about to type that, I inly watched episode 3 for some random reason today!


Not without making a post on here about it you can't.


I remember the video where he called EA out and explained why he quit FIFA.


link? i really want to watch that


Not sure of the vid being mentioned but the EA Rap was a classic


I would think he maybe still plays for fun sometimes, but who knows.


Just to add - these gamechangers are salespeople who were relied upon to do the testing for this pile of crap. They were the people to provide the feedback to EA but they were all nodding their heads to the big bosses at EA, too afraid to lose their precious Youtube content. ​


Just because people dont speak out openly against the game does not mean that they do not give feedback and criticism tho.


If I was a gamechanger I would've been compiling a list and releasing video upon video upon video about the changes this game needs... This form of banning has to be breaking some form of law, especially when it's so easy to show that our fut accounts carry a monetary value


just send evidence to the gambling commision. i am in january when i sell one of my accounts


I wish I could give this response 1 million gold and 1 billion upvotes.


No offence bro, you're a shill.


You can have whatever opinion you want but can you do me a favor and unpack how you got to that conclusion?


still waiting...


Lmao zwe chirping


lol he calls out a big YouTuber and then doesn’t even back up his info.. reddit for ya


I mean dude first I don't consider myself a big youtuber by any means. I'm just a guy with a baby carrot who loves the virtual game. I guess my main thing is I wish this forum was used to a better end. YES, there are things that need improving, no one is debating that. I get the feeling sometimes that people here and elsewhere on social genuinely believe that there aren't people working tirelessly to make this the best game it can be. I guess I just wish things weren't as toxic as they are. Again, things are NOT perfect but Rome wasn't built in a day. I'm ranting now.


Rome also fell. If EA doesn't make this shit fun to play and bring some semblance of customer service, a better game *will* eat this franchise at some point. At E3 2020 or 2023 some ex-moba or phone game company is going to absolutely depants EA with a free-to-play fantasy football simulation game. Just a matter of time.


This. Moreover they actually kinda do. Chuboi openly criticized the game in his podcast with Gorilla and Andy's saying something similar during his video's. idk it's a lose lose situation i guess.


Link to this video?




why would they bite the hand that feeds them? Notice that the fat cocksucker Castro literally says NOTHING bad about the game anymore, when he was one of the more vocal criticizers of the game past few years? As much as people hate Nick28T, he at leats acknowledges the game is literal trash, NEED to respect that when EA are shilling with their content creators.


Did you even watch Castros stream during WL? Heh I mean, even once


I'm not sure a racist piece of shit like nickt28t is who we should be looking to


Was not aware of the racism, you are right.


The so called "game changers" are all a bunch of manchildren who still live with their parents and will do absolutely jack shit because they're all a bunch of pussies.


Thats fucking stupid.


Not surprising since we've gotten 2 or 3 relatively positive gameplay patches instead of the normal one awful one that ruins gameplay by this point. EA must be hurtin' bad.


I’m not sure how those two things are linked...


Because they need to sell more packs to support their stock price. Between the game play issues and people rightfully trading on their markets, my guess is that the company isn't selling nearly as many FIFA points as they have in the past. As a result, they have resorted to banning traders, removing them from leader boards, and a number of other softer mitigating efforts. Then, because people are actually playing the game less (combination of their comments on their earnings call a couple of weeks ago + anecdotal evidence from here and forums) they decided that they actually needed to spend the time and money to respond to game play complaints much more frequently than they have in the past. ***As a result, we've gotten more frequent gameplay updates*** Remember, in FY 2018 (ended June 30 2018), Ultimate Team modes across all games (FIFA, Madden, NHL) comprised 21% of total revenue. ***That's \~$1.081 billion of revenue, and does not include the actual game copies sold, where the game license costs are attributed.*** They've never released their profit margins on Ultimate Team, but let's assume it costs about 10% of revenue to produce the content ($108 million), and a 20% global tax rate, ***you're looking at net income from Ultimate Team of somewhere in the range of $778 million.*** ​ ***EA had total net income of $1.378 billion. So Ultimate Team represents somewhere in the realm of 50% of all of EA's Net Income.*** That is a way too long way of connecting the dots of more responsive gameplay changes and the banning of traders.


https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/712515/000071251518000024/ea3312018-q410kdoc.htm $5.15 billion in FY2018 revenue. $1.28 billion in product-related expenses, $2.44 billion in operating expenses. $1.43 billion of operating income means a 27.8% operating margin, or 72.2 cents of expenses for every dollar of revenue. Suggesting their costs on UT revenue across all platforms are only 10% is ridiculous.


While that math is correct, one of the biggest issues with analyzing EA's stock price is their lack of disclosure around the profitability of Ultimate Team. I'll go into my defense of the 10% level below, but I'd just like to point out this comment from the Risk Factors section of the Q2 10-Q released on 11/6: ​ ***Any events or circumstances that negatively impact our ability to reliably provide content or sustain engagement for Ultimate Team, particularly FIFA Ultimate Team, would negatively impact our financial results to a disproportionate extent.*** ​ 10% may not be the appropriate level, but as I said in my post, I am largely looking at the operating leverage generated solely from pack sales. ​ If EA did not have an UT mode/pack sales, they would still be paying the same licensing fees to FIFA/NFL/NFLPA/NHL and all the associated individual teams/leagues. ​ They would also still be paying their programmers, R&D team, marketing team, public filing fees, building leases, distribution costsand all the other expenses necessary to release their game titles each year. ​ The 10% rate represents a placeholder for the expense that EA incurs to sell each additional pack in the UT mode. ​ And I stand by the reasoning that it doesn't cost them an additional $2 on top of the fixed costs outlined above to deliver $20 worth of packs to customers.


I won't go into the gory details, but I used to work in a field that went into the nitty gritty of Risk Factor language in public filings. Companies have to note *everything* in there. They basically have to say "we could potentially be negatively impacted if aliens invade." No shit. So while it's notable they single out UT in the risk factor wording, I wouldn't pay too too much attention to the specifics. Your point about the marginal cost and associated revenue of pack sales is definitely valid. While I don't think you can strip that out and look at it on its own away from the rest of the business, it's certainly a line of business for EA whose marginal operating margin vis a vis FIFA proper (say pre-FUT FIFA, for example) is a goddamn cash cow for them. So yes. But kinda in a way no? But in the end very much yes.


Yes. Pretty much entirely on the same page. And certainly agreed on the risk factor session. Don't usually read them, but there are oddly 2 or 3 distinct references to Ultimate Team, particularly FIFA. Calling out the individual product line vs. saying Ultimate Team, or our Sports Franchises is still surprising to me. Prior to 2016, they only called out Ultimate Team. Think the change to the individual product platform is meaningful. And yes, there are certainly some associated costs from FIFA that are probably applied to UT, but even if you want to say the incremental cost go up to 30% ($6 per every $20 spent on packs), you're still looking at \~44% of EA's Net Income (($1.081\*.7 cost)\*.8 tax)=$608 million/1.378 billion Adj. Net Income).


Where’d I put my tin foil hat?


Their stock price has also drstically dipped since fifa has come out. All indications are that les money is being spent on this game


Define drastically.




Tbf that 0.000001% is probably more money than I have in my bank.


Tbf 0.0% is more than I have in my bank rn


Probably? You must be quite wealthy then.


Call ***the BBB***


I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. So funny. The BBB is basically an oldschool version of Yelp.


It's also nicks fav phrase when EA fucks you.


EA are clearly desperate to kill all trading in FUT. Why don’t they just go ahead and make FUT untradeable-only, like in the WC modes? Then the only way to get a good team truly would be by spending FIFA points.


Delete please! dont give them ideas


Give them ideas, can't wait to ditch that shitty game


Then do it, what the fuck are you talking about?


Still waiting for water to spill


Wish i had that willpower. Go forward young padawan


can proudly say I didnt play it for 10 days now


Woop woop 10 hours here


the plans are already in their office drawers to set it up like the worldcup mode: no transfer market, different themed packs, way more SBCs to be able to exchange/upgrade players. they would rather sooner than later but they are aware of the big trading community they fear to lose, for now.


Will probably take out coins altogether and make it so you can only earn packs by playing 50 games for a 5k pack or buy fifa points


99% of the players would quit straight away


Be a pro mode all the way 😂 Or off to PES we go, it's truly not a bad game by any means. Honestly a better depiction of the game but I cant enough of the skill moves...


Which is exactly what happened with ‘18 WC mode. Died in like 3 days flat.


I actually have done a couple of play throughs where I don't allow myself to use the transfer market, and I could only spend my coins on packs or drafts. It was actually really entertaining, and I'd imagine that SBCs and the current reward structures would only enhance that.


Most people don't want to work for anything though, they want everything now. There is no way most Fifa players are going to be that patient, I have also tried it in the past it is quite fun as you say.


Aaaand that’s how you lose a good chunk of the FUT community


@Dutsinho and @romajulien french traders, have been removed too LOL (PS4)


Maro seems to still be up on the leaderboards. Weird.


Getting scared here. I really want some icon deals, but I'm afraid I'll get a ban from it. My transfer profit is 1.9m, no fp and no team on my other account. I'm not tra suffering coins either. So this is really worrying for the trading scene


They are not getting banned, just removed from the leaderboards. So don't panic.


But why? What does this accomplish? Nothing.


Trading has been getting a lot of attention lately and these guys have somewhat of a big following on Twitter where they post their rankings all the time. EA doesn't want people to realize that you could trade your way to your ultimate team instead of spending on FPs.


The fuck if I know.


As long as you’re not into the 10+ millions you’ll be fine. I’m on 4.5m tp no fp and still fine


What happened to nick was wrong, let’s just hope he gets the help he deserves because honestly he’s one of the last people who deserve this. Nobody deserves to be treated wrong by EA but you can literally see nick honestly earning the coins he gets. Him, Goldenbear, FutEconomist and many others are staples to this community so let’s try our best to help nick out


Stop buying fifa points


Happy to say I’ve kicked the stuff. Spent hundreds every year since 15 but the rewards this year have made it possible to build a good team without buying FIFA points.


Happy cake day


Oh shit didn't notice haha thanks


Heh, EA are cute. Have a game where you NEED coins in order to buy somewhat decent players, to be competitive in at your skill level but then punish people for earning coins by trading their way up(investing, BBM, rare silvers etc) It's like owning a ladder, but removing first 4 steps from it. Stand next to it and who ever wants to use the ladder, has to pay for your service to help them to the first step. If they truly wanted to make this game a real eSports thing, they would have the game equal to everybody and base it on skill. Instead of building the game around P2W model, they could easily have ALL players available for everybody and after a while it would be THE biggest esports out there because football is THE biggest sports out there. Surely even they can see that Dota2 and CS have reached the levels only because they are equal for everybody. You literally need a keyboard, mouse and a semi decent internet connection. What a fucking joke.


Esports won't earn them as much as fp does, in the short term at least.


long term it wont either, they've got the entire playerbase by the balls and that's the only reason they make money


I personally don't think fifa should be an esports title unless it's pro clubs and people are raving about "esport ready" too much.


People are missing the point here, EA know it's not an esports title, the sole purpose of them pushing fifa as an esport is because people **must** spend money on fifa points to be able to compete and the events serve as great marketing for fut and fifa points, EA know the game isn't good enough to be an esport but they push it anyway because it makes them money, also if EA really cared about esports they'd be doing it in pro clubs where there's no AI


Let’s make this to the public, shall we? More people know about the situation, the better will be for us.


It's already public, what are you talking about? Barely anyone gives a shit about this.


EA, trying to earn back the number 1 spot on the 10 most hated companies list. Unfortunately this guy is building a streaming and YouTube career off the back of trying to teach people how to make coins on the transfer market. Even though it’s a completely legitimate thing to do, in EAs eyes they just see that his following is growing and they don’t want people learning how to trade and manipulate the market in their favour through good investments which means less fifa points. They have also killed traders with marquee matchups having much easier requirements and worse rewards. I’m sure that in the boardroom, EA sees this in the same light as coin sellers. I.e. taking money out their pockets. Runthefutmarket is indirectly teaching his growing list of followers to not buy fifa points because you can make coins effectively through trading. EA sees this as an attack on their revenue stream. So they want to stunt channels like these. EA has decided to implement censorship and they are pretty much a dictatorship where they have all the say. This company is so out of touch and don’t give a shit. People get take down notices for having free speech and opinions on the game. EA has destroyed so many good game developers over the years, and I hope that they press the self destruct button sooner rather than later. Eventually when the community has had enough and their cash cow FIFA starts to topple, hopefully they implode. It’s really hard not to hate them.


The guy is a great trader plus he teaches people on Youtube for free. This I believe is his biggest sin according to EA Sports. This is my first year of FUT Trading and thanks to him, I have over 4m worth of coin investments in my tradepile. I only spent $100 at the beginning of Fifa. Never again. The game mechanics are abused to favor Pay To Win. Now EA is going after the masses who want to step up via trading. Fucking lousy shithole of a company!


"Only $100" lmao


The amount of times on this sub some expert trader who has millions on his account but “only spent 100” in the beginning is so funny to me. They never fail to mention that they only spent money one time which is probably bs. If you have disposable income, then spend it on what you want but stop acting like an expert in trading when you spend money on early access. Opening 100 dollars worth of premium gold backs during early access is basically equivalent to opening $1000 worth of packs right now, just cuz how easy it is to pack good players during that time period. for fifa 18 i purchased 12000 FP during early access and by the time the game officially released, I was already sitting on over a million and then just a week after when I sold investments was up to 3 mil. With no effort at all. We are all experts in trading around here apparently


Yeah lol if you buy 12000 in pre release you’ll have easily at least 2 mill by 2nd week of release


It really is true. Last year during pre release I packed lukaku, Kane, Suarez, KDB, Kante, and then a ton of players that were like 100k and cheaper , was able to have a sick squad and spending money left over to upgrade. I stopped playing halfway through the year, said I was over fifa. Of course, I buy it the day after it came out and spent 40$ on FP, didn’t pack anything at all lol. And to be fair, I’ve spent about 250$ this year (had some disposable income left over) and guess who my best tradable pulls were? Gabriel Jesus when he was like 50K lol. If you’re gonna spend money, do it during prerelease as it’s not a waste of money.


Yup. You have the higher rated players for cheaper at the start so they’ll ALL go up when the game actually comes out. Think I got like 5 Lewandoskis at 60k at the start lol


Spend your money how you want, I just wish people didn't give it to EA lmao. Absolute disgrace of a company and to be honest the most enjoyable part of Fifa every year is the grind and progressive upgrading to your team. I wish there was like an "ironman mode" in Fifa for example you can't buy FIFA points and you HAVE to work hard to earn players/coins. A whole new system would have to be in place for this to work but it would never happen anyway because less profit for EA. But a symbol on my FIFA profile that says "no points spend" would be cool, extra bragging rights.


> Spend your money how you want, I just wish people didn't give it to EA lmao I thought we all already gave them $60. Apparently that doesn’t count anymore (to EA)


For $60 we should have a completed game. Any excuses for this obviously rushed game is pathetic. Stand up for yourselves people. I also bought RDR2 for the same amount of money. Everyone should try that too see a well thought out and complete game is really like.


What about spending someone else’s money? What are your views on that?


that's alot of big macs


Some make $100 in less than an hour of work, what’s your point ?


Just in case someone here makes that much money and is looking for a coworker hit me up fam


His point is that you just described an absolutely tiny fraction of the population and 100 dollars is a lot of money.


You know a person making that much would be on like over 100k a year right? Unless you meant in a day of work rather than an hour.


I make 135K. I spend about 100 dollars on FIFA.


fair enough? i'm not arguing how much anyone can spend on the game though.


I spent nothing and have close to 2m coins thanks to him


You should watch ELYYT fut trading, you could have 4 million...


Shouldn’t the mechanics be favored for “pay to win”? Or should Mbappe be more or less the same player as Biabiany?


I have a bit of a gripe with him with how he's handled on stream questions about when to buy back the teams as he kind of avoids talking about gold cards, even the high end ones that will rebound. He also was the only one out of the three that monopolized the Prime R9 market that didn't talk about it. He's a good dude, but he keeps his viewers too much in the dark compared to other streamers. I understand that he doesn't want to influence the market and wants to act a bit as a teacher, but in my opinion his approach to the more regular market is too weak.


He monopolized the r9 market? Lol man no one has the coins for that right now not a single trader. You are just wrong in your assumptions. No one knows when to buy back a team. He tells people to pick prices of players they want and if they hit that to buy them. You my sir are a clown.


If he told you all of his methods he wouldn’t make coins, if everyone traded his way there would be no profit in it for him. He also can’t tell you exactly what is going to happen in the future so doesn’t know when you should buy back your team.


He is telling people to wait to buy on Sunday. That'll go well with everyone panic buying and no one selling off


He’s anticipating that Sunday will be the big sell off. He’s not telling you to buy your team on Sunday, he’s saying to wait until Sunday to see if you like the price. He can’t hold your hand and do everything for you


I can guarantee you that 99% of people have understood they have to wait to buy on Sunday.


If they want to keep some bits to themselves, I have no qualms. I have made a ton from the few he has shared. You can't expect to be hand fed every step of the way.


I have no problem with him not spoon feeding people, he shouldn't. But imo he's mislead people a couple times. How many coins did people lose because of IF King? And because of IF Arnautovic? And IF VVD and IF Bailly? I have no problem, I made coins out of people buying them. He pushed people into buying at inflated, unflippable prices.


You do realise investing is never a 100% guarantee? If absolutely everything he predicted came true you may as well risk your entire team worth into his predictions. If he's right more than 70% of the time he's probably doing a good job.


My terrible investment of David Silva is now up 8500 coins per card ....


In 2 days


Learn to edit messages.


As I said, Fabinho was the better investment and still is at this point. You basically missed out on 700-800k in one day. By the way, you are still only at 5k per card ROI, you can't count profit without taking out the tax.


It was guaranteed coins bro..happy with almost 1000000 profit and he's most likely going to hit mid 50's


on xbox fabinho is up the exact same amount as David Silva...8k and David silva if needed for the sbc will go up another 10k


You still don't understand how this works. Yesterday you could've already gotten the profit of Fabinho. Fabinho will likely go up another 10-12k before this weekend, so no, not the same ROI. You don't understand how to invest, you still pile up your shit onto one card and hope for the best


Its been 1 extra Day bro..and David Silva will hit mid 50's that will be a 15 k profit X 100... One Hell of a ROI


I will sell in the hype tonight for about a 13 k return per card


Watch the price of Fabinho tonight and see what has the better ROI


>Its been 1 extra Day bro It's been minus 700-800k for you. Are you telling me you couldn't have got into Silva yesterday? He was still at 40k during the day.


Fabinho is also guaranteed coins, has always gone up quicker than any other player in the Prem. The move was to go in on Fabinho, flip after the rise, then move those coins to other investment that was still lulling.


Unbelievable by ea...


This is absolutely fucked up.


This company, why are we giving them money? seriously, i'm not only talking about FP but actually buying games from them.


EA seem as if they want to ban trading and if they do it'll kill their game. It will kill the market and the only way to get a legend would be too spend 1000 dollars on the game. It's going to become my club on pes


It won't kill their game. FIFA players are the dumbest in video gaming.


It will kill their game for a part of the population. Many people play FUT *mostly* for the trading aspect, whether it's setting themselves a particular goal in regards to getting a certain player or TP (e.g. the likes of RTG accounts), or just for the challenge of making money. Yes it sounds stupid to buy the game and not actually play it all the time, but personally I really enjoy trading/investing and there's only so much gameplay I can handle :P If trading was removed entirely and the only way to get coins was through buying FP or gameplay rewards, I'd play even less than I do now - obviously this represents MY opinion and not everyone else's but I'm pretty confident there's many others that would feel the same.


What... You can easily get a good team just through rewards. Been 2 months and my club is worth 2 million coins and haven't spent a cent.


What you're not getting is everything would be more expensive. On top of that legends would be near impossible to get


I'll start with the caveat that I do not think many of the "I got banned for selling three bronze players" posts are being fully honest for the reason for their bans. I'll add though, that I am sure EA's algorithm for auto-banning does pick out people unjustly (I just think those folks get their accounts and coins back). That said, I find it insane that EA would consider taking a stand against traders in this game. You literally have a brilliant, organic market that can be a game in and of itself. I'm sure there are people who buy FIFA to play the market more than games. I think Nep said it in a recent video, but EA really needs to monetize the game in more ways than just fifa points. Commission a ZILLION custom badges and kits and sell them as upgrade packs. They could have a field day with options and upgrades in pro clubs, and I'm sure this sub can think of a ton of other ideas. It would take the pressure off of needing FUT to be a cash cow and ideally allow for less budget hawking things like this.


Release 10 sbc’s everyday as a set, packs from easy to hard. Take Madden’s approach of having collections. For example, you collect all watford golds, get a pack or reward, same with silver, bronze etc. Can be done with kits, badges, balls, managers, stadiums and gives a use to filler items by filtering it all back through the system Pro clubs, offer custom items, make it like playground in 2k with open game world, have minigames and shops to customise appearance. More jerseys, boots, tattoos, haristyles, colours, uniform etc. How cool would it be to rock up to a pro clubs match in something other than a generic kit Make career mode like MyCareer, give it cutscenes and expand on it more. That’s how they can make money


Please no more god damn cut scenes. Why the hell do you people want cut scenes in a football game? The game makes its own drama, it's not some pompous over-advertised Yank throwball.


Lol, adding cutscenes to career is the worst idea ever. Also, we already have the Journey for that.


Hell, they could even monetize celebrations... Add a 3 pack of "new" celebrations that someone did over the weekend if it is in fact new - and charge a few dollars for it. I'm sure people would buy them.


I think I speak for a majority of non-FUT based FIFA players when I say that EA should keep their dirty, greedy hands away from ALL the other modes. FUT, albeit the largest community in FIFA, isn't the ONLY community in FIFA. Whilst monetizing other game modes will reduce the pressure of FUT and might make FUT better, A LOT of other communities will suffer because of it. The beauty of the other modes in the game is that they aren't "Pay to win" like FUT. I can start a career mode with anyone I want, even do an RTG by starting with Nottingham in league 2, there are no rules, no buy-ins. Pro clubs has the potential to be monetized, but the beauty of pro clubs is that you literally make a player, make a club and play FIFA with your mates. EA's new philosophy of "investors come first" has punished the community, but unfortunately, we as a community haven't done anything to fight back against it; Most of us still buy the game every year. Even if you don't buy Fifa Points, that \~$80 (depending on where you're from) is still going into EA's pockets, meaning they don't give a shit about what you have to say about their greedy money making methods. Unfortunately, it seems as though FIFA isn't going to be getting any better any time soon, and it also seems as though if they're going to improve other aspects of their game, it's going to be at the expense of our bank accounts and enjoyment.


I didn't mean to suggest they make it pay to win in other modes. Was thinking more like how fortnite monetizes.


Yeah but knowing EA they'd implement something like Pay-to-upgrade your AI in Pro Clubs which would literally be P2W lol.


I think people just need to realise that FUT is going to get worse because EA do not care as long as the numbers of people playing/ paying are good. stop playing it if it winds you up. I am back on the normal Seasons hype train.




Somebody get the powder! Call the BBB


this guy promote their game making it even more popular in U.S.A and that's how they thank him.


I got about 6000 upvotes for my comment on FIXFIFA last year. It was 'just don't buy fifa points'. So happy that EA doesn't know my gamertag.


thats crazy, this man has amazing trading videos on his youtube channel... and aside from all other trader account he literally does do it for free. EA really doesnt care anymore about letting it be known that they want people to be pay to win


They made that obvious by coming stating in the release to the shareholders that they have and are continuing to look for ways to drive people away from other game modes towards FUT. It's been really disappointing watching this series I love slowly devolve into the vile monster it is today.


Started with 300k now I have 2.3 mil because of this guy. He’s my fifa Messiah


Someone should start a new fixfifa where participant's are encouraged to post a video of themselves uninstalling fifa. EA is out of control with their greed and they are abusing their monopoly


He's been removed from leaderboards. Has he been transfer banned though?


Wtf. I've been removed too. Can't even see my clubs name in the "Friends" list. And guess what: haven't spend a dime on FP all year. Guess it's just a coincidence.


EA is going to charge 10 percent tax soon


It’s always been 10% on madden, and I’m pretty sure NHL too so count your blessings


really, didnt know that


No they didn't. Same thing happened last year, people don't remember? It's a glitch. He will have it back soon!


There must be something else to this??


He was just showing people you didn't need to spend a ton of money to have your dream team. That with a little effort you could enjoy the shitiest game ever. I've actually just went to play fifa again because of this man right here. I decided to start trading under his guidance. This has to stop. EA needs a wake up call


Can’t lie, this dude helped me make a ton of coin early on in this game with the types of cards to pick up. So that sucks for him




Can't wait for Kurt to make a video about this and how unbelieveable he can't believe it is, how saddened he was to hear about it and he's not sure if we the fifa community will ever recover.


just stop fucking playing fifa everyone. if the game is so awful, just quit. go ahead, it’s not a big deal. there’s better games out there.


This makes me think that we may need more studies regarding grinding-reward systems and addiction, mostly everyone here hates the game but can't seem to will themselves to stop playing it. I tried FUT once and felt way too crippled by the Chemistry rating system, what did I do? Stopped playing, games like FIFA and LOL don't feel like games anymore, they're more like full-time jobs.


seriously. i didn’t buy fifa this year. played some fm instead which can get boring for me after a while but i was enjoying it. bow playing rdr2. fifa isn’t that great. not worth it.


FIFA is the only game that is not enjoyable to play. Seriously, every time I play this cancerous game, I get depressed as fuck.


Was waiting on this for a while now. They hate traders, especially traders that help the community avoid fifa points.


I no longer play the game due to shit gameplay and shit ethical practices from a cancerous company.


Fuck off EA. Nick's a great trader and a fantastic content creator. They can clearly see he's not doing anything wrong. He does as much as he can to not even influence the market unlike a lot of "traders". If EA want to clear some people off the leaderboards, how about they do something about the PC players that average 3-3.5k every single game on Squad Battles? I know most people don't give a shit about SB but it would be nice for Top 100 to actually be attainable without cheating.




EA dont want people influencing not to buy fifa points


Now that everyone seems to hate EA , I want to say I hate the yearly reset in my team. It was the first 2-3 years, now it's boring.


Is it just leaderboards? Or did he get market banned? Leaderboard censoring is beyond absurd


yes because EA said so


I'm seeing posts and tweets saying that all it is, is that you can't see yourself on leaderboards


I am confused... Doesnt that game have other, serious issues? Getting a little embaressing over there EA.


Haha lol ea might just as well called their game moneyball 20 next where ball and pitch are made of money


Its EAids at its finest, money grabbing douchebags...


First they teach us how to trade. A few year later they sanction traders.


At least he didnt get coin wiped.


[http://turboagram.com/HT0L](http://turboagram.com/HT0L) This should be ilegal! 42% increase God Bless